e-ISSN: 2791-6022
Founded: 2017
Publisher: Rating Academy
Cover Image
The archive of this journal is hosted at DergiPark from 2017 to 2023, therefore;
  • It hasn't published a new issue since 2023 on DergiPark.
  • It doesn't accept new submissions via DergiPark.
Journal History

2023 - Volume: 3 Issue: 1

Research Article

1. The effects of cultural and emotional intelligence on care in nursing

Research Article

2. Significance of laboratory biomarkers in monitoring patients with COVID-19 pneumonia

Research Article

3. Rising health problem of Türkiye, healthcare professionals’ suicides in media

Research Article

4. Tracheal intubation is not difficult with flexible bronchoscopy guidance

Research Article

5. Evaluation of surgical antibiotic prophylaxis

Research Article

6. Psychological resilience and stress coping methods in patients presenting with conversive symptoms and general medical symptoms
