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Year 2020, Issue: 045, 253 - 266, 31.12.2020



  • [1] Shimomura, K., Yoshimatsu, K., Jaziri, M. and Ishimaru, K. (1997). In plant biotechnology and plant genetic resources for sustainability and productivity. In K. Watanabe and E. Pehu (Eds.), Traditional medicinal plant genetic resources and biotechnology applications, R.G. Landes Company, Austin, Texas, USA, pp. 209-225.
  • [2] Mammadov, R. (2014). Tohumlu Bitkilerde Sekonder Metabolitler. Türkiye: Nobel Yayınevi, 428.
  • [3] Pant, B. (2014). Application of plant cell and tissue culture for the production of phytochemicals in medicinal plants. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 808, 25-39.
  • [4] Acıbuca, V. and Budak, D.B. (2018). Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerin yeri ve önemi. Çukurova Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 33(1), 37-44.
  • [5] Chandana, B.C., Nagaveni, H.C., Kumari, Lakshmana, D., Shashikala, S.K. and Heena, M.S. (2018). Role of plant tissue culture in micropropagation, secondary metabolites production and conservation of some endangered medicinal crops. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 7, 246-251.
  • [6] Inoue, M., Hayashi, S. and Craker, L.E. (2019). Role of medicinal and aromatic plants: past, present, and future. In S. Perveen, and A. Al-Taweel (Eds.), In Pharmacognosy-medicinal plants, IntechOpen, London, UK, pp. 1-13.
  • [7] Karunamoorthi, K., Jegajeevanram, K., Vijayalakshmi, J., Mengistie, E. (2013). Traditional medicinal plants: a source of phytotherapeutic modality in resource-constrained health care settings. Journal of Evidence- Based Complementary Alternative Medicine, 18(1), 67-74.
  • [8] Petrovska, B.B. (2012). Historical review of medicinal plants usage. Pharmacognosy Reviews, 6, 1-5.
  • [9] Pan, S.Y., Litscher, G., Gao, S.H., Zhou, S.F., Yu, Z.L., Chen, H.Q., Zhang, S.F., Tang, M.K., Sun, J.N.,& Ko, K.M. (2014). Historical perspective of traditional indigenous medical practices: the current renaissance and conservation of herbal resources. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Article ID 525340, pp. 20.
  • [10] Baytop, T. (1963). Türkiye’nin tıbbi ve zehirli bitkileri. Türkiye: İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayını, 499.
  • [11] Temel, M., Tınmaz, A.B, Öztürk, M. and Gündüz, O. (2018). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de tıbbi -aromatik bitkilerin üretimi ve ticareti. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 21, 198-214.
  • [12] Christaki, E., Bonos, E., Giannenas, I. And Florou-Paneri, P. (2012). Aromatic plants as a source of bioactive compounds. Agriculture, 2, 228-243.
  • [13] Street, R.A. and Prinsloo, G. (2013). Commercially important medicinal plants of South Africa: a review. Journal of Chemistry, Article ID 205048, pp. 16.
  • [14] Arslan, N., Baydar, H., Kızıl, S., Karik, Ü., Şekeroğlu, N. and Gümüşçü, A. (2015). Tıbbi ve aromatik bitkiler üretiminde değişimler ve yeni arayişlar. TMMOB Agricultural Engineering VIII. Technical Congress, Ankara, Turkey, 483–505.
  • [15] Samarth, R.M., Samarth, M. and Matsumoto, Y. (2017). Medicinally important aromatic plants with radioprotective activity. Future Science OA, 3(4), FSO247.
  • [16] Pandey, A.K. and Patra A.K. (2004). Indigenous knowledge and sustainable development by medicinal plants. In M.K. Rai, N.J. Chikhale, P.A. Wadegaonkar, P.V. Thakare and A.P. Ramteke (Eds.), Recent trends in biotechnology, Scientific Publishers, India, pp. 160-170.
  • [17] Sidhu, Y. (2010). In vitro micropropagation of medicinal plants by tissue culture. The Plymouth Student Scientist, 4, 432-449.
  • [18] Chen, S.L., Yu, H., Luo, H.M., Wu, Q., Li, C.F. and Steinmetz, A. (2016). Conservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants: problems, progress, and prospects. Chinese Medicine, 11, 37.
  • [19] Ekor, M. (2014). The growing use of herbal medicines: issues relating to adverse reactions and challenges in monitoring safety. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 4, 1-10.
  • [20] Agra, M.F., Freitas, P.F., Barbosa-Filho, J.M. (2007). Synopsis of the plants known as medicinal and poisonous in Northeast of Brazil. Revista Brasileira Farmacognosia, 17, 114-140.
  • [21] Öztürk, M., Altundağ, E. and Gücel, S. (2012). Medicinal and aromatic plants (Turkey). Ethnopharmacology, Encycl. Life Support Syst., 6, 181-206 (EOLSS).
  • [22] Avcı, M. (2005) Çeşitlilik ve endemizm açısından Türkiye’nin bitki örtüsü. Coğrafya Dergisi, 13, 27-55.
  • [23] Chandran, H., Meena, M., Barupal, T., Sharma, K. (2020). Plant tissue culture as a perpetual source for production of industrially important bioactive compounds. Biotechnology Reports, 26, e00450, 1-10.
  • [24 ] Dinçer, D., Bekçi, B. and Bekiryazıcı, F. (2016). Türkiye’deki doğal bitki türlerinin üretiminde doku kültürü tekniklerinin kullanımı. Nevşehir Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 5, 295-302.
  • [25] TÜİK (2018). Turkish Statistical Enstitute.
  • [26] Allkin, B. (2017). Useful Plants–Medicines: at least 28,187 plant species are currently recorded as being of medicinal use. In K.J. Willis (Ed.), Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London, pp. 22-29.
  • [27] FAO (2019). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  • [28] Hussain, M.S., Fareed, S., Ansari, S., Rahman, A., Ahmad, I.Z. and Saeed, M. (2012). Current approaches toward production of secondary plant metabolites. Journal of Pharmacy & Bioallied Sciences, 4, 10-20.
  • [29] Veeresham, C. and Chitti, P. (2013). Therapeutic agents from tissue cultures of medicinal plants. Natural Products Chemistry & Research, 1, 1-5.
  • [30] Cardoso, J.C., Oliveira, M.E.B.S. and Cardoso, F.C.I. (2019). Advances and challenges on the in vitro production of secondary metabolites from medicinal plants. Horticultura Brasileira, 37, 124-132.
  • [31] Yue, W., Ming, Q.L., Lin, B., Rahman, K., Zheng, C.J., Han, T., Qin, L.P. (2016). Medicinal plant cell suspension cultures: pharmaceutical applications and high-yielding strategies for the desired secondary metabolites. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 36, 215-232.
  • [32] Kocaçalışkan, İ. (2017). Doku ve Hücre Kültürü Teknikleri (İkinci baskı). Türkiye: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 156.
  • [33] Dakah, A., Zaid, S., Suleiman, M., Abbas, S. and Wink, M. (2014). In vitro propagation of the medicinal plant Ziziphora tenuior L. and evaluation of its antioxidant activity. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 21(4), 317-323.
  • [34] Yoshimatsu, K. (2008). Tissue culture of medicinal plants: micropropagation, transformation and production of useful secondary metabolites. Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, 34, 647-752.
  • [35] Gonzalez-Rabade, N., Del Carmen Oliver-Salvador, M., Salgado-Manjarrez, E. and Badillo-Corona, J.A. (2012). In vitro production of plant peroxidases-a review. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 166, 1644-1660.
  • [36] Isah, T. (2019). Stress and defense responses in plant secondary metabolites production. Biological Research, 52, 1-25.
  • [37] Pagare, S., Bhatia, M., Tripathi, N., Pagare, S. and Bansal, Y.K. (2015). Secondary metabolites of plants and their role: overview. Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy, 9, 293-304.
  • [38] Zhou, L.G. and Wu, J.Y. (2006). Development and application of medicinal plant tissue cultures for production of drugs and herbal medicinals in China. Natural Product Reports, 23, 789-810.
  • [39] Çalışkan, T., Hatipoğlu, R. and Kırıcı, S. (2019). Sekonder bitki metabolitlerinin in vitro koşullarda üretimi. Türk Tarım – Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 7(7), 971-980.
  • [40] Filová, A. (2014). Production of secondary metabolities in plant tissue cultures. Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 46, 236-245.
  • [41] Nalawade, S.M. and Tsay, H.S. (2004). In vitro propagation of some important chinese medicinal plants and their sustainable usage. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, 40, 143-154.
  • [42] Ramachandra Rao, S. and Ravishankar, G.A. (2002). Plant cell cultures: chemical factories of secondary metabolites. Biotechnology Advances, 20, 101-153.
  • [43] McDonald, K.A., Jackman, A.P., Thorup, J.E. and Dandekar, A.M. (1995). Plant callus as a source of biochemicals. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 54, 93-108.
  • [44] Murthy, H.N., Lee, E. and Paek, K. (2014). Production of secondary metabolites from cell and organ cultures: strategies and approaches for biomass improvement and metabolite accumulation. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture, 118, 1-16.
  • [45] Kumar, V., Singh, S.K., Bandopadhyay, R., Sharma, M.M. and Chandra, S. (2014). In vitro organogenesis secondary metabolite production and heavy metal analysis in Swertia chirayita. Central European Journal of Biology, 9, 686-698.
  • [46] Gao, S.L., Zhu, D.N., Cai, Z.H., Jiang, Y. and Xu, D.R. (1999). Organ culture of a precious chinese medicinal plant-Fritillaria unibracteata. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 59, 197-201.
  • [47] Rejeb, I., Pastor, V. and Mauch-Mani, B. (2014). Plant responses to simultaneous biotic and abiotic stress: molecular mechanisms. Plants, 3, 458-475.
  • [48] Figueiredo, A.C., Barroso, J.G., Pedro, L.G. and Scheffe, J.J.C. (2008). Factors affecting secondary metabolite production in plants: volatile components and essential oils. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 23, 213-226.
  • [49] Kapoor, S, Raghuvanshi, R, Bhardwaj, P, Sood, H, Saxena, S. and Chaurasia, O.P. (2018). Influence of light quality on growth, secondary metabolites production and antioxidant activity ın callus culture of Rhodiola imbricata Edgew. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology, 183, 258-265.
  • [50] Mishra, M., Srivastava, R. and Akhtar, N. (2019). Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and medium pH to enhance alkaloid production from Catharanthus roseus cell suspension culture. International Journal of Secondary Metabolite, 6, 137-153.
  • [51] Kosová, K., Vítámvás, P., Prášil, I. T. and Renaut, J. (2011). Plant proteome changes under abiotic stress - contribution of proteomics studies to understanding plant stress response. Journal of Proteomics, 74, 1301-1322.
  • [52] Naik, P.M. and Al–Khayri, J.M. (2016). Abiotic and biotic elicitors–role in secondary metabolites production through in vitro culture of medicinal plants. In A.K. Shanker and C. Shanker (Eds.), Abiotic and biotic stress in plants - recent advances and future perspectives, IntechOpen, pp. 247-277.
  • [53] Matkowski, A. (2008). Plant in vitro culture for the production of antioxidants-a review. Biotechnology Advances, 26, 548-560.
  • [54] Radman, R., Saez, T., Bucke, C., Keshavarz, T. (2013). Elicitation of plants and microbial cell systems. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 37, 91-102.
  • [55] Roy, S.K., Roy, D.K. (2016). Use of medicinal plant and its vulnerability due to climate change in northern part of Bangladesh. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 7, 1782-1793.
  • [56] Gorelick, J., Bernstein, N. (2014). Elicitation: An underutilized tool in the development of medicinal plants as a source of therapeutic secondary metabolites. In D.L. Sparks (Ed.), Advances in Agronomy, 124, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 201-230.
  • [57] Baenas, N., Garcia-Viguera, C., Moreno, D.A. (2014). Elicitation: a tool for enriching the bioactive composition of foods. Molecules, 19, 13541-13563.
  • [58] Yamaner, Ö., Erdağ, B. and Gökbulut, C. (2013). Stimulation of the production of hypericins in ın vitro seedlings of Hypericum adenotrichum by some biotic elicitors. Turkish Journal of Botany, 37, 153-159.
  • [59] Yu, K.W., Gao, W.Y., Son, S. H. and Paek, K.Y. (2000). Improvement of ginsenoside production by jasmonic acid and some other elicitors in hairy root culture of ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer). In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology, 36, 424-428.
  • [60] Baskaran, P., Ncube, B. and Staden, J.V. (2012). In vitro propagation and secondary product production by Merwilla plumbea (Lindl.) Speta. Plant Growth Regulation, 67, 235-245.
  • [61] Açıkgöz, M.A., Kara, Ş.M., Aygün, A., Özcan, M.M. and Ay, E.B. (2019). Effects of methyl jasmonate and salicylic acid on the production of camphor and phenolic compounds in cell suspension culture of endemic turkish yarrow (Achillea gypsicola) species. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 43, 351-359.
  • [62] Sutini, Widiwurjani, Augustien, N., Purwanto, D.A. and Muslihatin, W. (2019). The production of cinnamic acid secondary metabolites through in vitro culture of callus Camellia sinensis L. with the elicitor of cobalt metal ions. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2120, 030028.
  • [63] Chen, S.L, Yu, H., Luo, H.M., Wu, Q., Li, C.F. and Steinmetz, A. (2016). Conservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants: problems, progress, and prospects. Chinese Medicine (United Kingdom), 11, 1-10.
  • [64] Ekor, M. (2014). The growing use of herbal medicines: issues relating to adverse reactions and challenges in monitoring safety. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 4,1-10.
  • [65] Yuan, H., Ma, Q., Ye, L., Piao, G. (2016). The traditional medicine and modern medicine from natural products. Molecules 21, 559, 1-18.
  • [66] Verpoorte, R., Contin, A., Memelink, J. (2002). Biotechnology for the production of plant secondary metabolites. Phytochemistry Reviews, 1, 13-25.


Year 2020, Issue: 045, 253 - 266, 31.12.2020


Medicinal aromatic plants, which are source of secondary metabolites, have been used for treatment and other purposes since ancient times. In recent years, people have preferred medicinal and aromatic herbs to be healthy. Plant tissue culture methods have the potential to produce medicinal compounds such as secondary metabolites from plants as an alternative to traditional agriculture. Increasing population and increasing demand for herbal products, unconscious collection and illegal trade cause the extinction of medicinal plants in natural habitats. Therefore, it is important to cultivate medicinal and aromatic plants to protect biodiversity and endangered species. As a result, plant tissue culture methods are an alternative way for propagation of medically and economically important plants, the production of bioactive components for the pharmaceutical industry, and the production of medically important secondary metabolites.


  • [1] Shimomura, K., Yoshimatsu, K., Jaziri, M. and Ishimaru, K. (1997). In plant biotechnology and plant genetic resources for sustainability and productivity. In K. Watanabe and E. Pehu (Eds.), Traditional medicinal plant genetic resources and biotechnology applications, R.G. Landes Company, Austin, Texas, USA, pp. 209-225.
  • [2] Mammadov, R. (2014). Tohumlu Bitkilerde Sekonder Metabolitler. Türkiye: Nobel Yayınevi, 428.
  • [3] Pant, B. (2014). Application of plant cell and tissue culture for the production of phytochemicals in medicinal plants. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 808, 25-39.
  • [4] Acıbuca, V. and Budak, D.B. (2018). Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerin yeri ve önemi. Çukurova Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 33(1), 37-44.
  • [5] Chandana, B.C., Nagaveni, H.C., Kumari, Lakshmana, D., Shashikala, S.K. and Heena, M.S. (2018). Role of plant tissue culture in micropropagation, secondary metabolites production and conservation of some endangered medicinal crops. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 7, 246-251.
  • [6] Inoue, M., Hayashi, S. and Craker, L.E. (2019). Role of medicinal and aromatic plants: past, present, and future. In S. Perveen, and A. Al-Taweel (Eds.), In Pharmacognosy-medicinal plants, IntechOpen, London, UK, pp. 1-13.
  • [7] Karunamoorthi, K., Jegajeevanram, K., Vijayalakshmi, J., Mengistie, E. (2013). Traditional medicinal plants: a source of phytotherapeutic modality in resource-constrained health care settings. Journal of Evidence- Based Complementary Alternative Medicine, 18(1), 67-74.
  • [8] Petrovska, B.B. (2012). Historical review of medicinal plants usage. Pharmacognosy Reviews, 6, 1-5.
  • [9] Pan, S.Y., Litscher, G., Gao, S.H., Zhou, S.F., Yu, Z.L., Chen, H.Q., Zhang, S.F., Tang, M.K., Sun, J.N.,& Ko, K.M. (2014). Historical perspective of traditional indigenous medical practices: the current renaissance and conservation of herbal resources. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Article ID 525340, pp. 20.
  • [10] Baytop, T. (1963). Türkiye’nin tıbbi ve zehirli bitkileri. Türkiye: İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayını, 499.
  • [11] Temel, M., Tınmaz, A.B, Öztürk, M. and Gündüz, O. (2018). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de tıbbi -aromatik bitkilerin üretimi ve ticareti. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 21, 198-214.
  • [12] Christaki, E., Bonos, E., Giannenas, I. And Florou-Paneri, P. (2012). Aromatic plants as a source of bioactive compounds. Agriculture, 2, 228-243.
  • [13] Street, R.A. and Prinsloo, G. (2013). Commercially important medicinal plants of South Africa: a review. Journal of Chemistry, Article ID 205048, pp. 16.
  • [14] Arslan, N., Baydar, H., Kızıl, S., Karik, Ü., Şekeroğlu, N. and Gümüşçü, A. (2015). Tıbbi ve aromatik bitkiler üretiminde değişimler ve yeni arayişlar. TMMOB Agricultural Engineering VIII. Technical Congress, Ankara, Turkey, 483–505.
  • [15] Samarth, R.M., Samarth, M. and Matsumoto, Y. (2017). Medicinally important aromatic plants with radioprotective activity. Future Science OA, 3(4), FSO247.
  • [16] Pandey, A.K. and Patra A.K. (2004). Indigenous knowledge and sustainable development by medicinal plants. In M.K. Rai, N.J. Chikhale, P.A. Wadegaonkar, P.V. Thakare and A.P. Ramteke (Eds.), Recent trends in biotechnology, Scientific Publishers, India, pp. 160-170.
  • [17] Sidhu, Y. (2010). In vitro micropropagation of medicinal plants by tissue culture. The Plymouth Student Scientist, 4, 432-449.
  • [18] Chen, S.L., Yu, H., Luo, H.M., Wu, Q., Li, C.F. and Steinmetz, A. (2016). Conservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants: problems, progress, and prospects. Chinese Medicine, 11, 37.
  • [19] Ekor, M. (2014). The growing use of herbal medicines: issues relating to adverse reactions and challenges in monitoring safety. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 4, 1-10.
  • [20] Agra, M.F., Freitas, P.F., Barbosa-Filho, J.M. (2007). Synopsis of the plants known as medicinal and poisonous in Northeast of Brazil. Revista Brasileira Farmacognosia, 17, 114-140.
  • [21] Öztürk, M., Altundağ, E. and Gücel, S. (2012). Medicinal and aromatic plants (Turkey). Ethnopharmacology, Encycl. Life Support Syst., 6, 181-206 (EOLSS).
  • [22] Avcı, M. (2005) Çeşitlilik ve endemizm açısından Türkiye’nin bitki örtüsü. Coğrafya Dergisi, 13, 27-55.
  • [23] Chandran, H., Meena, M., Barupal, T., Sharma, K. (2020). Plant tissue culture as a perpetual source for production of industrially important bioactive compounds. Biotechnology Reports, 26, e00450, 1-10.
  • [24 ] Dinçer, D., Bekçi, B. and Bekiryazıcı, F. (2016). Türkiye’deki doğal bitki türlerinin üretiminde doku kültürü tekniklerinin kullanımı. Nevşehir Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 5, 295-302.
  • [25] TÜİK (2018). Turkish Statistical Enstitute.
  • [26] Allkin, B. (2017). Useful Plants–Medicines: at least 28,187 plant species are currently recorded as being of medicinal use. In K.J. Willis (Ed.), Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London, pp. 22-29.
  • [27] FAO (2019). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  • [28] Hussain, M.S., Fareed, S., Ansari, S., Rahman, A., Ahmad, I.Z. and Saeed, M. (2012). Current approaches toward production of secondary plant metabolites. Journal of Pharmacy & Bioallied Sciences, 4, 10-20.
  • [29] Veeresham, C. and Chitti, P. (2013). Therapeutic agents from tissue cultures of medicinal plants. Natural Products Chemistry & Research, 1, 1-5.
  • [30] Cardoso, J.C., Oliveira, M.E.B.S. and Cardoso, F.C.I. (2019). Advances and challenges on the in vitro production of secondary metabolites from medicinal plants. Horticultura Brasileira, 37, 124-132.
  • [31] Yue, W., Ming, Q.L., Lin, B., Rahman, K., Zheng, C.J., Han, T., Qin, L.P. (2016). Medicinal plant cell suspension cultures: pharmaceutical applications and high-yielding strategies for the desired secondary metabolites. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 36, 215-232.
  • [32] Kocaçalışkan, İ. (2017). Doku ve Hücre Kültürü Teknikleri (İkinci baskı). Türkiye: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 156.
  • [33] Dakah, A., Zaid, S., Suleiman, M., Abbas, S. and Wink, M. (2014). In vitro propagation of the medicinal plant Ziziphora tenuior L. and evaluation of its antioxidant activity. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 21(4), 317-323.
  • [34] Yoshimatsu, K. (2008). Tissue culture of medicinal plants: micropropagation, transformation and production of useful secondary metabolites. Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, 34, 647-752.
  • [35] Gonzalez-Rabade, N., Del Carmen Oliver-Salvador, M., Salgado-Manjarrez, E. and Badillo-Corona, J.A. (2012). In vitro production of plant peroxidases-a review. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 166, 1644-1660.
  • [36] Isah, T. (2019). Stress and defense responses in plant secondary metabolites production. Biological Research, 52, 1-25.
  • [37] Pagare, S., Bhatia, M., Tripathi, N., Pagare, S. and Bansal, Y.K. (2015). Secondary metabolites of plants and their role: overview. Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy, 9, 293-304.
  • [38] Zhou, L.G. and Wu, J.Y. (2006). Development and application of medicinal plant tissue cultures for production of drugs and herbal medicinals in China. Natural Product Reports, 23, 789-810.
  • [39] Çalışkan, T., Hatipoğlu, R. and Kırıcı, S. (2019). Sekonder bitki metabolitlerinin in vitro koşullarda üretimi. Türk Tarım – Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 7(7), 971-980.
  • [40] Filová, A. (2014). Production of secondary metabolities in plant tissue cultures. Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 46, 236-245.
  • [41] Nalawade, S.M. and Tsay, H.S. (2004). In vitro propagation of some important chinese medicinal plants and their sustainable usage. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, 40, 143-154.
  • [42] Ramachandra Rao, S. and Ravishankar, G.A. (2002). Plant cell cultures: chemical factories of secondary metabolites. Biotechnology Advances, 20, 101-153.
  • [43] McDonald, K.A., Jackman, A.P., Thorup, J.E. and Dandekar, A.M. (1995). Plant callus as a source of biochemicals. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 54, 93-108.
  • [44] Murthy, H.N., Lee, E. and Paek, K. (2014). Production of secondary metabolites from cell and organ cultures: strategies and approaches for biomass improvement and metabolite accumulation. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture, 118, 1-16.
  • [45] Kumar, V., Singh, S.K., Bandopadhyay, R., Sharma, M.M. and Chandra, S. (2014). In vitro organogenesis secondary metabolite production and heavy metal analysis in Swertia chirayita. Central European Journal of Biology, 9, 686-698.
  • [46] Gao, S.L., Zhu, D.N., Cai, Z.H., Jiang, Y. and Xu, D.R. (1999). Organ culture of a precious chinese medicinal plant-Fritillaria unibracteata. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 59, 197-201.
  • [47] Rejeb, I., Pastor, V. and Mauch-Mani, B. (2014). Plant responses to simultaneous biotic and abiotic stress: molecular mechanisms. Plants, 3, 458-475.
  • [48] Figueiredo, A.C., Barroso, J.G., Pedro, L.G. and Scheffe, J.J.C. (2008). Factors affecting secondary metabolite production in plants: volatile components and essential oils. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 23, 213-226.
  • [49] Kapoor, S, Raghuvanshi, R, Bhardwaj, P, Sood, H, Saxena, S. and Chaurasia, O.P. (2018). Influence of light quality on growth, secondary metabolites production and antioxidant activity ın callus culture of Rhodiola imbricata Edgew. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology, 183, 258-265.
  • [50] Mishra, M., Srivastava, R. and Akhtar, N. (2019). Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and medium pH to enhance alkaloid production from Catharanthus roseus cell suspension culture. International Journal of Secondary Metabolite, 6, 137-153.
  • [51] Kosová, K., Vítámvás, P., Prášil, I. T. and Renaut, J. (2011). Plant proteome changes under abiotic stress - contribution of proteomics studies to understanding plant stress response. Journal of Proteomics, 74, 1301-1322.
  • [52] Naik, P.M. and Al–Khayri, J.M. (2016). Abiotic and biotic elicitors–role in secondary metabolites production through in vitro culture of medicinal plants. In A.K. Shanker and C. Shanker (Eds.), Abiotic and biotic stress in plants - recent advances and future perspectives, IntechOpen, pp. 247-277.
  • [53] Matkowski, A. (2008). Plant in vitro culture for the production of antioxidants-a review. Biotechnology Advances, 26, 548-560.
  • [54] Radman, R., Saez, T., Bucke, C., Keshavarz, T. (2013). Elicitation of plants and microbial cell systems. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 37, 91-102.
  • [55] Roy, S.K., Roy, D.K. (2016). Use of medicinal plant and its vulnerability due to climate change in northern part of Bangladesh. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 7, 1782-1793.
  • [56] Gorelick, J., Bernstein, N. (2014). Elicitation: An underutilized tool in the development of medicinal plants as a source of therapeutic secondary metabolites. In D.L. Sparks (Ed.), Advances in Agronomy, 124, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 201-230.
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There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Review

Betül Akın This is me 0000-0002-2325-7496

Publication Date December 31, 2020
Submission Date August 6, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Issue: 045
