Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
Journal of Statisticians: Statistics and Actuarial Sciences (JSSA) is an academic and peer-reviewed journal that has been publishing original national and international scientific research articles in the field of statistics and actuarial sciences since 2008 and continues its publication life in line with the following principles. JSSA is committed to maintaining the highest standards of publication ethics and to supporting ethical research practices and strictly adheres to the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers. We encourage journal editors to follow the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors and to refer reviewers to the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers as appropriate.
Responsibilities of the Author(s)
• Authors are obliged to submit their original (unpublished) works to the journal and to follow the writing instructions given on the journal website.
• Authors should not submit works that have been previously published or whose peer-review process has begun on another platform.
• Authors refer to any sources that are influential or informative in shaping the ideas in their articles.
• Authors do not use the information they are familiar with as referees in an article or a scholarship evaluation process without permission.
• If the authors want to mention the information obtained from personal communication in the study, they must have obtained the necessary permissions from the people to be mentioned, otherwise this information should not be included in the study.
• If the work is supported by an institution or organization within the scope of a project, all financial supports should be written with the support numbers.
• If the applied research or related empirical examples concern primarily health or security of living beings, according to the ethical responsibility codifications, it is expected that at least one of the authors should be an expert of the investigated area. In case of applications by all the disciplines of engineering, medicine, veterinary science and biology, the responsible researcher should possess an appropriate certificate entitling the expertise.
Ethical Permissions
• If the study requires human subjects, the authors are required to obtain institutional ethics committee approval.
Authors should provide a clear statement explaining that necessary consent has been obtained from human subjects and that the rights of participants are respected.
• Permission must be obtained from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires and photographs belonging to others.
• Compliance with copyright regulations must be specified for the intellectual and artistic works used.
• The following situations require ethics committee approval:
The use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
Clinical studies on humans,
Research on animals.
Reviewing Process
• Each study submitted to JSSA is subject to the single-blind peer-review process and editorial decision based on objective evaluation.
• Each study sent to JSSA is evaluated by the editor in terms of compliance with the journal's publication policy and sent to two referees who are experts in their field.
• Editors are responsible for appointing reviewers who have no conflict of interest with the authors to evaluate the work.
• Confidentiality is essential in the author-referee process of the studies submitted to the journal.
• The field editor, who monitors the management of the process, is responsible for informing the editor in cases of conflict of interest and requesting that the relevant work be directed to another field editor.
• Authors are obliged to make the requested updates and report in a numbered format in a way that does not allow delays in line with the feedback of the referees and in cooperation with the referees or editors.
Publication Ethics
• Editors are responsible for enhancing the scientific quality of the journal and supporting authors to produce high-quality scientific research. Under no circumstances is plagiarism or scientific abuse allowed.
• Studies sent to JSSA are checked for scientific theft. Editors may withdraw the article if they become aware of alleged or proven scientific misuse.
• Editors agree to correct, withdraw or issue an apology for the submitted work when necessary.
• JSSA uses the open-access model. Studies accepted to be published in the journal have been made accessible via open access on the journal's website.
• No fee or expense is charged for the studies to be published and published on the web page of the journal.
Copyright and Access
• The authors acknowledge that they have transferred the copyrights of the published articles to JSSA.
• Pictures, figures, etc. that should be included in the article. It is the author's responsibility to obtain permission from the necessary persons or institutions for the material to support the narrative.