Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 11/23/17

Year: 2017

History Education


7. The potential of folk tabletop games in the development of the intelligence and creativity of children


8. Spiritual dominance of the Sakha people traditional belief in the personality development of children

Curriculum & Instruction

Multicultural and Intercultural Education


10. Problems of linguistic discrimination in the communicative space of Tajikistan: legal, sociolinguistic and educational aspects


11. Deictic Elements as Means of Text Cohesion and Coherence in Academic Discourse

Technology Integrated Social Studies Education


13. English Textbooks for Russian Students: Problems and Specific Features


14. Formation of pedagogical system for individual selfdevelopment by means of physical culture and sport


15. Evaluating Text Complexity and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level

Media Literacy and Social Studies


16. Ships in Russian Literature: Folklore Aesthetics


18. Mortal Subtext in O.E. Mandelstam’s Poem “Oh, How We Love To Be a Hypocrite”: Folklore Reality

Civic Education