Research Article
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Year 2024, , 1 - 25, 04.06.2024



  • Abass, A. S., & Küçükmehmetoğlu, M. (2018). Consideration of Urban Regeneration as an Approach in Slum Transformation in Ghana1. In 2nd International Students Science Congress, p. 250. google scholar
  • Abouaiana, A. (2020). Urban Regeneration Practices in Developing Countries: A Case of Al-Quseir City, Egypt. researchgate. google scholar
  • agenceecofin. (2022, mars 19). Gabon : FMCT a leve 20 milliards FCFA d’emprunts obligataires sur le marche financier pour le chantier de la Baie des rois. Recupere sur Finance: google scholar
  • Albert, J. (2009, 7). carnetsdevoyages. Recupere sur AUTOUR de LIBREVILLE: google scholar
  • Alix-Ida, M. (2022, mars 17). Baie des rois : Une partie du chantier sera livree en août 2022. Recupere sur gabonreview: google scholar
  • Allogho-Nkoghe, F. (2006). Politique de la ville et logiques d’acteurs. A la recherche d’alternatives d’amenagement pour les quartiers informels de Libreville (Gabon). UNIVERSITE DE MONTPELLIER III, Doctoral dissertation. google scholar
  • Alpopi, C., & Manole, C. (2013). Integrated Urban Regeneration - Solution for Cities Revitalize. Procedia Economics and Finance. google scholar
  • Amado, M., & Rodrigues, E. (2019). A Heritage-Based Method to Urban Regeneration in Developing Countries: The Case Study of Luanda. Sustainability. google scholar
  • Armel, M. R. (2000-2020). Contribution a l’analyse des outils d’amenagement urbain dans la commune de Libreville au Gabon. ( Telecharger le fichier original ). Recupere sur memoireonline: google scholar
  • Armel, M. R. (2006). Quartiers Informels et politique de la ville les logiques d’amenagement a Libreville Gabon. google scholar
  • Assemblee. (1848). Decree of the abolition of the slavery of April 27, 1848. Retrieved from google scholar
  • Atkinson, R. (1999). Discourses of Partnership and Empowerment in Contemporary British Urban Regeneration. Urban Studies, 59-72. google scholar
  • Bennington, J. (1994). Clive Gray, Government Beyond the Centre: Sub-National Politics in Britain, Macmillan, London. Journal of Social Policy, 622-623. google scholar
  • Caroline, M., and Remy, N. (2017). Le « Gabon vert », pilier de l’emergence ? Exemple du parc national de la Lope : ressources, conflits et arrangements. Recupere sur openedition journals: google scholar
  • Couch, C. (1990). Urban renewal: theory and practice. London: Macmillan. google scholar
  • Daotien, L. (1991 ). Leopold Se opold Sedar Senghor dar Senghor, Aime Cesaire et le mouv e etle mouvement de la ement de la Negritude. San Jose State University. google scholar
  • Delrick, T. (2019, 10 25). Le Komo a Libreville. Recupere sur wikipedia: google scholar
  • DETR. (1997). Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. Involving Communities in Urban Regeneration: A Guide for Practitioners. google scholar
  • D’information, L. L.-S. (2021, Mars 3). Au Gabon le gouvernement compte finaliser la construction de quelques infrastructures de la Baie des Rois d’ici 2025. Recupere sur LeLibrevillois: google scholar
  • Diop, C. A., & Cook, M. (2012). The African origin of civilization: Myth or reality. Chicago Review Press. google scholar
  • Facebook. (2022, August 21). Je N’ai Pas Choisi d’etre Gabonais, J’ai Juste De La Chance. Ouverture de la Baie des Rois. Recupere sur facebook: C6TRfUpl/?app=fbl google scholar
  • Fgis (2021). Investing for a shared prosperity in Gabon. Retrieved from fgis-gabon: google scholar
  • Fmct-Gabon. (2021). Facade Maritime du Champ Triomphal. Retrieved from The Baie des Rois: google scholar
  • Gabonactu. (2016 , mai 17 ). La Marina de Libreville est morte vive la Baie des rois. Recupere sur gabonactu: google scholar
  • Gabonactu. (2022, août 22). La Promenade nord de la Baie des Rois ouverte au public et aux investisseurs. Recupere sur google scholar
  • Gabonreview. (2022, janvier 11). La Baie des Rois : Ali Bongo n’a pas laisse tomber ! Recupere sur gabon review: google scholar
  • Gao, Q., Yin, D., & Zhu, H. (2020). Urban regeneration and emotional politics of place in Liede Village, Guangzhou, China. Habitat International. google scholar
  • Geddes, M. (1995). Poverty, Excluded Communities and Local Democracy,. Commission for Local Democracy, London. google scholar
  • Harvey, D (1989) ‘From managerialism to entrepreneurialism: the transformation in urban governance in late capitalism’, Geografiska Annaler, 71 B, pp.3-17. google scholar
  • Hegel, G. W. (1975). Lectures on the Philosophy of World History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • jeuneafrique. (2010, octobre 21). L’emergence, slogan menteur ou realite en marche? Recupere sur jeuneafrique: google scholar
  • Killingray, D., & Rathbone, R. (1986). Africa and the Second World War. Springer. google scholar
  • Korkmaz, C., & Balaban, O. (2020). Sustainability of urban regeneration in Turkey: Assessing the performance of the North Ankara Urban Regeneration Project. Habitat International, 95. google scholar
  • Land’act, Ingerop, Arte, C. , Ecosphere, , & RELK. (2014-2019). Kings’ Bay Libreville, Gabon. Retrieved from LAND’ACT: google scholar
  • Le Pratique, d. G. (2022). LIBREVILLE ET SES QUARTIERS. Recupere sur le Pratique du Gabon: google scholar
  • Leary, M. E., & McCarthy, J. (2013). The Routledge companion to urban regeneration. Routledge companions. google scholar
  • Lenouveaugabon. (2021, juillet 15). Baie des rois : le Gabon recherche des operateurs pour construire un immeuble de bureaux et de commerce. Recupere sur Le Nouveau Gabon: google scholar
  • Loftman ve Nevin (1995) ‘Prestige projects and urban regeneration in the 1980s and 1990s: a review of benefits and limitations’, Planning Practice and Research, 10 (3/4), ss.299-312. google scholar
  • L’union. (2016, Mai 18). Reprise Des Travaux De La Baie-Des-Rois (Ex-Marina) : Un Quartier D’affaires, Un Lieu D’histoire. Recupere sur L’union: google scholar L’union. (2017, septembre 21 ). La Baie des Rois : Les premieres parcelles commercialisable. Recupere sur union.sonapresse: google scholar
  • macrotrends. (2022). Libreville, Gabon Metro Area Population 1950-2022. Retrieved from Macrotrends LLC: google scholar
  • Manganelli, B., Tataranna, S., & Pontrandolfi, P. (2020). A model to support the decision-making in urban regeneration. Land Use Policy, 99. google scholar
  • Medias241. (2022, août 2). Societe: La Baie Des Rois Raccordee Au Reseau D’eau De Libreville. Recupere sur medias241: google scholar
  • Newman, P. ve Verpraet, G (1999) ‘The impact of partnership on urban governance: conclusions from a recent European research’, Regional Studies, 33(5), ss.487-491. google scholar
  • Nguema, R. M. (2005). Developpement de la ville, decoupage et appropriation des territoires urbains au Gabon : le cas de Libreville. OpenEdition Journals, p. 481-498. google scholar
  • Nguema, R. M. (2014). Politique de deguerpissement et processus de restructuration des territoires de Libreville [Gabon]. l’Espace Politique. google scholar
  • Nziengui, M. (1981). Les Cahiers d’Outre-Mer. google scholar
  • Nziengui, M. (1985). Dynamique urbaine du grand Libreville : laissez faire et volonte d’amenagement. These de Doctorat 3e cycle, Bordeaux. google scholar
  • Oxford-dictionary. (n.d.). community. Retrieved from oxfordlearnersdictionaries: /community?q=community google scholar
  • Özdemir, D., Özden, P., & Turgut, S. R. (2004). Istanbul 2004 International Urban Regeneration Symposium: Workshop of Küçükçekmece District. Istanbul: Küçükçekmece Municipality Publication. google scholar
  • Roberts, P., & Sykes, H. (2000). The evolution, definition and purpose of urban regeneration. Urban regeneration: A handbook, 18. google scholar
  • Roberts, P., & Sykes, H. (2000). The evolution, definition and purpose of urban regeneration. Urban regeneration: A handbook, 18. google scholar
  • Roberts, P., & Sykes, H. (2000). Urban regeneration: a handbook. London: SAGE Publications. google scholar
  • Roberts, P., Sykes, H., & Granger, R. (2017). Urban Regeneration. Chennai, India: Sage. google scholar
  • Sandbox, t. (2022). GeoHack - Libreville. Retrieved from geohack:¶ms=0_23 _25_N_9_27_15_E_region:GA_type:city(703904) google scholar
  • Sarmento, J. (2023). Colonialism, Post-colonialism and Its Heritage Imprint. (D. Timothy, Ed.) Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Sustainability in Africa. google scholar
  • Shen, T., Yao, X., & Wen, F. (2021). The Urban Regeneration Engine Model: An analytical framework and case study of the renewal of old communities. Land Use Policy. google scholar
  • Solow, B. L. (1991). Slavery and colonization. Slavery and the Rise of the Atlantic System,. google scholar
  • Tarsitano, E., Rosa, A. G., Posca, C., Petruzzi, G., Mundo, M., & Colao, M. (2021). A sustainable urban regeneration project to protect biodiversity. Urban Ecosystems, 24(4). google scholar
  • Taub, R. P. (1994). Community Capitalism: The South Shore Bank’s Strategy for Neighbourhood Revitalisation. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA. google scholar
  • Teye, V. B. (2009). Tourism and Africa’s tripartite cultural past. Cultural heritage and tourism in the developing world: A regional , pp.165-185. google scholar
  • Thomas, S. (2003). A Glossary of Regeneration and Local Economic Development, Manchester: Centre for Local Economic Strategies. google scholar
  • Tiesdell, S., Oc, T., & Heath, T. (1996). Revitalizing Historic Urban Quarters. London and New York: Architectural Press. google scholar
  • Tolkach, D. (2013). Community-based tourism in Timor-Leste: a collaborative network approach. Doctoral dissertation, Victoria University. google scholar
  • Turok, I. (1992) ‘Property-led urban regeneration: panacea or placebo?’, Environment and Planning A, 24, ss.361-379. google scholar
  • Unesco. (2005). World Heritage Convention. UNESCO. google scholar
  • WorldBank. (2016). How Eight Cities Succeeded in Rejuvenating their Urban Land. SINGAPORE. google scholar
  • World-Resources-Institute. (1996). A Guide to the Global Environment (The Urban Environment). Oxford University Press for The World Resources Institute,The United Nations Environment programme, The United Nations Development Programme and The World Bank, New York and Oxford. google scholar
  • Xun, L., Fan, Z., Eddie, C.-m. H., & Wei, L. (2020). Collaborative workshop and community participation: A new approach to urban regeneration in China. Elsevier, 12. google scholar
  • Zhu, Y. (2016). Authenticity and Heritage Conservation in China: Translation, Interpretation and Practices. ACADEMİA Accelerating the world’s research. google scholar

Urban Regeneration Practices in Developing Countries: The Case of Libreville, Gabon

Year 2024, , 1 - 25, 04.06.2024


Since the 1990s, urban regeneration projects have become important intervention mechanisms in European and American cities. They deal with improving urban areas which are decaying as a result of physical and social problems and disinvestment. In the past four decades, the consequences of these urban regeneration projects have been closely studied and their limitations have been made public by academics publishing their studies throughout the world. These studies have revealed that in order to initiate successful urban regeneration projects, rather than top-down implementations, more inclusive and participatory projects should be implemented. It is also acknowledged as an important fact that tourism-led urban regeneration projects should incorporate the themes of authenticity and local culture by including the local community and their actors in the process. While most of the documented research has focused on the developed countries’ experiences, there are relatively few studies which examine the case studies in the developing countries of the African continent. In the case of Libreville in Gabon, urban regeneration which incorporates urban tourism and authenticity appears to be one of the solutions that will allow the local community to both manage finances and structurally improve urban spaces and structures. Therefore, the present study analyses the King’s Bay waterfront regeneration project in Libreville, completed in August 2022, with reference to public participation and authenticity via online surveys which were conducted with the local community. A total of 1,009 surveys were answered by the locals, with the results revealing that despite the huge literature produced by scholars in other parts of the world, in the more singular King’s Bay urban regeneration project authoritarian and top-down approaches of the local authorities were observed by ignoring the local community’s views with reference to public participation. Accordingly, this article discusses the consequences of this approach by disclosing the survey results.


  • Abass, A. S., & Küçükmehmetoğlu, M. (2018). Consideration of Urban Regeneration as an Approach in Slum Transformation in Ghana1. In 2nd International Students Science Congress, p. 250. google scholar
  • Abouaiana, A. (2020). Urban Regeneration Practices in Developing Countries: A Case of Al-Quseir City, Egypt. researchgate. google scholar
  • agenceecofin. (2022, mars 19). Gabon : FMCT a leve 20 milliards FCFA d’emprunts obligataires sur le marche financier pour le chantier de la Baie des rois. Recupere sur Finance: google scholar
  • Albert, J. (2009, 7). carnetsdevoyages. Recupere sur AUTOUR de LIBREVILLE: google scholar
  • Alix-Ida, M. (2022, mars 17). Baie des rois : Une partie du chantier sera livree en août 2022. Recupere sur gabonreview: google scholar
  • Allogho-Nkoghe, F. (2006). Politique de la ville et logiques d’acteurs. A la recherche d’alternatives d’amenagement pour les quartiers informels de Libreville (Gabon). UNIVERSITE DE MONTPELLIER III, Doctoral dissertation. google scholar
  • Alpopi, C., & Manole, C. (2013). Integrated Urban Regeneration - Solution for Cities Revitalize. Procedia Economics and Finance. google scholar
  • Amado, M., & Rodrigues, E. (2019). A Heritage-Based Method to Urban Regeneration in Developing Countries: The Case Study of Luanda. Sustainability. google scholar
  • Armel, M. R. (2000-2020). Contribution a l’analyse des outils d’amenagement urbain dans la commune de Libreville au Gabon. ( Telecharger le fichier original ). Recupere sur memoireonline: google scholar
  • Armel, M. R. (2006). Quartiers Informels et politique de la ville les logiques d’amenagement a Libreville Gabon. google scholar
  • Assemblee. (1848). Decree of the abolition of the slavery of April 27, 1848. Retrieved from google scholar
  • Atkinson, R. (1999). Discourses of Partnership and Empowerment in Contemporary British Urban Regeneration. Urban Studies, 59-72. google scholar
  • Bennington, J. (1994). Clive Gray, Government Beyond the Centre: Sub-National Politics in Britain, Macmillan, London. Journal of Social Policy, 622-623. google scholar
  • Caroline, M., and Remy, N. (2017). Le « Gabon vert », pilier de l’emergence ? Exemple du parc national de la Lope : ressources, conflits et arrangements. Recupere sur openedition journals: google scholar
  • Couch, C. (1990). Urban renewal: theory and practice. London: Macmillan. google scholar
  • Daotien, L. (1991 ). Leopold Se opold Sedar Senghor dar Senghor, Aime Cesaire et le mouv e etle mouvement de la ement de la Negritude. San Jose State University. google scholar
  • Delrick, T. (2019, 10 25). Le Komo a Libreville. Recupere sur wikipedia: google scholar
  • DETR. (1997). Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. Involving Communities in Urban Regeneration: A Guide for Practitioners. google scholar
  • D’information, L. L.-S. (2021, Mars 3). Au Gabon le gouvernement compte finaliser la construction de quelques infrastructures de la Baie des Rois d’ici 2025. Recupere sur LeLibrevillois: google scholar
  • Diop, C. A., & Cook, M. (2012). The African origin of civilization: Myth or reality. Chicago Review Press. google scholar
  • Facebook. (2022, August 21). Je N’ai Pas Choisi d’etre Gabonais, J’ai Juste De La Chance. Ouverture de la Baie des Rois. Recupere sur facebook: C6TRfUpl/?app=fbl google scholar
  • Fgis (2021). Investing for a shared prosperity in Gabon. Retrieved from fgis-gabon: google scholar
  • Fmct-Gabon. (2021). Facade Maritime du Champ Triomphal. Retrieved from The Baie des Rois: google scholar
  • Gabonactu. (2016 , mai 17 ). La Marina de Libreville est morte vive la Baie des rois. Recupere sur gabonactu: google scholar
  • Gabonactu. (2022, août 22). La Promenade nord de la Baie des Rois ouverte au public et aux investisseurs. Recupere sur google scholar
  • Gabonreview. (2022, janvier 11). La Baie des Rois : Ali Bongo n’a pas laisse tomber ! Recupere sur gabon review: google scholar
  • Gao, Q., Yin, D., & Zhu, H. (2020). Urban regeneration and emotional politics of place in Liede Village, Guangzhou, China. Habitat International. google scholar
  • Geddes, M. (1995). Poverty, Excluded Communities and Local Democracy,. Commission for Local Democracy, London. google scholar
  • Harvey, D (1989) ‘From managerialism to entrepreneurialism: the transformation in urban governance in late capitalism’, Geografiska Annaler, 71 B, pp.3-17. google scholar
  • Hegel, G. W. (1975). Lectures on the Philosophy of World History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • jeuneafrique. (2010, octobre 21). L’emergence, slogan menteur ou realite en marche? Recupere sur jeuneafrique: google scholar
  • Killingray, D., & Rathbone, R. (1986). Africa and the Second World War. Springer. google scholar
  • Korkmaz, C., & Balaban, O. (2020). Sustainability of urban regeneration in Turkey: Assessing the performance of the North Ankara Urban Regeneration Project. Habitat International, 95. google scholar
  • Land’act, Ingerop, Arte, C. , Ecosphere, , & RELK. (2014-2019). Kings’ Bay Libreville, Gabon. Retrieved from LAND’ACT: google scholar
  • Le Pratique, d. G. (2022). LIBREVILLE ET SES QUARTIERS. Recupere sur le Pratique du Gabon: google scholar
  • Leary, M. E., & McCarthy, J. (2013). The Routledge companion to urban regeneration. Routledge companions. google scholar
  • Lenouveaugabon. (2021, juillet 15). Baie des rois : le Gabon recherche des operateurs pour construire un immeuble de bureaux et de commerce. Recupere sur Le Nouveau Gabon: google scholar
  • Loftman ve Nevin (1995) ‘Prestige projects and urban regeneration in the 1980s and 1990s: a review of benefits and limitations’, Planning Practice and Research, 10 (3/4), ss.299-312. google scholar
  • L’union. (2016, Mai 18). Reprise Des Travaux De La Baie-Des-Rois (Ex-Marina) : Un Quartier D’affaires, Un Lieu D’histoire. Recupere sur L’union: google scholar L’union. (2017, septembre 21 ). La Baie des Rois : Les premieres parcelles commercialisable. Recupere sur union.sonapresse: google scholar
  • macrotrends. (2022). Libreville, Gabon Metro Area Population 1950-2022. Retrieved from Macrotrends LLC: google scholar
  • Manganelli, B., Tataranna, S., & Pontrandolfi, P. (2020). A model to support the decision-making in urban regeneration. Land Use Policy, 99. google scholar
  • Medias241. (2022, août 2). Societe: La Baie Des Rois Raccordee Au Reseau D’eau De Libreville. Recupere sur medias241: google scholar
  • Newman, P. ve Verpraet, G (1999) ‘The impact of partnership on urban governance: conclusions from a recent European research’, Regional Studies, 33(5), ss.487-491. google scholar
  • Nguema, R. M. (2005). Developpement de la ville, decoupage et appropriation des territoires urbains au Gabon : le cas de Libreville. OpenEdition Journals, p. 481-498. google scholar
  • Nguema, R. M. (2014). Politique de deguerpissement et processus de restructuration des territoires de Libreville [Gabon]. l’Espace Politique. google scholar
  • Nziengui, M. (1981). Les Cahiers d’Outre-Mer. google scholar
  • Nziengui, M. (1985). Dynamique urbaine du grand Libreville : laissez faire et volonte d’amenagement. These de Doctorat 3e cycle, Bordeaux. google scholar
  • Oxford-dictionary. (n.d.). community. Retrieved from oxfordlearnersdictionaries: /community?q=community google scholar
  • Özdemir, D., Özden, P., & Turgut, S. R. (2004). Istanbul 2004 International Urban Regeneration Symposium: Workshop of Küçükçekmece District. Istanbul: Küçükçekmece Municipality Publication. google scholar
  • Roberts, P., & Sykes, H. (2000). The evolution, definition and purpose of urban regeneration. Urban regeneration: A handbook, 18. google scholar
  • Roberts, P., & Sykes, H. (2000). The evolution, definition and purpose of urban regeneration. Urban regeneration: A handbook, 18. google scholar
  • Roberts, P., & Sykes, H. (2000). Urban regeneration: a handbook. London: SAGE Publications. google scholar
  • Roberts, P., Sykes, H., & Granger, R. (2017). Urban Regeneration. Chennai, India: Sage. google scholar
  • Sandbox, t. (2022). GeoHack - Libreville. Retrieved from geohack:¶ms=0_23 _25_N_9_27_15_E_region:GA_type:city(703904) google scholar
  • Sarmento, J. (2023). Colonialism, Post-colonialism and Its Heritage Imprint. (D. Timothy, Ed.) Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Sustainability in Africa. google scholar
  • Shen, T., Yao, X., & Wen, F. (2021). The Urban Regeneration Engine Model: An analytical framework and case study of the renewal of old communities. Land Use Policy. google scholar
  • Solow, B. L. (1991). Slavery and colonization. Slavery and the Rise of the Atlantic System,. google scholar
  • Tarsitano, E., Rosa, A. G., Posca, C., Petruzzi, G., Mundo, M., & Colao, M. (2021). A sustainable urban regeneration project to protect biodiversity. Urban Ecosystems, 24(4). google scholar
  • Taub, R. P. (1994). Community Capitalism: The South Shore Bank’s Strategy for Neighbourhood Revitalisation. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA. google scholar
  • Teye, V. B. (2009). Tourism and Africa’s tripartite cultural past. Cultural heritage and tourism in the developing world: A regional , pp.165-185. google scholar
  • Thomas, S. (2003). A Glossary of Regeneration and Local Economic Development, Manchester: Centre for Local Economic Strategies. google scholar
  • Tiesdell, S., Oc, T., & Heath, T. (1996). Revitalizing Historic Urban Quarters. London and New York: Architectural Press. google scholar
  • Tolkach, D. (2013). Community-based tourism in Timor-Leste: a collaborative network approach. Doctoral dissertation, Victoria University. google scholar
  • Turok, I. (1992) ‘Property-led urban regeneration: panacea or placebo?’, Environment and Planning A, 24, ss.361-379. google scholar
  • Unesco. (2005). World Heritage Convention. UNESCO. google scholar
  • WorldBank. (2016). How Eight Cities Succeeded in Rejuvenating their Urban Land. SINGAPORE. google scholar
  • World-Resources-Institute. (1996). A Guide to the Global Environment (The Urban Environment). Oxford University Press for The World Resources Institute,The United Nations Environment programme, The United Nations Development Programme and The World Bank, New York and Oxford. google scholar
  • Xun, L., Fan, Z., Eddie, C.-m. H., & Wei, L. (2020). Collaborative workshop and community participation: A new approach to urban regeneration in China. Elsevier, 12. google scholar
  • Zhu, Y. (2016). Authenticity and Heritage Conservation in China: Translation, Interpretation and Practices. ACADEMİA Accelerating the world’s research. google scholar
There are 69 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Architecture (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Ravel Gauthier Nguema Edzang This is me 0000-0002-9098-4853

Dilek Darby 0000-0001-8168-0463

Publication Date June 4, 2024
Submission Date April 2, 2024
Acceptance Date May 5, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Edzang, R. G. N., & Darby, D. (2024). Urban Regeneration Practices in Developing Countries: The Case of Libreville, Gabon. Journal of Technology in Architecture, Design and Planning, 2(1), 1-25.
AMA Edzang RGN, Darby D. Urban Regeneration Practices in Developing Countries: The Case of Libreville, Gabon. JTADP. June 2024;2(1):1-25. doi:10.26650/JTADP.24.001
Chicago Edzang, Ravel Gauthier Nguema, and Dilek Darby. “Urban Regeneration Practices in Developing Countries: The Case of Libreville, Gabon”. Journal of Technology in Architecture, Design and Planning 2, no. 1 (June 2024): 1-25.
EndNote Edzang RGN, Darby D (June 1, 2024) Urban Regeneration Practices in Developing Countries: The Case of Libreville, Gabon. Journal of Technology in Architecture, Design and Planning 2 1 1–25.
IEEE R. G. N. Edzang and D. Darby, “Urban Regeneration Practices in Developing Countries: The Case of Libreville, Gabon”, JTADP, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1–25, 2024, doi: 10.26650/JTADP.24.001.
ISNAD Edzang, Ravel Gauthier Nguema - Darby, Dilek. “Urban Regeneration Practices in Developing Countries: The Case of Libreville, Gabon”. Journal of Technology in Architecture, Design and Planning 2/1 (June 2024), 1-25.
JAMA Edzang RGN, Darby D. Urban Regeneration Practices in Developing Countries: The Case of Libreville, Gabon. JTADP. 2024;2:1–25.
MLA Edzang, Ravel Gauthier Nguema and Dilek Darby. “Urban Regeneration Practices in Developing Countries: The Case of Libreville, Gabon”. Journal of Technology in Architecture, Design and Planning, vol. 2, no. 1, 2024, pp. 1-25, doi:10.26650/JTADP.24.001.
Vancouver Edzang RGN, Darby D. Urban Regeneration Practices in Developing Countries: The Case of Libreville, Gabon. JTADP. 2024;2(1):1-25.