Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 35 - 54, 29.04.2019



  • Alisaari, J. & Heikkola L. M. (2017). Songs and poems in the language classroom: Teachers' beliefs and practices. Teaching and Teacher Education 63, 231–242. DOI: /10.1016/j.tate.2016.12.021
  • Alisaari, J., Heikkola, L. M., Commins, N., & Acquah, E. O. (2019). Monolingual ideologies confronting multilingual realities. Finnish teachers’ beliefs about linguistic diversity. Teaching and Teacher Education, 80, 48-58. DOI: 10.1016/j.tate.2019.01.003
  • Aronson, B. & Laughter, J. (2016). The Theory and Practice of Culturally Relevant Education: A Synthesis of Research across Content Areas. Review of Educational Research 86(1), 163–206.
  • Blackledge, A. (2003). Imagining a monocultural community: Racialization of cultural practice in educational discourse. Journal of Language, Identity and Education, 2(4), 331–347.
  • Beacco, J. C., Fleming, M., Gouiller, F. Thürmann, E. & Vollmer, H. (2015). The language dimension in all subjects. The handbook for curriculum development and teacher training. Council of Europe. Language Policy Unit.
  • Borg, S. (2006). Teacher cognition and language education: Research and practice. London, UK: Continuum.
  • Cummins, J. (2001). Negotiating Identities: Education for Empowerment in a Diverse Society. Second Edition. Los Angeles: California Association for Bilingual Education.
  • Edelmann, D. 2006. Pädagogische Professionalität im transnationalen sozialen Raum. Eine Studie über Sichtweisen und Erfahrungen von Primarlehrpersonen in Bezug auf die kulturelle Heterogenität ihrer Schulklassen. In G. Allemann-Ghionda and E. Terhart (hrsg.) Kompetenzen und Kompetenzentwicklung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern (pp. 235–49). Weinheim: Beltz.
  • Gay, G. (2010) Culturally Responsive Teaching: Theory, Research, and Practice. New York: Teachers College Press.Harju-Luukkainen, H., Nissinen, K., Sulkunen, S., Suni, M., & Vettenranta J. (2014). Avaimet osaamisen tulevaisuuteen. Selvitys maahanmuuttajataustaisten nuorten osaamisesta ja siihen liittyvistä taustatekijöistä PISA 2012 ‐tutkimuksessa [Keys to the future of knowledge. Study on the competence and background factors of young people with an immigrant background in the PISA 2012 study].University of Jyväskylä. Finnish Institute for Educational Research.
  • de Jong, E. J. (2011). Foundations for Multilingualism in Education from Principles to Practice. Philadelphia: Caslon Publishing.
  • Kelchtermans, G. (2009). Who I am in how I teach is the message: self‐understanding, vulnerability and reflection. Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice 15:2, 257–272, DOI: 10.1080/13540600902875332
  • Kirjavainen, T. &, Pulkkinen, J. (2017). Takaako samanlainen tausta samanlaisen osaamisen? Maahanmuuttajataustaisten ja kantaväestön oppilaiden osaamiserot PISA 2012 -tutkimuksessa. [Does a similar background guarantee similar competence? Differences in Finnish PISA 2012 results for native and immigrant students]. Kasvatus 48(3), 189−202.
  • Kooij, J. C. van der, Ruyter, D. J. de & Miedema, S. (2013). “Worldview”: the Meaning of the Concept and the Impact on Religious Education. Religious Education 108(2), 210–228, DOI: 10.1080/00344087.2013.767685
  • Ladson-Billings, G. (1995). Toward a theory of culturally relevant pedagogy. American Educational Research Journal 32(3), 465–491.Leeman, Y., and Ledoux, G. (2005). Teachers on intercultural education. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 11(6), 575–89. doi: 10.1080/13450600500293258
  • Lucas, T., & Villegas, A. M (2011). A framework for preparing linguistically responsive teachers. In Lucas, T. (Ed), Teacher preparation for linguistically diverse classrooms: A Resource for teacher educators (pp. 55–72). NY: Routledge.
  • Lucas, T., & Villegas, A.M. (2013). Preparing linguistically responsive teachers: Laying the foundation in preservice teacher education, Theory Into Practice 52(2), 98–109.
  • Lucas, T., Villegas, A. M., & Freedson-Gonzalez, M. (2008). Linguistically responsive teacher education: Preparing classroom teachers to teach English language learners. Journal of Teacher Education 59(4), 361–373.
  • Löytty, O. (2018). Erikoisen tavallinen suomalaisuus. [Specially ordinary Finnishness]. In M. Lehtonen, O. Löytty & P. Ruuska (Eds.). Suomi toisin sanoen (2nd ed.) (pp. 31–54). Tampere: Vastapaino.
  • McCarty, T. L. (1993). Language, literacy, and the image of the child in American Indian classrooms. Language Arts 70, 182–192.
  • Moll, L. C., Amanti, C., Neff, D., & Gonzalez, N. (1992). Funds of knowledge: A qualitative approach to developing strategic connections between homes and classrooms. Theory into Practice 31, 132–141.
  • National Agency of Education (2014). Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteet [Finnish Core Curriculum for Basic Education]. Määräykset ja ohjeet 2014:96. Retrieved on 23rd March 2017 from:
  • National Agency of Education (2015). Lukion opetussuunnitelman perusteet. [Finnish Core Curriculum for Upper Secondary Education]. Määräykset ja ohjeet 2015:48. Retrieved on 23rd March 2017 from:
  • Niemi, P.-M., Kuusisto, A. & Kallioniemi, A. (2014). Discussing school celebrations from an intercultural perspective – a study in the Finnish context. Intercultural Education. 25:4, 255-268, DOI: 10.1080/14675986.2014.926143
  • Nieto, S. & Bode, P. (2012). Affirming diversity: The sociopolitical context of multicultural education (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson/Allyn&Bacon.
  • Norton, B. (2013). Identity and Language Learning. Extending the Conversation. 2nd Edition. Toronto: Multilingual Matters.Official Statistics of Finland: Families [e-publication]. Annual Review 2016. Helsinki: Statistics Finland.
  • Phinney, J. S. & Ong, A. D. (2007). Conceptualization and Measurement of Ethnic Identity: Current Status and Future Directions. Journal of Counseling Psychology 54(3), 271–281.
  • Pierik, R. & van der Burg, W. (2014). What is Neutrality? Ratio Juris 27(4).
  • Ramírez, C. M. (1992). Executive summary. Bilingual Research Journal 16, 1–62.
  • Rissanen, I., in press. School principals’ diversity ideologies in fostering the inclusion of Muslims in Finnish and Swedish schools. Race Ethnicity and Education.
  • Rissanen, I., Kuusisto, E. & Kuusisto, A. (2016). Developing Teachers’ Intercultural Sensitivity: Case Study on a Pilot Course in Finnish Teacher Education. Teaching and Teacher Education 59, 446–456.
  • Schleppegrell, M. J. (2012). Academic language in teaching and learning: Introduction to the special issue. The Elementary School Journal, 112(3), 409–418.
  • Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (2008). Human rights and language policy in education. In S. May, & N. H. Hornberger (Eds.), Encyclopedia of language and education (2nd ed., Vol. 1) (pp. 107–119). New York: Springer.
  • Tarnanen, M., Kauppinen, M., & Ylämäki, A. (2017). Oman äidinkielen tekstitaidot monikielisyyttä rakentamassa – näkökulmia kielille annettuihin merkityksiin ja kielten käyttöön In S. Latomaa, E. Luukka, & N. Lilja (Eds.) Kielitietoisuus eriarvoistuvassa yhteiskunnassa [Language Awareness in an Increasingly Unequal Society]. AFinLAn Vuosikirja 75, 278–297. Retrieved on 15th December 2017 from:
  • Taylor, L. K., Bernhard, J. K., Garg, S., & Cummins, J. (2008). Affirming plural belonging: Building on students’ family-based cultural and linguistic capital through multiliteracies pedagogy. Journal of Early Childhood Education, 8(3), 269-294. DOI: 10.1177/1468798408096481
  • Teemant, A. (2018). Sociocultural theory as everyday practice: The challenge of K-12 teacher preparation for multilingual and multicultural learners. In J. P. Lantolf, M. E. Poehner and M. Swain (Eds.) The Routledge handbook of sociocultural theory and second language development (pp. 529-550). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Thomas, W. P., & Collier, V. (1997). School effectiveness for language minority students. Washington, DC: National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education.
  • Toom, A., & J. Husu. (2016). Finnish Teachers as ‘Makers of the Many’: Balancing between Broad Pedagogical Freedom and Responsibility. In H. Niemi, A.
  • Toom, and A. Kallioniemi (eds.) Miracle of Education: The Principles and Practices of Teaching and Learning in Finnish Schools, pp. 41–56. 2nd revised ed. Rotterdam: Sense.
  • Vettenranta, J. Välijärvi, J., Ahonen, A., Hautamäki, J., Hiltunen, J., Leino, K., Lähteinen, S., Nissinen, K. Nissinen, V., Puhakka, E., Rautopuro, J. &
  • Vainikainen, M.-P. (2016). Huipulla pudotuksesta huolimatta. PISA 2015 -ensituloksia [Despite the drop, at the top. The first PISA 2015 results]. Publications of the Ministry of Culture and Education 2016:41.
  • Zilliacus, H., G. Holm, & F. Sahlström. (2017). Taking steps towards institutionalising multicultural education – The national curriculum of Finland. Multicultural Education Review 9(4), 231–48. DOI:10.1080/2005615X.2017.1383810

In-service and pre-service teachers’ orientations to linguistic, cultural and worldview diversity

Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 35 - 54, 29.04.2019


Culturally and linguistically responsive education takes the learners’ diverse identities and
languages into account in many ways. This article explores the orientations that emerge when
pre-service and in-service teachers evaluate their preparedness to conduct certain culturally
and linguistically responsive practices. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted on survey
data from 181 respondents. In general, teachers’ orientations towards culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogy were positive. Three orientations were identified: orientation to
culture, to language and learning, and to affirming identities, with the last being the strongest.
Gender, training on multicultural education and current professional status had a significant
influence on respondents’ orientations. The results give valuable information for developing
teacher education to better respond to the needs of those teaching diverse learners.


  • Alisaari, J. & Heikkola L. M. (2017). Songs and poems in the language classroom: Teachers' beliefs and practices. Teaching and Teacher Education 63, 231–242. DOI: /10.1016/j.tate.2016.12.021
  • Alisaari, J., Heikkola, L. M., Commins, N., & Acquah, E. O. (2019). Monolingual ideologies confronting multilingual realities. Finnish teachers’ beliefs about linguistic diversity. Teaching and Teacher Education, 80, 48-58. DOI: 10.1016/j.tate.2019.01.003
  • Aronson, B. & Laughter, J. (2016). The Theory and Practice of Culturally Relevant Education: A Synthesis of Research across Content Areas. Review of Educational Research 86(1), 163–206.
  • Blackledge, A. (2003). Imagining a monocultural community: Racialization of cultural practice in educational discourse. Journal of Language, Identity and Education, 2(4), 331–347.
  • Beacco, J. C., Fleming, M., Gouiller, F. Thürmann, E. & Vollmer, H. (2015). The language dimension in all subjects. The handbook for curriculum development and teacher training. Council of Europe. Language Policy Unit.
  • Borg, S. (2006). Teacher cognition and language education: Research and practice. London, UK: Continuum.
  • Cummins, J. (2001). Negotiating Identities: Education for Empowerment in a Diverse Society. Second Edition. Los Angeles: California Association for Bilingual Education.
  • Edelmann, D. 2006. Pädagogische Professionalität im transnationalen sozialen Raum. Eine Studie über Sichtweisen und Erfahrungen von Primarlehrpersonen in Bezug auf die kulturelle Heterogenität ihrer Schulklassen. In G. Allemann-Ghionda and E. Terhart (hrsg.) Kompetenzen und Kompetenzentwicklung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern (pp. 235–49). Weinheim: Beltz.
  • Gay, G. (2010) Culturally Responsive Teaching: Theory, Research, and Practice. New York: Teachers College Press.Harju-Luukkainen, H., Nissinen, K., Sulkunen, S., Suni, M., & Vettenranta J. (2014). Avaimet osaamisen tulevaisuuteen. Selvitys maahanmuuttajataustaisten nuorten osaamisesta ja siihen liittyvistä taustatekijöistä PISA 2012 ‐tutkimuksessa [Keys to the future of knowledge. Study on the competence and background factors of young people with an immigrant background in the PISA 2012 study].University of Jyväskylä. Finnish Institute for Educational Research.
  • de Jong, E. J. (2011). Foundations for Multilingualism in Education from Principles to Practice. Philadelphia: Caslon Publishing.
  • Kelchtermans, G. (2009). Who I am in how I teach is the message: self‐understanding, vulnerability and reflection. Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice 15:2, 257–272, DOI: 10.1080/13540600902875332
  • Kirjavainen, T. &, Pulkkinen, J. (2017). Takaako samanlainen tausta samanlaisen osaamisen? Maahanmuuttajataustaisten ja kantaväestön oppilaiden osaamiserot PISA 2012 -tutkimuksessa. [Does a similar background guarantee similar competence? Differences in Finnish PISA 2012 results for native and immigrant students]. Kasvatus 48(3), 189−202.
  • Kooij, J. C. van der, Ruyter, D. J. de & Miedema, S. (2013). “Worldview”: the Meaning of the Concept and the Impact on Religious Education. Religious Education 108(2), 210–228, DOI: 10.1080/00344087.2013.767685
  • Ladson-Billings, G. (1995). Toward a theory of culturally relevant pedagogy. American Educational Research Journal 32(3), 465–491.Leeman, Y., and Ledoux, G. (2005). Teachers on intercultural education. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 11(6), 575–89. doi: 10.1080/13450600500293258
  • Lucas, T., & Villegas, A. M (2011). A framework for preparing linguistically responsive teachers. In Lucas, T. (Ed), Teacher preparation for linguistically diverse classrooms: A Resource for teacher educators (pp. 55–72). NY: Routledge.
  • Lucas, T., & Villegas, A.M. (2013). Preparing linguistically responsive teachers: Laying the foundation in preservice teacher education, Theory Into Practice 52(2), 98–109.
  • Lucas, T., Villegas, A. M., & Freedson-Gonzalez, M. (2008). Linguistically responsive teacher education: Preparing classroom teachers to teach English language learners. Journal of Teacher Education 59(4), 361–373.
  • Löytty, O. (2018). Erikoisen tavallinen suomalaisuus. [Specially ordinary Finnishness]. In M. Lehtonen, O. Löytty & P. Ruuska (Eds.). Suomi toisin sanoen (2nd ed.) (pp. 31–54). Tampere: Vastapaino.
  • McCarty, T. L. (1993). Language, literacy, and the image of the child in American Indian classrooms. Language Arts 70, 182–192.
  • Moll, L. C., Amanti, C., Neff, D., & Gonzalez, N. (1992). Funds of knowledge: A qualitative approach to developing strategic connections between homes and classrooms. Theory into Practice 31, 132–141.
  • National Agency of Education (2014). Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteet [Finnish Core Curriculum for Basic Education]. Määräykset ja ohjeet 2014:96. Retrieved on 23rd March 2017 from:
  • National Agency of Education (2015). Lukion opetussuunnitelman perusteet. [Finnish Core Curriculum for Upper Secondary Education]. Määräykset ja ohjeet 2015:48. Retrieved on 23rd March 2017 from:
  • Niemi, P.-M., Kuusisto, A. & Kallioniemi, A. (2014). Discussing school celebrations from an intercultural perspective – a study in the Finnish context. Intercultural Education. 25:4, 255-268, DOI: 10.1080/14675986.2014.926143
  • Nieto, S. & Bode, P. (2012). Affirming diversity: The sociopolitical context of multicultural education (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson/Allyn&Bacon.
  • Norton, B. (2013). Identity and Language Learning. Extending the Conversation. 2nd Edition. Toronto: Multilingual Matters.Official Statistics of Finland: Families [e-publication]. Annual Review 2016. Helsinki: Statistics Finland.
  • Phinney, J. S. & Ong, A. D. (2007). Conceptualization and Measurement of Ethnic Identity: Current Status and Future Directions. Journal of Counseling Psychology 54(3), 271–281.
  • Pierik, R. & van der Burg, W. (2014). What is Neutrality? Ratio Juris 27(4).
  • Ramírez, C. M. (1992). Executive summary. Bilingual Research Journal 16, 1–62.
  • Rissanen, I., in press. School principals’ diversity ideologies in fostering the inclusion of Muslims in Finnish and Swedish schools. Race Ethnicity and Education.
  • Rissanen, I., Kuusisto, E. & Kuusisto, A. (2016). Developing Teachers’ Intercultural Sensitivity: Case Study on a Pilot Course in Finnish Teacher Education. Teaching and Teacher Education 59, 446–456.
  • Schleppegrell, M. J. (2012). Academic language in teaching and learning: Introduction to the special issue. The Elementary School Journal, 112(3), 409–418.
  • Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (2008). Human rights and language policy in education. In S. May, & N. H. Hornberger (Eds.), Encyclopedia of language and education (2nd ed., Vol. 1) (pp. 107–119). New York: Springer.
  • Tarnanen, M., Kauppinen, M., & Ylämäki, A. (2017). Oman äidinkielen tekstitaidot monikielisyyttä rakentamassa – näkökulmia kielille annettuihin merkityksiin ja kielten käyttöön In S. Latomaa, E. Luukka, & N. Lilja (Eds.) Kielitietoisuus eriarvoistuvassa yhteiskunnassa [Language Awareness in an Increasingly Unequal Society]. AFinLAn Vuosikirja 75, 278–297. Retrieved on 15th December 2017 from:
  • Taylor, L. K., Bernhard, J. K., Garg, S., & Cummins, J. (2008). Affirming plural belonging: Building on students’ family-based cultural and linguistic capital through multiliteracies pedagogy. Journal of Early Childhood Education, 8(3), 269-294. DOI: 10.1177/1468798408096481
  • Teemant, A. (2018). Sociocultural theory as everyday practice: The challenge of K-12 teacher preparation for multilingual and multicultural learners. In J. P. Lantolf, M. E. Poehner and M. Swain (Eds.) The Routledge handbook of sociocultural theory and second language development (pp. 529-550). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Thomas, W. P., & Collier, V. (1997). School effectiveness for language minority students. Washington, DC: National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education.
  • Toom, A., & J. Husu. (2016). Finnish Teachers as ‘Makers of the Many’: Balancing between Broad Pedagogical Freedom and Responsibility. In H. Niemi, A.
  • Toom, and A. Kallioniemi (eds.) Miracle of Education: The Principles and Practices of Teaching and Learning in Finnish Schools, pp. 41–56. 2nd revised ed. Rotterdam: Sense.
  • Vettenranta, J. Välijärvi, J., Ahonen, A., Hautamäki, J., Hiltunen, J., Leino, K., Lähteinen, S., Nissinen, K. Nissinen, V., Puhakka, E., Rautopuro, J. &
  • Vainikainen, M.-P. (2016). Huipulla pudotuksesta huolimatta. PISA 2015 -ensituloksia [Despite the drop, at the top. The first PISA 2015 results]. Publications of the Ministry of Culture and Education 2016:41.
  • Zilliacus, H., G. Holm, & F. Sahlström. (2017). Taking steps towards institutionalising multicultural education – The national curriculum of Finland. Multicultural Education Review 9(4), 231–48. DOI:10.1080/2005615X.2017.1383810
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Research Article

Anuleena Kimanen 0000-0003-0049-826X

Jenni Alisaari This is me 0000-0003-4096-1888

Arto Kallioniemi This is me 0000-0002-1581-7617

Publication Date April 29, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Kimanen, A., Alisaari, J., & Kallioniemi, A. (2019). In-service and pre-service teachers’ orientations to linguistic, cultural and worldview diversity. Journal of Teacher Education and Educators, 8(1), 35-54.