This paper examines the policies and influences on science teacher preparation (STP) in different countries. A neoliberal framework was used to compare how different countries prepared science teachers. Neoliberalism dictates that multiple governmental and external factors are responsible for influencing education. For STP, the policy decisions can be based upon the advancement of the country by improving the economy through science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education. Seventeen countries from different economic and income designations around the globe were reviewed to explore STP standards, accreditation processes, and influencing factors. Policy documents, research articles, books chapters, and interviews with educational experts in each country were used as data sources. Each interview followed a semi-structured format focusing on understanding the policies that govern STP in each country and how these policies influenced the structure of the various institutions’ STP programs. Results show that few countries have science-specific teacher preparation standards, autonomy to decide on STP standards differs among countries, accreditation is mostly general, most , STP programs in developing countries are influenced by Western thought, and competition among countries has led to a push for better quality STP programs.
Adamson, B. (2012). International comparative studies in teaching and teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 641-648. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2012.02.003
Al-Balushi, S. M., Ambusaidi, A. K., Al-Balushi, K. A., Al-Hajri, F. H., & Al-Sinani, M. S. (2020). Student-centred and teacher-centred science classrooms as visualized by science teachers and their supervisors. Teaching and Teacher Education, 89, 103014.
Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership. (2017). Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
Author (2013). Journal of Science Teacher Education.
Author (2018a). Association for Science Teacher Education and the National Science Teachers Association.
Author (2018b). Association for Science Teacher Education and the National Science Teachers Association.
Baker J., Heller L. (2019) Indigenous Science Education. In: Peters M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Springer, Singapore.
Banya, K. (2010) Globalisation and Higher Education Policy Changes. In Zajda, J. & Geo-JaJa, M.A. (Eds.) The Politics of Education Reforms, 55-74.
Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27-40. doi:10.3316/QRJ0902027
Bronson, P., & Merryman, A. (2011). The creativity crisis. Newsweek, August, 1–7.
Calderone & Rhoads, 2010. Neoliberalism, the New Imperialism, and the “Disappearing” Nation-State: A Case Study. In Zajda, J. & Geo-JaJa, M.A. (Eds.) The Politics of Education Reforms, 3–18.
Carter, L. (2016). Neoliberalism and STEM education. Journal for Activist & Technology Education, 7, 31-41.
Christou, M., 2010. Education in Real Time: The globalisation of synchronized learning. Current Sociology, 58(4): 57096.
Clark, M. A., Isenberg, E., Liu, A. Y., Makowsky, L., & Zukiewicz, M. (2017). Impacts of the teach for America investing in innovation scale-up. Mathematica Policy Research.
Cochran-Smith, M. (2010). Toward a theory of teacher education for social justice. In A. Hargreaves, A. Lieberman, M. Fullan, & D. Hopkins (Eds), Second international handbook of educational change(pp. 445- 467). New York, NY: Springer.
Coxon, E., 2002. From patronage to profiteering? New Zealand’s educational relationship with the small states of Oceania. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 34(1): 5775.
Craig, C.J. (2016). Structure of teacher education. In Loughran, J. and Hamilton, M.L. (Eds.), International Handbook of Teacher Education, 69-83. DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0366-0_3
Darling-Hammond, L. (2000). How teacher education matters. Journal of Teacher Education, 51(3), 166-173.
Darling-Hammond, L. (2017) Teacher education around the world: What can we learn from international practice?, European Journal of Teacher Education, 40:3, 291-309, DOI: 10.1080/02619768.2017.1315399
de Saxe, J. G., Bucknovitz, S., & Mahoney-Mosedale, F. (2020). The Deprofessionalization of Educators: An Intersectional Analysis of Neoliberalism and Education “Reform.” Education and Urban Society, 52(1), 51–69.
Diniz-Pereira, J.E., 2002. ‘‘Globalisations’’: Is the teacher research movement a critical and emancipatory response? Educational Action Research 10(3): 37398.
El-Deghaidy, H. (2010). Teacher education in Egypt: Past, present, and future directions. In Karras, K.G., Wolhuter, C.C. (Eds.). International Handbook of Teacher Education Worldwide: Issues and Challenges for Teacher Profession, 675-700.
Fernandez, M.B. (2018). Framing teacher education: Conceptions of teaching, teacher education, and justice in Chilean national policies. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 26(34), 1-24.
Freeman, B., Marginson, S., & Tytler, R., 2014. The age of STEM: Educational policy and practice across the world in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. New York, NY: Routledge.
Glazerman, S., Mayer, D., & Decker, P. (2006). Alternative routes to teaching: The impacts of Teach For America on student achievement and other outcomes. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 25,1(1), 75–96.
Greenblatt, D. (2018). Neoliberalism and teacher certification. Policy Future in Education, 16(6), 804-827.
Guerrero, M.D., & Farruggio, P. (2012). Neoliberal teacher preparation: Conceptualising a response in the US borderlands. Education Inquiry, 3(4), 553-568.
Hali, A.U., Zhang, B., Al-Qadri, A.H., Kakar, M.A. (2020). An overview of science teacher education in Pakistan. Journal of Organizational Behavior Research, 5, 67-74.
Humes, W., 2008. The discourse of global citizenship. In Global citizenship education, ed. M.A. Peters, A. Britton, and H. Blee, 4152. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Jenlink, P. M. (2017a). Whither Teacher Education in an Era of the Neoliberal Social Imaginary? Teacher Education & Practice, 30(2), 221-228.
Jenlink, P. M. (2017b). Examining the Neoliberal Social Imaginary in Teacher Education. Teacher Education & Practice, 30(2), 275-278.
Karras, K.G.; Wolhuter, C.C. (Eds., 2010). International Handbook on Teacher Education Worldwide: Issues and Challenges for Teacher Profession. Greece: Atrapos Editions.
Karras, K.G.; Wolhuter, C.C. (Eds., 2019). International Handbook of Teacher Education: Revised and Augmented Edition. Nicosia, Cyprus: HM Studies and Publishing.
Khamis, A. (2010). Teacher education in Pakistan: Context, culture, continuity and change. In Karras, K.G., Wolhuter, C.C. (Eds.). International Handbook of Teacher Education Worldwide: Issues and Challenges for Teacher Profession, 381-404.
Lay, Y.F., & Chandrasegaran, A.L. (2018). The contribution of teacher preparation on grade 8 students’ science achievement in TIMSS: A comparative study between Malaysia and Singapore. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 17(4), 576-589.
Lipman, P. (2013). Economic crisis, accountability, and the state’s coercive assault on public education in the USA. Journal of Education Policy, 28(5), 557–573.
McDonald, M., & Zeichner, K. (2009). Social justice teacher education. In W. Ayers, T. Quinn, & D. Stovall (Eds.), Handbook of social justice in education (pp. 595-610). New York, NY: Routledge.
Mora, R. & Christianakis, M. (2011). Charter Schools, Market Capitalism, and Obama's Neo-liberal Agenda. Journal of Inquiry & Action in Education, 4(1), 93-111.
National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council (2014). STEM integration in K-12 education: Status, prospects, and an agenda for research. Washington: National Academies Press.
National Research Council (2007). Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2007.
National Research Council (2012). A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Washington D.C.: National Academies Press.
NGSS Lead States. 2013. Next Generation Science Standards: For States, By States. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
Nygreen, K., Madeloni, B., & Cannon, J. (2015). “Boot camp” teacher certification and neoliberal education reform. In K. M. Sturges (Ed.), Neoliberalizing educational reform America’s quest for profitable market-colonies and the undoing of public good (pp. 101–121). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Ogamba, I.K. (2020) Conditional cash transfer and education under neoliberalism in Nigeria: inequality, poverty and commercialisation in the school sector, Review of African Political Economy, 47:164, 291-300, DOI: 10.1080/03056244.2020.1771298
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (2005). Teachers matter: Attracting, developing and retaining effective teachers. Education and Training Policy. Paris, France: OECD. ISBN-92-64-01802-6
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (2018). Effective Teacher Policies: Insights from PISA. PISA: OECD Publishing.
Papastephanou, M., Christou, M., & Gregoriou, Z. (2013). Globalisation, the challenge of educational synchronization and teacher education. Globalisation, Societies, and Education, 11, 61-84.
President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) (2010). Report to the President. Engage to Excel: Producing One Million Additional College Graduates with Degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
Rahm, J., & Brandt, C.B. (2016). Reimagining science education in neoliberal global contexts: Sociocultural accounts of science learning in underserved communities. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 23:3, 183-187, DOI: 10.1080/10749039.2016.1201514
Sleeter, C. (2008). Equity, democracy, and neoliberal assaults on teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24, 1947–1957.
Smith, D.V. (2011). One brief, shining moment? The impact of neo-liberalism on science curriculum in the compulsory years of schooling. Intentional Journal of Science Education, 33(9), 1273-1288. Doe: 10.1080/09500693.2010.512368
Tarabini, A. (2010). Education and poverty in the global development agenda: Emergence, evolution and consolidation. International Journal of Educational Development, 30, 204-212. doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2009.04.009
UNESCO. (2014). Global Monitoring Report 2013/2014. In Teaching and learning: Achieving Quality for all (First Edit). Paris: UNESCO Publishing.
United Nations. (2020). World Economic Situation and Prospects 2020, pages 165-169. Retrieved June 14, 2021,
Yin, T. M., Kennedy, Doyle, Goh, C., Paul, M, C. C., & Markee, N. (2009). Innovation and change in English language teaching: Over a decade of shared perspectives. Language Teaching, 42(4), 536–547.
Year 2022,
Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 137 - 157, 30.04.2022
Adamson, B. (2012). International comparative studies in teaching and teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 641-648. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2012.02.003
Al-Balushi, S. M., Ambusaidi, A. K., Al-Balushi, K. A., Al-Hajri, F. H., & Al-Sinani, M. S. (2020). Student-centred and teacher-centred science classrooms as visualized by science teachers and their supervisors. Teaching and Teacher Education, 89, 103014.
Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership. (2017). Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
Author (2013). Journal of Science Teacher Education.
Author (2018a). Association for Science Teacher Education and the National Science Teachers Association.
Author (2018b). Association for Science Teacher Education and the National Science Teachers Association.
Baker J., Heller L. (2019) Indigenous Science Education. In: Peters M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Springer, Singapore.
Banya, K. (2010) Globalisation and Higher Education Policy Changes. In Zajda, J. & Geo-JaJa, M.A. (Eds.) The Politics of Education Reforms, 55-74.
Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27-40. doi:10.3316/QRJ0902027
Bronson, P., & Merryman, A. (2011). The creativity crisis. Newsweek, August, 1–7.
Calderone & Rhoads, 2010. Neoliberalism, the New Imperialism, and the “Disappearing” Nation-State: A Case Study. In Zajda, J. & Geo-JaJa, M.A. (Eds.) The Politics of Education Reforms, 3–18.
Carter, L. (2016). Neoliberalism and STEM education. Journal for Activist & Technology Education, 7, 31-41.
Christou, M., 2010. Education in Real Time: The globalisation of synchronized learning. Current Sociology, 58(4): 57096.
Clark, M. A., Isenberg, E., Liu, A. Y., Makowsky, L., & Zukiewicz, M. (2017). Impacts of the teach for America investing in innovation scale-up. Mathematica Policy Research.
Cochran-Smith, M. (2010). Toward a theory of teacher education for social justice. In A. Hargreaves, A. Lieberman, M. Fullan, & D. Hopkins (Eds), Second international handbook of educational change(pp. 445- 467). New York, NY: Springer.
Coxon, E., 2002. From patronage to profiteering? New Zealand’s educational relationship with the small states of Oceania. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 34(1): 5775.
Craig, C.J. (2016). Structure of teacher education. In Loughran, J. and Hamilton, M.L. (Eds.), International Handbook of Teacher Education, 69-83. DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0366-0_3
Darling-Hammond, L. (2000). How teacher education matters. Journal of Teacher Education, 51(3), 166-173.
Darling-Hammond, L. (2017) Teacher education around the world: What can we learn from international practice?, European Journal of Teacher Education, 40:3, 291-309, DOI: 10.1080/02619768.2017.1315399
de Saxe, J. G., Bucknovitz, S., & Mahoney-Mosedale, F. (2020). The Deprofessionalization of Educators: An Intersectional Analysis of Neoliberalism and Education “Reform.” Education and Urban Society, 52(1), 51–69.
Diniz-Pereira, J.E., 2002. ‘‘Globalisations’’: Is the teacher research movement a critical and emancipatory response? Educational Action Research 10(3): 37398.
El-Deghaidy, H. (2010). Teacher education in Egypt: Past, present, and future directions. In Karras, K.G., Wolhuter, C.C. (Eds.). International Handbook of Teacher Education Worldwide: Issues and Challenges for Teacher Profession, 675-700.
Fernandez, M.B. (2018). Framing teacher education: Conceptions of teaching, teacher education, and justice in Chilean national policies. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 26(34), 1-24.
Freeman, B., Marginson, S., & Tytler, R., 2014. The age of STEM: Educational policy and practice across the world in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. New York, NY: Routledge.
Glazerman, S., Mayer, D., & Decker, P. (2006). Alternative routes to teaching: The impacts of Teach For America on student achievement and other outcomes. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 25,1(1), 75–96.
Greenblatt, D. (2018). Neoliberalism and teacher certification. Policy Future in Education, 16(6), 804-827.
Guerrero, M.D., & Farruggio, P. (2012). Neoliberal teacher preparation: Conceptualising a response in the US borderlands. Education Inquiry, 3(4), 553-568.
Hali, A.U., Zhang, B., Al-Qadri, A.H., Kakar, M.A. (2020). An overview of science teacher education in Pakistan. Journal of Organizational Behavior Research, 5, 67-74.
Humes, W., 2008. The discourse of global citizenship. In Global citizenship education, ed. M.A. Peters, A. Britton, and H. Blee, 4152. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Jenlink, P. M. (2017a). Whither Teacher Education in an Era of the Neoliberal Social Imaginary? Teacher Education & Practice, 30(2), 221-228.
Jenlink, P. M. (2017b). Examining the Neoliberal Social Imaginary in Teacher Education. Teacher Education & Practice, 30(2), 275-278.
Karras, K.G.; Wolhuter, C.C. (Eds., 2010). International Handbook on Teacher Education Worldwide: Issues and Challenges for Teacher Profession. Greece: Atrapos Editions.
Karras, K.G.; Wolhuter, C.C. (Eds., 2019). International Handbook of Teacher Education: Revised and Augmented Edition. Nicosia, Cyprus: HM Studies and Publishing.
Khamis, A. (2010). Teacher education in Pakistan: Context, culture, continuity and change. In Karras, K.G., Wolhuter, C.C. (Eds.). International Handbook of Teacher Education Worldwide: Issues and Challenges for Teacher Profession, 381-404.
Lay, Y.F., & Chandrasegaran, A.L. (2018). The contribution of teacher preparation on grade 8 students’ science achievement in TIMSS: A comparative study between Malaysia and Singapore. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 17(4), 576-589.
Lipman, P. (2013). Economic crisis, accountability, and the state’s coercive assault on public education in the USA. Journal of Education Policy, 28(5), 557–573.
McDonald, M., & Zeichner, K. (2009). Social justice teacher education. In W. Ayers, T. Quinn, & D. Stovall (Eds.), Handbook of social justice in education (pp. 595-610). New York, NY: Routledge.
Mora, R. & Christianakis, M. (2011). Charter Schools, Market Capitalism, and Obama's Neo-liberal Agenda. Journal of Inquiry & Action in Education, 4(1), 93-111.
National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council (2014). STEM integration in K-12 education: Status, prospects, and an agenda for research. Washington: National Academies Press.
National Research Council (2007). Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2007.
National Research Council (2012). A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Washington D.C.: National Academies Press.
NGSS Lead States. 2013. Next Generation Science Standards: For States, By States. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
Nygreen, K., Madeloni, B., & Cannon, J. (2015). “Boot camp” teacher certification and neoliberal education reform. In K. M. Sturges (Ed.), Neoliberalizing educational reform America’s quest for profitable market-colonies and the undoing of public good (pp. 101–121). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Ogamba, I.K. (2020) Conditional cash transfer and education under neoliberalism in Nigeria: inequality, poverty and commercialisation in the school sector, Review of African Political Economy, 47:164, 291-300, DOI: 10.1080/03056244.2020.1771298
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (2005). Teachers matter: Attracting, developing and retaining effective teachers. Education and Training Policy. Paris, France: OECD. ISBN-92-64-01802-6
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (2018). Effective Teacher Policies: Insights from PISA. PISA: OECD Publishing.
Papastephanou, M., Christou, M., & Gregoriou, Z. (2013). Globalisation, the challenge of educational synchronization and teacher education. Globalisation, Societies, and Education, 11, 61-84.
President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) (2010). Report to the President. Engage to Excel: Producing One Million Additional College Graduates with Degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
Rahm, J., & Brandt, C.B. (2016). Reimagining science education in neoliberal global contexts: Sociocultural accounts of science learning in underserved communities. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 23:3, 183-187, DOI: 10.1080/10749039.2016.1201514
Sleeter, C. (2008). Equity, democracy, and neoliberal assaults on teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24, 1947–1957.
Smith, D.V. (2011). One brief, shining moment? The impact of neo-liberalism on science curriculum in the compulsory years of schooling. Intentional Journal of Science Education, 33(9), 1273-1288. Doe: 10.1080/09500693.2010.512368
Tarabini, A. (2010). Education and poverty in the global development agenda: Emergence, evolution and consolidation. International Journal of Educational Development, 30, 204-212. doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2009.04.009
UNESCO. (2014). Global Monitoring Report 2013/2014. In Teaching and learning: Achieving Quality for all (First Edit). Paris: UNESCO Publishing.
United Nations. (2020). World Economic Situation and Prospects 2020, pages 165-169. Retrieved June 14, 2021,
Yin, T. M., Kennedy, Doyle, Goh, C., Paul, M, C. C., & Markee, N. (2009). Innovation and change in English language teaching: Over a decade of shared perspectives. Language Teaching, 42(4), 536–547.
Veal, W., Park Rogers, M., Morrell, P., Roehrig, G., et al. (2022). Preparing Science Teachers Across the World. Journal of Teacher Education and Educators, 11(1), 137-157.