Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 331 - 349, 31.12.2022



  • Abumalloh, R.A., Asadi, S., Nilashi, M., Minaei-Bidgoli, B., Nayer, F.K., Samad, S., Mohd, S., & Ibrahim, O. (2021). The impact of coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on education: The role of virtual and remote laboratories in education. Technology in Society, 67,101728. DOI: 10.1016/j.techsoc.2021.101728
  • Ahmed, E., & Ward, R. (2016). Analysis of factors influencing acceptance of personal, academic and professional development e-portfolios. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 152-161. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.05.043
  • Ajzen, I. (1991). The Theory of Planned Behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 179-211. DOI:10.1016/0749-5978(91)90020-T
  • Ajzen, I. (2011). The theory of planned behaviour: Reactions and reflections. Psychology & Health, 26, 1113-1127.
  • Amhag, L., Hellstrom, L., & Stigmar, M. (2019). Teacher educators’ use of digital tools and needs for digital competence in higher education. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 35, 203-220. DOI: 10.1080/21532974.2019.1646169
  • Anshari, M., Alas, Y., Yunus, N.H.M., Sabtu, N.P.H., & Hamid, M.S.A. (2016). Online Learning: Trends, issues and challenges in the big data era. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 12.
  • Bidin, Z., Md Hashim, M. F. A., Sharif, Z., & Mohd Shamsudin, F. (2011). Using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) in predicting the intent to use the Internet for academic purposes. Malaysian Journal of Learning & Instruction, 8, 138-190. DOI: 10.32890/mjli.8.2011.7630
  • Davis, F.D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13, 319-340.
  • Elias, S.M., Smith, W.L., & Barney, C.E. (2012). Age as a moderator of attitude towards technology in the workplace: Work motivation and overall job satisfaction. Behaviour & Information Technology, 31, 453-467.
  • Espino-Díaz, L., Fernandez-Caminero, G., Hernandez-Lloret, C.-M., Gonzalez-Gonzalez, H., & Alvarez-Castillo, J.-L. (2020). Analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on education professionals toward a paradigm shift: ICT and neuroeducation as a binomial of action. Sustainability, 12, 5646; DOI: 10.3390/su12145646
  • Fishbein, M., & Ajzen, I. (1975). Belief, attitude, intention and behaviour: An introduction to theory and research. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
  • Gangwal, N., & Bansal, V. (2016). Application of Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior for M-commerce Adoption in India. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2016), Vol. 2, 357-367.
  • Hayashi, R., Garcia, M., Maddawin, A., & Hewagamage, K.P. (2020). Online Learning in Sri Lanka’s Higher Education Institutions during the CO VID-19 Pandemic. Asian Development Bank. DOI: 10.22617/BRF200260-2
  • Hayes, A.F. (2013). Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
  • Huh, H., Kim, T.T., & Law, R. (2009). A comparison of competing theoretical models for understanding acceptance behavior of information systems in upscale hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28, 121-134. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2008.06.004
  • Joo, S., & Choi, N. (2015). Factors affecting undergraduates’ selection of online library resources in academic tasks: Usefulness, ease-of-use, resource quality, and individual differences. Library Hi Tech, 33, 272–291
  • Kalkan, Ü., Aksal, F.A., Gazi, Z.A., Atasoy, R., & Dağlı, G. (2020). The relationship between school administrators’ leadership styles, school culture, and organizational image. SAGE Open, 10, DOI: 10.1177/2158244020902081
  • Kebritchi, M., Lipschuetz, A., & Santiague, L. (2017). Issues and challenges for teaching successful online courses in higher education: A literature review. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 46, 4-29. DOI: 10.1177/0047239516661713
  • Kripanont, N. (2006). Using a technology acceptance model to investigate academic acceptance of the internet. Journal of Law and Governance, 1, DOI: 10.15209/jbsge.v1i2.72
  • Lee, M.-C. (2010). Explaining and predicting users' continuance intention toward e-learning: An extension of the expectation-confirmation model. Computers & Education, 54, 506-516.
  • Lee, N.-J. (2004). The impact of international experience on student nurses’ personal and professional development. International Nursing Review, 51, 113-122. DOI: 10.1111/j.1466-7657.2003.00200.x
  • Malm, B. (2009). Towards a new professionalism: Enhancing personal and professional development in teacher education. Journal of Education for Teaching, 35, 77-91. DOI: 10.1080/02607470802587160
  • Mikołajczyk, K. (2021). Changes in the approach to employee development in organisations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Training and Development, 46, 544-562. DOI: 10.1108/EJTD-12-2020-0171
  • Obrad, C. (2020). Constraints and consequences of online teaching. Sustainability, 12, 6982. DOI: 10.3390/su12176982
  • Oliver, R.L., & Bearden, W.O. (1985). Crossover effects in the theory of reasoned action. Journal of Consumer Research,12,324-340.
  • OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development). (2019). An introduction to online platforms and their role in the digital transformation, Paris: OECD Publishing. DOI: 10.1787/19e6a0f0-en.
  • Ramayah, T., Rouibah, K., Gopi, M., & Rangel, G.J. (2009). A decomposed theory of reasoned action to explain intention to use Internet stock trading among Malaysian investors. Computers in Human Behavior, 25, 1222-1230. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2009.06.007
  • Rondan-Cataluña, F.J., Arenas-Gaitán, J., & Ramírez-Correa, P.E. (2015). A comparison of the different versions of popular technology acceptance models - A non-linear perspective. Kybernetes, 44, 788-805.
  • Ryan, M. J. (1982). Behavioral intention formation: The interdependency of attitudinal and social influence variables. Journal of Consumer Research, 9, 263-278.
  • Sadaf, A., Newby, T., & Ertmer, P. (2012). Exploring factors that predict preservice teachers' intentions to use Web 2.0 technologies using decomposed theory of planned behavior. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 45, 171–195.
  • Santos, J.V., & Gonçalves, G. (2018). Organizational culture, internal marketing, and perceived organizational support in Portuguese higher education institutions. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 34, 38-45. DOI: 10.5093/jwop2018a5
  • Selvaraj, A., Vishnu, R., Nithin, K.A., Benson, N., & Mathew, A.J. (2021). Effect of pandemic based online education on teaching and learning system. International Journal of Educational Development, 85. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2021.102444
  • Shih, Y.-Y., & Fang, K. (2004). The use of a decomposed theory of planned behavior to study Internet banking in Taiwan. Internet Research, 14, 213-223. DOI: 10.1108/10662240410542643
  • Shimp, T., & Kavas, A. (1984). The theory of reasoned action applied to coupon usage. Journal of Consumer Research,11,795-809.
  • Tao, C.-C., & Fan, C.-C. (2017). A modified decomposed theory of planned behaviour model to analyze user intention towards distance-based electronic toll collection services. PROMET – Traffic & Transportation, 29, 85-97.
  • Taylor, S., & Todd, P. (1995a). Decomposition and crossover effects in the theory of planned behavior: A study of consumer adoption intentions. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 12, 137-155.
  • Taylor, S., & Todd, P. A. (1995b) Understanding information technology usage: A test of competing models. Information Systems Research, 6, 144-176.
  • Tomlinson, H. (2004). Educational leadership: Personal growth for professional development. Sage. DOI: 10.4135/978144624715
  • Vargo, D., Zhu, L., Benwell, B., & Yan, Z. (2021). Digital technology use during COVID-19 pandemic: A rapid review. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 3, 13-24. DOI: 10.1002/hbe2.242
  • Yoon, H.-Y. (2016). User acceptance of mobile library applications in academic libraries: An application of the technology acceptance model. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 42, 687-693.
  • Yu, H., Liu, P., Huang, X., & Cao, Y. (2021). Teacher online informal learning as a means to innovative teaching during home quarantine in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 2480. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.596582

Educators’ Acceptance of Online Platforms for Personal and Professional Development during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Year 2022, Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 331 - 349, 31.12.2022


With the pandemic, academic activities of education institutes such as teaching, learning, and assessment as well as programmes targeted for educators’ personal and professional development have been transformed to online from physical mode. The use of online platforms has become an essential pedagogical tool. This study investigated educators’ acceptance of online platforms for their personal and professional development during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sri Lanka. One hundred and ninety-nine responses were received for the survey, and data were analysed using statistical methods. The study found the importance of belief structures- attitudinal, normative and control beliefs, and attitude toward the behaviour, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control in determining educators’ acceptance of online platforms for their personal and professional development purposes. The findings have important implications for theory and practice on educators’ acceptance of new technologies for teaching and learning purposes.


  • Abumalloh, R.A., Asadi, S., Nilashi, M., Minaei-Bidgoli, B., Nayer, F.K., Samad, S., Mohd, S., & Ibrahim, O. (2021). The impact of coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on education: The role of virtual and remote laboratories in education. Technology in Society, 67,101728. DOI: 10.1016/j.techsoc.2021.101728
  • Ahmed, E., & Ward, R. (2016). Analysis of factors influencing acceptance of personal, academic and professional development e-portfolios. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 152-161. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.05.043
  • Ajzen, I. (1991). The Theory of Planned Behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 179-211. DOI:10.1016/0749-5978(91)90020-T
  • Ajzen, I. (2011). The theory of planned behaviour: Reactions and reflections. Psychology & Health, 26, 1113-1127.
  • Amhag, L., Hellstrom, L., & Stigmar, M. (2019). Teacher educators’ use of digital tools and needs for digital competence in higher education. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 35, 203-220. DOI: 10.1080/21532974.2019.1646169
  • Anshari, M., Alas, Y., Yunus, N.H.M., Sabtu, N.P.H., & Hamid, M.S.A. (2016). Online Learning: Trends, issues and challenges in the big data era. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 12.
  • Bidin, Z., Md Hashim, M. F. A., Sharif, Z., & Mohd Shamsudin, F. (2011). Using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) in predicting the intent to use the Internet for academic purposes. Malaysian Journal of Learning & Instruction, 8, 138-190. DOI: 10.32890/mjli.8.2011.7630
  • Davis, F.D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13, 319-340.
  • Elias, S.M., Smith, W.L., & Barney, C.E. (2012). Age as a moderator of attitude towards technology in the workplace: Work motivation and overall job satisfaction. Behaviour & Information Technology, 31, 453-467.
  • Espino-Díaz, L., Fernandez-Caminero, G., Hernandez-Lloret, C.-M., Gonzalez-Gonzalez, H., & Alvarez-Castillo, J.-L. (2020). Analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on education professionals toward a paradigm shift: ICT and neuroeducation as a binomial of action. Sustainability, 12, 5646; DOI: 10.3390/su12145646
  • Fishbein, M., & Ajzen, I. (1975). Belief, attitude, intention and behaviour: An introduction to theory and research. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
  • Gangwal, N., & Bansal, V. (2016). Application of Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior for M-commerce Adoption in India. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2016), Vol. 2, 357-367.
  • Hayashi, R., Garcia, M., Maddawin, A., & Hewagamage, K.P. (2020). Online Learning in Sri Lanka’s Higher Education Institutions during the CO VID-19 Pandemic. Asian Development Bank. DOI: 10.22617/BRF200260-2
  • Hayes, A.F. (2013). Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
  • Huh, H., Kim, T.T., & Law, R. (2009). A comparison of competing theoretical models for understanding acceptance behavior of information systems in upscale hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28, 121-134. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2008.06.004
  • Joo, S., & Choi, N. (2015). Factors affecting undergraduates’ selection of online library resources in academic tasks: Usefulness, ease-of-use, resource quality, and individual differences. Library Hi Tech, 33, 272–291
  • Kalkan, Ü., Aksal, F.A., Gazi, Z.A., Atasoy, R., & Dağlı, G. (2020). The relationship between school administrators’ leadership styles, school culture, and organizational image. SAGE Open, 10, DOI: 10.1177/2158244020902081
  • Kebritchi, M., Lipschuetz, A., & Santiague, L. (2017). Issues and challenges for teaching successful online courses in higher education: A literature review. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 46, 4-29. DOI: 10.1177/0047239516661713
  • Kripanont, N. (2006). Using a technology acceptance model to investigate academic acceptance of the internet. Journal of Law and Governance, 1, DOI: 10.15209/jbsge.v1i2.72
  • Lee, M.-C. (2010). Explaining and predicting users' continuance intention toward e-learning: An extension of the expectation-confirmation model. Computers & Education, 54, 506-516.
  • Lee, N.-J. (2004). The impact of international experience on student nurses’ personal and professional development. International Nursing Review, 51, 113-122. DOI: 10.1111/j.1466-7657.2003.00200.x
  • Malm, B. (2009). Towards a new professionalism: Enhancing personal and professional development in teacher education. Journal of Education for Teaching, 35, 77-91. DOI: 10.1080/02607470802587160
  • Mikołajczyk, K. (2021). Changes in the approach to employee development in organisations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Training and Development, 46, 544-562. DOI: 10.1108/EJTD-12-2020-0171
  • Obrad, C. (2020). Constraints and consequences of online teaching. Sustainability, 12, 6982. DOI: 10.3390/su12176982
  • Oliver, R.L., & Bearden, W.O. (1985). Crossover effects in the theory of reasoned action. Journal of Consumer Research,12,324-340.
  • OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development). (2019). An introduction to online platforms and their role in the digital transformation, Paris: OECD Publishing. DOI: 10.1787/19e6a0f0-en.
  • Ramayah, T., Rouibah, K., Gopi, M., & Rangel, G.J. (2009). A decomposed theory of reasoned action to explain intention to use Internet stock trading among Malaysian investors. Computers in Human Behavior, 25, 1222-1230. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2009.06.007
  • Rondan-Cataluña, F.J., Arenas-Gaitán, J., & Ramírez-Correa, P.E. (2015). A comparison of the different versions of popular technology acceptance models - A non-linear perspective. Kybernetes, 44, 788-805.
  • Ryan, M. J. (1982). Behavioral intention formation: The interdependency of attitudinal and social influence variables. Journal of Consumer Research, 9, 263-278.
  • Sadaf, A., Newby, T., & Ertmer, P. (2012). Exploring factors that predict preservice teachers' intentions to use Web 2.0 technologies using decomposed theory of planned behavior. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 45, 171–195.
  • Santos, J.V., & Gonçalves, G. (2018). Organizational culture, internal marketing, and perceived organizational support in Portuguese higher education institutions. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 34, 38-45. DOI: 10.5093/jwop2018a5
  • Selvaraj, A., Vishnu, R., Nithin, K.A., Benson, N., & Mathew, A.J. (2021). Effect of pandemic based online education on teaching and learning system. International Journal of Educational Development, 85. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2021.102444
  • Shih, Y.-Y., & Fang, K. (2004). The use of a decomposed theory of planned behavior to study Internet banking in Taiwan. Internet Research, 14, 213-223. DOI: 10.1108/10662240410542643
  • Shimp, T., & Kavas, A. (1984). The theory of reasoned action applied to coupon usage. Journal of Consumer Research,11,795-809.
  • Tao, C.-C., & Fan, C.-C. (2017). A modified decomposed theory of planned behaviour model to analyze user intention towards distance-based electronic toll collection services. PROMET – Traffic & Transportation, 29, 85-97.
  • Taylor, S., & Todd, P. (1995a). Decomposition and crossover effects in the theory of planned behavior: A study of consumer adoption intentions. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 12, 137-155.
  • Taylor, S., & Todd, P. A. (1995b) Understanding information technology usage: A test of competing models. Information Systems Research, 6, 144-176.
  • Tomlinson, H. (2004). Educational leadership: Personal growth for professional development. Sage. DOI: 10.4135/978144624715
  • Vargo, D., Zhu, L., Benwell, B., & Yan, Z. (2021). Digital technology use during COVID-19 pandemic: A rapid review. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 3, 13-24. DOI: 10.1002/hbe2.242
  • Yoon, H.-Y. (2016). User acceptance of mobile library applications in academic libraries: An application of the technology acceptance model. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 42, 687-693.
  • Yu, H., Liu, P., Huang, X., & Cao, Y. (2021). Teacher online informal learning as a means to innovative teaching during home quarantine in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 2480. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.596582
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Research Article

Bhashini Wijewickrama 0000-0002-8627-4605

Vathsala Wıckramasınghe 0000-0001-9318-9823

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 11 Issue: 3


APA Wijewickrama, B., & Wıckramasınghe, V. (2022). Educators’ Acceptance of Online Platforms for Personal and Professional Development during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Teacher Education and Educators, 11(3), 331-349.