Year 2018,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 161 - 183, 30.12.2018
Gülin Can
Feride Bahar Işın
This study
aims to determine the most important hospital preference criteria to provide
guidance for hospital managers who wish to differentiate their hospitals from
their rivals. In this context, preference criteria importance weights are
determined by Kano Model and criteria priority orders are computed by Stochastic
Multi-criteria Acceptability Analysis-2 (SMAA-2) method. The research is
performed in three big private hospitals in Turkey. “Hospital Evaluation Survey”
was performed to 350 patients based on volunteerism for one week by the
researchers in June 2016. As a result of this study, it is identified that the
criteria which have the highest impact on the hospital preferences are the
“waiting time for the examination”, “taking accurate information from the front
desk”, “the politeness level of the doctors” and “finding the doctors
- Aertsen, W., Kınt, V., Orshoven, J.V. & Muys, B. 2011. Evaluation of modelling techniques for forest site productivity prediction in contrasting ecoregions using stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis (SMAA), Environmental Modelling & Software, 26(7), 929-937.Ağdaş, M., Bali, Ö. :& Ballı, H. 2014. Afet lojistiği kapsamında dağıtım merkezi için yer seçimi: SMAA-2 tekniği ile bir uygulama, Beykoz Akademi Dergisi, 2(1), 85-95.Al-Bashir, M.M. and Armstrong, D. 1991. Preferences of healthy and ill patients for style of general practitioner care: implications for workload and financial incentives under the new contract, British Journal of General Practice, 41, 6-8.Allen, S.S., Froberg, D., McCarthy, P., Myers, S. & Hunningshake, D.B. 1991. Preferences and opinions of consumers vs dietitians on cholestorol education materials, Journal of the American Dietitic Association, 91, 604-606.Anderson, L.A. & Zimmermann, M.A. 1993. “Patient and physician perceptions of their relationship and patient satisfaction: a study of chronic disease management”, Patient Education Counsil, 20, 27–36.Bartholomew, L. & Schneiderman, L.J. 1982. Attitudes of patients towards family care in a family practice group, Journal of Family Practice, 15, 477-481.Bendtsen, P. and Bjurulf, P. 1993. Perceived needs and patient satisfaction in relation to care provided in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis, Quality Assurance in Health Care,5, 243-253.Boscarino, J. & Stelber, S.R. 1982. Hospital shopping and consumer choice, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 2(2), 15–23.Bostan, S.A., Acuner, T. & Yilmaz, G. 2007. “Patient (customer) expectations in hospitals”, Health Policy, 8, 62–70.Bowling, A., Rowe, G., Lambert, N., Waddington, M., Mahtani, K.R., Kenten, C., Howe, A. & Francis, S.A. 2012. The measurement of patients' expectations for health care: a review and psychometric testing of a measure of patients' expectations, Health Technology Assessment, 16(30), 1-509.Buckley, L.M., Vacek, P. & Cooper, S.M. 1990. Educational and psychological needs of patients with chronic disease. A survey of preferences of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Arthritis Care and Research, 3, 5-10.Chen M.C., Chang, K.C., Hsu, C.L. & Yang, I.C. 2011. Understanding the relationship between service convenience and customer satisfaction in home delivery by Kano model, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 23(3), 386-410.Cheng, S.H. & Song, H.Y. 2004. Physician performance information and consumer choice: a survey of subjects with the freedom to choose between doctors, Quality and Safety in Health Care, 13(2), 98-101.Craig, T.J., Perlin, J.B. & Fleming, B.B. 2007. Self-reported performance improvement strategies of highly successful veterans’ health administration facilities, American Journal of Medical Quality, 22, 438–444.Cymbalist, Y. and Wolf, A. 1988. Patient attitudes to general practice services: a rural experience, Australian Family Physician, 9, pp. 789-794.DeVellis, R.F. 2006. Classical test theory, Medical Care, 44(11), S50-S59.Dijs-Elsinga, J., Otten, W., Versluijs, M.M., Smeets, H.J., Kievit, J., Vree, R., Van de Made, W.J. & Marang-van de Mheen, P.J. 2010. Choosing a hospital for surgery: the importance of information on quality of care, Medical Decision Making, doi:10.1177/0272989X09357474.Donabedian, A. 1992. Quality assurance in health care: consumers' role, Quality in Health Care, 1, 247-251.Drury, M.S., Greenfield, S., Stilwell, B. & Hull, F.M. 1988. A nurse practitioner in general practice: patient perceptions and expectations, Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 38(316), 503–505.Elstad, J.I. 1994. Women's priorities regarding physician behavior and their preference for a female physician, Women and Health, 21, 1-19.Ende, J., Kazis, L., Arlene, A. & Moscowitz, M.A. 1989. Measuring patients' desire for autonomy: decision making and information-seeking preferences among medical patients, Journal of General Internal Medicine, 4, 23-30.Entwistle, V.A., Williams, B., Skea, Z., MacLennan, G. & Bhattacharya, S. 2006. Which surgical decisions should patients participate in and how? Reflections on women’s recollections of discussions about variants of hysterectomy, Social Science & Medicine, 62, 499-509.Fennema, K., Meyer. D.L. & Owen, N. 1990. Sex of physician: patients' preferences and stereotypes, Journal of Family Practice, 30, 441-446.Fishman, G. and Wenkart, T.R. 1987. How to satisfy patients and compete with the entrepreneurs, Australian Family Physician, 16, 1537-1538.Fletcher, R.H., O'Malley, M.S., Earp, J.A., Littleton, T.A., Fletcher, S.W., Greganti, M.A., Davidson & R.A., Taylor, J. 1983. Patients' priorities of medical care, Medical Care, 11, 234-242.Fung, D., Cohen, M.M., Stewart, S. & Davies, A. 2005. What determines patient satisfaction with cataract care under topical local anesthesia and monitored sedation in a community hospital setting?, Anesthesia & Analgesia, 100(6), 1644-1650.Gandhi, I.G., Parle, J.V., Greenfield, S.M. & Gould, S. 1997. A qualitative investigation into why patients change their GPS”, Family Practice, 14(1), 49–57.Greene, J.Y., Weinberger, M. & Mamlin, J.J. 1980. Patient attitudes toward health care: expectations of primary care in a clinic setting, Social Science and Medicine, 14A, 133-138.Grönroos, C. 1990. Service management and marketing: managing the moments of truth in service competition, Jossey-Bass.Goldstein, E. & Fyock, J. 2001. Reporting of cahps (r) quality information to medicare beneficiaries, Health Services Research, 36, 477–488.Groen, B., Willemse, N. & Rijkschroef, R. 1991. Opzoek naar kwaliteitscriteria van de eerstelijnsgezondheidszorg vanuit patieèntenperspektief (searching for quality criteria for primary care from patients perspective), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Groot, I.B., Otten de, W., Dijs-Elsinga, J., Smeets, H.J., Kievit, J. & Marang-van de Mheen, P.J. 2012. Choosing between hospitals: The influence of the experiences of other patients, Medical Decision Making, 764-778.Hagman, E. & Rehnstroe, M.T. 1985. Priorities in primary health care, Scandinavian Journal of Primary Care, 3, 197-200.Hares, T., Spencer, J., Gallagher, M., Bradshaw, C. & Webb, I. 1992. Diabetes care: who are the experts?, Quality in Health Care, 1, 219-224.Harris, K.M. 2003. How do patients choose physicians? Evidence from a national survey of enrollees in employment‐related health plans, Health services research, 38(2), 711-732.Health Link 2004. Taking the soundings. A patient and public involvement in the London, Patient Choice Project. London, Health Link. www.health-link.org.uk.Henman, M.J., Butow, P.N., Boyle, F. & Tattersall, M.H.N. 2002. Lay constructions of decision making in cancer, PsychoOncology, 11(4), 295-306.Hokkanen, J., Lahdelma, R. & Salminen, P. 2000, Multicriteria decision support in a technology competition for cleaning polluted soil in Helsinki, Journal of Environmental Management, 60(4), 339-348.Hopton, J.L. & Dlugolecka, M. 1995. Patients' perceptions of need for primary health care services: useful for priority setting?, British Medical Journal, 3(10), 1237-1240.Javalgi, R.G., Rao, S.R. & Thomas, E.G. 1991. Choosing a hospital: analysis of consumer tradeoffs, Marketing Health Services, 11(1), 12-22.Kangas J, Store R. & Kangas A. 2005. Socioecological landscape planning approach and multicriteria acceptability analysis in multiple-purpose forest management, Forest Policiy and Economics, 7(4), 603-614.Kangas, A., Kangas, J., Lahdelma, R. & Salminen, P. 2006. Using SMAA-2 method with dependent uncertainities for strategic forest planning, Forest Policy and Economics, 9(2), 113-125.Kano, N., Seraku, K., Takahashi, F. & Tsuji, S. 1984. Attractive quality and must-be quality. The Journal of the Japanese Society for Quality Control, 14(2), 39–48.Ketelaari, N.A., Faber, M.J., Westert, G.P., Elwyn, G. & Braspenning, J.C. 2014. Exploring consumer values of comparative performance information for hospital choice, Quality in primary care, 22(2), 81-89.Kravitz, R.L. & Melnikow. J. 2001. Engaging patients in medical decision making: the end is worthwhile, but the means need to be more practical, BMJ: British Medical Journal, 323(7313), 584.Lahdelma, R. & Salminen, P. 2001. SMAA-2: stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis for group decision making, Operations Research, 49(3), 444-454.Lahdelma, R., Salminen, P. & Hokkanen, J. 2002. Locating a waste treatment facility by using stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis with ordinal criteria, European Journal of Operational Research, 142(2), 345-356.Lahdelma, R., Miettinen, K. & Salminen, P. 2005. Reference point approach for multiple decision makers, European Journal of Operational Research, 164(3), 785-791.Lahdelma, R. & Salminen, P. 2009. Prospect theory and stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis (SMAA), Omega, 37(5), 961-971.Lane, P.M. & Lindquist, J.D. 1988. Hospital choice: a summary of the key empirical and hypothetical findings of the 1980s, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 8, 5-20.Lang, S., Wainwright, C. & Sehdev, K. 2004. PCT commissioning under patient choice: implications for Bedford hospital, Health Management Research Group, Cranfield University. Bedfordshire, Cranfield University.Lauterbach, K.W. & Luengen, M. 2003. Abschätzung der zukünftigen auslastung, bettenkapazität und standortvorhaltung im akutstationären bereich, Gesundheitsund Sozialpolitik, 12, 52-63.Lee, K.S., Chun, K.H. & Lee, J.S. 2008. Reforming the hospital service structure to improve efficiency: urban hospital specialization, Health policy, 87(1), 41-49.Leisteri J. & Stausberg, J. 2007. Why do patients select a hospital?, Journal of Hospital Marketing & Public Relations, 17(2), 13-31.Lilien, G.L. & Rangaswamy, A 2003. 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Year 2018,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 161 - 183, 30.12.2018
Gülin Can
Feride Bahar Işın
- Aertsen, W., Kınt, V., Orshoven, J.V. & Muys, B. 2011. Evaluation of modelling techniques for forest site productivity prediction in contrasting ecoregions using stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis (SMAA), Environmental Modelling & Software, 26(7), 929-937.Ağdaş, M., Bali, Ö. :& Ballı, H. 2014. Afet lojistiği kapsamında dağıtım merkezi için yer seçimi: SMAA-2 tekniği ile bir uygulama, Beykoz Akademi Dergisi, 2(1), 85-95.Al-Bashir, M.M. and Armstrong, D. 1991. Preferences of healthy and ill patients for style of general practitioner care: implications for workload and financial incentives under the new contract, British Journal of General Practice, 41, 6-8.Allen, S.S., Froberg, D., McCarthy, P., Myers, S. & Hunningshake, D.B. 1991. Preferences and opinions of consumers vs dietitians on cholestorol education materials, Journal of the American Dietitic Association, 91, 604-606.Anderson, L.A. & Zimmermann, M.A. 1993. “Patient and physician perceptions of their relationship and patient satisfaction: a study of chronic disease management”, Patient Education Counsil, 20, 27–36.Bartholomew, L. & Schneiderman, L.J. 1982. Attitudes of patients towards family care in a family practice group, Journal of Family Practice, 15, 477-481.Bendtsen, P. and Bjurulf, P. 1993. Perceived needs and patient satisfaction in relation to care provided in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis, Quality Assurance in Health Care,5, 243-253.Boscarino, J. & Stelber, S.R. 1982. Hospital shopping and consumer choice, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 2(2), 15–23.Bostan, S.A., Acuner, T. & Yilmaz, G. 2007. “Patient (customer) expectations in hospitals”, Health Policy, 8, 62–70.Bowling, A., Rowe, G., Lambert, N., Waddington, M., Mahtani, K.R., Kenten, C., Howe, A. & Francis, S.A. 2012. The measurement of patients' expectations for health care: a review and psychometric testing of a measure of patients' expectations, Health Technology Assessment, 16(30), 1-509.Buckley, L.M., Vacek, P. & Cooper, S.M. 1990. Educational and psychological needs of patients with chronic disease. A survey of preferences of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Arthritis Care and Research, 3, 5-10.Chen M.C., Chang, K.C., Hsu, C.L. & Yang, I.C. 2011. Understanding the relationship between service convenience and customer satisfaction in home delivery by Kano model, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 23(3), 386-410.Cheng, S.H. & Song, H.Y. 2004. Physician performance information and consumer choice: a survey of subjects with the freedom to choose between doctors, Quality and Safety in Health Care, 13(2), 98-101.Craig, T.J., Perlin, J.B. & Fleming, B.B. 2007. Self-reported performance improvement strategies of highly successful veterans’ health administration facilities, American Journal of Medical Quality, 22, 438–444.Cymbalist, Y. and Wolf, A. 1988. Patient attitudes to general practice services: a rural experience, Australian Family Physician, 9, pp. 789-794.DeVellis, R.F. 2006. Classical test theory, Medical Care, 44(11), S50-S59.Dijs-Elsinga, J., Otten, W., Versluijs, M.M., Smeets, H.J., Kievit, J., Vree, R., Van de Made, W.J. & Marang-van de Mheen, P.J. 2010. Choosing a hospital for surgery: the importance of information on quality of care, Medical Decision Making, doi:10.1177/0272989X09357474.Donabedian, A. 1992. Quality assurance in health care: consumers' role, Quality in Health Care, 1, 247-251.Drury, M.S., Greenfield, S., Stilwell, B. & Hull, F.M. 1988. A nurse practitioner in general practice: patient perceptions and expectations, Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 38(316), 503–505.Elstad, J.I. 1994. Women's priorities regarding physician behavior and their preference for a female physician, Women and Health, 21, 1-19.Ende, J., Kazis, L., Arlene, A. & Moscowitz, M.A. 1989. Measuring patients' desire for autonomy: decision making and information-seeking preferences among medical patients, Journal of General Internal Medicine, 4, 23-30.Entwistle, V.A., Williams, B., Skea, Z., MacLennan, G. & Bhattacharya, S. 2006. Which surgical decisions should patients participate in and how? Reflections on women’s recollections of discussions about variants of hysterectomy, Social Science & Medicine, 62, 499-509.Fennema, K., Meyer. D.L. & Owen, N. 1990. Sex of physician: patients' preferences and stereotypes, Journal of Family Practice, 30, 441-446.Fishman, G. and Wenkart, T.R. 1987. How to satisfy patients and compete with the entrepreneurs, Australian Family Physician, 16, 1537-1538.Fletcher, R.H., O'Malley, M.S., Earp, J.A., Littleton, T.A., Fletcher, S.W., Greganti, M.A., Davidson & R.A., Taylor, J. 1983. Patients' priorities of medical care, Medical Care, 11, 234-242.Fung, D., Cohen, M.M., Stewart, S. & Davies, A. 2005. What determines patient satisfaction with cataract care under topical local anesthesia and monitored sedation in a community hospital setting?, Anesthesia & Analgesia, 100(6), 1644-1650.Gandhi, I.G., Parle, J.V., Greenfield, S.M. & Gould, S. 1997. A qualitative investigation into why patients change their GPS”, Family Practice, 14(1), 49–57.Greene, J.Y., Weinberger, M. & Mamlin, J.J. 1980. Patient attitudes toward health care: expectations of primary care in a clinic setting, Social Science and Medicine, 14A, 133-138.Grönroos, C. 1990. Service management and marketing: managing the moments of truth in service competition, Jossey-Bass.Goldstein, E. & Fyock, J. 2001. Reporting of cahps (r) quality information to medicare beneficiaries, Health Services Research, 36, 477–488.Groen, B., Willemse, N. & Rijkschroef, R. 1991. Opzoek naar kwaliteitscriteria van de eerstelijnsgezondheidszorg vanuit patieèntenperspektief (searching for quality criteria for primary care from patients perspective), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Groot, I.B., Otten de, W., Dijs-Elsinga, J., Smeets, H.J., Kievit, J. & Marang-van de Mheen, P.J. 2012. Choosing between hospitals: The influence of the experiences of other patients, Medical Decision Making, 764-778.Hagman, E. & Rehnstroe, M.T. 1985. Priorities in primary health care, Scandinavian Journal of Primary Care, 3, 197-200.Hares, T., Spencer, J., Gallagher, M., Bradshaw, C. & Webb, I. 1992. Diabetes care: who are the experts?, Quality in Health Care, 1, 219-224.Harris, K.M. 2003. How do patients choose physicians? Evidence from a national survey of enrollees in employment‐related health plans, Health services research, 38(2), 711-732.Health Link 2004. Taking the soundings. A patient and public involvement in the London, Patient Choice Project. London, Health Link. www.health-link.org.uk.Henman, M.J., Butow, P.N., Boyle, F. & Tattersall, M.H.N. 2002. Lay constructions of decision making in cancer, PsychoOncology, 11(4), 295-306.Hokkanen, J., Lahdelma, R. & Salminen, P. 2000, Multicriteria decision support in a technology competition for cleaning polluted soil in Helsinki, Journal of Environmental Management, 60(4), 339-348.Hopton, J.L. & Dlugolecka, M. 1995. Patients' perceptions of need for primary health care services: useful for priority setting?, British Medical Journal, 3(10), 1237-1240.Javalgi, R.G., Rao, S.R. & Thomas, E.G. 1991. Choosing a hospital: analysis of consumer tradeoffs, Marketing Health Services, 11(1), 12-22.Kangas J, Store R. & Kangas A. 2005. Socioecological landscape planning approach and multicriteria acceptability analysis in multiple-purpose forest management, Forest Policiy and Economics, 7(4), 603-614.Kangas, A., Kangas, J., Lahdelma, R. & Salminen, P. 2006. Using SMAA-2 method with dependent uncertainities for strategic forest planning, Forest Policy and Economics, 9(2), 113-125.Kano, N., Seraku, K., Takahashi, F. & Tsuji, S. 1984. Attractive quality and must-be quality. The Journal of the Japanese Society for Quality Control, 14(2), 39–48.Ketelaari, N.A., Faber, M.J., Westert, G.P., Elwyn, G. & Braspenning, J.C. 2014. Exploring consumer values of comparative performance information for hospital choice, Quality in primary care, 22(2), 81-89.Kravitz, R.L. & Melnikow. J. 2001. Engaging patients in medical decision making: the end is worthwhile, but the means need to be more practical, BMJ: British Medical Journal, 323(7313), 584.Lahdelma, R. & Salminen, P. 2001. SMAA-2: stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis for group decision making, Operations Research, 49(3), 444-454.Lahdelma, R., Salminen, P. & Hokkanen, J. 2002. Locating a waste treatment facility by using stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis with ordinal criteria, European Journal of Operational Research, 142(2), 345-356.Lahdelma, R., Miettinen, K. & Salminen, P. 2005. Reference point approach for multiple decision makers, European Journal of Operational Research, 164(3), 785-791.Lahdelma, R. & Salminen, P. 2009. 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