One of the most important points of dispute in Kalam to be seen is what the ‘‘kalam’’ is, or the nature of divine nature of ‘kalam’. This problem is still under debate in terms of both linguistic and theological aspects of the issue. In this framework Mu’tazilite aims to create a sound foundation, primariliy in the phenomenological context. In this sense Abu Hashim al-Cubbai is questioning the aspects of ‘‘kalam’’ in its relation with sound and letter. Because the degree of this relation has a decisive effect on the conceptual framework and the meaning of ‘‘kalam’’s that relation will be examined
Fadlu’l-İ’tizal ve Tabakatu’l-Mu’tezile, Ebu’l-Kasım Abdullah b. Ahmed el-Belhi’nin Zikru’l-Mu’tezile ve Ebu Sa’d b. Kerrame el-Cüşemi’nin Şerhu’l-Uyun’u ile birlikte, Bidarü’l-Kütübi’l-Mısriyye, Tunus, 1974. - Aksan, Doğan, Her Yönüyle Dil, TDK (Türk Dil Kurumu) Yay., I-III, 5. Baskı, Ankara, 2009. - Bakıllani, Ebu Bekr Muhammed b. Et-Tayyib, el-İnsaf, tah. İmadüddin Ahmed
Haydar, Alemü’l-Kütüb, 1. Baskı, Beyrut, 1986. - Eker, Süer, Çağdaş Türk Dili, Grafiker Yay., 7. Baskı, Ankara, 2011. - İbn Cinni, Ebu’l-Feth Osman, el-Hasais, tah. Muhammed Ali en-Neşşar, el
Mektebetü’l-İlmiyye, Mısır, tsz. - İbn Manzur, Ebu’l-Fadl Cemaluddin Muhammed b. Mükrim, Lisanu’l-Arab, Daru Sadr, Beyrut, tsz. - Peters, Jan, Gods Created Speech: A Study In The Speculative Teology Of The Mu’tazili Qadi’l-QudatAbdu’l-Hasan Abd al-Cabbar bn Ahmad al-Hamadani, Leiden: Brill, Netherlands, 1976. - Tehanevi, Muhammed Ali, Mevsuatü Keşşafî Istılahati’l-Fünun ve’l-Ulum,
Mektebetü Lübnan, Beyrut, 1996. - Toklu, Mehmet Osman, Dilbilime Giriş, Akçağ Yay., 2. Baskı, Ankara, 2007. - Vardar, Berke, Açıklamalı Dilbilim Terimleri Sözlüğü, Multılıngual Yabancı Dil
Yay., Baskı, İstanbul, 2007. - Yavuz, Yusuf Şevki, ‘‘Hareket’’, TDV (Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı) Yay., İslam
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İbn Cinni, Ebu’l-Feth Osman, el-Hasais, tah. Muhammed Ali en-Neşşar, el- Mektebetü’l-İlmiyye, Mısır, tsz., c. II, s. 131.
Ebu Haşim el-Cübbai'nin Kelam Kavramına Fonetik Eksenli Yaklaşımı
One of the most important points of dispute in Kalam to be seen is what the ??kalam?? is, or the nature of divine nature of ?kalam?. This problem is still under debate in terms of both linguistic and theological aspects of the issue. In this framework Mu?tazilite aims to create a sound foundation, primariliy in the phenomenological context. In this sense Abu Hashim al-Cubbai is questioning the aspects of ??kalam?? in its relation with sound and letter. Because the degree of this relation has a decisive effect on the conceptual framework and the meaning of ??kalam??s that relation will be examined.