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Year 2014, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 33 - 54, 21.08.2014


As it is known Islam gets its religious content from prophecy (nubuwwah), which is also entitled as messengership (risâla) and revelation (wahy). Through these, the holy Qur’an corrected some misinterpreted and degenerated forms of past holy books on the one hand, and reviewed some creeds of pagan culture on the other and eventually called them false. The disapproval of past books in many aspects gave rise to their members to stand to criticize the Qur’an. So historically we have many criticisms by Christians and Jews. Apart from these heavenly traditions, Barahima, Dualist and materialist ones disparaged the holy Qur’an, considering its content. Our paper profoundly brings forth Imam Mâtürîdî’s criticism against these second groups. Because the great Imam defended the reasonability and plausibility of nubuwwah and consequently the content of the holy Qur’an against these groups


  • Ali b. Raban et-Taberî, ed-Dîn ve’d-Devle fî İsbâti Nubuvvet-i Muhammed, (thk.Adil Nuveyhid), Beyrut 1973.
  • Bahriye Üçok, İslam’dan Dönenler ve Yalancı Peygamberler, A.Ü.İ.F.Yay. 1967.
  • Bakıllanî, Kitâbu Temhîdi’l-Evâil ve Telhîsi’d-Delâil, (thk. İmâduddîn Ahmed Haydar), Beyrut 1987.
  • Beyhakî, Delâilu’n-Nubuvve, (thk.Abdu’l-Mu’dî Kal’acî), Beyrut 1998, I/s.10
  • Cahız, Resâil, (thk.Muhammed Taha el-Haciri), Beyrut 1982.
  • Cüveynî, Akîdet-u Tahaviyye, (thk. Muhammed Zahid el-Kevserî), Mısır 1992.
  • Farabî, Kitâbu Ârâ-i Ehli’l-Medîneti’l-Fâdıla, Mısır 1906.
  • Frank Griffel, al-Ghazali’s Concepf of Prophecy: The Introduction of Avicennan Psychology into Asharite Theology, Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, vol.14 (2004).
  • Hayyât, el-İntisâr ve’r-Redd ala İbn er-Ravendî el-Mulhid, (thk. M. Hicaz), Kahire tz.
  • Ebû Bekr er-Razî, Â’lâmu’n-Nubuvve –er-Redd Âlâ el-Mulhid Ebû Zekeriyya er-Razî-, Daru’s-Saki, London 2003.
  • Ebû’l-Huseyn el-Husnî ez-Zeydî, İsbâtu Nubuvveti’n-Nebî, (thk. Halîl Ahmed İbn İbrâhîm el-Hâcc), Mektebetu’l-İlmiyye, tz.
  • İbn Furek, Makâlâtu’ş-Şeyh Ebu’l-Hasan el-Eş’ârî, (thk. A. Abdurrahîm es- Sâyic), Kahire 2005.
  • İbn Sina, Risâle fî İsbâti’n-Nubuvvât, (tahk. Michael Marmura), Beyrut 1968.
  • İbn Sina, eş-Şifâ –İlâhiyyât-, (thk.M. Yusuf Musa, Suleyman Dunya, Said Zayid), Kahire 1960.
  • Kâdî Abdulcebbâr, Şerhu’l-Usuli’l-Hamse, (thk.Abdulkerîm Osman), Kahire 1996.
  • Kâdî Abdulcebbar, Tesbîtu Delâili’n-Nubuvve, (thk.Ahmed Abdurrahîm es- Sâyic, Tevfîk Ali Vahbe), Kahire 2008.
  • Matûrîdî, Kitâbu’t-Tevhîd, (thk.Bekir Topaloğlu, Muhammed Arûçi), Dâru Sâdir, Mektebetu İrşâd, tz.
  • Maturidî, Te’vîlâtu’l-Kur’ân, (thk.Bekir Topalığlu, Ahmed Vanlıoğlu), İstanbul 2005.
  • Maverdî, Â’lâmu’n-Nubuvve, (thk.Muhammed Mu’tasım Billah el-Bağdadi), Daru’l-Kitab el-Arabi, Beyrut 1987.
  • Orhan Ş. Koloğlu, Kelam ve Mezhepler Tarihi Literatüründe Berahime, Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, cilt.13, sayı.1, 2004, ss.159-193.
  • Şerif el-Murteza, Resailu Şerif Murteza, (haz. Seyyid Mehdi er-Recai), Kum, 1405.

İmâm Maturidî?nin Deist Eleştirilere Karşı Nübüvvet Savunusu

Year 2014, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 33 - 54, 21.08.2014


As it is known Islam gets its religious content from prophecy  (nubuwwah), which is also entitled as messengership (risâla) and revelation (wahy). Through these, the holy Qur?an corrected some misinterpreted and degenerated forms of past holy books on the one hand, and reviewed some creeds of pagan culture on the other and eventually called them false. The disapproval of past books in many aspects gave rise to their members to stand to criticize the Qur?an. So historically we have many criticisms by Christians and Jews. Apart from these heavenly traditions, Barahima, Dualist and materialist  ones disparaged the holy Qur?an, considering its content. Our paper profoundly brings forth Imam Mâtürîdî?s criticism against these second groups. Because the great Imam defended the reasonability and plausibility of nubuwwah and consequently the content of the holy Qur?an against these groups.


  • Ali b. Raban et-Taberî, ed-Dîn ve’d-Devle fî İsbâti Nubuvvet-i Muhammed, (thk.Adil Nuveyhid), Beyrut 1973.
  • Bahriye Üçok, İslam’dan Dönenler ve Yalancı Peygamberler, A.Ü.İ.F.Yay. 1967.
  • Bakıllanî, Kitâbu Temhîdi’l-Evâil ve Telhîsi’d-Delâil, (thk. İmâduddîn Ahmed Haydar), Beyrut 1987.
  • Beyhakî, Delâilu’n-Nubuvve, (thk.Abdu’l-Mu’dî Kal’acî), Beyrut 1998, I/s.10
  • Cahız, Resâil, (thk.Muhammed Taha el-Haciri), Beyrut 1982.
  • Cüveynî, Akîdet-u Tahaviyye, (thk. Muhammed Zahid el-Kevserî), Mısır 1992.
  • Farabî, Kitâbu Ârâ-i Ehli’l-Medîneti’l-Fâdıla, Mısır 1906.
  • Frank Griffel, al-Ghazali’s Concepf of Prophecy: The Introduction of Avicennan Psychology into Asharite Theology, Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, vol.14 (2004).
  • Hayyât, el-İntisâr ve’r-Redd ala İbn er-Ravendî el-Mulhid, (thk. M. Hicaz), Kahire tz.
  • Ebû Bekr er-Razî, Â’lâmu’n-Nubuvve –er-Redd Âlâ el-Mulhid Ebû Zekeriyya er-Razî-, Daru’s-Saki, London 2003.
  • Ebû’l-Huseyn el-Husnî ez-Zeydî, İsbâtu Nubuvveti’n-Nebî, (thk. Halîl Ahmed İbn İbrâhîm el-Hâcc), Mektebetu’l-İlmiyye, tz.
  • İbn Furek, Makâlâtu’ş-Şeyh Ebu’l-Hasan el-Eş’ârî, (thk. A. Abdurrahîm es- Sâyic), Kahire 2005.
  • İbn Sina, Risâle fî İsbâti’n-Nubuvvât, (tahk. Michael Marmura), Beyrut 1968.
  • İbn Sina, eş-Şifâ –İlâhiyyât-, (thk.M. Yusuf Musa, Suleyman Dunya, Said Zayid), Kahire 1960.
  • Kâdî Abdulcebbâr, Şerhu’l-Usuli’l-Hamse, (thk.Abdulkerîm Osman), Kahire 1996.
  • Kâdî Abdulcebbar, Tesbîtu Delâili’n-Nubuvve, (thk.Ahmed Abdurrahîm es- Sâyic, Tevfîk Ali Vahbe), Kahire 2008.
  • Matûrîdî, Kitâbu’t-Tevhîd, (thk.Bekir Topaloğlu, Muhammed Arûçi), Dâru Sâdir, Mektebetu İrşâd, tz.
  • Maturidî, Te’vîlâtu’l-Kur’ân, (thk.Bekir Topalığlu, Ahmed Vanlıoğlu), İstanbul 2005.
  • Maverdî, Â’lâmu’n-Nubuvve, (thk.Muhammed Mu’tasım Billah el-Bağdadi), Daru’l-Kitab el-Arabi, Beyrut 1987.
  • Orhan Ş. Koloğlu, Kelam ve Mezhepler Tarihi Literatüründe Berahime, Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, cilt.13, sayı.1, 2004, ss.159-193.
  • Şerif el-Murteza, Resailu Şerif Murteza, (haz. Seyyid Mehdi er-Recai), Kum, 1405.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section MAKALELER

Aslan İbrahim

Publication Date August 21, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 12 Issue: 2


ISNAD İbrahim, Aslan. “İmâm Maturidî?Nin Deist Eleştirilere Karşı Nübüvvet Savunusu”. KADER Kelam Araştırmaları Dergisi 12/2 (August 2014), 33-54.