Aim & Scope

ASBÜ International Journal of Family Studies (KAİDE) is a peer-reviewed international journal that is electronically published by the Graduate School of Social Sciences, Social Sciences University of Ankara, twice a year (June and December). If deemed necessary, a special issue or a gift issue may be published.
In the KAİDE Journal, original articles in the fields of philosophy of family, family law, psychology of family, sociology of family, theology, children and youth literature will be published. The publication language is Turkish, English, and Arabic. KAİDE aims to publish studies in types of original academic articles, articles translations, book reviews and critiques.
KAİDE Journal accepts studies that have not been published before or that are not in the peer review process.
The scientific and legal liabilities of the articles published by the KAİDE Journal belong to the authors of the articles. The rights of all published articles belong to KAİDE and cannot be partially or completely printed, reproduced, or transferred to electronic media without the publisher's permission.

KAIDE Journal is an academic, international, peer-reviewed, electronic, and free-of-charge journal that is published twice a year, as in Summer (June) and Winter (December), by the Graduate School of Social Sciences, Social Sciences University of Ankara.
The scope of the journal generally consists of the fields below:
 Philosophy of Family
 Family Law/Islamic Family Law
 Psychology of Family
 Sociology of Family
 Theology
 Children and Youth Literature

Period Months
June December
Last Update Time: 7/1/24, 1:39:21 PM