Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

3. Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
KAİDE is an international, electronic, peer-reviewed journal in which original scientific articles, translations of articles, book reviews and critiques in the fields of philosophy of family, family law, psychology of family, sociology of family, theology, children and youth literature are published in accordance with the ethical principles stated below. Articles submitted to KAİDE are published electronically with free access after the process of blind review. The following ethical principles and rules have been prepared in accordance with the Directive on Scientific Research and Publication Ethics of Higher Education Institutions and the Publication Ethics Committee Directive of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Ethical Responsibilities of the Authors:
• The subjects of the articles that will be submitted to the KAİDE Journal should be within the specified fields.
• Manuscripts that will be submitted to the journal should be original and must not be published elsewhere before or must not be in the peer review process of another journal for publication.
• All the sources benefited while writing the manuscript should be listed in the references concordantly; copyright laws and treaties must be observed and copyrighted materials must be used with the necessary permissions.
• In the Copyright Agreement Form, for articles with two or more authors, the order of names given by joint decision of all the authors and the acceptance of the transfer of the copyrights of the articles that are decided to publish to the journal should be formally stated.
• Authors should immediately inform the board of editors if they later detect a mistake in their articles; and should conduct the process of correction or withdrawal in cooperation. All responsibilities of the published articles belong to the authors. None of the views and opinions in the article can be attributed to the journal, editors, or reviewers.
• All the accepted manuscripts will be controlled via iThenticate the plagiarism detection program. After the control of plagiarism, the resulting matches are examined, and the similarity report of the manuscript is formed. In line with the report, authors may be asked to make corrections to certain parts of their work, or the work may be removed from the publication process.
• Manuscripts are subjected to a double-blind review process by the editor or one of the associate editors and at least two reviewers. Plagiarism, forgery, distortion, duplication, slicing and dicing, unfair authorship, copyright infringement, and concealment of conflict of interest are considered unethical behaviors.
Ethical Responsibilities of the Reviewers:
• Double-blind peer review is conducted for submitted manuscripts. In this way, the credentials of the reviewers and authors are kept confidential to ensure an unbiased, objective, and independent peer review process.
• Manuscripts are submitted to the reviewers through the Dergipark to be peer-reviewed.
• Reviewers must be reviewers of the studies that are in the field of their specialties.
• Reviewers should provide their opinions on the manuscript and their reasoned decision on whether the manuscript is publishable or not in written format, and should not mention their names in order not to damage the double-blind review process.
• Reviewers are responsible for scientifically reviewing the manuscripts in an unbiased and objective manner.
• The reviewers are expected to complete their peer reviews within the allotted time and to act in accordance with the ethical principles of the journal.
Ethical Responsibilities of the Editors:
• The editors objectively evaluate the manuscripts submitted to the journal in accordance with scientific and ethical principles and organize a fair double-blind peer review process.
• They ensure that all information and data regarding the manuscripts submitted to the journal are kept confidential until the end of the publication process.
• They are responsible for the quality of all the content and publications in the journal. They may publish an error page or make corrections when necessary.
• The editors do not allow for any conflict of interest between authors and reviewers. They have full authority to appoint reviewers and are responsible for making the final decision on manuscripts to be published in the journal.

Last Update Time: 7/1/24, 1:39:21 PM