Writing Rules

2. Instructions for Authors
a) Basic Rules

1- The publication language of KAİDE is Turkish, English, and Arabic. If editors or the Editorial Board approve, manuscripts written in other languages may be published too.
2- Submitted manuscripts should be in accordance with grammar rules. The current Spelling Guide of the Turkish Language Association (TDK) should be based on for Turkish manuscripts, and the grammar rules of that language should be based on for manuscripts in foreign languages.
3- At the beginning of manuscripts, under the Turkish and English abstracts, 3-6 keywords should be placed. Abstracts should consist of at least 150 words and must not exceed 300 words. The main text, conclusion, and references sections must be included.
4- Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be scanned by the author in the iThenticate program, and the similarity report should be uploaded to the system with the submitted manuscript without any filtering. In the multidisciplinary nature of the KAİDE, the similarity rate should not exceed 20%, excluding references. Evaluation of the reports will be dealt with by the Board of Editors.
5- If the article was derived from a thesis, conference presentation, or other scientific study, it should be indicated by writing a footnote to the title of the article and the details of the derived study (if the article was derived from a thesis, the title of the thesis and the names of the institute, the department, and the supervisor; if the article was presented at a conference or symposium yet was not published, the title of the article, the date of presentation, and the name of the congress/symposium) must be included.
6- If the study was supported by a research institution/foundation (BAP [scientific research projects], TÜBİTAK, Ministry of Development, etc.), the institution/foundation in question and the name of the project, and if exists, the date and number must be indicated with a footnote.
7- In the book reviews and critiques, the reference of the book (publication date, number of edition, publication place) should be included.
8- Members who submitted/will submit a manuscript to the journal must add their ORCID Number to their user credentials.
9- By submitting their studies to KAİDE for publication, the authors transfer their copyrights to KAİDE Journal being contained within Ankara Social Sciences University. For this purpose, the "Copyright Transfer Form" on the main page of the journal must be filled out with wet-ink signature and uploaded to the system. The copyright of the published studies belongs to the journal and cannot be transferred without reference.
10- The copyright of the images that authors placed in their studies belongs to the authors. Copyright and responsibility for the images used belong to the author.
11- The scientific, content, language, and legal responsibility of the studies published in KAİDE belong to the author(s).

b) Text Formatting

Paper Size A4 Portrait
Top Margin 2,5 cm
Bottom Margin 2,5 cm
Left Margin 2,5 cm
Right Margin 2,5 cm
Font Times New Roman
Font Style Normal
Font Size (normal text) 12
Font Size (footnote) 10
Table-graph 10
Indent (The first line) 1 cm
Paragraph Spacing Before: 6 pt, after: 0 pt (In tables and graphs, before and after: 0 pt)
Line Spacing (1,5)
References Hanging and before text: 0,63 cm, Alignment: Justify, Spacing before: 6 pt, after: 0 pt, line spacing: 1,5 cm.

1- The manuscript must be written with Microsoft Word and in A4 paper size.
2- The paper layout (margins) must be 2.5 cm from left and right and 2.5 cm from top and bottom.
3- All parts of the manuscript (author information, the title of the article, abstract, introduction, headings, conclusion, references) must be written in “Times New Roman” font and 12 font size. Studies must be submitted by adding page numbers to the right bottom corner of the page.
4- For manuscripts using a special font, the author should attach the special font file to the submission file.
5- The first heading should be written in the language of the manuscript and in 13 font size, the second heading/headings should be written in 12 font size, all capital letters, centered and bolded.
6- The main heading and sub-headings can be numbered up to the maximum of four levels as 1., 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4. if necessary.
7- Tables, pictures, and figures should not extend beyond the page and the text within them should be in 10 font size and single-spaced. Figures and tables should be numbered and named according to their content.
8- The reference format is APA 7 (American Psychological Association). In quotations and citations, authors must follow the rules and format that are indicated in American Psychological Association Publication Manuel which was published by American Psychological Association. For further information: http://www.apastyle.org/learn/tutorials/basics-tutorial.aspx
9- When using abbreviations, the rules in the Turkish Language Association Guide should be taken as basis.
10- Footnotes should be used only for explanations that must be written and are added by “References > Insert Footnote” command in MS Word. The citations in footnotes should be arranged as the surname of the author, the year of publication and the page number in parentheses. An example: (Yılmaz, 2017, p. 13). Publications mentioned in the footnote should be added to the references.
11- Quotations should be written in quotation marks; quotations less than five lines should be written between the lines, and quotations longer than five lines should be written 1.5 cm from the right and left of the line, in block form, with 1.5 line spacing and 1 font size smaller. Citations in the text should be written in parentheses as follows.
Quotations: Quotations made verbatim in the manuscripts should be given in quotation marks and the source should be indicated in parentheses at the end of the quotation according to APA7 rules.
c) Citation

Additional Information
1. Tables and Figures: Tables must have a number and a caption (title). In tables, vertical borders should not be used. Vertical borders should only be used for separating subheadings in the table. The table number must be written on the top of the table, left-aligned, in non-italics. The caption of the table should be written in italics and with the first letter of each word capitalized. Tables should be placed where they should be in the text. Figures should be prepared for black-and-white printing. Figure numbers and captions should be written centered just below the figure. The figure number should be in italics, ending with a period, and the figure caption should be written in non-italics with only the first letter capitalized.
2. Pictures: Pictures should be in high-resolution, scanned as print-quality, and should be sent as an attachment to the manuscript. The naming rules for figures and tables should be followed. Figures, tables, and pictures should not exceed a total of 10 pages (one-third of the manuscript).
3. Quotations and Citations: Quotations should be written in quotation marks; quotations of less than five lines should be written between the lines, and quotations longer than five lines should be written 1.5 cm from the right and left of the line, in block form, with 1.5 line spacing and 1 font size smaller. Citations in the text should be written in parentheses as follows.
(Yıldırım, 1987), (Yıldırım, 1973, p. 23).
For a study with two authors, the surnames of both authors should be included in each citation.
(Name and Surname, 2014), (Name and Surname, 2014, p.125)
When citing studies with three, four, and five authors, the surnames of all authors are given only in the first citation in the text. For other citations, "vd." should be added next to the first author's surname. In manuscripts written in English, the expression "et al." should be used instead of "vd." when citing publications with three, four, or five authors.
An Example
First citation (Uçak, Kurbanoğlu, Şencan and Doğan, 2011) Second citation and other citations (Uçak vd., 2011). The use of footnotes should be avoided as much as possible; they should be used only for explanations and automatic numbering should be used. To cite sources in footnotes, in-text citation methods should be used.
4. Quotations and Citations: Direct quotations should be written in quotation marks; quotations of less than 2.5 lines should be written between the lines, and quotations longer than 2.5 lines should be written 1.5 cm from the right and left of the line, in block form, with 1.5 line spacing and 1 font size smaller. The use of footnotes should be avoided as much as possible; they should be used only for explanations and automatic numbering should be used.
Citations in the text should be written in parentheses as follows.
(Gözcü, 1955, p. 15).
For a study with two authors, the surnames of both authors should be included in each citation.
(Name and Surname, 2014), (Name and Surname, 2014, p.125)
When citing studies with three, four, and five authors, the surnames of all authors are given only in the first citation in the text. For other citations, "vd." should be added next to the surname of the first author. In manuscripts written in English, the expression "et al." should be used instead of "vd." when citing publications with three, four, or five authors.
An Example
First citation (Uçak, Kurbanoğlu, Şencan and Doğan, 2011) Second citation and other citations (Uçak vd., 2011)
If the author's name is given in the text, only the publication date of the source should be written:
Karataş (2008, p. 118), on this issue…
In works and manuscripts without a publication date, only the surname of the authors should be written, and in works such as encyclopedias without an author, the name of the work should be written.
In quotations from secondary sources, the primary source should also be cited:
It should be as follows: Kaplan (1938, as cited in Oruç 1981). In the study of Doğan (as cited in Şencan, 2010)
Personal interviews should be cited by writing the surname and date in the text and added to the references. For internet addresses, the date of access to the source must be indicated and these addresses must be given among the references:
http://tees.yesevi.edu.tr/madde-detay/kunhu-l-ahbar-ali-cesmi [Retrieved: 26.04.2023]
5. References: At the end of the text, it should be arranged alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors. The author of the source should be indicated by putting the surname first.

The surname of the author, name of the author (publication year). The title of the book should be written in italics and in lowercase. The name of the publisher of the book should be written as the first letter of each word capitalized and in non-italics.
1) If there is more than one edition of the book, the edition information should be written in parentheses after the title of the book (without punctuation).
2) If the doi address of the book is available, it should be written as underlined and linked after the publisher's information.

a) Single-Authored Book
In-text citation:
(Onay, 2000, pp. 22-27)
(İsen, 2002, p. 49)
In references:
Onay, A. T. (2000). Eski Türk edebiyatında mazmunlar ve izahı. Akçağ Yayınları.
İsen, M. (2002). Tezkireden biyografiye. Kapı Yayınları.

b) Two-Authored Book
In-text citation:
(Kurnaz & Çeltik, 2013, p. 145)
(Şentürk & Kartal, 2004, p. 96)
In references:
Kurnaz, C., & Çeltik, H. (2013). Divan şiiri şekil bilgisi. Kurgan Edebiyat.
Şentürk, A. A., & Kartal, A. (2004). Üniversiteler için eski Türk edebiyatı tarihi. Dergâh Yayınları.

c) Book with More than Two Authors
In-text citation:
(İsen et al., 2002, p. 82)
In references:
İsen, M., Macit, M., Horata, O., Kılıç, F., & Aksoyak, İ. H. (2002). Eski Türk edebiyatı el kitabı. Grafiker Yayınları.

d) Edited Book
In-text citation:
(İsen, 2009)
In references:
İsen, M. (Ed.) (2009). Eski Türk edebiyatı el kitabı (5th ed.). Grafiker Yayınları.

e) Chapter in Edited Book or Edited E-Book
In-text citation:
(Macit, 2009)
In references:
Macit, M. (2009). Ses yapısı. İsen, M. (Ed.), Eski Türk edebiyatı el kitabı (5th ed, pp. 177-197). Grafiker Yayınları.

f) Translated Works
In-text citation:
(Gibb, 1998, p. 35)
In references:
Gibb, E. J. W. (1998). Osmanlı şiir tarihi I-II. (Ali, Çavuşoğlu Trans.). Akçay Yayınları.

g) Old (Handwritten) Manuscript
In-text citation:
(Dîvân-ı Lebîb, 382, v. 15b-16a)
In references:
Lebîb-i Âmidî, Dîvân-ı Lebîb, Millet Kütüphanesi Ali Emiri Ef. Manzum, No: 382.

h) Religious Books
In-text citation:
(Kur’an-ı Kerim, 2/14)
In references: The title of the book. (date). The name of the publisher. (if exist, the Internet address should be written as underlined and linked after the end)
Kur’an-ı Kerim. (2020). Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı. https://kuran.diyanet.gov.tr/ mushhaf

The surname of the author, name of the author (publication year). The title of the book should be written in non-italics and in lowercase. The name of the journal should be written in italics with the first letter of each word capitalized, the volume number should be written in italics, but the issue number should be written in parentheses in non-italics, page range. (if available, the doi number should be written as underlined and linked after the page range)
Note: For articles with article numbers instead of a page range, the article number information should be given as Article e0193972 after the issue number.

a) Single-Authored Article:
In-text citation:
(Kaplan, 1951, p. 168)
(Ersoy, 2012, pp. 140-161)
(İsen Durmuş, 2019, p. 130)
In references:
Kaplan, M. (1951). Tabiat karşısında Abdülhak Hamid II. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, 4 (3), 167-187.
Ersoy, E. (2012). XVI. asır şairi Azîzî’nin (ö.1585) bazı gazelleri. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10 (1), 14-161.
İsen Durmuş, T.I.(2019). Bir hami olarak Kınalızâde Ali Çelebi ve muamma türüne katkısı. Akademik Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi. 4, (3), 124-140. https://doi.org/10.34083/akaded.648594

b) Two-Authored Article:
In-text citation:
(Albayrak & Erkal, 2003, pp. 77-80)
In references:
Albayrak, M., & Erkal, M. (2003). Başarıya giden yolda ifade ve beceri derslerinin (Türkçe-Matematik) birlikteliği. Milli Eğitim Dergisi, (158), 75-85.

c) Book with More Than Two Authors:
In-text citation:
(Mübeccel et al., 2004, p. 30).
In references:
Gönen, M., Çelebi Öncü, E., & Isıtan S. (2004). İlköğretim 5. 6. 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin okuma alışkanlıklarının incelenmesi. Milli Eğitim Dergisi, (164), 7-35.
Note: The names of the authors of an article can be written up to a maximum of 20 authors. After the 19th author's surname and name are written by placing a comma between them, the surname and name of the 20th author are written by placing the & sign. If the number of authors is more than 20, the first 19 authors should be written, followed by “...” and the last author should be written.

a) Print Dictionary:
In-text citation:
(Türk Dil Kurumu, 2005, p. 2151)
In references:
Türk Dil Kurumu. (2005). Yayım. Türkçe sözlük (10th ed, p. 2151).

b) Online Dictionary
In-text citation:
Türk Dil Kurumu, (n.d.)
In references:
Türk Dil Kurumu. (n.d.). Yayım. Güncel Türkçe sözlük. Retrieved: May 15th, 2021, https://sozluk.gov.tr

In-text citation:
(T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Halk Sağlığı Genel Müdürlüğü, 2019)
In references: If the report has no author, start with the institution. However, if there is an author, the author(s) are indicated first.
T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Halk Sağlığı Genel Müdürlüğü. (2019). Türkiye beslenme ve sağlık araştırması (TBSA) (Ministry of Health Publication No: 1132). Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Health General Directorate of Public Health. https://hsgm.saglik.gov.tr/depo/birimler/saglikli-beslenme-hareketli-hayat-db/Yayinlar/kitaplar/TBSA_RAPOR_KITAP_20.08.pdf

a) Unpublished Dissertation/Thesis: Dissertations/theses that are not found in a database are considered unpublished theses.
In-text citation:
(Arslan, 2015, p. 213)
In references:
Arslan, M. U. (2015). Klasik Türk edebiyatında temîmüddârî kıssaları. [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Dicle University Graduate School of Social Sciences.

b) Published Dissertation/Thesis: Dissertations/theses that are found in a database are considered unpublished theses.
In-text citation:
(Satır, 2011), (Satır, 2011, p.203)
In references:
Satır, A. (2011). Ülkemizde ve dünyada yaşamdaki kalkınmanın sürdürülebilirliği çerçevesinde iklim değişikliği göstergeleri ve etkileri (Thesis No.302248) [Doctoral dissertation, Ankara University]. YÖK Thesis Center. https://tez.yok.gov.tr/ UlusalTezMerkezi/giriş.jsp

In-text citation:
(Dalkıran, 2014)
In references:
Dalkıran, A. (Ed.). (2014). Alî Emîrî hatırasına uluslararası klâsik Türk edebiyatı sempozyumu, Turcalibris Kitabevi.

In-text citation:
(Çeltik, 2014, p. 119)
In references:
Çeltik, H. (2014). Dil ve edebiyat araştırmalarında excel kullanımı. Dalkıran, Ahmet (Ed.) Alî Emîrî hatırasına uluslararası klâsik Türk edebiyatı sempozyumu (pp. 111-123). Turcalibris Kitabevi.

In-text citation:
(Macit, 2013)
In references:
Macit, M. (2013). Fuzuli. Türk Edebiyatı İsimler Sözlüğü. http://teis.yesevi.edu.tr/madde-detay/fuzuli-mdbir

Last Update Time: 7/1/24, 1:39:21 PM