Fracture Morphology of Single-Lap Dissimilar Joints Between Thermoplastic Composite and AA5754-H111 with Laser Ablation Surface Pre-Treatment
Year 2023,
Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 12 - 21, 30.06.2023
Nahit Öztoprak
Gökçe Mehmet Gençer
Hot pressing is successfully proposed to bond metallic and polymeric materials as a direct-joining method to replace conventional assembly techniques. This article reports an experimental investigation on the failure mechanism analysis of single-lap joints (SLJs) subjected to tensile-shear loading. Al5754 alloy in H111 condition and long glass fiber reinforced-polypropylene (PP) composite are chosen as the adherends. In order to enhance the bond strength, laser processing is applied to the metal surface. A grid texture model by eight consecutive times scanning is utilized for the surface modification. After fabrication of the dissimilar joint, quasi-static mechanical performance of the metal-polymer hybrid structure is elucidated through tensile-shear testing. Thereafter, morphology of the fracture surfaces is evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The experimental findings reveal that the laser surface texturing is proved to be an outstanding candidate for achieving strong joints through micro-interlocking in such metal/polymer multi-material connections. The ultimate force reaches the value of 1515.10 N after the 20 W laser surface pre-treatment.
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Termoplastik Kompozit ve Lazer Uzaklaştırmalı Yüzey Ön İşlem Uygulanmış AA5754-H111 Arasındaki Bindirme Şeklinde Farklı Birleştirmelerin Kırılma Morfolojisi
Year 2023,
Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 12 - 21, 30.06.2023
Nahit Öztoprak
Gökçe Mehmet Gençer
Sıcak presleme geleneksel montaj tekniklerinin yerine doğrudan birleştirme yöntemi olarak metalik ve polimerik malzemeleri yapıştırmak için başarıyla önerilmektedir. Bu makale, çekme-kesme yüklemesine maruz kalan tek bindirmeli bağlantıların hasar mekanizması analizi üzerine deneysel bir araştırmayı bildirmektedir. Yapıştırılan malzemeler H111 durumunda Al5754 alaşımı ve uzun cam elyaf takviyeli polipropilen (PP) kompozittir. Bağlantı dayanımını arttırmak için metal yüzeye lazer işlemi uygulanmaktadır. Yüzey modifikasyonu için art arda sekiz kez tarama ile bir ızgara doku modeli kullanılmaktadır. Farklı bağlantının üretiminden sonra, metal-polimer hibrit yapının yarı statik mekanik performansı çekme-kesme testi ile açıklanmaktadır. Sonrasında, kırılma yüzeylerinin morfolojisi taramalı elektron mikroskopisi (SEM) ile değerlendirilmektedir. Deneysel bulgular lazer ile işlenmiş yüzey dokusunun bu tür metal/polimer çoklu malzeme bağlantılarında mikro kenetleme yoluyla güçlü bağlantılar elde etmek için üstün bir aday olduğunun kanıtlandığını ortaya koymaktadır. Nihai kuvvet 20 W lazer yüzey ön işleminden sonra 1515.10 N değerine ulaşmaktadır.
- Agha, A., Abu-Farha, F. 2021. Viscoelastic model to capture
residual stresses in heat cured dissimilar adhesive bonded
joints. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 107:
- Akman, E., Bora, M. Ö., Çoban, O., Oztoprak, B. G. 2021.
Laser-induced groove optimization for Al/CFRP adhesive
joint strength. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives,
107: 102830.
- Akpinar, S. 2019. The Effect of Adherend Thickness and Width
on Fracture Behavior in Adhesively bonded Double Cantilever
Beam Joints. European Mechanical Science, 3(3): 83-87. https://
- Al-Sayyad, A., Bardon, J., Hirchenhahn, P., Vaudémont, R.,
Houssiau, L., Plapper, P. 2019. Influence of Aluminum Laser
Ablation on Interfacial Thermal Transfer and Joint Quality of
Laser Welded Aluminum–Polyamide Assemblies. Coatings, 9:
- ASTM International. 2014. Standard test method for lap shear
adhesion for fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) bonding, ASTM
D5868-01(2014), ASTM International Standards, West
- Bilgin, M., Karabulut, Ş., Özdemir, A. 2019. Effect of preheating
and dry ice cooling on dissimilar friction stir welding of
AA7075-T6 and AZ31B. Journal of Polytechnic, 22(3): 655-
- Cetkin, E. 2021. Investigation of the Effects of Use of GNP
and GNP Reinforced Nano-Fibers with Epoxy Adhesive on
Tension Tests. European Journal of Technique, 11(2): 175-181.
- Dantas, M. A., Carbas, R. J. C., Marques, E. A. S., Kushner,
D., da Silva, L. F. M. 2021. Flexible tubular metal-polymer
adhesive joints under torsion loading. International Journal of
Adhesion and Adhesives, 105: 102787.
- Dasilva, S., Jimenez-Suarez, A., Rodríguez, E., Prolongo, S. G.
2021. Quality assessment and structural health monitoring of
CNT reinforced CFRP and Ti6Al4V multi-material joints.
Materials & Design, 210: 110118.
- Feng, Z., Zhao, H., Tan, C., Zhang, X., Chen, B., Song, X.
2021. Nanosecond laser ablation for improving the strength
of CFRTP and aluminum alloy adhesively bonded joints.
Composite Structures, 274: 114369.
- Gultekin, K. 2022. Comparison of the effect of modified and unmodified
boron carbide (B4C) nanoparticles on the mechanical
properties of structural adhesives. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir
University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 11(1): 198-206.
- Harris, A.F., Beevers, A. 1999. The effects of grit-blasting on
surface properties for adhesion”. International Journal of
Adhesion & Adhesives, 19: 445-452.
- Huang, W., Sun, L., Liu, Y., Chu, Y., Wang, J. 2021. Effects
of low-energy impact at different temperatures on residual
properties of adhesively bonded single-lap joints with
composites substrate. Composite Structures, 267: 113860.
- Kanani, A. Y., Hou, X., Ye, J. 2020. The influence of notching
and mixed-adhesives at the bonding area on the strength
and stress distribution of dissimilar single-lap joints.
Composite Structures, 241: 112136.
- Liu, X., Zhu, H., Xie, Y., Xu, L., Lin, N., Lu, L. 2020.
Optimization of microstructural morphology via laser
processing to enhance the bond strength Al-CFRP. Journal of
Reinforced Plastics & Composites, 40(11-12): 463-473. https://
- Liu, Y., Su, J., Ma, G., Han, X., Tan, C., Wu, L., Chen, B., Song,
X. 2021a. Effect of the laser texturing width on hot-pressing
joining of AZ31B and CFRTP. Optics & Laser Technology, 143:
- Liu, Y., Su, J., Tan, C., Feng, Z., Zhang, H., Wu, L., Chen,
B., Song, X. 2021b. Effect of laser texturing on mechanical
strength and microstructural properties of hot-pressing
joining of carbon fiber reinforced plastic to Ti6Al4V. Journal of
Manufacturing Processes, 65: 30-41.
- Maressa, P., Anodio, L., Bernasconi, A., Demir, A.G., Previtali,
B. 2015. Effect of surface texture on the adhesion performance
of laser treated Ti6Al4V alloy. The Journal of Adhesion, 91(7):
- Min, J., Wan, H., Carlson, B. E., Lin, J., Sun, C. 2020.
Application of laser ablation in adhesive bonding of metallic
materials: A review. Optics & Laser Technology, 128: 106188.
- Oztoprak, N. 2021a. Directly bonded single lap joints of SiCp/
AA2124 composite with glass fiber-reinforced polypropylene:
Hole drilling effects on lap shear strength and out-of-plane
impact response. Journal of Composite Materials, 55(20): 4045-
- Oztoprak, N. 2021b. Investigation of metal-matrix composite
based hybrid laminates under quasi-static penetration
and Charpy impact loading. Journal of Manufacturing Processes,
68(A): 1328-1338.
- Schanz, J., Meinhard, D., Dostal, I., Riegel, H., De Silva, A. K.
M., Harrison, D. K., Knoblauch, V. 2022. Comprehensive
study on the influence of different pretreatment methods and
structural adhesives on the shear strength of hybrid CFRP/
aluminum joints. The Journal of Adhesion, 98(12): 1772-1800.
- Wan, H., Min, J., Lin, J. 2022. Experimental and theoretical
studies on laser treatment strategies for improving shear
bonding strength of structural adhesive joints with cast
aluminum. Composite Structures, 279: 114831. https://doi.
- Wu, Y., Lin, J., Carlson, B.E., Lu, P., Balogh, M. P., Irish, N.P.,
Mei, Y. 2016. Effect of laser ablation surface treatment on
performance of adhesive-bonded aluminum alloys. Surface &
Coatings Technology, 304: 340-347.
- Zhang, C., Chen, L., Zhang, Y., Wang, G., Jin, J. 2021. Effect
of laser processing microstructure on the bonding strength
and failure mode of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy adhesive joints.
Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 66: 302-312. https://doi.
- Zhou, X., Zhao, Y., Chen, X., Liu, Z., Li, J., Fan, Y. 2021.
Fabrication and mechanical properties of novel CFRP/Mg
alloy hybrid laminates with enhanced interface adhesion.
Materials & Design, 197: 109251.