Research Article
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Atmospheric Pollen Grains in Tire (İzmir) District

Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 115 - 128, 25.11.2024


In this study, between 01 November 2021 and 31 October 2022, weekly and monthly changes in atmospheric pollen concentrations of the Tire district were revealed using the “Lanzoni VPPS 2010” brand pollen capture tool according to the volumetric method. Pollen belonging to a total of 42 taxa, 27 woody, and 15 herbaceous, was found in the atmosphere. The highest pollen concentrations were in Pinaceae 29.61% (6.969 pollen/m3), Cupressaceae/Taxaceae 25.8% (6.079 pollen/m3), Quercus 11,2% (2.636 pollen/m3), Olea europaea 10.7% (2.520 polen/m3), Morus 5.69% (1.332 polen/m3), Poaceae 4.43% (1.043 pollen/m3), Urticaceae 1.45% (350 pollen/m3) and Plantago 1.31% (304 pollen/m3) taxa. It has been determined that the months with the highest total pollen amounts in the air are April 28,8% (6.775 pollen/m3), May 26.55% (6.254 pollen/m3) and March 26.22% (6.176 pollen/m3), respectively. The relationships between pollen concentrations in the air and atmospheric parameters such as precipitation amount, temperature, wind speed and relative humidity have been revealed statistically. It was determined that the total pollen amounts of all plant groups were statistically significantly affected by temperature and precipitation parameters (p<0.001).

Project Number

Proje no: FGA-2021-22909


  • Alan, Ş., Kaplan, A. 2018. Comparıson of Two Aerobiological Stations Data in Zonguldak. Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Series C., 27 (2): 132-140.
  • Al-Eisavi, D., Dejani, B. 1988. Airborne Pollen of Jordan. Grana, 27: 219-227.
  • Acar Şahin, A., Kaplan, A., Özmen Baysal, E., Doğan, C., Pınar, N.M. 2017. General Trends in Atmosferic Pollen Concentration in the High Populated City of Ankara Turkey. Karaelmas Fen ve Müh. Dergisi, 7 (1): 40-46.
  • Aytuğ B., Yaltırık F., Efe A. 1995. Allergenic Pollen Producing Plants of Turkey. Proceedings of the National Palynology Congress, Istanbul University, Forest Faculty, 201-212, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Baybek, S., Kumbasar, H., Tuğcu, H., Mısırlıgil, S. 2002. Psychological Status of Patients with Seasonal and Perennial Allergic Rhinitis, J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol., 12: 204-210.
  • Bıçakçı, A., Tosunoğlu, A, Altunoğlu, M.K., Saatcioglu, G., Keser, A.M., Özgökçe, F. 2017. An Aeropalynological Survey in the City of Van, a High Altitudinal Region, East Anatolia-Turkey. Aerobiologia, 33: 93-108.
  • Bıçakçı, A., Akyalçın, H. 2000. Analysis of Airborne Pollen Fall in Balıkesir, Turkey, 1996-1997. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 7(1): 5-10.
  • Bilişik, A., Yenigün, A., Bıçakçı, A., Eliaçık, K., Canıtez, Y., Malyer, H., Sapan, N. 2008. An Observation Study of Airborne Pollen Fall in Didim (SW Turkey): Years 2004–2005. Aerobiologia, 24: 61–66.
  • Bogawski, P., Grewling, Ł., Nowak, M., Smith, M., Jackowiak, B. 2014. Trends in Atmospheric Concentrations of Weed Pollen in the Context of Recent Climate Warming in Poznań (Western Poland). International Journal of Biometeorology, 58(8): 1759-1768.
  • Bousquet, J. 2001. Epidemiology and genetics. Aria Workshop Report. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 108: 153-161.
  • Bousquet J., Hewitt B., Guérin B., Dhivert H. and Michel B.. 1984. Allergy in the Mediterranean Area II: Cross-allergenicity Among Urticaceae Pollens (Parietaria and Urtica). Clinical Allergy, 16: 57-64.
  • Buluç, E. 2016. Manisa ili atmosferik polenlerin volümetrik yöntemle analizi. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Ensitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 263s, İzmir.
  • Camachoa, I., Caeiro, E., Nunes, C., Morais-Almeida, M. 2020. Airborne pollen calendar of Portugal: A15-year Survey (2002-2017). Allergologia et Immunopathologia, 48(2): 194-201.
  • Charalampopoulos, C., Lazarina, M., Tsiripidis, I., Vokou, D. 2018. Quantifying the Relationship Between Airborne Pollen and Vegetation in the Urban Environment. Aerobiologia, 34: 285–300.
  • Cosentino, S., Pisano, P.L. Fadda, M.E., Palmas, F. 1990. Pollen and Mold Allergy, Aerobiologic Survey in the Atmosphere of Cagliari. Italy. Annals of Allergy, 65(5): 393-400.
  • Çelenk, S., Bıçakçı, A., Tamay, Z., Güler, N., Altunoğlu, M.K., Canıtez, Y., Malyer, H., Sapan, N., Ones, U. 2010. Airborne Pollen in European and Asian Parts of Istanbul. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 164(1-4): 391-402.
  • Çeter, T., Pınar, N.M., Keseli, T., Aydın, F., Acar, A. 2012. One Year Aeropalynological Analysis of Atmospheric Pollens in Çankırı, Turkey. Japanese Journal of Palynology, 58: 30-31.
  • Elvira-Rendueles, B., Moreno, J., Costa- Gómez, I., Banon, D., Martinez-Garcia, M.J., Moreno, S. 2019. Pollen calendars of Cartagena, Lorca, and Murcia (Region of Murcia), Southeastern Iberian Peninsula: 2010–2017. Aerobiologia, 35: 477- 496.
  • Ersoy, C. 1999. Güme Dağı (Tire) Florası. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Frisk, C.A., Brobakk, T.E., Ramford, H. 2024. Allergenic Pollen Seasons and Regional Pollen Calendars for Norway. Aerobiologia, 40:145–159.
  • Galán, C., Cariñanos, P., Alcázar, P., Dominguez-Vilches, E. 2007. Spanish Aerobiology Network (REA): Management and Quality Manual. Córdoba, Spain: Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Córdoba.
  • García-Mozo, H., Oteros, J.A., Galán, C. 2016. Impact of Land Cover Changes and Climate on the Main Airborne Pollen Types in Southern Spain. Science of the Total Environment, 548: 221–228.
  • Garty, B.Z., Kosman, E., Ganor, E., Berger, V., Garty, L., Weitzen, T., Waisman, Y., Mimouni, M., Waisel, Y. 1998. Emergency Room Visits of Asthmatic Children, Relation to air Pollution. Weather and Airborne Allergens, 81(6): 563-570.
  • Geller- Bernstein, C., Waisel, Y., Lahoz, C. 2000. Environmental and sensitization to Cypress in Israel. Allergie et Immunologie, 3: 92-93.
  • Grant Smith, E. 1990. Sampling and Identifying Allergenic Pollens and Molds. Blewstone press, San Antonio, Texas, 196s.
  • Gross, L., Weber, R., Wolf, M., Crooks, J.L. 2019. The Impact of Weather and Climate on Pollen Concentrations in Denver, Colorado, 2010-2018. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 123(5): 494-502.
  • Güvensen, A. , Uğuz, U. , Şengonca Tort, N., Eşiz Dereboylu, A., Altun, T., Buluç, E. 2017. Aydın, Manisa, Muğla ve Uşak İllerinin Atmosferik Polenlerinin Volumetrik Yöntemle Analizi, TÜBİTAK (Proje no:113Z065).
  • Güvensen, A., Çelik, A., Topuz, B., Öztürk M. 2013. Analysis of Airborne Pollen Grains in Denizli. Turkish Journal of Botany, 37(1): 74- 84.
  • Güvensen, A., Öztürk, M. 2003. Airborne Pollen Calendar of Izmir- Turkey. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 10: 37–44.
  • Güvensen, A., Uğuz, U., Altun, T., Dereboylu Eşiz, A., Tort Şengonca, N. 2020. Aeropalynological Survey in the City Center of Aydın (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Botany, 44: 539-551.
  • İnce, A., Kart, L., Demir, R., Özyurt, M.S. 2004. Allergenic Pollen in the Atmosphere of Kayseri, Turkey. Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology, 22(2-3): 123-132.
  • Kaplan, A. 2004. Airborne Pollen Grains in Zonguldak, Turkey, 2001-2002. Acta Botanica Sinica, 46 (6): 668–674.
  • Kaya, A. 2010. AR (1) Modelinde A Tipi Sapan Etki. İstatistikçiler Dergisi, 3: 1-7.
  • Ljung, G.M., Box, G.E.P. 1979. The Likelihood Function of Stationary Autoregressive-Moving Average Models. Biometrika, 66(2): 265-270.
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  • Majeed, H.T., Periago, C., Alarcon, M., Belmonte, J. 2018. Airborne Pollen Parameters and their Relationship with Meteorological Variables in NE Iberian Peninsula. Aerobiologia, 34: 375–388.
  • Malone, D.C., Lawson, K.A., Smith, D.H. 1997. A Cost of Illness Study of Allergic Rhinitis in the United States. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 99(1): 22-27.
  • Medek, D., E., Beggs, P., J., Erbas, B., Jaggard, A., K., Campbell, B.C., Vicendese, D., Johnston, F.H., Godwini I., Huete, A.R., Green, B.J., Burton, P.K., Bowman, D.M.J.S., Newnham, R.M., Katelaris, C.H., Haberle, S.G., Newbigin, E., Davies, J.M. 2016. Regional and Seasonal Variation in Airborne Grass Pollen Levels Between Cities of Australia and New Zealand. Aerobiologia, 32(2): 289-302.
  • Middleton, E., Reed, C.E., Ellis, E.F., Adkinson, N.F., Yunginger, J.W. 1988. Allergy Principles and Practice. 1, Toronto, 372p.
  • Paiva, J., Leitao, T. 1989. Five Year Air Sampling Study in Coimbra, Portugal. Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana, 62(2): 131-138.
  • Papia, F., Incorvaia, C., Genovese, L., Gangemi, S., Minciullo, P.L. 2020. Allergic Reactions to Genus Morus Plants: A Review. Clinical and Molecular Allergy, 18:1.
  • Peternel, R., Čulig, J., Mitić, B., Vukušić, I., Šostar, Z. 2003. Analysis of Airborne Pollen Concentrations in Zagreb, Croatia, 2002. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 10(1): 107-122.
  • Pınar, N.M, Şakıyan, N., İnceoğlu, O., Kaplan, A. 1999. A One-year Aeropalynological Study at Ankara, Turkey. Aerobiologia, 15: 307-310.
  • Pınar, N.M., Geven, F., Tuğ, G.N., Ketenoğlu, O. 2004. Ankara Atmosferinde Gramineae Polen Sayılarının Meteorolojik Faktörlerle ilişkisi (1999-2002). Astım Allerji İmmünoloji, 2(2): 65-70.
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Tire (İzmir) İlçesinin Atmosferik Polenleri

Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 115 - 128, 25.11.2024


Bu çalışmada, 01 Kasım 2021 ile 31 Ekim 2022 tarihleri arasında volumetrik yöntem uyarınca “Lanzoni VPPS 2010” marka polen yakalama aracı kullanılarak Tire ilçesinin atmosferik polen konsantrasyonlarındaki aylık değişimler ortaya konulmuştur. Atmosferde 27 odunsu ve 15 otsu olmak üzere toplam 42 taksona ait polene rastlanmıştır. En yüksek polen konsantrasyonları Pinaceae %29.6 (6.969 polen/m3), Cupressaceae/Taxaceae %25.8 (6.079 polen/m3), Quercus %11.2 (2.636 polen/m3), Olea europaea %10.7 (2.520 polen/m3), Morus %5.69 (1.332 polen/m3), Poaceae %4.43 (1.043 polen/m3), Urticaceae %1.45 (350 polen/m3) ve Plantago %1.31 (304 polen/m3) taksonlarına aittir. Havada toplam polen miktarları en fazla olan ayların sırasıyla Nisan %28.8 (6.775 polen/m3), Mayıs %26.55 (6.254 polen/m3) ve Mart %26.22 (6.176 polen/m3) olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Havadaki polen konsantrasyonları ile yağış miktarı, sıcaklık, rüzgar hızı ve nisbi nem gibi atmosferik parametreler arasındaki ilişkiler istatistiksel olarak ortaya konulmuştur. Tüm bitki gruplarına ait toplam polen miktarlarının sıcaklık ve yağış parametrelerinden istatistiksel olarak önemli düzeyde etkilendiği belirlenmiştir (p<0.001).

Supporting Institution

Ege Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü, Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP) Koordinatörlüğü

Project Number

Proje no: FGA-2021-22909


Bu çalışma, Ege Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü, Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP) Koordinatörlüğü tarafından desteklenmiştir (Proje no: FGA-2021-22909). Bu bağlamda kurumumuzun bizlere vermiş olduğu destek için teşekkürü borç biliriz.


  • Alan, Ş., Kaplan, A. 2018. Comparıson of Two Aerobiological Stations Data in Zonguldak. Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Series C., 27 (2): 132-140.
  • Al-Eisavi, D., Dejani, B. 1988. Airborne Pollen of Jordan. Grana, 27: 219-227.
  • Acar Şahin, A., Kaplan, A., Özmen Baysal, E., Doğan, C., Pınar, N.M. 2017. General Trends in Atmosferic Pollen Concentration in the High Populated City of Ankara Turkey. Karaelmas Fen ve Müh. Dergisi, 7 (1): 40-46.
  • Aytuğ B., Yaltırık F., Efe A. 1995. Allergenic Pollen Producing Plants of Turkey. Proceedings of the National Palynology Congress, Istanbul University, Forest Faculty, 201-212, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Baybek, S., Kumbasar, H., Tuğcu, H., Mısırlıgil, S. 2002. Psychological Status of Patients with Seasonal and Perennial Allergic Rhinitis, J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol., 12: 204-210.
  • Bıçakçı, A., Tosunoğlu, A, Altunoğlu, M.K., Saatcioglu, G., Keser, A.M., Özgökçe, F. 2017. An Aeropalynological Survey in the City of Van, a High Altitudinal Region, East Anatolia-Turkey. Aerobiologia, 33: 93-108.
  • Bıçakçı, A., Akyalçın, H. 2000. Analysis of Airborne Pollen Fall in Balıkesir, Turkey, 1996-1997. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 7(1): 5-10.
  • Bilişik, A., Yenigün, A., Bıçakçı, A., Eliaçık, K., Canıtez, Y., Malyer, H., Sapan, N. 2008. An Observation Study of Airborne Pollen Fall in Didim (SW Turkey): Years 2004–2005. Aerobiologia, 24: 61–66.
  • Bogawski, P., Grewling, Ł., Nowak, M., Smith, M., Jackowiak, B. 2014. Trends in Atmospheric Concentrations of Weed Pollen in the Context of Recent Climate Warming in Poznań (Western Poland). International Journal of Biometeorology, 58(8): 1759-1768.
  • Bousquet, J. 2001. Epidemiology and genetics. Aria Workshop Report. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 108: 153-161.
  • Bousquet J., Hewitt B., Guérin B., Dhivert H. and Michel B.. 1984. Allergy in the Mediterranean Area II: Cross-allergenicity Among Urticaceae Pollens (Parietaria and Urtica). Clinical Allergy, 16: 57-64.
  • Buluç, E. 2016. Manisa ili atmosferik polenlerin volümetrik yöntemle analizi. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Ensitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 263s, İzmir.
  • Camachoa, I., Caeiro, E., Nunes, C., Morais-Almeida, M. 2020. Airborne pollen calendar of Portugal: A15-year Survey (2002-2017). Allergologia et Immunopathologia, 48(2): 194-201.
  • Charalampopoulos, C., Lazarina, M., Tsiripidis, I., Vokou, D. 2018. Quantifying the Relationship Between Airborne Pollen and Vegetation in the Urban Environment. Aerobiologia, 34: 285–300.
  • Cosentino, S., Pisano, P.L. Fadda, M.E., Palmas, F. 1990. Pollen and Mold Allergy, Aerobiologic Survey in the Atmosphere of Cagliari. Italy. Annals of Allergy, 65(5): 393-400.
  • Çelenk, S., Bıçakçı, A., Tamay, Z., Güler, N., Altunoğlu, M.K., Canıtez, Y., Malyer, H., Sapan, N., Ones, U. 2010. Airborne Pollen in European and Asian Parts of Istanbul. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 164(1-4): 391-402.
  • Çeter, T., Pınar, N.M., Keseli, T., Aydın, F., Acar, A. 2012. One Year Aeropalynological Analysis of Atmospheric Pollens in Çankırı, Turkey. Japanese Journal of Palynology, 58: 30-31.
  • Elvira-Rendueles, B., Moreno, J., Costa- Gómez, I., Banon, D., Martinez-Garcia, M.J., Moreno, S. 2019. Pollen calendars of Cartagena, Lorca, and Murcia (Region of Murcia), Southeastern Iberian Peninsula: 2010–2017. Aerobiologia, 35: 477- 496.
  • Ersoy, C. 1999. Güme Dağı (Tire) Florası. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Frisk, C.A., Brobakk, T.E., Ramford, H. 2024. Allergenic Pollen Seasons and Regional Pollen Calendars for Norway. Aerobiologia, 40:145–159.
  • Galán, C., Cariñanos, P., Alcázar, P., Dominguez-Vilches, E. 2007. Spanish Aerobiology Network (REA): Management and Quality Manual. Córdoba, Spain: Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Córdoba.
  • García-Mozo, H., Oteros, J.A., Galán, C. 2016. Impact of Land Cover Changes and Climate on the Main Airborne Pollen Types in Southern Spain. Science of the Total Environment, 548: 221–228.
  • Garty, B.Z., Kosman, E., Ganor, E., Berger, V., Garty, L., Weitzen, T., Waisman, Y., Mimouni, M., Waisel, Y. 1998. Emergency Room Visits of Asthmatic Children, Relation to air Pollution. Weather and Airborne Allergens, 81(6): 563-570.
  • Geller- Bernstein, C., Waisel, Y., Lahoz, C. 2000. Environmental and sensitization to Cypress in Israel. Allergie et Immunologie, 3: 92-93.
  • Grant Smith, E. 1990. Sampling and Identifying Allergenic Pollens and Molds. Blewstone press, San Antonio, Texas, 196s.
  • Gross, L., Weber, R., Wolf, M., Crooks, J.L. 2019. The Impact of Weather and Climate on Pollen Concentrations in Denver, Colorado, 2010-2018. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 123(5): 494-502.
  • Güvensen, A. , Uğuz, U. , Şengonca Tort, N., Eşiz Dereboylu, A., Altun, T., Buluç, E. 2017. Aydın, Manisa, Muğla ve Uşak İllerinin Atmosferik Polenlerinin Volumetrik Yöntemle Analizi, TÜBİTAK (Proje no:113Z065).
  • Güvensen, A., Çelik, A., Topuz, B., Öztürk M. 2013. Analysis of Airborne Pollen Grains in Denizli. Turkish Journal of Botany, 37(1): 74- 84.
  • Güvensen, A., Öztürk, M. 2003. Airborne Pollen Calendar of Izmir- Turkey. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 10: 37–44.
  • Güvensen, A., Uğuz, U., Altun, T., Dereboylu Eşiz, A., Tort Şengonca, N. 2020. Aeropalynological Survey in the City Center of Aydın (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Botany, 44: 539-551.
  • İnce, A., Kart, L., Demir, R., Özyurt, M.S. 2004. Allergenic Pollen in the Atmosphere of Kayseri, Turkey. Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology, 22(2-3): 123-132.
  • Kaplan, A. 2004. Airborne Pollen Grains in Zonguldak, Turkey, 2001-2002. Acta Botanica Sinica, 46 (6): 668–674.
  • Kaya, A. 2010. AR (1) Modelinde A Tipi Sapan Etki. İstatistikçiler Dergisi, 3: 1-7.
  • Ljung, G.M., Box, G.E.P. 1979. The Likelihood Function of Stationary Autoregressive-Moving Average Models. Biometrika, 66(2): 265-270.
  • M.G.M. 2022. Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü Verileri. (Erişim Tarihi: 13.01.2024).
  • Majeed, H.T., Periago, C., Alarcon, M., Belmonte, J. 2018. Airborne Pollen Parameters and their Relationship with Meteorological Variables in NE Iberian Peninsula. Aerobiologia, 34: 375–388.
  • Malone, D.C., Lawson, K.A., Smith, D.H. 1997. A Cost of Illness Study of Allergic Rhinitis in the United States. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 99(1): 22-27.
  • Medek, D., E., Beggs, P., J., Erbas, B., Jaggard, A., K., Campbell, B.C., Vicendese, D., Johnston, F.H., Godwini I., Huete, A.R., Green, B.J., Burton, P.K., Bowman, D.M.J.S., Newnham, R.M., Katelaris, C.H., Haberle, S.G., Newbigin, E., Davies, J.M. 2016. Regional and Seasonal Variation in Airborne Grass Pollen Levels Between Cities of Australia and New Zealand. Aerobiologia, 32(2): 289-302.
  • Middleton, E., Reed, C.E., Ellis, E.F., Adkinson, N.F., Yunginger, J.W. 1988. Allergy Principles and Practice. 1, Toronto, 372p.
  • Paiva, J., Leitao, T. 1989. Five Year Air Sampling Study in Coimbra, Portugal. Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana, 62(2): 131-138.
  • Papia, F., Incorvaia, C., Genovese, L., Gangemi, S., Minciullo, P.L. 2020. Allergic Reactions to Genus Morus Plants: A Review. Clinical and Molecular Allergy, 18:1.
  • Peternel, R., Čulig, J., Mitić, B., Vukušić, I., Šostar, Z. 2003. Analysis of Airborne Pollen Concentrations in Zagreb, Croatia, 2002. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 10(1): 107-122.
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There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Palynology
Journal Section Research Articles

Nur Ceyhan Güvensen 0000-0001-8753-2664

Ulaş Uğuz 0000-0002-0808-0151

Aykut Güvensen 0000-0002-6384-3668

Ahmet Kaya 0000-0001-5109-8130

Project Number Proje no: FGA-2021-22909
Publication Date November 25, 2024
Submission Date July 22, 2024
Acceptance Date August 12, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 14 Issue: 3


APA Ceyhan Güvensen, N., Uğuz, U., Güvensen, A., Kaya, A. (2024). Tire (İzmir) İlçesinin Atmosferik Polenleri. Karaelmas Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 14(3), 115-128.
AMA Ceyhan Güvensen N, Uğuz U, Güvensen A, Kaya A. Tire (İzmir) İlçesinin Atmosferik Polenleri. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi. November 2024;14(3):115-128. doi:10.7212/karaelmasfen.1511999
Chicago Ceyhan Güvensen, Nur, Ulaş Uğuz, Aykut Güvensen, and Ahmet Kaya. “Tire (İzmir) İlçesinin Atmosferik Polenleri”. Karaelmas Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi 14, no. 3 (November 2024): 115-28.
EndNote Ceyhan Güvensen N, Uğuz U, Güvensen A, Kaya A (November 1, 2024) Tire (İzmir) İlçesinin Atmosferik Polenleri. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 14 3 115–128.
IEEE N. Ceyhan Güvensen, U. Uğuz, A. Güvensen, and A. Kaya, “Tire (İzmir) İlçesinin Atmosferik Polenleri”, Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 115–128, 2024, doi: 10.7212/karaelmasfen.1511999.
ISNAD Ceyhan Güvensen, Nur et al. “Tire (İzmir) İlçesinin Atmosferik Polenleri”. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 14/3 (November 2024), 115-128.
JAMA Ceyhan Güvensen N, Uğuz U, Güvensen A, Kaya A. Tire (İzmir) İlçesinin Atmosferik Polenleri. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi. 2024;14:115–128.
MLA Ceyhan Güvensen, Nur et al. “Tire (İzmir) İlçesinin Atmosferik Polenleri”. Karaelmas Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, vol. 14, no. 3, 2024, pp. 115-28, doi:10.7212/karaelmasfen.1511999.
Vancouver Ceyhan Güvensen N, Uğuz U, Güvensen A, Kaya A. Tire (İzmir) İlçesinin Atmosferik Polenleri. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi. 2024;14(3):115-28.