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Yıl 2016, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 40 - 53, 06.12.2016


Yeme bozuklukları, psikiyatrik hastalıklar içinde yer alan ve dünya çapında görülme sıklığı giderek artan bir sorundur. Ülkemizde bu alanda yapılan çalışmalar sınırlı sayıdadır ve birçok olgunun gizli kaldığı düşünülmektedir. Yeme bozukluğu tanısı almış kişilerin temel sorunu; kilo almaktan aşırı derecede korkma ve beden imajı ile ilgili gerçekçi olmayan algılamalardır. Beden imajının önemli olduğu adölesan dönem ve doğurganlık çağları bu sorunun en sık yaşandığı yaşam dönemleridir. Son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalarda yeme bozukluklarının gebelik ve doğum sonu dönemdeki görülme sıklığına ve risklerine dikkat çekilmektedir. Yeme bozukluklarının anne ve fetüsün sağlığı üzerine olumsuz etkileri nedeniyle, gebelik öncesi ve gebelik dönemin de saptanması önem taşır. Gebeler ile sağlık personelinde farkındalık oluşturmak amacıyla ele alınan makalede, yeme bozukluklarının doğum öncesi ve doğum sonrası sürece etkileri, fetüsün büyüme /gelişmesi sürecine etkileri ve yeme bozukluklarına yaklaşım güncel literatür ışığında ele alınarak tartışılmıştır


  • American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Patients with Eating Disorders (revision). American Journal of Psychiatry, 157: 1-39.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. (2003). Identifying and Treating Eating Disorders. Pediatrics, 11: 204-211.
  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5th ed. Arlington, VA, American Psychiatric Association. Astrachan-Fletcher, E.,Veldhuis, C., Lively, N., Fowler, C., Marcks, B. (2008). The Reciprocal Effects of Eating Disorders and The Postpartum Period: A Review Of The Literature And Recommendations For Clinical Care. Journal of Women‟sHealth (Larchmt), 17(2): 227-239.
  • Bansil P, Kuklina EV, Whiteman MK. (2008). Eating Disorders Among Delivery Hospitalizations: Prevalence and Outcomes. J WomensHealth (Larchmt), 17: 1523-8.
  • Brinch M, Isager T, Tolstrup K. (1988). Anorexia nervosa and motherhood: reproductional patterns and mothering behavior of 50 women. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 77: 98–104. Bulik CM, Sullivan PF, Fear JL, Pickering A, Dawn A, McCullin M. (1999). Fertility and Reproduction in Women with Anorexia Nervosa: A Controlled Study. J Clin. Psychiatry, 60: 130–135.
  • Bulik, C. M.,Von Holle, A., Hamer, R., KnophBerg, C., Torgersen, L., Magnus, P., Reichborn-Kjennerud, T. (2007). Patterns of Remission, Continuation, and incidence of Broadly Defined Eating Disorders During Early Pregnancy in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). PsychologicalMedicine, 37(8): 1109-1118.
  • Çağrı, C. , Walsh, B.T. , Attia E. (2013). From DSM-IV to DSM-5: Changes to Eating Disorder Diagnoses. Curr Opin Psychiatry, 26: 532-536.
  • Carwell,M.L.,Spatz, D.L. (2011). Breastfeeding. MCN, 36(2): 112-117.
  • Lederman, S. A. (2004). Influence of Lactationon Body WeightRegulation. NutritionReviews, 62: 112-119.
  • Conti J, Abraham S, Taylor A. (1998). Eating behavior and pregnancy outcome. J Psychosom Res, 44: 465–477.
  • Easter,A.,Treasure, J., Micali, N. (2011). Fertility and Prenatal Attitudes Towards Pregnancy in Women with Eating Disorders: Results From the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parentsand Children. BJOG 118:1491–1498.
  • Fairburn, C.G., Harrison, P.J. EatingDisorders (2003). Lancet, 361:407-416.
  • Franko, D.L.,Blais, M.A., Becker, A.E., Delinsky, S.S., Greenwood, D.N., Flores, A.T., Ekeblad, E.R., Eddy, K.T., Herzog, D.B. (2001). Pregnancy Complications and Neonatal Outcomes in Women With Eating Disorders. Am J Psychiatry, 158:1461– 1466.
  • Herzog, D.B.,Greenwood D.N., Dorer D.J. (2000). Mortality in EatingDisorders: A DescriptiveStudy. Int J EatDisord., 28:20–26.
  • Herzog, D.B., Eddy K.T. (2007). Diagnosis,epidemiology and clinical course of eating disorders. In Clinical Manual of Eating Disorders (Eds J Yager, PS Powers):1-31.
  • Arlington, American Psychiatric Publishing. Hoek, H. W., Van Hoeken, D. (2003). Review of The Prevalence and incidence of Eating Disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 34: 383-396. Hoffman, E.R., Bentley, M.E., Hamer, R.M. (2014). A comparison of infant and toddler feeding practices of mothers with and without histories of eating disorders. Matern Child Nutr, 10:360. Hunna, J. W., Leila, T., Stephanie, Z., Ted R.K., Cecilie, K., Camilla, S., Anna Maria, S.R., Ann, V.H., Robert, M. H., Helle, M.M., Elizabeth, H. F., Margaretha, H. (2014). Eating disorders, pregnancy, and the postpartum period: Findings from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Norsk Epidemiologi, 24 (1-2): 51- 56. James, D.C. (2001) . Eating Disorders, Fertility, and Pregnancy: Relationships and Complications. J Perinat Neonat Nurs, 15(2): 36–48. Kadıoğlu, M., Ergün, A. (2015). Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Yeme Tutumu, Öz- Etkililik ve Etkileyen Faktörler. Marmara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(2): 96-104. 52 Yeme Bozukluklarının Gebelik Ve Doğum Sonu Sürece Etkileri Knoph C.,Von Holle, A., Zerwas, S., Torgersen, L., Tambs, K., Stoltenberg, C., Bulik, C.M., Reichborn-Kjennerud, T. (2013). Course and Predictors of Maternal Eating Disorders in the Postpartum Period. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 46(4): 355-368. Lemberg, R., Phillips, J. (1989). The impact of pregnancy on anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Int J Eat Disord, 8: 285–295. Lesa L.K.,Chizawsky, Mandi S. Newton (2007). Eating Disorders Identification and Treatment in Obstetrical Patient. AWHONN Lifelines, 10(6): 484-488. Lucas, A.R.,Beard, C.M., O‟Fallon, W.M. (1991). 50-Year Trends in The Incidence of Anorexia Nervosa in Rochester, Minn: A Population-BasedStudy. Am J Psychiatry, 148: 917-922. Micali,N.,Simonoff, E., Treasure, J. (2007). Risk of Major Adverse Perinatal Outcomes in Women with Eating Disorders. British Journal of Psychiatry, 190: 255- 259. Micali, N.,Treasure, J. (2009). Biological Effects of a Maternal ED on Pregnancy and Foetal Development: A review. European Eating Disorders Review, 17(6): 448-454. Micali, N.,Simonoff, E., Stahl, D., Treasure, J. (2011). Maternal Eating Disorders and Infant Feeding Difficulties: Maternal and Child Mediators in a Longitudinal General PopulationStudy. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 52(7): 800–807. Micali, N.,Simonoff, E., Treasure, J. (2011). Pregnancy and Post-partum Depression and Anxiety in a Longitudinal General Population Cohort: The Effect of Eating Disorder and Past Depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 131(1-3):150- 157. Milner, G., O‟Leary, M. M. (1988). Anorexia nervosa occurring in pregnancy. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 77: 491–492. Mitchell, J. E., Seim, H.C., Glotter, D., Soll, E.A., Pyle, R. L. (1991). A retrospective study of pregnancy in bulimia nervosa. Int J Eat Disord, 10: 209–214. Morgan, J. F.,Lacey, J. H., &Sedgwick, P. M. (1999). Impact of Pregnancy on Bulimia Nervosa. British Journal of Psychiatry, 174: 135-140. 53 Kadıoğlu, Oskay, KASHED, 2017 3 (1):40-53 Özdemir, A. (2014). Lise Öğrencilerinin Vücut Kitle Ġndeksi Ġle Yeme DavranıĢı Bozukluğu, Benlik Kavramı ve Kendini Algılama Arasındaki ĠliĢki. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Halk Sağlığı Anabilim Dalı. YayımlanmamıĢ Doktora tezi. Özgen, L., Kınacı, B., Arlı, M. (2012). Ergenlerin Yeme Tutum ve DavranıĢları. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 45(1): 229-247. Öztürk, M.O., UluĢahin, A. (2015). Ruh Sağlığı ve Bozuklukları. Nobel Tıp Kitapevi 13. Baskı, 465-475. Patel, P., Lee, J., Wheatcroft, R., Barnes, J., Stein, A. (2005). Concerns About Body Shape and Weight in the Postpartum Period and Their Relation to Women‟s Selfidentification. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 23(4): 347-364. Semiz, M., Kavakçı, Ö., Yağız, A., Yontar, G. ve Kuğu, N. (2013). Sivas Ġl Merkezinde Yeme Bozukluklarının Yaygınlığı ve EĢlik Eden Psikiyatrik Tanılar. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 24(3):149-157. Smink, F.R., Van Hoeken, D., Hoek, H.W. (2012). Epidemiology of Eating Disorders: Incidence, Prevalence and Mortality Rates. Curr. Psychiatry Rep., 14:406–414. Stewart,D.E., Raskin, J., Garfinkel,P.E. (1987). Anorexia nervosa, bulimia, andpregnancy. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 157:1194-1198. Squires,C.,Lalanne,C., Murday,N., Simoglou, V., Vaivre-Douret, L.(2014). The Influence of Eating Disorders on Mothers‟ Sensitivity and Adaptation During Feeding: A Longitudinal Observational Study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 14(274): 1-9. Turton P, Hughes P, Bolton H, Sedgwick P.(1999). Incidence and Demographic Correlates of Eating Disorders. Int J EatDisord.,26:448–452. Waugh, E.,Bulik, C.M. (1999). Offspring of Women With Eating Disorders. Int J Eat Disord. 25: 123–133. Willis, D. C., Rand, C. S. W. (1988). Pregnancy in bulimic women. Obstet Gynecol, 71: 708–710
Yıl 2016, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 40 - 53, 06.12.2016



  • American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Patients with Eating Disorders (revision). American Journal of Psychiatry, 157: 1-39.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. (2003). Identifying and Treating Eating Disorders. Pediatrics, 11: 204-211.
  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5th ed. Arlington, VA, American Psychiatric Association. Astrachan-Fletcher, E.,Veldhuis, C., Lively, N., Fowler, C., Marcks, B. (2008). The Reciprocal Effects of Eating Disorders and The Postpartum Period: A Review Of The Literature And Recommendations For Clinical Care. Journal of Women‟sHealth (Larchmt), 17(2): 227-239.
  • Bansil P, Kuklina EV, Whiteman MK. (2008). Eating Disorders Among Delivery Hospitalizations: Prevalence and Outcomes. J WomensHealth (Larchmt), 17: 1523-8.
  • Brinch M, Isager T, Tolstrup K. (1988). Anorexia nervosa and motherhood: reproductional patterns and mothering behavior of 50 women. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 77: 98–104. Bulik CM, Sullivan PF, Fear JL, Pickering A, Dawn A, McCullin M. (1999). Fertility and Reproduction in Women with Anorexia Nervosa: A Controlled Study. J Clin. Psychiatry, 60: 130–135.
  • Bulik, C. M.,Von Holle, A., Hamer, R., KnophBerg, C., Torgersen, L., Magnus, P., Reichborn-Kjennerud, T. (2007). Patterns of Remission, Continuation, and incidence of Broadly Defined Eating Disorders During Early Pregnancy in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). PsychologicalMedicine, 37(8): 1109-1118.
  • Çağrı, C. , Walsh, B.T. , Attia E. (2013). From DSM-IV to DSM-5: Changes to Eating Disorder Diagnoses. Curr Opin Psychiatry, 26: 532-536.
  • Carwell,M.L.,Spatz, D.L. (2011). Breastfeeding. MCN, 36(2): 112-117.
  • Lederman, S. A. (2004). Influence of Lactationon Body WeightRegulation. NutritionReviews, 62: 112-119.
  • Conti J, Abraham S, Taylor A. (1998). Eating behavior and pregnancy outcome. J Psychosom Res, 44: 465–477.
  • Easter,A.,Treasure, J., Micali, N. (2011). Fertility and Prenatal Attitudes Towards Pregnancy in Women with Eating Disorders: Results From the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parentsand Children. BJOG 118:1491–1498.
  • Fairburn, C.G., Harrison, P.J. EatingDisorders (2003). Lancet, 361:407-416.
  • Franko, D.L.,Blais, M.A., Becker, A.E., Delinsky, S.S., Greenwood, D.N., Flores, A.T., Ekeblad, E.R., Eddy, K.T., Herzog, D.B. (2001). Pregnancy Complications and Neonatal Outcomes in Women With Eating Disorders. Am J Psychiatry, 158:1461– 1466.
  • Herzog, D.B.,Greenwood D.N., Dorer D.J. (2000). Mortality in EatingDisorders: A DescriptiveStudy. Int J EatDisord., 28:20–26.
  • Herzog, D.B., Eddy K.T. (2007). Diagnosis,epidemiology and clinical course of eating disorders. In Clinical Manual of Eating Disorders (Eds J Yager, PS Powers):1-31.
  • Arlington, American Psychiatric Publishing. Hoek, H. W., Van Hoeken, D. (2003). Review of The Prevalence and incidence of Eating Disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 34: 383-396. Hoffman, E.R., Bentley, M.E., Hamer, R.M. (2014). A comparison of infant and toddler feeding practices of mothers with and without histories of eating disorders. Matern Child Nutr, 10:360. Hunna, J. W., Leila, T., Stephanie, Z., Ted R.K., Cecilie, K., Camilla, S., Anna Maria, S.R., Ann, V.H., Robert, M. H., Helle, M.M., Elizabeth, H. F., Margaretha, H. (2014). Eating disorders, pregnancy, and the postpartum period: Findings from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Norsk Epidemiologi, 24 (1-2): 51- 56. James, D.C. (2001) . Eating Disorders, Fertility, and Pregnancy: Relationships and Complications. J Perinat Neonat Nurs, 15(2): 36–48. Kadıoğlu, M., Ergün, A. (2015). Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Yeme Tutumu, Öz- Etkililik ve Etkileyen Faktörler. Marmara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(2): 96-104. 52 Yeme Bozukluklarının Gebelik Ve Doğum Sonu Sürece Etkileri Knoph C.,Von Holle, A., Zerwas, S., Torgersen, L., Tambs, K., Stoltenberg, C., Bulik, C.M., Reichborn-Kjennerud, T. (2013). Course and Predictors of Maternal Eating Disorders in the Postpartum Period. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 46(4): 355-368. Lemberg, R., Phillips, J. (1989). The impact of pregnancy on anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Int J Eat Disord, 8: 285–295. Lesa L.K.,Chizawsky, Mandi S. Newton (2007). Eating Disorders Identification and Treatment in Obstetrical Patient. AWHONN Lifelines, 10(6): 484-488. Lucas, A.R.,Beard, C.M., O‟Fallon, W.M. (1991). 50-Year Trends in The Incidence of Anorexia Nervosa in Rochester, Minn: A Population-BasedStudy. Am J Psychiatry, 148: 917-922. Micali,N.,Simonoff, E., Treasure, J. (2007). Risk of Major Adverse Perinatal Outcomes in Women with Eating Disorders. British Journal of Psychiatry, 190: 255- 259. Micali, N.,Treasure, J. (2009). Biological Effects of a Maternal ED on Pregnancy and Foetal Development: A review. European Eating Disorders Review, 17(6): 448-454. Micali, N.,Simonoff, E., Stahl, D., Treasure, J. (2011). Maternal Eating Disorders and Infant Feeding Difficulties: Maternal and Child Mediators in a Longitudinal General PopulationStudy. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 52(7): 800–807. Micali, N.,Simonoff, E., Treasure, J. (2011). Pregnancy and Post-partum Depression and Anxiety in a Longitudinal General Population Cohort: The Effect of Eating Disorder and Past Depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 131(1-3):150- 157. Milner, G., O‟Leary, M. M. (1988). Anorexia nervosa occurring in pregnancy. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 77: 491–492. Mitchell, J. E., Seim, H.C., Glotter, D., Soll, E.A., Pyle, R. L. (1991). A retrospective study of pregnancy in bulimia nervosa. Int J Eat Disord, 10: 209–214. Morgan, J. F.,Lacey, J. H., &Sedgwick, P. M. (1999). Impact of Pregnancy on Bulimia Nervosa. British Journal of Psychiatry, 174: 135-140. 53 Kadıoğlu, Oskay, KASHED, 2017 3 (1):40-53 Özdemir, A. (2014). Lise Öğrencilerinin Vücut Kitle Ġndeksi Ġle Yeme DavranıĢı Bozukluğu, Benlik Kavramı ve Kendini Algılama Arasındaki ĠliĢki. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Halk Sağlığı Anabilim Dalı. YayımlanmamıĢ Doktora tezi. Özgen, L., Kınacı, B., Arlı, M. (2012). Ergenlerin Yeme Tutum ve DavranıĢları. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 45(1): 229-247. Öztürk, M.O., UluĢahin, A. (2015). Ruh Sağlığı ve Bozuklukları. Nobel Tıp Kitapevi 13. Baskı, 465-475. Patel, P., Lee, J., Wheatcroft, R., Barnes, J., Stein, A. (2005). Concerns About Body Shape and Weight in the Postpartum Period and Their Relation to Women‟s Selfidentification. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 23(4): 347-364. Semiz, M., Kavakçı, Ö., Yağız, A., Yontar, G. ve Kuğu, N. (2013). Sivas Ġl Merkezinde Yeme Bozukluklarının Yaygınlığı ve EĢlik Eden Psikiyatrik Tanılar. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 24(3):149-157. Smink, F.R., Van Hoeken, D., Hoek, H.W. (2012). Epidemiology of Eating Disorders: Incidence, Prevalence and Mortality Rates. Curr. Psychiatry Rep., 14:406–414. Stewart,D.E., Raskin, J., Garfinkel,P.E. (1987). Anorexia nervosa, bulimia, andpregnancy. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 157:1194-1198. Squires,C.,Lalanne,C., Murday,N., Simoglou, V., Vaivre-Douret, L.(2014). The Influence of Eating Disorders on Mothers‟ Sensitivity and Adaptation During Feeding: A Longitudinal Observational Study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 14(274): 1-9. Turton P, Hughes P, Bolton H, Sedgwick P.(1999). Incidence and Demographic Correlates of Eating Disorders. Int J EatDisord.,26:448–452. Waugh, E.,Bulik, C.M. (1999). Offspring of Women With Eating Disorders. Int J Eat Disord. 25: 123–133. Willis, D. C., Rand, C. S. W. (1988). Pregnancy in bulimic women. Obstet Gynecol, 71: 708–710
Toplam 16 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hemşirelik
Bölüm Araştırma Makele

Merve Kadıoğlu Bu kişi benim

Ümran Oksay Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 6 Aralık 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kadıoğlu, M., & Oksay, Ü. (2016). YEME BOZUKLUKLARININ GEBELİK VE DOĞUM SONU SÜRECE ETKİLERİ. Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği Dergisi, 3(1), 40-53.
Chicago Kadıoğlu, Merve, ve Ümran Oksay. “YEME BOZUKLUKLARININ GEBELİK VE DOĞUM SONU SÜRECE ETKİLERİ”. Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği Dergisi 3, sy. 1 (Aralık 2016): 40-53.
EndNote Kadıoğlu M, Oksay Ü (01 Aralık 2016) YEME BOZUKLUKLARININ GEBELİK VE DOĞUM SONU SÜRECE ETKİLERİ. Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği Dergisi 3 1 40–53.
ISNAD Kadıoğlu, Merve - Oksay, Ümran. “YEME BOZUKLUKLARININ GEBELİK VE DOĞUM SONU SÜRECE ETKİLERİ”. Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği Dergisi 3/1 (Aralık 2016), 40-53.
MLA Kadıoğlu, Merve ve Ümran Oksay. “YEME BOZUKLUKLARININ GEBELİK VE DOĞUM SONU SÜRECE ETKİLERİ”. Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği Dergisi, c. 3, sy. 1, 2016, ss. 40-53.