Research Article
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Floristic Diversity Analysis of Ait Baâmrane Region‒Sidi Ifni Province, in South-Central Morocco and The Ecological Factors That Control and Influence Its Geographic Distribution

Year 2022, , 94 - 111, 27.09.2022


Aim of study: Aim was to characterize and analyses the vascular flora along coastal transect to continental of the Ait Baamrane region.
Area of study: The territory of Ait Baâmrane is located in the South-central Morocco. Its location, in the nearness of the Atlantic Ocean, the Canary Islands, and the pre-Sahara, makes it a well-defined geographical entity where a large natural area is distinguished.
Material and methods: The flora was characterized by the specific richness, the endemism and the conservation status. Further, plant diversity was evaluated by Shannon diversity, Evenness, disturbance and Jaccard similarity indices, as well as the plant functional groups were identified in three geographic zones; the littoral zone (A), the plateau’s zone (B), and the continental zone (C).
Main results: The studied area highlighted an important floristic richness with 281 vascular species and subspecies. Therophytes are the most represented (43.42%). The endemic flora represented 21.35% of all inventoried species. Concerning the rate of threatened species, 7% of the inventoried flora were considered as threatened, and 11% are near threatened. The diversity parameters vary according to the continentality.
Highlights: The studied region is quite diverse by its flora and endemic species. This diversity is linked to the global location of the region and particular ecological conditions.

Supporting Institution

IRD-Morocco and the LMI-MediTer


  • Abd El-Ghani, M.M. & Amer, W.M. (2003). Soil-vegetation relationships in a coastal desert plain of southern Sinai, Egypt. Journal of Arid Environments, 55, 4, 607-628. doi:10.1016/S0140-1963(02)00318-X
  • Abdel-Khalik, K.A., El-Sheikh, M.A. & El-Aidarous, A. (2013). Floristic diversity and vegetation analysis of wadi Al-Noman, Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Turkish Journal Of Botany, 37, 894-907.
  • Alifriqui, M. (2004). L’écosystème de l’arganier. Étude réalisée à la demande du programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD-Maroc).
  • Al Shaye, N. A., Masrahi, Y. S. & Thomas, J. (2020). Ecological significance of floristic composition and life forms of Riyadh region, Central Saudi Arabia. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 27,1, 35-40.
  • Austrheim, G., Gunilla, E., Olsson, A. & Grøntvedt, A. (1999). Land-Use impact on plant communities in semi-natural sub-alpine grasslands of Budalen, central Norway. Biological Conservation, 87, 3, 369-379.
  • Bagnouls, F. & Gaussen, H. (1953). Saison sèche et indice xérothermique. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse, 88,193-239.
  • Barbero, M., Quezel, P. & Loisel, R. (1990). Les apports de la phytoecologie dans l’interpretation des changements et perturbations induits par l’homme sur les ecosystemes forestiers mediterraneens. Forêt méditerranéenne, 12, 194-215.
  • Bradai, L., Bouallala, M.H., Bouziane, N.F., Zaoui, S., Neffar, S. & Chenchouni, H. (2015). An appraisal of eremophyte diversity and plant traits in a rocky desert of the Sahara. Folia Geobotanica, 50, 239-252.
  • Cao, S., Chen, L., Xu, C. & Liu, Z. (2007). Impact of three soil types on afforestation in China’s Loess Plateau: growth and survival of six tree species and their effects on soil properties. Landscape and Urban Planning, 83, 2-3, 208-217. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.
  • Chase, M.W. & Reveal, J.L. (2009). A phylogenetic classification ofthe land plants to accompany APG III. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 161, 122-127. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8339.2009.01002.x.
  • Debrach, J. (1953). Notes sur les climats du Maroc occidental. Maroc Oriental 32, 242, 1122-1134.
  • Dobignard, A. (2002). Contributions à la connaissance de la flore du Maroc et de l’Afrique du Nord. Nouvelle série. I. Journal de Botanique de la Société de botanique de France, 20, 5-43.
  • Dobignard, A. (2009). Contributions à la connaissance de la flore du Maroc et de l’Afrique du Nord. Nouvelle série. 2. La flore du Nord-Maroc. Journal de Botanique de la Société de botanique de France, 46, 47, 3-136.
  • Faurie, C., Ferra, C., Medori, P., Devaux, J. & Hemptinne, J. (2003). Ecologie: approche scientifique et pratique, Tec & Doc, Paris.
  • Fennane, M. (2016). Eléments pour un Livre rouge de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Fasc. 1. Pteridophyta (version 1, nov. 2016). Edit. Tela-Botanica. Licence CC-BY NC ND.
  • Fennane, M. (2017). Eléments pour un Livre rouge de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Fasc. 2. Gymnospermae, Dicotyledonae (Acanthaceae - Aristolochiaceae) (version 1, janvier 2017). Edit. Tela-Botanica. Licence CC-BY NC ND.
  • Fennane, M. (2017). Eléments pour un Livre rouge de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Fasc. 3. Dicotyledonae (Asteraceae) (version 1, avril 2017). Edit. Tela-Botanica. Licence CC-BY NC ND.
  • Fennane, M. (2017). Eléments pour un Livre rouge de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Fasc. 4. Basellaceae - Buxaceae (version 1, octobre 2017). Edit. Tela-Botanica. Licence CC-BY NC ND.
  • Fennane, M. (2018). Eléments pour un Livre rouge de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Fasc. 5. Cactaceae - Euphorbiaceae (version 1, janvier 2018). Edit. Tela-Botanica. Licence CC-BY NC ND.
  • Fennane, M. (2018). Eléments pour un Livre rouge de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Fasc. 6. Fabaceae (version 1, avril 2018). Edit. Tela-Botanica. Licence CC-BY NC ND.
  • Fennane, M. (2018). Eléments pour un Livre rouge de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Fasc. 7. Fagaceae - Lythraceae (version 1, juin 2018). Edit. Tela-Botanica. Licence CC-BY NC ND.
  • Fennane, M. (2018). Eléments pour un Livre rouge de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Fasc. 8. Malvaceae - Plumbaginaceae (version 1, juillet 2018). Edit. Tela-Botanica. Licence CC-BY NC ND.
  • Fennane, M. (2018). Eléments pour un Livre rouge de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Fasc. 9. Polygalaceae - Zygophyllaceae (version 1, septembre 2018). Edit. Tela-Botanica. Licence CC-BY NC ND.
  • Fennane, M. (2018). Eléments pour un Livre rouge de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Fasc. 10. Monocotyledonae (version 1, novembre 2018). Edit. Tela-Botanica. Licence CC-BY NC ND.
  • Fennane, M, & Ibn Tattou, M. (1998). Catalogue des plantes vasculaires rares, menacées ou endémiques du Maroc. Bocconea, 8, 243.
  • Fennane, M. & Ibn Tattou, M. (2012). Statistiques et commentaires sur l’inventaire actuel de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique, Rabat, section de la vie, 34, 1, 1-9.
  • Fennane, M., Ibn Tattou, M., Mathez, J., Ouyahya, A. & El Oualidi, J. (1999). Flore pratique du Maroc: manuel de détermination des plantes vasculaires. Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae, Angiospermae (Lauraceae-Neuradaceae), 1. Travaux de l’Institut Scientifique, Série Botanique, 36, 558.
  • Fennane, M., Ibn Tattou, M. & El Oualidi, J. (2014). Flore pratique du Maroc: manuel de détermination des plantes vasculaires. Vol. 3. Travaux de l’Institut Scientifique, Série Botanique, 40, 793.
  • Fennane, M., Ibn Tattou, M., Ouyahya, A. & El Oualidi, J. (2007). Flore pratique du Maroc: manuel de détermination des plantes vasculaires.Vol. 2. Travaux de l’Institut Scientifique, Série Botanique, 38, 636.
  • Géhu, J.M. & Biondi, E. (1998). Nature et limites de quelques végétations littorales de type macaronésien sur Les cotes occidentales du Maroc. Acta Botanica Barcinonensia, 45, 439-453.
  • Guinochet, M. (1973). Phytosociologie. Masson. Paris. 227 .
  • Hashem, A. (2001). Variation diachronique saisonnière de la dynamique de végétation dans une zone présaharienne (Cas de la région de Mesaad W. Djelfa). Engineer Dissertation, Univ. Djelfa, Algeria.
  • Haston, E., Richardson, J.E., Stevens, P.F., Chase, M.W. & Harris, D.J. (2009). The linear angiosperm phylogenygroup (LAPG) III: a linear sequence of the families in APG III. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 161, 128-131. doi:10.1111/j.1095–8339.2009. 01000.x.
  • IUCN. (2012). Guidelines for application of IUCN Red List criteria at regional and national levels. version 4.0. Gland. 41.
  • Jamir, S.A. & Pandey, H.N. (2003). Vascular plant diversity in the sacred groves of Jaintia Hills in northeast India. Biodiversity and Conservation, 12, 1497-1510.
  • Jauffret, S. & Lavorel, S. (2003). Are plant functional types relevant to describe degradation in arid, southern Tunisian steppes? Journal of Vegetation Science, 14, 399-408.
  • Loisel, R. & Gamila, H. (1993). Translation effects of clearing on forest ecosystems by forest pre-disturbance index. Annales de la Societe des sciences naturelles et d’Archeologie de Toulon et du Var, 45, 123-132.
  • Magurran, A.E. (2004). Measuring Biological Diversity. Malden, MA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Marzol, M. V., Sánchez, J., Yanes, A., Derhem, A. & Bargach, J. (2010). Meteorological patterns and fog water in Morocco and the Canary Islands. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, 2530.
  • Meher-Homji, V.M. (1964). Life forms and biological spectra as epharmonic criteria of aridity and humidity in tropics. The Journal of Indian Botanical Society, 43, 3, 424-430.
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  • Médail, F. & Quézel, P. (1997). Hot-Spots analysis for conservation of plant biodiversity in the Mediterranean Basin. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 84, 1, 112-127.
  • Médail, F. & Quézel, P. (1999). The Phytogeographical significance of SW Morocco compared to the Canary Islands. Plant Ecology, 140, 2, 221-244.
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Güney-Orta Fas'taki Ait Baâmrane Bölgesi‒Sidi Ifni Eyaletinin Floristik Çeşitlilik Analizi ve Coğrafi Dağılımını Kontrol Eden ve Etkileyen Ekolojik Faktörler

Year 2022, , 94 - 111, 27.09.2022


Çalışmanın amacı: Bu çalışmada Ait Baamrane bölgesinin vasküler florasını kıyıdan kıtaya doğru karakterize etmek ve analiz etmek amaçlanmıştır.
Çalışma alanı: Ait Baâmrane bölgesi Güney-orta Fas'ta yer almaktadır. Atlantik Okyanusu, Kanarya Adaları ve Sahra-öncesi'nin yakınında bulunan konumu, onu geniş bir doğal alanın ayırt edildiği, iyi tanımlanmış bir coğrafi varlık haline getirir.
Materyal ve yöntem: Flora, kendine özgü zenginlik, endemizm ve koruma durumu ile karakterize edildi. Ayrıca bitki çeşitliliği Shannon çeşitliliği, Evenness, Disturbance ve Jaccard benzerlik indeksleri ile değerlendirilmiş ve ayrıca bitki fonksiyonel grubu üç coğrafi bölgede tanımlanmıştır; kıyı bölgesi (A), plato bölgesi (B) ve kıta bölgesi (C).
Temel sonuçlar: İncelenen alan 281 damarlı tür ve alt tür ile önemli bir floristik zenginliği ön plana çıkarmıştır. Terofitler en çok temsil edilenlerdir (%43.42). Endemik flora, envanteri yapılan tüm türlerin %21.35'ini temsil etmiştir. Tehdit altındaki türlerin oranı ile ilgili olarak, envanteri yapılan floranın %7'si tehdit altında, %11'i ise Tehdit altına girebilir kategorisindedir. Çeşitlilik parametreleri kıtasallık durumuna göre değişir.
Araştırma vurguları: İncelenen bölge florası ve endemik türleri açısından oldukça çeşitlidir. Bu çeşitlilik, bölgenin küresel konumu ve geçmişte ve şimdiki belirli ekolojik koşulları ile bağlantılıdır.


  • Abd El-Ghani, M.M. & Amer, W.M. (2003). Soil-vegetation relationships in a coastal desert plain of southern Sinai, Egypt. Journal of Arid Environments, 55, 4, 607-628. doi:10.1016/S0140-1963(02)00318-X
  • Abdel-Khalik, K.A., El-Sheikh, M.A. & El-Aidarous, A. (2013). Floristic diversity and vegetation analysis of wadi Al-Noman, Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Turkish Journal Of Botany, 37, 894-907.
  • Alifriqui, M. (2004). L’écosystème de l’arganier. Étude réalisée à la demande du programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD-Maroc).
  • Al Shaye, N. A., Masrahi, Y. S. & Thomas, J. (2020). Ecological significance of floristic composition and life forms of Riyadh region, Central Saudi Arabia. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 27,1, 35-40.
  • Austrheim, G., Gunilla, E., Olsson, A. & Grøntvedt, A. (1999). Land-Use impact on plant communities in semi-natural sub-alpine grasslands of Budalen, central Norway. Biological Conservation, 87, 3, 369-379.
  • Bagnouls, F. & Gaussen, H. (1953). Saison sèche et indice xérothermique. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse, 88,193-239.
  • Barbero, M., Quezel, P. & Loisel, R. (1990). Les apports de la phytoecologie dans l’interpretation des changements et perturbations induits par l’homme sur les ecosystemes forestiers mediterraneens. Forêt méditerranéenne, 12, 194-215.
  • Bradai, L., Bouallala, M.H., Bouziane, N.F., Zaoui, S., Neffar, S. & Chenchouni, H. (2015). An appraisal of eremophyte diversity and plant traits in a rocky desert of the Sahara. Folia Geobotanica, 50, 239-252.
  • Cao, S., Chen, L., Xu, C. & Liu, Z. (2007). Impact of three soil types on afforestation in China’s Loess Plateau: growth and survival of six tree species and their effects on soil properties. Landscape and Urban Planning, 83, 2-3, 208-217. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.
  • Chase, M.W. & Reveal, J.L. (2009). A phylogenetic classification ofthe land plants to accompany APG III. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 161, 122-127. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8339.2009.01002.x.
  • Debrach, J. (1953). Notes sur les climats du Maroc occidental. Maroc Oriental 32, 242, 1122-1134.
  • Dobignard, A. (2002). Contributions à la connaissance de la flore du Maroc et de l’Afrique du Nord. Nouvelle série. I. Journal de Botanique de la Société de botanique de France, 20, 5-43.
  • Dobignard, A. (2009). Contributions à la connaissance de la flore du Maroc et de l’Afrique du Nord. Nouvelle série. 2. La flore du Nord-Maroc. Journal de Botanique de la Société de botanique de France, 46, 47, 3-136.
  • Faurie, C., Ferra, C., Medori, P., Devaux, J. & Hemptinne, J. (2003). Ecologie: approche scientifique et pratique, Tec & Doc, Paris.
  • Fennane, M. (2016). Eléments pour un Livre rouge de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Fasc. 1. Pteridophyta (version 1, nov. 2016). Edit. Tela-Botanica. Licence CC-BY NC ND.
  • Fennane, M. (2017). Eléments pour un Livre rouge de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Fasc. 2. Gymnospermae, Dicotyledonae (Acanthaceae - Aristolochiaceae) (version 1, janvier 2017). Edit. Tela-Botanica. Licence CC-BY NC ND.
  • Fennane, M. (2017). Eléments pour un Livre rouge de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Fasc. 3. Dicotyledonae (Asteraceae) (version 1, avril 2017). Edit. Tela-Botanica. Licence CC-BY NC ND.
  • Fennane, M. (2017). Eléments pour un Livre rouge de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Fasc. 4. Basellaceae - Buxaceae (version 1, octobre 2017). Edit. Tela-Botanica. Licence CC-BY NC ND.
  • Fennane, M. (2018). Eléments pour un Livre rouge de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Fasc. 5. Cactaceae - Euphorbiaceae (version 1, janvier 2018). Edit. Tela-Botanica. Licence CC-BY NC ND.
  • Fennane, M. (2018). Eléments pour un Livre rouge de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Fasc. 6. Fabaceae (version 1, avril 2018). Edit. Tela-Botanica. Licence CC-BY NC ND.
  • Fennane, M. (2018). Eléments pour un Livre rouge de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Fasc. 7. Fagaceae - Lythraceae (version 1, juin 2018). Edit. Tela-Botanica. Licence CC-BY NC ND.
  • Fennane, M. (2018). Eléments pour un Livre rouge de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Fasc. 8. Malvaceae - Plumbaginaceae (version 1, juillet 2018). Edit. Tela-Botanica. Licence CC-BY NC ND.
  • Fennane, M. (2018). Eléments pour un Livre rouge de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Fasc. 9. Polygalaceae - Zygophyllaceae (version 1, septembre 2018). Edit. Tela-Botanica. Licence CC-BY NC ND.
  • Fennane, M. (2018). Eléments pour un Livre rouge de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Fasc. 10. Monocotyledonae (version 1, novembre 2018). Edit. Tela-Botanica. Licence CC-BY NC ND.
  • Fennane, M, & Ibn Tattou, M. (1998). Catalogue des plantes vasculaires rares, menacées ou endémiques du Maroc. Bocconea, 8, 243.
  • Fennane, M. & Ibn Tattou, M. (2012). Statistiques et commentaires sur l’inventaire actuel de la flore vasculaire du Maroc. Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique, Rabat, section de la vie, 34, 1, 1-9.
  • Fennane, M., Ibn Tattou, M., Mathez, J., Ouyahya, A. & El Oualidi, J. (1999). Flore pratique du Maroc: manuel de détermination des plantes vasculaires. Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae, Angiospermae (Lauraceae-Neuradaceae), 1. Travaux de l’Institut Scientifique, Série Botanique, 36, 558.
  • Fennane, M., Ibn Tattou, M. & El Oualidi, J. (2014). Flore pratique du Maroc: manuel de détermination des plantes vasculaires. Vol. 3. Travaux de l’Institut Scientifique, Série Botanique, 40, 793.
  • Fennane, M., Ibn Tattou, M., Ouyahya, A. & El Oualidi, J. (2007). Flore pratique du Maroc: manuel de détermination des plantes vasculaires.Vol. 2. Travaux de l’Institut Scientifique, Série Botanique, 38, 636.
  • Géhu, J.M. & Biondi, E. (1998). Nature et limites de quelques végétations littorales de type macaronésien sur Les cotes occidentales du Maroc. Acta Botanica Barcinonensia, 45, 439-453.
  • Guinochet, M. (1973). Phytosociologie. Masson. Paris. 227 .
  • Hashem, A. (2001). Variation diachronique saisonnière de la dynamique de végétation dans une zone présaharienne (Cas de la région de Mesaad W. Djelfa). Engineer Dissertation, Univ. Djelfa, Algeria.
  • Haston, E., Richardson, J.E., Stevens, P.F., Chase, M.W. & Harris, D.J. (2009). The linear angiosperm phylogenygroup (LAPG) III: a linear sequence of the families in APG III. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 161, 128-131. doi:10.1111/j.1095–8339.2009. 01000.x.
  • IUCN. (2012). Guidelines for application of IUCN Red List criteria at regional and national levels. version 4.0. Gland. 41.
  • Jamir, S.A. & Pandey, H.N. (2003). Vascular plant diversity in the sacred groves of Jaintia Hills in northeast India. Biodiversity and Conservation, 12, 1497-1510.
  • Jauffret, S. & Lavorel, S. (2003). Are plant functional types relevant to describe degradation in arid, southern Tunisian steppes? Journal of Vegetation Science, 14, 399-408.
  • Loisel, R. & Gamila, H. (1993). Translation effects of clearing on forest ecosystems by forest pre-disturbance index. Annales de la Societe des sciences naturelles et d’Archeologie de Toulon et du Var, 45, 123-132.
  • Magurran, A.E. (2004). Measuring Biological Diversity. Malden, MA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Marzol, M. V., Sánchez, J., Yanes, A., Derhem, A. & Bargach, J. (2010). Meteorological patterns and fog water in Morocco and the Canary Islands. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, 2530.
  • Meher-Homji, V.M. (1964). Life forms and biological spectra as epharmonic criteria of aridity and humidity in tropics. The Journal of Indian Botanical Society, 43, 3, 424-430.
  • Médail, F. (2001). Les hot spots de biodiversite: Un outil pour la conservation?: Comment conserver les espèces. Biofutur (Puteaux), 211.
  • Médail, F. & Myers, N. (2004). Hot spots revisited. In: Mittermeier, R.A., Robles Gil P., Hoffmann, M., Pilgrim, J., Brooks, T, Goettsch Mittermeier, C., Lamoreux, J., Da Fonseca, G. eds. Mediterranean Basin. Mexico: CEMEX, 144-147.
  • Médail, F. & Quézel, P. (1997). Hot-Spots analysis for conservation of plant biodiversity in the Mediterranean Basin. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 84, 1, 112-127.
  • Médail, F. & Quézel, P. (1999). The Phytogeographical significance of SW Morocco compared to the Canary Islands. Plant Ecology, 140, 2, 221-244.
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There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Fatima Zahra Yous This is me

Awatif Ben Lekbır This is me

Hamza Zıne This is me

Mohamed Alıfrıquı This is me

Ahmed Ouhammou This is me

Publication Date September 27, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Yous, F. Z., Ben Lekbır, A., Zıne, H., Alıfrıquı, M., et al. (2022). Floristic Diversity Analysis of Ait Baâmrane Region‒Sidi Ifni Province, in South-Central Morocco and The Ecological Factors That Control and Influence Its Geographic Distribution. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 22(2), 94-111.
AMA Yous FZ, Ben Lekbır A, Zıne H, Alıfrıquı M, Ouhammou A. Floristic Diversity Analysis of Ait Baâmrane Region‒Sidi Ifni Province, in South-Central Morocco and The Ecological Factors That Control and Influence Its Geographic Distribution. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. September 2022;22(2):94-111. doi:10.17475/kastorman.1179033
Chicago Yous, Fatima Zahra, Awatif Ben Lekbır, Hamza Zıne, Mohamed Alıfrıquı, and Ahmed Ouhammou. “Floristic Diversity Analysis of Ait Baâmrane Region‒Sidi Ifni Province, in South-Central Morocco and The Ecological Factors That Control and Influence Its Geographic Distribution”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 22, no. 2 (September 2022): 94-111.
EndNote Yous FZ, Ben Lekbır A, Zıne H, Alıfrıquı M, Ouhammou A (September 1, 2022) Floristic Diversity Analysis of Ait Baâmrane Region‒Sidi Ifni Province, in South-Central Morocco and The Ecological Factors That Control and Influence Its Geographic Distribution. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 22 2 94–111.
IEEE F. Z. Yous, A. Ben Lekbır, H. Zıne, M. Alıfrıquı, and A. Ouhammou, “Floristic Diversity Analysis of Ait Baâmrane Region‒Sidi Ifni Province, in South-Central Morocco and The Ecological Factors That Control and Influence Its Geographic Distribution”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 94–111, 2022, doi: 10.17475/kastorman.1179033.
ISNAD Yous, Fatima Zahra et al. “Floristic Diversity Analysis of Ait Baâmrane Region‒Sidi Ifni Province, in South-Central Morocco and The Ecological Factors That Control and Influence Its Geographic Distribution”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 22/2 (September 2022), 94-111.
JAMA Yous FZ, Ben Lekbır A, Zıne H, Alıfrıquı M, Ouhammou A. Floristic Diversity Analysis of Ait Baâmrane Region‒Sidi Ifni Province, in South-Central Morocco and The Ecological Factors That Control and Influence Its Geographic Distribution. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2022;22:94–111.
MLA Yous, Fatima Zahra et al. “Floristic Diversity Analysis of Ait Baâmrane Region‒Sidi Ifni Province, in South-Central Morocco and The Ecological Factors That Control and Influence Its Geographic Distribution”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 22, no. 2, 2022, pp. 94-111, doi:10.17475/kastorman.1179033.
Vancouver Yous FZ, Ben Lekbır A, Zıne H, Alıfrıquı M, Ouhammou A. Floristic Diversity Analysis of Ait Baâmrane Region‒Sidi Ifni Province, in South-Central Morocco and The Ecological Factors That Control and Influence Its Geographic Distribution. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2022;22(2):94-111.

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