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Ankara Üniversitesi Beşevler 10. Yıl Yerleşkesi’nde Yayılış Gösteren Türkiye Agaricales’leri İçin Üç Yeni Kayıt

Year 2023, , 250 - 263, 06.12.2023


Çalışmanın amacı: Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, yeni bildirilen üç agaricoid makrofungus türünü dahil ederek Türkiye mikobiyotasına katkıda bulunmaktır.
Çalışma alanı: Ankara'nın Çankaya ilçesine bağlı Beşevler mevkiinde, şehir merkezine yaklaşık 5 km uzaklıkta yer alan Ankara Üniversitesi Beşevler 10. Yıl Yerleşkesi hem arboretum hem de botanik bahçesini andıran niteliklere sahiptir. Çok çeşitli türler için bir sığınak görevi gören bu kampüs, 2016 yılında resmen 3. derece doğal sit alanı olarak kabul edilmiştir.
Materyal ve yöntem: Araştırma, numunelerin makroskopik ve mikroskobik özelliklerinin titiz bir analizini içermektedir. Ek olarak çalışmada toplanan numuneleri daha fazla tanımlamak için Dahili Kopyalanmış Aralayıcı (ITS) dizileme yöntemi kullanılarak rDNA dizilerinin analizi yapılmıştır.
Temel sonuçlar: Yapılan arazi ve laboratuvar çalışmaları sonucunda Agaricales takımına ait üç mantar türü olan Hebeloma salicicola, Inocybe griseovelata ve I. tiburtina Türkiye'de ilk kez tespit edilerek rapor edilmiştir.
Araştırma vurguları: Bu araştırma, Ankara Üniversitesi Beşevler 10. Yıl Kampüsü'nden toplanan Türkiye mikobiyotasından üç yeni agaricoid mantar türünün raporunu içermektedir


  • Acar, I., Dizkirici, A., Kalmer, A. & Uzun, Y. (2022). Hebeloma bingolense, a new species in section Hebeloma (Basidiomycota) from Turkey. Nova Hedwigia, 114(1-2), 55-68.
  • Acar, I., Uzun, Y., Kalmer, A., Dizkirici, A. & Öğün Y. (2021). A new record for Turkish mycobiota from Selim (Kars) district. Mantar Dergisi, 12(1), 65-70.
  • Akata, I., Altuntaş, D. & Kabaktepe, Ş. (2019a). Fungi Determined in Ankara University Tandoğan Campus Area (Ankara-Turkey). Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences, 20(1), 47-55.
  • Akata, I., Altuntaş, D., Sahin, E., Allı, H. & Kabaktepe, Ş. (2021b). A Note on Battarrea phalloides in Turkey. Mantar Dergisi, 12(1), 1-9.
  • Akata, I., Buyuk, İ., Altuntas, D. & Sesli, E. (2019b). Calocybe persicolor, A New Record for the Turkish Mycota. Gazi University Journal of Science, 32(4), 1097-1103.
  • Akata, I., Edis, G., Keskin, E. & Sahin, E. (2023). Diverse partitiviruses hosted by the ectomycorrhizal agaric Hebeloma mesophaeum and the natural transmission of a partitivirus between phylogenetically distant, sympatric fungi. Virology, 581, 63-70.
  • Akata, I., Sahin, E., Altuntaş, D. & Kabaktepe, Ş. (2021a). Two new additions to Turkish Tulostoma. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 24(5), 1104-1110.
  • Akata, İ., Altuntaş, D. & Şahin, E. (2020). Callistosporium Singer, a new genus record for Turkish Mycobiota. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences, 21(1), 33-37.
  • Altındağ, A. (2021) Ankara Üniversitesi Beşevler 10. Yıl Yerleşkesi Biyoçeşitliliği, Ankara., Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi.
  • Altuntaş, D., Sesli, E., Büyük, I. & Akata, I. (2019). Inocybe mytiliodora: A new record for Turkey. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 19(3), 284-289.
  • Bandini, D., Brandrud, T.E., Dima, B., Dondl, M., Fachada, V., et al. (2022). Fibre caps across Europe: type studies and 11 new species of Inocybe (Agaricales, Basidiomycota). Integrative Systematics: Stuttgart Contributions to Natural History, 5(2), 1-85.
  • Bandini, D., Oertel, B. & Eberhardt, U. (2021). A fresh outlook on the smooth-spored species of Inocybe: type studies and 18 new species. Mycological Progress, 20(9), 1019-1114.
  • Bandini, D., Sesli, E., Oertel, B. & Krisai-Greilhuber, I. (2020). Inocybe antoniniana, a new species of Inocybe section Marginatae with nodulose spores. Sydowia, 72, 95-106.
  • Başköse, İ., Körüklü, S.T. & Yaprak, A. (2020). Ankara Üniversitesi 10. Yıl (Beşevler) Yerleşkesinin Bitki Biyoçeşitliliği. Biyolojik Çeşitlilik ve Koruma, 13(3), 217-231.
  • Braaten, C.C., Matheny, P.B., Viess, D L., Wood, M.G., Williams, J.H., et al. (2014). Two new species of Inocybe from Australia and North America that include novel secotioid forms. Botany, 92(1), 9-22.
  • Chen, L., Cai, Y., Zhou, G., Shi, X., Su, J., et al. (2014). Rapid Sanger sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene for identification of some common pathogens. PloS One 9(2): e88886.
  • Clark, K., Karsch-Mizrachi, I., Lipman, D.J., Ostell, J., & Sayers, E.W. (2016). GenBank. Nucleic Acids Research, 44(D1), D67-D72.
  • Cripps, C., Eberhardt, U., Schütz, N., Beker, H.J., Evenson, V.S., et al. (2019). The genus Hebeloma in the Rocky Mountain alpine zone. MycoKeys, 46, 1–54.
  • Eberhardt, U., Beker, H.J. & Vesterholt, J. (2015). Decrypting the Hebeloma crustuliniforme complex: European species of Hebeloma section Denudata subsection Denudata (Agaricales). Persoonia-Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi, 35(1), 101-147.
  • Ezer, T., Akata, I. & Altuntaş, D. (2021). The mosses of Ankara University Beşevler 10. yıl campus area (Ankara-Turkey). Anatolian Bryology, 7(1), 17-22.
  • Felsenstein, J. (1985). Confidence limits on phylogenies: an approach using the bootstrap. evolution, 39(4), 783-791.
  • Kalichman, J., Kirk, P.M. & Matheny, P.B. (2020). A compendium of generic names of agarics and Agaricales. Taxon, 69(3), 425-447.
  • Kaygusuz, O., Bandini, D. & Çelik, A. (2022a). Inocybe kusadasiensis (Inocybaceae: Agaricomycetes), a new species from Turkey. Phytotaxa, 570(1), 1-15.
  • Kaygusuz, O., Knudsen, H., Bandini, D. & Türkekul, İ. (2022b). Inocybe viscida (Inocybaceae: Agaricomycetes), a new species from Mediterranean forests of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany, 46(5), 517-527.
  • Kirk, P.F., Cannon, P.F., Minter, D.W. & Stalpers, J.A. (2008) Dictionary of the fungi 10th ed. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
  • Kumar, S., Stecher, G., Li, M., Knyaz, C. & Tamura, K. (2018). MEGA X: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis across computing platforms. Molecular biology and evolution, 35(6), 1547-1549.
  • Kuyper, T. (1985). Studies in Inocybe-I. Revision of the new taxa of Inocybe described by Velenovský. Persoonia-Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi, 12(4), 375-400.
  • Kuyper, T.W. (1986). A revision of the genus Inocybe in Europe. I. Subgenus Inosperma and the smooth-spored species of subgenus Inocybe. Persoonia-Supplement, 3(1), 1-247.
  • Matheny, P.B. & Kudzma, L.V. (2019). New species of Inocybe (Inocybaceae) from eastern North America1. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, 146(3), 213-235.
  • Matheny, P.B., Aime, M.C., Bougher, N.L., Buyck, B., Desjardin, D.E., et al. (2009). Out of the Palaeotropics? Historical biogeography and diversification of the cosmopolitan ectomycorrhizal mushroom family Inocybaceae. Journal of Biogeography, 36(4), 577-592.
  • Muñoz, G., Pancorbo, F., Turégano, Y. & Esteve-Raventós, F. (2022). New species and combinations of Inocybe with lilac or violet colours in Europe. Fungi Iberici, 2, 7-26.
  • Raja, H.A., Miller, A.N., Pearce, C.J. & Oberlies, N.H. (2017). Fungal identification using molecular tools: a primer for the natural products research community. Journal of natural products, 80(3), 756-770.
  • Rogers, S.O. & Bendich, A.J. (1994). Extraction of total cellular DNA from plants, algae and fungi. Plant molecular biology manual, 183-190.
  • Sahin, E. & Akata, I. (2019). Complete genome sequence of a novel mitovirus from the ectomycorrhizal fungus Geopora sumneriana. Archives of Virology, 164, 2853-2857.
  • Sahin, E., Keskin, E. & Akata, I. (2021). Molecular characterization of the complete genome of a novel partitivirus hosted by the saprobic mushroom Leucocybe candicans. Archives of Microbiology, 203(9), 5825-5830.
  • Sesli, E. & Bandini, D. (2020). First Record of Inocybe nothomixtilis (Basidiomycota, Inocybaceae) Outside Europe. Mantar Dergisi, 11(1), 64-67.
  • Sesli, E. (2020). Inocybe grammatoides Esteve-Rav., Pancorbo & E. Rubio (Yahşikümbet)’in Avrupa Dışındaki İlk Kaydı. Bağbahçe Bilim Dergisi, 7(1), 58-61.
  • Sesli, E. (2022). Inocybe tarda Kühner: Türkiye Mikotası İçin Yeni Bir Kayıt. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 25(Ek Sayı 2), 352-355.
  • Sesli, E. (2023). Hebeloma limbatum: Türkiye Mikotası İçin Yeni Bir Kayıt. Mantar Dergisi, 14(1), 51-54.
  • Sesli, E., Asan, A., Selçuk, F., Akata, I., Akgül, H., et al. (2020). Türkiye Mantarları Listesi. İstanbul: Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı Yayınları.
  • Stielow, J.B., Lévesque, C.A., Seifert, K.A., Meyer, W., Irinyi, L., et al. (2015). One fungus, which genes? Development and assessment of universal primers for potential secondary fungal DNA barcodes. Persoonia-Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi, 35(1), 242-263.
  • Tamura, K. (1992) Estimation of the number of nucleotide substitutions when there are strong transition-transversion and G + C-content biases. Molecular Biology and Evolution 9: 678-687.
  • Vesterholt, J. (2005) The genus Hebeloma. Fungi of Northern Europe – Vol. 3. Svampetryk, Tilst, Denmark

Three New Records For Turkish Agaricales Inhabiting Ankara University Beşevler 10th Year Campus Area

Year 2023, , 250 - 263, 06.12.2023


Aim of the study: The principal objective of this study is to contribute to the Turkish mycobiota by including three newly reported agaricoid macrofungi species.
Study area: Situated approximately 5 km from the city center in the Beşevler area of the Çankaya district in Ankara, Ankara University's Beşevler 10th Year Campus has qualities akin to both an arboretum and a botanical garden. Serving as a refuge for a wide variety of species, this campus was officially acknowledged as a grade 3 natural site area in 2016.
Material and method: The research involved meticulous analysis of the macroscopic and microscopic attributes of the samples. Additionally, the study implemented rDNA sequence analysis utilizing the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) sequencing method to further identify the collected samples.
Main results: After conducting field and laboratory studies, three fungal species from the Agaricales order, namely Hebeloma salicicola, Inocybe griseovelata, and I. tiburtina, have been identified and reported for the first time in Türkiye.
Research highlights: This research explores the report of three new species of agaricoid fungi from the mycobiota of Türkiye, collected from Ankara University's Beşevler 10th Year Campus


  • Acar, I., Dizkirici, A., Kalmer, A. & Uzun, Y. (2022). Hebeloma bingolense, a new species in section Hebeloma (Basidiomycota) from Turkey. Nova Hedwigia, 114(1-2), 55-68.
  • Acar, I., Uzun, Y., Kalmer, A., Dizkirici, A. & Öğün Y. (2021). A new record for Turkish mycobiota from Selim (Kars) district. Mantar Dergisi, 12(1), 65-70.
  • Akata, I., Altuntaş, D. & Kabaktepe, Ş. (2019a). Fungi Determined in Ankara University Tandoğan Campus Area (Ankara-Turkey). Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences, 20(1), 47-55.
  • Akata, I., Altuntaş, D., Sahin, E., Allı, H. & Kabaktepe, Ş. (2021b). A Note on Battarrea phalloides in Turkey. Mantar Dergisi, 12(1), 1-9.
  • Akata, I., Buyuk, İ., Altuntas, D. & Sesli, E. (2019b). Calocybe persicolor, A New Record for the Turkish Mycota. Gazi University Journal of Science, 32(4), 1097-1103.
  • Akata, I., Edis, G., Keskin, E. & Sahin, E. (2023). Diverse partitiviruses hosted by the ectomycorrhizal agaric Hebeloma mesophaeum and the natural transmission of a partitivirus between phylogenetically distant, sympatric fungi. Virology, 581, 63-70.
  • Akata, I., Sahin, E., Altuntaş, D. & Kabaktepe, Ş. (2021a). Two new additions to Turkish Tulostoma. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 24(5), 1104-1110.
  • Akata, İ., Altuntaş, D. & Şahin, E. (2020). Callistosporium Singer, a new genus record for Turkish Mycobiota. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences, 21(1), 33-37.
  • Altındağ, A. (2021) Ankara Üniversitesi Beşevler 10. Yıl Yerleşkesi Biyoçeşitliliği, Ankara., Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi.
  • Altuntaş, D., Sesli, E., Büyük, I. & Akata, I. (2019). Inocybe mytiliodora: A new record for Turkey. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 19(3), 284-289.
  • Bandini, D., Brandrud, T.E., Dima, B., Dondl, M., Fachada, V., et al. (2022). Fibre caps across Europe: type studies and 11 new species of Inocybe (Agaricales, Basidiomycota). Integrative Systematics: Stuttgart Contributions to Natural History, 5(2), 1-85.
  • Bandini, D., Oertel, B. & Eberhardt, U. (2021). A fresh outlook on the smooth-spored species of Inocybe: type studies and 18 new species. Mycological Progress, 20(9), 1019-1114.
  • Bandini, D., Sesli, E., Oertel, B. & Krisai-Greilhuber, I. (2020). Inocybe antoniniana, a new species of Inocybe section Marginatae with nodulose spores. Sydowia, 72, 95-106.
  • Başköse, İ., Körüklü, S.T. & Yaprak, A. (2020). Ankara Üniversitesi 10. Yıl (Beşevler) Yerleşkesinin Bitki Biyoçeşitliliği. Biyolojik Çeşitlilik ve Koruma, 13(3), 217-231.
  • Braaten, C.C., Matheny, P.B., Viess, D L., Wood, M.G., Williams, J.H., et al. (2014). Two new species of Inocybe from Australia and North America that include novel secotioid forms. Botany, 92(1), 9-22.
  • Chen, L., Cai, Y., Zhou, G., Shi, X., Su, J., et al. (2014). Rapid Sanger sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene for identification of some common pathogens. PloS One 9(2): e88886.
  • Clark, K., Karsch-Mizrachi, I., Lipman, D.J., Ostell, J., & Sayers, E.W. (2016). GenBank. Nucleic Acids Research, 44(D1), D67-D72.
  • Cripps, C., Eberhardt, U., Schütz, N., Beker, H.J., Evenson, V.S., et al. (2019). The genus Hebeloma in the Rocky Mountain alpine zone. MycoKeys, 46, 1–54.
  • Eberhardt, U., Beker, H.J. & Vesterholt, J. (2015). Decrypting the Hebeloma crustuliniforme complex: European species of Hebeloma section Denudata subsection Denudata (Agaricales). Persoonia-Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi, 35(1), 101-147.
  • Ezer, T., Akata, I. & Altuntaş, D. (2021). The mosses of Ankara University Beşevler 10. yıl campus area (Ankara-Turkey). Anatolian Bryology, 7(1), 17-22.
  • Felsenstein, J. (1985). Confidence limits on phylogenies: an approach using the bootstrap. evolution, 39(4), 783-791.
  • Kalichman, J., Kirk, P.M. & Matheny, P.B. (2020). A compendium of generic names of agarics and Agaricales. Taxon, 69(3), 425-447.
  • Kaygusuz, O., Bandini, D. & Çelik, A. (2022a). Inocybe kusadasiensis (Inocybaceae: Agaricomycetes), a new species from Turkey. Phytotaxa, 570(1), 1-15.
  • Kaygusuz, O., Knudsen, H., Bandini, D. & Türkekul, İ. (2022b). Inocybe viscida (Inocybaceae: Agaricomycetes), a new species from Mediterranean forests of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany, 46(5), 517-527.
  • Kirk, P.F., Cannon, P.F., Minter, D.W. & Stalpers, J.A. (2008) Dictionary of the fungi 10th ed. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
  • Kumar, S., Stecher, G., Li, M., Knyaz, C. & Tamura, K. (2018). MEGA X: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis across computing platforms. Molecular biology and evolution, 35(6), 1547-1549.
  • Kuyper, T. (1985). Studies in Inocybe-I. Revision of the new taxa of Inocybe described by Velenovský. Persoonia-Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi, 12(4), 375-400.
  • Kuyper, T.W. (1986). A revision of the genus Inocybe in Europe. I. Subgenus Inosperma and the smooth-spored species of subgenus Inocybe. Persoonia-Supplement, 3(1), 1-247.
  • Matheny, P.B. & Kudzma, L.V. (2019). New species of Inocybe (Inocybaceae) from eastern North America1. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, 146(3), 213-235.
  • Matheny, P.B., Aime, M.C., Bougher, N.L., Buyck, B., Desjardin, D.E., et al. (2009). Out of the Palaeotropics? Historical biogeography and diversification of the cosmopolitan ectomycorrhizal mushroom family Inocybaceae. Journal of Biogeography, 36(4), 577-592.
  • Muñoz, G., Pancorbo, F., Turégano, Y. & Esteve-Raventós, F. (2022). New species and combinations of Inocybe with lilac or violet colours in Europe. Fungi Iberici, 2, 7-26.
  • Raja, H.A., Miller, A.N., Pearce, C.J. & Oberlies, N.H. (2017). Fungal identification using molecular tools: a primer for the natural products research community. Journal of natural products, 80(3), 756-770.
  • Rogers, S.O. & Bendich, A.J. (1994). Extraction of total cellular DNA from plants, algae and fungi. Plant molecular biology manual, 183-190.
  • Sahin, E. & Akata, I. (2019). Complete genome sequence of a novel mitovirus from the ectomycorrhizal fungus Geopora sumneriana. Archives of Virology, 164, 2853-2857.
  • Sahin, E., Keskin, E. & Akata, I. (2021). Molecular characterization of the complete genome of a novel partitivirus hosted by the saprobic mushroom Leucocybe candicans. Archives of Microbiology, 203(9), 5825-5830.
  • Sesli, E. & Bandini, D. (2020). First Record of Inocybe nothomixtilis (Basidiomycota, Inocybaceae) Outside Europe. Mantar Dergisi, 11(1), 64-67.
  • Sesli, E. (2020). Inocybe grammatoides Esteve-Rav., Pancorbo & E. Rubio (Yahşikümbet)’in Avrupa Dışındaki İlk Kaydı. Bağbahçe Bilim Dergisi, 7(1), 58-61.
  • Sesli, E. (2022). Inocybe tarda Kühner: Türkiye Mikotası İçin Yeni Bir Kayıt. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 25(Ek Sayı 2), 352-355.
  • Sesli, E. (2023). Hebeloma limbatum: Türkiye Mikotası İçin Yeni Bir Kayıt. Mantar Dergisi, 14(1), 51-54.
  • Sesli, E., Asan, A., Selçuk, F., Akata, I., Akgül, H., et al. (2020). Türkiye Mantarları Listesi. İstanbul: Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı Yayınları.
  • Stielow, J.B., Lévesque, C.A., Seifert, K.A., Meyer, W., Irinyi, L., et al. (2015). One fungus, which genes? Development and assessment of universal primers for potential secondary fungal DNA barcodes. Persoonia-Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi, 35(1), 242-263.
  • Tamura, K. (1992) Estimation of the number of nucleotide substitutions when there are strong transition-transversion and G + C-content biases. Molecular Biology and Evolution 9: 678-687.
  • Vesterholt, J. (2005) The genus Hebeloma. Fungi of Northern Europe – Vol. 3. Svampetryk, Tilst, Denmark
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Forestry Sciences (Other)
Journal Section Articles

İlgaz Akata

Eda Kumru

Gülce Ediş

Beste Gizem Özbey

Ergin Sahin

Early Pub Date December 1, 2023
Publication Date December 6, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Akata, İ., Kumru, E., Ediş, G., Özbey, B. G., et al. (2023). Three New Records For Turkish Agaricales Inhabiting Ankara University Beşevler 10th Year Campus Area. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 23(3), 250-263.
AMA Akata İ, Kumru E, Ediş G, Özbey BG, Sahin E. Three New Records For Turkish Agaricales Inhabiting Ankara University Beşevler 10th Year Campus Area. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. December 2023;23(3):250-263. doi:10.17475/kastorman.1394933
Chicago Akata, İlgaz, Eda Kumru, Gülce Ediş, Beste Gizem Özbey, and Ergin Sahin. “Three New Records For Turkish Agaricales Inhabiting Ankara University Beşevler 10th Year Campus Area”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 23, no. 3 (December 2023): 250-63.
EndNote Akata İ, Kumru E, Ediş G, Özbey BG, Sahin E (December 1, 2023) Three New Records For Turkish Agaricales Inhabiting Ankara University Beşevler 10th Year Campus Area. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 23 3 250–263.
IEEE İ. Akata, E. Kumru, G. Ediş, B. G. Özbey, and E. Sahin, “Three New Records For Turkish Agaricales Inhabiting Ankara University Beşevler 10th Year Campus Area”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 250–263, 2023, doi: 10.17475/kastorman.1394933.
ISNAD Akata, İlgaz et al. “Three New Records For Turkish Agaricales Inhabiting Ankara University Beşevler 10th Year Campus Area”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 23/3 (December 2023), 250-263.
JAMA Akata İ, Kumru E, Ediş G, Özbey BG, Sahin E. Three New Records For Turkish Agaricales Inhabiting Ankara University Beşevler 10th Year Campus Area. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2023;23:250–263.
MLA Akata, İlgaz et al. “Three New Records For Turkish Agaricales Inhabiting Ankara University Beşevler 10th Year Campus Area”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 23, no. 3, 2023, pp. 250-63, doi:10.17475/kastorman.1394933.
Vancouver Akata İ, Kumru E, Ediş G, Özbey BG, Sahin E. Three New Records For Turkish Agaricales Inhabiting Ankara University Beşevler 10th Year Campus Area. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2023;23(3):250-63.

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