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Effects of Fiberglass and Steel Sheet Reinforcement on the Bending Performance of Glulam Beams Constructed with Turkish Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.)

Year 2015, , 73 - 77, 18.06.2015


A study was conducted to investigate the bending performance of glulam beams constructed of Red pine reinforced by fiberglass and steel plates. Local reinforcement is proposed in order to improve the flexural strength and stiffness of glulam beams. For the study, 15 full size glulam beams constructed of Turkish red pine lumber were produced. All beams had similar 5 layers consisting of two finger-jointedmembers at the bottom, a single member at the fourth, six finger-jointed-members at the third and second layer and another single member at the top. Glulam beams were tested using three-point bending test to determine their load-deformation behavior. According to test results, elasticity of the glulam beams can be improved 14% and 24% using fiber glass and steel plates. Similarly, maximum load carrying capacity of glulam beams constructed of Turkish red pine lumbers may be improved 27 % and 36 % by using fiberglass and steel reinforcements, respectively. Reinforcement also changed the failure mode of glulam beams tested


  • Anca P., Douglas J.G., Roberto L. 2004. Carbon fiber-vinyl ester compositere inforcement of wood using the VARTM/SCRIMP fabrication process.Composites: Part A- Applied Science and Manufacturing, 35(11), 1257-1265.
  • André A. 2006. Fibers for strengthening of timber structures. Technical Report. Luleå University of Technology. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Division of Structural Engineering. SE - 971 87 LULEÅ.
  • Bostrom L., Hoffmeyer P., Solli K.H. 1999. Tensile properties of machine strength graded timber for glued laminated timber. Proceedings of Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, (14 – 18 March 1999), 215 – 230. Buell T.W., Saadatmanesh P.E. 2005. Strengthening timber bridge beams using carbon fiber. Journal of Structural Engineering, 131(1), 173-187.
  • Bulleit W.M. 1984. Reinforcement of wood materials A review. Wood and Fiber Science, 16 (3), 391-397.
  • Cheng F., Hu Y. 2011. Nondestructive test and prediction of MOE of FRP reinforced fast-growing poplar Composites Technology, 71, 1163-1170. Science and
  • Dagher H.J., Kimball T.E., Shaler S.M., 1996. reinforcement on low grade eastern hemlock glulams.General Technical Report FPL-GTR-94, USDA Forestry Products Laboratory, Madison, WI, 207-214. Effect of FRP
  • Dagher H.J., Abdel-Magid B., Lindyberg R., Poulin J., Shalter S. 1998. Staticbending test result of Douglas-fir and western hemlock FRP- reinforced glulambeams. AEWC Report No.98-4, University of Maine AEWC Center, Orono, Marine,U.S.A.
  • Echavarria C., Jimenez L., Ochoa J.C. 2012. Bamboo-reinforced Glulam beams: An alternative to fiberglass-reinforced glulam beams. Dyna, 174,24-30.
  • EN 40 2003. Structural timber and glued laminated timber: Determination of some physical and mechanical properties. European Committee for Standardization.
  • Fiorelli J., Dias, A.A. 2006. Fiberglass- reinforced Glulam Beams: Mechanical properties and theoretical model. Materials Research, 9 (3), 263-269.
  • Jacob J.; Barragan O.L.G. 2007. Flexural strengthening of glued laminated timber beams with steel and carbon fiber reinforced polymers. Master’s Thesis in the International Master’s Programme Structural Engineering. Chalmers Unıversity of Technology, Sweden.
  • John K.C., Lacroix S. 2000. Composite reinforcement of timber in bending. Can. J. Civ. Eng., 27, 899-906.
  • Johnson, H., Blanksvärd, T., Carolin, A. 2006. Glulam members strengthened by carbon fiber reinforcement. Materials and Structures, 40 (1), 47-56.
  • Moody R.C., Hernandez R. 1997. Engineered wood products- A guide for specifiers, designers and users. For. Prod. J. Chapter, 1: 1-1, 1-39. Rowlands R.E., Van Deweghe R.P., Laufenberg T.L., Krueger G.P. 1986. Fiber- reinforced wood composites. Wood and Fiber Science, 18 (1), 39-57.
  • Smulski S. (Ed).,Moody R.C., Hernandez R. 1997. Glued-Laminated Timber in Engineered wood products – A guide for specifiers, designs and Foundation, Chapter 1, 1-39. WI: PFS Research
  • Wang Q., Li F., Chen H., Huang Y., Yang Y., Xu Y. 2010. Experimental study on bending behavior of timber beams reinforced with GFRP sheets. Building Structure, 40(5), 52-107.
  • Wei P., Wang B.J., Zhou D., Dai C., Wang Q. Huang S. 2013. Mechanical properties of poplar laminated veener lumber modified by carbon fiber reinforced polymer, BioResources, 8(4), 4883- 4898.
  • Yang H., Liu W. 2007. Study on flexural behavior of FRP reinforced glulam beams. Journal of Building Structures, 28 (1), 64-71.
  • Zhang P., Shen S., Ma C. 2011. Strengthening mechanical properties of glulam with basalt fiber. Advances in Natural Science,4(2), 130-133.
  • Zhuo J. 2009. Research on reinforcement of timber structures with CFRP materials. M.Sc. Thesis, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, ShanghaiJiao Tong University, Shanghai, P. R. China.

Kızılçamdan (Pinus brutia Ten.) Üretilen Tabakalı Kerestede Cam Lifi ve Çelik Plaka ile Güçlendirmenin Eğilme Performansına Etkisi

Year 2015, , 73 - 77, 18.06.2015


Bu çalışmada kızılçam kullanılarak üretilmiş ve cam lifi ve çelik plaka ile güçlendirilmiş tabakalı kerestelerin eğilmedeki performans özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Tabakalı kerestede eğilme özelliklerini iyileştirmek için lokal güçlendirme yapılmıştır. Çalışmada kızılçam kerestesi kullanılarak 15 adet 10 x 200 x 3000 mm ölçülerinde tabakalı kereste örnekleri üretilmiştir. Bütün örneklerin en alt katmanı parmak dişle birleştirilmiş iki keresteden; üstündeki katman tek parça keresteden; orta ve üstü katman parmak dişle birleştirilmiş altı elemandan ve en üst katman ise tek elemandan oluşmaktadır. Dolayısıyla kontrol örneklerinde kırılmaların en alt tabakada parmak dişli birleştirmede olması planlanmıştır. Güçlendirme işlemi cam lifi ve çelik plaka kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tabakalı kereste örneklerinin üç nokta eğilme testi ile performans özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonuçlarına göre kızılçam kullanılarak üretilmiş tabakalı kerestelerde elastikiyet modülü cam lifi ile % 14, çelik plaka ile % 24 artmıştır. Cam lifi maksimum yük taşıma kapasitesini% 27, çelik plaka ise % 36 arttırmıştır. Güçlendirme tabakalı kirişlerde kırılma modunu da değiştirmiştir.


  • Anca P., Douglas J.G., Roberto L. 2004. Carbon fiber-vinyl ester compositere inforcement of wood using the VARTM/SCRIMP fabrication process.Composites: Part A- Applied Science and Manufacturing, 35(11), 1257-1265.
  • André A. 2006. Fibers for strengthening of timber structures. Technical Report. Luleå University of Technology. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Division of Structural Engineering. SE - 971 87 LULEÅ.
  • Bostrom L., Hoffmeyer P., Solli K.H. 1999. Tensile properties of machine strength graded timber for glued laminated timber. Proceedings of Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, (14 – 18 March 1999), 215 – 230. Buell T.W., Saadatmanesh P.E. 2005. Strengthening timber bridge beams using carbon fiber. Journal of Structural Engineering, 131(1), 173-187.
  • Bulleit W.M. 1984. Reinforcement of wood materials A review. Wood and Fiber Science, 16 (3), 391-397.
  • Cheng F., Hu Y. 2011. Nondestructive test and prediction of MOE of FRP reinforced fast-growing poplar Composites Technology, 71, 1163-1170. Science and
  • Dagher H.J., Kimball T.E., Shaler S.M., 1996. reinforcement on low grade eastern hemlock glulams.General Technical Report FPL-GTR-94, USDA Forestry Products Laboratory, Madison, WI, 207-214. Effect of FRP
  • Dagher H.J., Abdel-Magid B., Lindyberg R., Poulin J., Shalter S. 1998. Staticbending test result of Douglas-fir and western hemlock FRP- reinforced glulambeams. AEWC Report No.98-4, University of Maine AEWC Center, Orono, Marine,U.S.A.
  • Echavarria C., Jimenez L., Ochoa J.C. 2012. Bamboo-reinforced Glulam beams: An alternative to fiberglass-reinforced glulam beams. Dyna, 174,24-30.
  • EN 40 2003. Structural timber and glued laminated timber: Determination of some physical and mechanical properties. European Committee for Standardization.
  • Fiorelli J., Dias, A.A. 2006. Fiberglass- reinforced Glulam Beams: Mechanical properties and theoretical model. Materials Research, 9 (3), 263-269.
  • Jacob J.; Barragan O.L.G. 2007. Flexural strengthening of glued laminated timber beams with steel and carbon fiber reinforced polymers. Master’s Thesis in the International Master’s Programme Structural Engineering. Chalmers Unıversity of Technology, Sweden.
  • John K.C., Lacroix S. 2000. Composite reinforcement of timber in bending. Can. J. Civ. Eng., 27, 899-906.
  • Johnson, H., Blanksvärd, T., Carolin, A. 2006. Glulam members strengthened by carbon fiber reinforcement. Materials and Structures, 40 (1), 47-56.
  • Moody R.C., Hernandez R. 1997. Engineered wood products- A guide for specifiers, designers and users. For. Prod. J. Chapter, 1: 1-1, 1-39. Rowlands R.E., Van Deweghe R.P., Laufenberg T.L., Krueger G.P. 1986. Fiber- reinforced wood composites. Wood and Fiber Science, 18 (1), 39-57.
  • Smulski S. (Ed).,Moody R.C., Hernandez R. 1997. Glued-Laminated Timber in Engineered wood products – A guide for specifiers, designs and Foundation, Chapter 1, 1-39. WI: PFS Research
  • Wang Q., Li F., Chen H., Huang Y., Yang Y., Xu Y. 2010. Experimental study on bending behavior of timber beams reinforced with GFRP sheets. Building Structure, 40(5), 52-107.
  • Wei P., Wang B.J., Zhou D., Dai C., Wang Q. Huang S. 2013. Mechanical properties of poplar laminated veener lumber modified by carbon fiber reinforced polymer, BioResources, 8(4), 4883- 4898.
  • Yang H., Liu W. 2007. Study on flexural behavior of FRP reinforced glulam beams. Journal of Building Structures, 28 (1), 64-71.
  • Zhang P., Shen S., Ma C. 2011. Strengthening mechanical properties of glulam with basalt fiber. Advances in Natural Science,4(2), 130-133.
  • Zhuo J. 2009. Research on reinforcement of timber structures with CFRP materials. M.Sc. Thesis, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, ShanghaiJiao Tong University, Shanghai, P. R. China.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ergün Güntekin This is me

Tuğba Yilmaz Aydın This is me

Publication Date June 18, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Güntekin, E., & Aydın, T. Y. (2015). Kızılçamdan (Pinus brutia Ten.) Üretilen Tabakalı Kerestede Cam Lifi ve Çelik Plaka ile Güçlendirmenin Eğilme Performansına Etkisi. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 15(1), 73-77.
AMA Güntekin E, Aydın TY. Kızılçamdan (Pinus brutia Ten.) Üretilen Tabakalı Kerestede Cam Lifi ve Çelik Plaka ile Güçlendirmenin Eğilme Performansına Etkisi. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. June 2015;15(1):73-77. doi:10.17475/kuofd.34783
Chicago Güntekin, Ergün, and Tuğba Yilmaz Aydın. “Kızılçamdan (Pinus Brutia Ten.) Üretilen Tabakalı Kerestede Cam Lifi Ve Çelik Plaka Ile Güçlendirmenin Eğilme Performansına Etkisi”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 15, no. 1 (June 2015): 73-77.
EndNote Güntekin E, Aydın TY (June 1, 2015) Kızılçamdan (Pinus brutia Ten.) Üretilen Tabakalı Kerestede Cam Lifi ve Çelik Plaka ile Güçlendirmenin Eğilme Performansına Etkisi. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 15 1 73–77.
IEEE E. Güntekin and T. Y. Aydın, “Kızılçamdan (Pinus brutia Ten.) Üretilen Tabakalı Kerestede Cam Lifi ve Çelik Plaka ile Güçlendirmenin Eğilme Performansına Etkisi”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 73–77, 2015, doi: 10.17475/kuofd.34783.
ISNAD Güntekin, Ergün - Aydın, Tuğba Yilmaz. “Kızılçamdan (Pinus Brutia Ten.) Üretilen Tabakalı Kerestede Cam Lifi Ve Çelik Plaka Ile Güçlendirmenin Eğilme Performansına Etkisi”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 15/1 (June 2015), 73-77.
JAMA Güntekin E, Aydın TY. Kızılçamdan (Pinus brutia Ten.) Üretilen Tabakalı Kerestede Cam Lifi ve Çelik Plaka ile Güçlendirmenin Eğilme Performansına Etkisi. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2015;15:73–77.
MLA Güntekin, Ergün and Tuğba Yilmaz Aydın. “Kızılçamdan (Pinus Brutia Ten.) Üretilen Tabakalı Kerestede Cam Lifi Ve Çelik Plaka Ile Güçlendirmenin Eğilme Performansına Etkisi”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 15, no. 1, 2015, pp. 73-77, doi:10.17475/kuofd.34783.
Vancouver Güntekin E, Aydın TY. Kızılçamdan (Pinus brutia Ten.) Üretilen Tabakalı Kerestede Cam Lifi ve Çelik Plaka ile Güçlendirmenin Eğilme Performansına Etkisi. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2015;15(1):73-7.

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