Research Article
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Year 2017, , 238 - 246, 27.09.2017



  • Al Bakri D.. Kittaneh W. 1998. Physicochemical characteristics and pollution indicators in the intertidal zone of Kuwait: Implications for benthic ecology. Environmental Management .22(3). 415-424.
  • Anderson N.J.. Rippey B.. Gibson C.E. 1993. A comparison of sedimentary and diatom-inferred phosphorus profiles: implications for defining pre-disturbance nutrient conditions. Hydrobiologia. 253. 357-366
  • Atalay İ. 1982. The physical Geography and the Management of Oltu Stream Watershed. 126 s. Ege University. Faculty of Social Science. İzmir.
  • Atalay İ.. Tetik M.. Yilmaz Ö. 1985. The ecosystems of North-Eastern Anatolia. Aegean Geographical Journal. 3. 16-56.
  • Aydın M. 2009. Determination of soil losses by using WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project) composed of different land use and necessary precuations in Gümüşhane-Torul Dam Creek. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, [S.l.], p. 54-65.
  • Bayram A.. Önsoy H.. Bulut V.N.. Akinci G. 2013. Influences of urban wastewaters on the stream water quality: a case study from Gumushane Province. Turkey. Environmental Monitoring Assessment. 185. 1285- 1303.
  • Bergkvist B.. Folkeson L. 1995. The influence of tree species on acid deposition proton budgets and element fluxes in south swedish forest ecosystems. Ecological Bulletin. 44. 90–99.
  • Bis B.. Zdanowicz A.. Zalewski M. 2000. Effects of catchment properties on hydrochemistry. habitat complexity and invertebrate community structure in a lowland river. Hydrobiologia. 422. 369-387.
  • Bunn S.E.. Davies P.M.. Mosisch T.D. 1999. Ecosystem measures of river health and their response to riparian and catchment degradation. Freshwater Biology. 41(2). 333-345.
  • Carr G.M.. Neary J.P.. 2008. Water Quality for Ecosystem and Human Health. 2nd Edition. United Nations Environment Programme Global Environment Monitoring System. ISBN 92-95039-10-6. UN GEMS/Water Programme Office. Canada.
  • Davis J.C. 1986. Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology. ISBN: 978-0-471-17275-8. 656 s. John Wiley & Sons.
  • de Souza. A.L.T.. Fonseca. D.G.. Liborio. R.A.. Tanaka. M.O.. 2013. Influence of riparian vegetation and forest structure on the water quality of rural low-order streams in SE Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management. 298. 12-18.
  • Fohrer N.. Hawerkamp S.. Eckhardt K.. Frede H.G. 2000. Hydrologic response to land use changes on the catchment scale. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 26(7-8). 577-582.
  • Hall J.. Zaffiro A.D.. Marx R.B.. Kefauver P.C.. Krishnan E.R.. Herrmann J.G. 2007. On-line water quality parameters as indicators of distribution system contamination. Journal American Water Works Association . 99(1). 66-77.
  • Hall R.I.. Leavitt P.R.. Quinlan R.. Dixit A.S.. Smol J.P. 1999. Effects of agriculture. urbanization. and climate on water quality in the northern Great Plains. Lımnology and Oceanography. 44(3). 739-756.
  • Howard I.. Espigares E.. Lardelli P.. Martin J.L.. Espigares M. 2004. Evaluation of microbiological and physicochemical indicators for wastewater treatment. Environmental Toxicology. 19 (3). 241-249.
  • Jackson J.E. 1980. Principal Components and Factor-Analysis .1. Principal Components. Journal of Quality Technology. 12(4). 201-213.
  • King K.W.. Smiley P.C.. Baker B.J.. Fausey N.R. 2008. Validation of paired watersheds for assessing conservation practices in the Upper Big Walnut Creek Watershed. Ohio. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 63(6). SI. 380-395.
  • Lake P.S.. Bond N.. Reich P. 2007. Linking ecological theory with stream restoration. Freshwater Biology. 52. 597–615.
  • Lenat D.R.. Crawford J.K. 1994. Effects of land-use on water-quality and aquatic biota of 3 North-Carolina Piedmont Streams. Hydrobıologia. 294(3).185-199.
  • Leon L.F.. Soulıs E.D.. Kouwen N.. Farquhar G.J. 2001. Nonpoint source pollution: a distributed water quality modeling approach. Water Research. 35(4). 997–1007.
  • Sáncheza E.. Colmenarejoa M.F.. Vicenteb J.. Rubiob A.. Garcíaa M.G.. Traviesoc L.. Borjac R. 2007. Use of the water quality index and dissolved oxygen deficit as simple indicators of watersheds pollution. Ecological Indicators. 7(2). 315–328.
  • Lewis T.. Lafreniere M.J.. Lamoureux S.F. 2012. Hydrochemical and sedimentary responses of paired High Arctic watersheds to unusual climate and permafrost disturbance. Cape Bounty. Melville Island. Canada. Hydrologıcal Processes. 26(13). 2003-2018.
  • Levick L.. Fonseca J.. Goodrich D.. Hernandez M.. Semmens D.. Stromberg J.. Leidy R.. Scianni M.. Guertin D.P.. Tluczek M.. Kepner W. 2008. The Ecological and Hydrological Significance of Ephemeral and Intermittent Streams in the Arid and Semi-arid American Southwest. EPA/600/R-08/134. ARS/233046. 116 s. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and USDA/ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center.. USA.
  • Manly B.J.F.. 1986. Multivariate Statistical Methods: A Primer. Third Edition ISBN: 978-1584884149. 214 s. Chapman & Hall. New York.
  • McNeil V.H.. Cox M.E.. Preda M. 2005. Assessment of chemical water types and their spatial variation using multi-stage cluster analysis. Queensland. Australia. Journal of Hydrology. 310 (1-4). 181-200.
  • Mogollon J.L.. Ramirez A.. Garcia B.. Bifano C. 1993. Use of physıcochemical parameters of river water as indicators of natural and anthropic influences. Interciencia. 18(5). 249-254.
  • Norris R.H.. Thoms M.C. 1999. What is river health? Freshwater Biology. 41(2).197-209.
  • Ouyang Y.. Nkedi-Kizza P.. Wu Q.T.. Shinde D.. Huang C.H. 2006. Assessment of seasonal variations in surface water quality. Water Research. 40(2006):3800-3810.
  • Prietzel J.. · Rehfuess K.E.. Stetter U.. Pretzsch H.. 2008. Changes of soil chemistry. stand nutrition. and stand growth at two Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sites in Central Europe during 40 years after fertilization. liming. and lupine introduction. European Journal of Forest Research. 127. 43–61.
  • Richter B.D.. Baumgartner J.V.. Powell J.. Braun D.P.. 1996. A method for assessing hydrologic alteration within ecosystems. Conservation Biology. 10(4). 1163-1174.
  • Simeonov V.. Stratis J.A.. Samara C.. Zachariadis G.. Voutsa D.. Anthemidis A.. Sofoniou M.. Kouimtzis T.. 2003. Assessment of the surface water quality in Northern Greece. Water Research. 37(17). 4119-4124.
  • Ringner. M. 2008. What is principal component analysis? Nature Biotechnology. 26(3). 303-304.
  • Shrestha S.. Kazama F. 2007. Assessment of surface water quality using multivariate statistical techniques: A case study of the Fuji river basin. Japan. Environmental Modelling & Software. 22(4). SI. 464-475.
  • Singh K.P.. Malik A.. Mohan D.. Sinha S. 2004. Multivariate statistical techniques for the evaluation of spatial and temporal variations in water quality of Gomti River (India) - a case study. Water Resources. 38(18): 3980-3992.
  • Wang Z.. Bovik A.C. 2009. Mean Squared Error: love it or leave it? A new look at signal fidelity measures. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. 26(1). 98-117.
  • Wiklander G.. Nordlander G.. Andersson R. 1991. Leaching of nitrogen from a forest catchment at Soderasen in Southern Sweden. Water Air And Soil Pollution. 55(3-4). 263-282.
  • Villa F.. McLeod H. 2002. Environmental vulnerability ındicators for environmental planning and decision-making: guidelines and applications. Environmental Management. 29(3). 335–348.
  • Wold S.. Esbensen K.. Geladi P. 1987. Principal Component Analysis. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 2(1-3). 37-52.
  • Yıldırım A. 1997. Oltu Çayı (Çoruh Nehri)’nın bazı parametrelerindeki yıllık değişimler ve bu suda yaşayan Capoeta tinca (Heckel. 1843) (Pisces-Siraz balığı)’nın biyo-ekolojisi ile et analizleri üzerine araştırmalar. Doktora Tezi. Atatürk Ünv. Fen Bil. Ens.107 s. Erzurum.
  • Yıldırım A.. Erdoğan O.. Türkmen M.. Demir B.C. 1999. Çoruh Havzası-Oltu Çayı’nda yaşayan Alburnoides bipunctatus fasciatis (Nordmann. 1840)’in bazı üreme özelliklerinin araştırılması. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. 23 (4). 679-686.

Evaluation of Some Streamwater Quality Parameters Using with Multiple Statistical Methods in Mature Pinus sylvestris L. Forest Ecosystems

Year 2017, , 238 - 246, 27.09.2017


This study contains modeling water quality data
from 3 different experiment stations of Oltu stream, which one of the
tributaries of the Çoruh stream has been provided by interpreting multiple
statistical methods.  In the data set
used in the study, runoff (Q), water temperature (WT), pH, electric
conductivity (EC), sodium (Na+), potassium (K+),
calcium(Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+), carbonate (CO32-),
bicarbonate(HCO3-), chloride (Cl-), sulfate
(SO42-), sodium absorption factor (SAR), and boron (B) concentration
results of measurements were present. In the 5
year period between 2003 and 2008, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Multiple
Regression Analysis (MLR) have been applied to the dataset which was composed
of the monthly result of the measurement. PCA were explained to relations
between hydrologic and physiochemical parameters and it were examined 6 factor
groups created as a result of this examination was generated 90.7% of the whole
variance of the data set.  According to the results of the
analysis, some strong negative relations between the runoff and some other
parameters (electric conductivity, sodium, chloride, sulfate, sodium absorption
factor, and boron concentration) were found. The
runoff has been found as a hydrological parameter working as the key
consideration.  The estimation method was
determined by MLR. The estimation model has been developed among the runoff and
those parameters which have strong relations with each other. The performance
of this model was tested by using such criteria as
coefficient of
determination and Mean Squared Error (MSE) method and the results were found to
be satisfactory.



  • Al Bakri D.. Kittaneh W. 1998. Physicochemical characteristics and pollution indicators in the intertidal zone of Kuwait: Implications for benthic ecology. Environmental Management .22(3). 415-424.
  • Anderson N.J.. Rippey B.. Gibson C.E. 1993. A comparison of sedimentary and diatom-inferred phosphorus profiles: implications for defining pre-disturbance nutrient conditions. Hydrobiologia. 253. 357-366
  • Atalay İ. 1982. The physical Geography and the Management of Oltu Stream Watershed. 126 s. Ege University. Faculty of Social Science. İzmir.
  • Atalay İ.. Tetik M.. Yilmaz Ö. 1985. The ecosystems of North-Eastern Anatolia. Aegean Geographical Journal. 3. 16-56.
  • Aydın M. 2009. Determination of soil losses by using WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project) composed of different land use and necessary precuations in Gümüşhane-Torul Dam Creek. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, [S.l.], p. 54-65.
  • Bayram A.. Önsoy H.. Bulut V.N.. Akinci G. 2013. Influences of urban wastewaters on the stream water quality: a case study from Gumushane Province. Turkey. Environmental Monitoring Assessment. 185. 1285- 1303.
  • Bergkvist B.. Folkeson L. 1995. The influence of tree species on acid deposition proton budgets and element fluxes in south swedish forest ecosystems. Ecological Bulletin. 44. 90–99.
  • Bis B.. Zdanowicz A.. Zalewski M. 2000. Effects of catchment properties on hydrochemistry. habitat complexity and invertebrate community structure in a lowland river. Hydrobiologia. 422. 369-387.
  • Bunn S.E.. Davies P.M.. Mosisch T.D. 1999. Ecosystem measures of river health and their response to riparian and catchment degradation. Freshwater Biology. 41(2). 333-345.
  • Carr G.M.. Neary J.P.. 2008. Water Quality for Ecosystem and Human Health. 2nd Edition. United Nations Environment Programme Global Environment Monitoring System. ISBN 92-95039-10-6. UN GEMS/Water Programme Office. Canada.
  • Davis J.C. 1986. Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology. ISBN: 978-0-471-17275-8. 656 s. John Wiley & Sons.
  • de Souza. A.L.T.. Fonseca. D.G.. Liborio. R.A.. Tanaka. M.O.. 2013. Influence of riparian vegetation and forest structure on the water quality of rural low-order streams in SE Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management. 298. 12-18.
  • Fohrer N.. Hawerkamp S.. Eckhardt K.. Frede H.G. 2000. Hydrologic response to land use changes on the catchment scale. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 26(7-8). 577-582.
  • Hall J.. Zaffiro A.D.. Marx R.B.. Kefauver P.C.. Krishnan E.R.. Herrmann J.G. 2007. On-line water quality parameters as indicators of distribution system contamination. Journal American Water Works Association . 99(1). 66-77.
  • Hall R.I.. Leavitt P.R.. Quinlan R.. Dixit A.S.. Smol J.P. 1999. Effects of agriculture. urbanization. and climate on water quality in the northern Great Plains. Lımnology and Oceanography. 44(3). 739-756.
  • Howard I.. Espigares E.. Lardelli P.. Martin J.L.. Espigares M. 2004. Evaluation of microbiological and physicochemical indicators for wastewater treatment. Environmental Toxicology. 19 (3). 241-249.
  • Jackson J.E. 1980. Principal Components and Factor-Analysis .1. Principal Components. Journal of Quality Technology. 12(4). 201-213.
  • King K.W.. Smiley P.C.. Baker B.J.. Fausey N.R. 2008. Validation of paired watersheds for assessing conservation practices in the Upper Big Walnut Creek Watershed. Ohio. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 63(6). SI. 380-395.
  • Lake P.S.. Bond N.. Reich P. 2007. Linking ecological theory with stream restoration. Freshwater Biology. 52. 597–615.
  • Lenat D.R.. Crawford J.K. 1994. Effects of land-use on water-quality and aquatic biota of 3 North-Carolina Piedmont Streams. Hydrobıologia. 294(3).185-199.
  • Leon L.F.. Soulıs E.D.. Kouwen N.. Farquhar G.J. 2001. Nonpoint source pollution: a distributed water quality modeling approach. Water Research. 35(4). 997–1007.
  • Sáncheza E.. Colmenarejoa M.F.. Vicenteb J.. Rubiob A.. Garcíaa M.G.. Traviesoc L.. Borjac R. 2007. Use of the water quality index and dissolved oxygen deficit as simple indicators of watersheds pollution. Ecological Indicators. 7(2). 315–328.
  • Lewis T.. Lafreniere M.J.. Lamoureux S.F. 2012. Hydrochemical and sedimentary responses of paired High Arctic watersheds to unusual climate and permafrost disturbance. Cape Bounty. Melville Island. Canada. Hydrologıcal Processes. 26(13). 2003-2018.
  • Levick L.. Fonseca J.. Goodrich D.. Hernandez M.. Semmens D.. Stromberg J.. Leidy R.. Scianni M.. Guertin D.P.. Tluczek M.. Kepner W. 2008. The Ecological and Hydrological Significance of Ephemeral and Intermittent Streams in the Arid and Semi-arid American Southwest. EPA/600/R-08/134. ARS/233046. 116 s. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and USDA/ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center.. USA.
  • Manly B.J.F.. 1986. Multivariate Statistical Methods: A Primer. Third Edition ISBN: 978-1584884149. 214 s. Chapman & Hall. New York.
  • McNeil V.H.. Cox M.E.. Preda M. 2005. Assessment of chemical water types and their spatial variation using multi-stage cluster analysis. Queensland. Australia. Journal of Hydrology. 310 (1-4). 181-200.
  • Mogollon J.L.. Ramirez A.. Garcia B.. Bifano C. 1993. Use of physıcochemical parameters of river water as indicators of natural and anthropic influences. Interciencia. 18(5). 249-254.
  • Norris R.H.. Thoms M.C. 1999. What is river health? Freshwater Biology. 41(2).197-209.
  • Ouyang Y.. Nkedi-Kizza P.. Wu Q.T.. Shinde D.. Huang C.H. 2006. Assessment of seasonal variations in surface water quality. Water Research. 40(2006):3800-3810.
  • Prietzel J.. · Rehfuess K.E.. Stetter U.. Pretzsch H.. 2008. Changes of soil chemistry. stand nutrition. and stand growth at two Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sites in Central Europe during 40 years after fertilization. liming. and lupine introduction. European Journal of Forest Research. 127. 43–61.
  • Richter B.D.. Baumgartner J.V.. Powell J.. Braun D.P.. 1996. A method for assessing hydrologic alteration within ecosystems. Conservation Biology. 10(4). 1163-1174.
  • Simeonov V.. Stratis J.A.. Samara C.. Zachariadis G.. Voutsa D.. Anthemidis A.. Sofoniou M.. Kouimtzis T.. 2003. Assessment of the surface water quality in Northern Greece. Water Research. 37(17). 4119-4124.
  • Ringner. M. 2008. What is principal component analysis? Nature Biotechnology. 26(3). 303-304.
  • Shrestha S.. Kazama F. 2007. Assessment of surface water quality using multivariate statistical techniques: A case study of the Fuji river basin. Japan. Environmental Modelling & Software. 22(4). SI. 464-475.
  • Singh K.P.. Malik A.. Mohan D.. Sinha S. 2004. Multivariate statistical techniques for the evaluation of spatial and temporal variations in water quality of Gomti River (India) - a case study. Water Resources. 38(18): 3980-3992.
  • Wang Z.. Bovik A.C. 2009. Mean Squared Error: love it or leave it? A new look at signal fidelity measures. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. 26(1). 98-117.
  • Wiklander G.. Nordlander G.. Andersson R. 1991. Leaching of nitrogen from a forest catchment at Soderasen in Southern Sweden. Water Air And Soil Pollution. 55(3-4). 263-282.
  • Villa F.. McLeod H. 2002. Environmental vulnerability ındicators for environmental planning and decision-making: guidelines and applications. Environmental Management. 29(3). 335–348.
  • Wold S.. Esbensen K.. Geladi P. 1987. Principal Component Analysis. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 2(1-3). 37-52.
  • Yıldırım A. 1997. Oltu Çayı (Çoruh Nehri)’nın bazı parametrelerindeki yıllık değişimler ve bu suda yaşayan Capoeta tinca (Heckel. 1843) (Pisces-Siraz balığı)’nın biyo-ekolojisi ile et analizleri üzerine araştırmalar. Doktora Tezi. Atatürk Ünv. Fen Bil. Ens.107 s. Erzurum.
  • Yıldırım A.. Erdoğan O.. Türkmen M.. Demir B.C. 1999. Çoruh Havzası-Oltu Çayı’nda yaşayan Alburnoides bipunctatus fasciatis (Nordmann. 1840)’in bazı üreme özelliklerinin araştırılması. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. 23 (4). 679-686.
There are 41 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

İbrahim Yurtseven

Publication Date September 27, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Yurtseven, İ. (2017). Evaluation of Some Streamwater Quality Parameters Using with Multiple Statistical Methods in Mature Pinus sylvestris L. Forest Ecosystems. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 17(2), 238-246.
AMA Yurtseven İ. Evaluation of Some Streamwater Quality Parameters Using with Multiple Statistical Methods in Mature Pinus sylvestris L. Forest Ecosystems. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. September 2017;17(2):238-246. doi:10.17475/kastorman.266098
Chicago Yurtseven, İbrahim. “Evaluation of Some Streamwater Quality Parameters Using With Multiple Statistical Methods in Mature Pinus Sylvestris L. Forest Ecosystems”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17, no. 2 (September 2017): 238-46.
EndNote Yurtseven İ (September 1, 2017) Evaluation of Some Streamwater Quality Parameters Using with Multiple Statistical Methods in Mature Pinus sylvestris L. Forest Ecosystems. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17 2 238–246.
IEEE İ. Yurtseven, “Evaluation of Some Streamwater Quality Parameters Using with Multiple Statistical Methods in Mature Pinus sylvestris L. Forest Ecosystems”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 238–246, 2017, doi: 10.17475/kastorman.266098.
ISNAD Yurtseven, İbrahim. “Evaluation of Some Streamwater Quality Parameters Using With Multiple Statistical Methods in Mature Pinus Sylvestris L. Forest Ecosystems”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17/2 (September 2017), 238-246.
JAMA Yurtseven İ. Evaluation of Some Streamwater Quality Parameters Using with Multiple Statistical Methods in Mature Pinus sylvestris L. Forest Ecosystems. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2017;17:238–246.
MLA Yurtseven, İbrahim. “Evaluation of Some Streamwater Quality Parameters Using With Multiple Statistical Methods in Mature Pinus Sylvestris L. Forest Ecosystems”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 17, no. 2, 2017, pp. 238-46, doi:10.17475/kastorman.266098.
Vancouver Yurtseven İ. Evaluation of Some Streamwater Quality Parameters Using with Multiple Statistical Methods in Mature Pinus sylvestris L. Forest Ecosystems. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2017;17(2):238-46.

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