Research Article
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Fireproof Paper Production from Turkish Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) with Using Fire Retardants

Year 2017, , 275 - 281, 28.09.2017



of study:
It was our aim to produce fireproof papers from
Turkish Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.)
using eco-friendly pulping method and fire retardant chemicals (FR).

of study:
This work was carried out in Kahramanmaraş Sütçü Imam
University, Faculty of Forestry, Pulp and Paper Production Laboratory.

and Methods
: Three different pulping trials were carried out with
soda-anthraquinone method (AQ) and the kappa numbers, viscosities, yields, and
optical and physical properties of the pulps were determined in order to find
out the optimum cooking condition. Borax (BX), boric acid (BA), alpha-x (AX),
and ammonium polyphosphate (APP) were used as FR in certain rates (3, 6, 9%).
FR applied papers were subjected to combustion test and the fire properties of
the papers were determined as combustion rate.

The results indicated that addition of AQ to cooking liquor increased the pulp
yield about 4.6%. Also, the kappa numbers of the pulps were decreased by adding
AQ from 120 to 50. AQ addition had significantly effects on the physical
properties of the paper. The best results in fire properties were obtained from
BX (6%, 9%), BA (6%, 9%), and AX (9%), respectively.

: Considering paper is a flammable material,
increasing the fire resistance of papers is needed. In addition, production
using environmentally friendly methods is required in the world where
population and technology are increasing rapidly.


  • Akgul, M., 2007. Determination of the pulp and paper production conditions with soda-alcohol, soda-AQ, soda-alcohol-AQ methods from cotton straw (Gossypium hirsutum L.), Presidency of Scientific Research Projects, SRP Project Code Number: 2005.05.03.221, Düzce-Turkey.
  • Anonymous, 1992. TAPPI test methods, standard methods for pulp and paper, technical association of pulp and paper industry. Tappi Press, Atlanta.
  • ASTM D1107-96 (2013). Standard test method for ethanol-toluene solubility of wood, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
  • Ayrilmis, N., Candan, Z., White, R. H., 2007. Physical, mechnaical, and fire properties of oriented strandboard with fire retardant treatedveneers, Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff, 65 (6), 449-458.
  • Baysal, E., Yalinkilic, M.K., Altinok, M., Sonmez, A., Peker, H., Colak, M., 2007. Some physical, biological, mechanical, and fire properties of wood polymer composite (WPC) pretreated with boric acid and borax mixture, Construction and Building Materials, 21(9), 1879-1885.
  • Bektas, I., Tutus, A., Eroglu, H., 1999. A study of the suitability of Calabrian Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) for pulp and paper manufacture, J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 23(3):589- 597.
  • Dogan, H., 1994. Kenaf studies in SEKA, Journal of Seka, 50, 18-22.
  • Eroglu, H., Usta, M., Kirci, H., 1992. A Review of oxygen pulping conditions of some non-wood plant growing in Turkey, Tappi Pulping Conference, 215-22.
  • Khristova, P., Kordsachia, O., Patt, R., Karar, I., Khider, T., 2006. Environmentally friendly pulping and bleaching of bagasse, Industrial Crops and Products, 23 (2), 131-139.
  • Kirci, H., 1996. Determinatiopn of pulping conditions of Phragmites communis L. with soda-oxygen method, Karadeniz Technical University, Fund Research, No:, Trabzon-Turkey.
  • Kirci, H., 2006. Pulp Industry Lecture Notes, Karadeniz Technical University, Forest Faculty Publication, Trabzon-Turkey.
  • Kollman, F.F.P., and Cote, W.A., 1968. Principles of Wood Science and Technology I: Solid Wood, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • Kozlowski, R., Helwig, M., Przepiera, A., 1995. Light-weight, environmentally friendly, fire retardant composite boards for paneling and construction, Inorganic Bonede Wood and Fiber Composite Materials, Forest Products Society, Madison, WI, USA, 6-11.
  • Kurschner, K., and Hoffer, A. (1993). “Cellulose and cellulose derivative,” Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry 92(3), 145-154.
  • Man Vu, T.H., Pakkanen, H., Alen, R., 2004. Delignification of bamboo (Bambusa procera acher) Part 1. Kraft pulping and the subsequent oxygen delignification to pulp with a low kappa number, Industrial Crops and Products 19, 49-57.
  • Mclntyre, C.R., 2004. Protection from fire, Solid Wood Processing, 1283-1288.
  • Nussbaum, R., 1988. The effect of low concentration fire retardant impregnations on wood charring rate and char yield, Journal Fire Science, Volume: 6, 290-306.
  • Ozdemir, F., Tutus, A., 2016. Effects of fire retardants on the combustion behavior of High-Density Fiberboard, Bioresources, 8(2), 1665-1674.
  • Ozdemir, F., Tutus, A., 2016. Effects of coating with calcite together with various fire retardants on the fire properties of particleboard, Bioresources, 11(3), 6407-6415.
  • Samp, J.C., 2008. A comprehensive mechanism for anthraquinone mass transfer in alkaline pulping, Ph.D., Georgia Institute ff Technology, 120 pages.
  • Tank T., Bostanci S., Eroglu E., Enercan S., 1985. Paper production from tobacco stalks, J. Natural Sci. D2, 9, 3.
  • TAPPI, 2013. Viscosity of Pulp (capillary viscometer method), TAPPI test methods, standard methods for pulp and paper, technical association of pulp and paper industry. Tappi Press, Atlanta.
  • Tutus, A., 2000. The investigation of soda-oxygen, soda-anthraquinone and soda methods used in pulp production from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) straw on the problem of silica and other aspects, Ph.D Thesis, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Institute of Science, Bartın-Turkey.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., Deniz, I., 2012. Using Burnt Red Pine Wood for Pulp and Paper Production, KSU J. Engineering Sci., Special Issue, 90-95.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., Karatas, B., 2011. Pulp and paper production by Kraft-Sodium Borohydride method from Poppy Stems, II. International Non-Wood Forest Products Symposium, 183-190, Isparta/Turkey.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., Kucukbey, N., 2016. Pulp and Paper Production from Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium L.) Woods with Soda-AQ Method, Kastamonu Univ., Journal of Forestry Faculty, 16(1), 14-18.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., Ozdemir, F., Yilmaz, U., 2014. Evaluation of Diospyros kaki grown in Kahramanmaraş in pulp and paper production, II. National Mediterranean Forest and Environment Symposium, 775-784, Isparta-Turkey.
  • Tutus, A., Ezici, A.C., Ates, S., 2010. Chemical, morphological and anatomical properties and evaluation of cotton stalks (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in pulp industry, Scientific Research and Essays, 5 (12), 1553-1560.
  • Usta, M., Eroglu, H., 1987. Soda-Oxygen pulping of rye straw, Nonwood Plant Fiber Pulping Conference, Tappi Press, Progress Report, 18, 113-118, Washington.
  • Winandy, J.E., Wang, Q., White, R.H., 2008. Fire-retardant-treated strandboard: Properties andfire performance, Wood and Fiber Science, 40 (1), 62-71.
  • Wise, L.E., Murphy M., Dadieco, A.A., 1946. A chlorite holocellulose, its fractionation and bearing on summative wood analysis and studies on the hemicelluloses, Paper Trade Journal, 122(2), 35-43.
  • Wise. E.L., Karl, H.L., 1962. Cellulose and Hemicelluloses in Pulp and Paper Science and Technology, Vol. 1. Pulp, Edited by C. Earl Libby, McGraw Hill-Book Co., New york.
  • Yasar, S., Boselli, E., Tosun, R., Cicekler, M., 2016. Viscous gel-forming gums (VGUMS) of cereal grains: Rheology and viscosity-based enzyme activity quantification, Journal of Cereal Science, 69(1), 151-157.
  • Yorgun, S., Tulbentci, H.S.G., Aydin, K., 1990. Studies on the extraction of Pinus brutia bark using the Gulbaran extractor– € diffuser, J. Am. Leather Chem. As. 85, 114–121.

Kızılçam (Pinus brutia Ten.) Odunundan Yanmayı Geciktirici Kimyasallar Kullanarak Yanmaya Karşı Dirençli Kağıt Üretimi

Year 2017, , 275 - 281, 28.09.2017



: Bu çalışmanın amacı, yanmayı geciktirici kimyasallar ve
çevre dostu yöntemler kullanarak kızılçam odunlarından (Pinus brutia Ten.) yanmaya karşı dirençli kağıtlar üretmektir.

Bu çalışma Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, Orman
Fakültesi, Kağıt Hamuru ve Kağıt Üretim Laboratuvarı'nda yürütülmüştür.

ve Yöntem:
Soda-Antrakinon (AQ) metodu kullanarak 3 farklı pişirme
yapılmış ve optimum koşulu belirlemek için elde edilen kağıt hamurlarının
fiziksel ve optik özellikleri, kappa numaraları, viskozite ve hamur verimleri
tespit edilmiştir. Boraks (BX), borik asit (BA), alfa-x (AX) ve amonyum
polifosfat (APP) yanmayı geciktirici kimyasallar üretilen kağıtların alt ve üst
yüzeylerine belirli oranlarda (%3, 6, 9) uygulanmıştır. Bu kimyasalların
uygulandığı kağıtlar yanma testine tabi tutulmuş ve yanma oranları

Sonuçlar: Elde
edilen sonuçlara göre pişirme çözeltisine AQ ilavesi ile kağıt hamuru veriminde
yaklaşık %4.6 oranında artış gerçekleşmiştir. Ayrıca, kappa numarası 120’den
50’ye düşmüştür. AQ ilavesi fiziksel özellikleri önemli derecede etkilerken
optik özellikler üzerinde etkili olmamıştır. Yanmaya karşı en iyi direnç
özelliklerini sırasıyla BX (%6, %9), BA (%6, %9) ve AX (%9) ilaveli kağıtlar

: Kağıt alev alabilen bir malzeme olduğu için yanmaya karşı
direncinin arttırılması gerekmektedir. Buna ek olarak, nüfus ve teknolojinin
hızla arttığı dünyada çevre dostu yöntemler kullanarak kağıt hamuru üretimi
yapılmasına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. 


  • Akgul, M., 2007. Determination of the pulp and paper production conditions with soda-alcohol, soda-AQ, soda-alcohol-AQ methods from cotton straw (Gossypium hirsutum L.), Presidency of Scientific Research Projects, SRP Project Code Number: 2005.05.03.221, Düzce-Turkey.
  • Anonymous, 1992. TAPPI test methods, standard methods for pulp and paper, technical association of pulp and paper industry. Tappi Press, Atlanta.
  • ASTM D1107-96 (2013). Standard test method for ethanol-toluene solubility of wood, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
  • Ayrilmis, N., Candan, Z., White, R. H., 2007. Physical, mechnaical, and fire properties of oriented strandboard with fire retardant treatedveneers, Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff, 65 (6), 449-458.
  • Baysal, E., Yalinkilic, M.K., Altinok, M., Sonmez, A., Peker, H., Colak, M., 2007. Some physical, biological, mechanical, and fire properties of wood polymer composite (WPC) pretreated with boric acid and borax mixture, Construction and Building Materials, 21(9), 1879-1885.
  • Bektas, I., Tutus, A., Eroglu, H., 1999. A study of the suitability of Calabrian Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) for pulp and paper manufacture, J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 23(3):589- 597.
  • Dogan, H., 1994. Kenaf studies in SEKA, Journal of Seka, 50, 18-22.
  • Eroglu, H., Usta, M., Kirci, H., 1992. A Review of oxygen pulping conditions of some non-wood plant growing in Turkey, Tappi Pulping Conference, 215-22.
  • Khristova, P., Kordsachia, O., Patt, R., Karar, I., Khider, T., 2006. Environmentally friendly pulping and bleaching of bagasse, Industrial Crops and Products, 23 (2), 131-139.
  • Kirci, H., 1996. Determinatiopn of pulping conditions of Phragmites communis L. with soda-oxygen method, Karadeniz Technical University, Fund Research, No:, Trabzon-Turkey.
  • Kirci, H., 2006. Pulp Industry Lecture Notes, Karadeniz Technical University, Forest Faculty Publication, Trabzon-Turkey.
  • Kollman, F.F.P., and Cote, W.A., 1968. Principles of Wood Science and Technology I: Solid Wood, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • Kozlowski, R., Helwig, M., Przepiera, A., 1995. Light-weight, environmentally friendly, fire retardant composite boards for paneling and construction, Inorganic Bonede Wood and Fiber Composite Materials, Forest Products Society, Madison, WI, USA, 6-11.
  • Kurschner, K., and Hoffer, A. (1993). “Cellulose and cellulose derivative,” Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry 92(3), 145-154.
  • Man Vu, T.H., Pakkanen, H., Alen, R., 2004. Delignification of bamboo (Bambusa procera acher) Part 1. Kraft pulping and the subsequent oxygen delignification to pulp with a low kappa number, Industrial Crops and Products 19, 49-57.
  • Mclntyre, C.R., 2004. Protection from fire, Solid Wood Processing, 1283-1288.
  • Nussbaum, R., 1988. The effect of low concentration fire retardant impregnations on wood charring rate and char yield, Journal Fire Science, Volume: 6, 290-306.
  • Ozdemir, F., Tutus, A., 2016. Effects of fire retardants on the combustion behavior of High-Density Fiberboard, Bioresources, 8(2), 1665-1674.
  • Ozdemir, F., Tutus, A., 2016. Effects of coating with calcite together with various fire retardants on the fire properties of particleboard, Bioresources, 11(3), 6407-6415.
  • Samp, J.C., 2008. A comprehensive mechanism for anthraquinone mass transfer in alkaline pulping, Ph.D., Georgia Institute ff Technology, 120 pages.
  • Tank T., Bostanci S., Eroglu E., Enercan S., 1985. Paper production from tobacco stalks, J. Natural Sci. D2, 9, 3.
  • TAPPI, 2013. Viscosity of Pulp (capillary viscometer method), TAPPI test methods, standard methods for pulp and paper, technical association of pulp and paper industry. Tappi Press, Atlanta.
  • Tutus, A., 2000. The investigation of soda-oxygen, soda-anthraquinone and soda methods used in pulp production from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) straw on the problem of silica and other aspects, Ph.D Thesis, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Institute of Science, Bartın-Turkey.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., Deniz, I., 2012. Using Burnt Red Pine Wood for Pulp and Paper Production, KSU J. Engineering Sci., Special Issue, 90-95.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., Karatas, B., 2011. Pulp and paper production by Kraft-Sodium Borohydride method from Poppy Stems, II. International Non-Wood Forest Products Symposium, 183-190, Isparta/Turkey.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., Kucukbey, N., 2016. Pulp and Paper Production from Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium L.) Woods with Soda-AQ Method, Kastamonu Univ., Journal of Forestry Faculty, 16(1), 14-18.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., Ozdemir, F., Yilmaz, U., 2014. Evaluation of Diospyros kaki grown in Kahramanmaraş in pulp and paper production, II. National Mediterranean Forest and Environment Symposium, 775-784, Isparta-Turkey.
  • Tutus, A., Ezici, A.C., Ates, S., 2010. Chemical, morphological and anatomical properties and evaluation of cotton stalks (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in pulp industry, Scientific Research and Essays, 5 (12), 1553-1560.
  • Usta, M., Eroglu, H., 1987. Soda-Oxygen pulping of rye straw, Nonwood Plant Fiber Pulping Conference, Tappi Press, Progress Report, 18, 113-118, Washington.
  • Winandy, J.E., Wang, Q., White, R.H., 2008. Fire-retardant-treated strandboard: Properties andfire performance, Wood and Fiber Science, 40 (1), 62-71.
  • Wise, L.E., Murphy M., Dadieco, A.A., 1946. A chlorite holocellulose, its fractionation and bearing on summative wood analysis and studies on the hemicelluloses, Paper Trade Journal, 122(2), 35-43.
  • Wise. E.L., Karl, H.L., 1962. Cellulose and Hemicelluloses in Pulp and Paper Science and Technology, Vol. 1. Pulp, Edited by C. Earl Libby, McGraw Hill-Book Co., New york.
  • Yasar, S., Boselli, E., Tosun, R., Cicekler, M., 2016. Viscous gel-forming gums (VGUMS) of cereal grains: Rheology and viscosity-based enzyme activity quantification, Journal of Cereal Science, 69(1), 151-157.
  • Yorgun, S., Tulbentci, H.S.G., Aydin, K., 1990. Studies on the extraction of Pinus brutia bark using the Gulbaran extractor– € diffuser, J. Am. Leather Chem. As. 85, 114–121.
There are 34 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Mustafa Çiçekler

Ahmet Tutuş

Hatice Gülşah Özkan This is me

Publication Date September 28, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Çiçekler, M., Tutuş, A., & Özkan, H. G. (2017). Fireproof Paper Production from Turkish Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) with Using Fire Retardants. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 17(2), 275-281.
AMA Çiçekler M, Tutuş A, Özkan HG. Fireproof Paper Production from Turkish Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) with Using Fire Retardants. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. September 2017;17(2):275-281. doi:10.17475/kastorman.285252
Chicago Çiçekler, Mustafa, Ahmet Tutuş, and Hatice Gülşah Özkan. “Fireproof Paper Production from Turkish Red Pine (Pinus Brutia Ten.) With Using Fire Retardants”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17, no. 2 (September 2017): 275-81.
EndNote Çiçekler M, Tutuş A, Özkan HG (September 1, 2017) Fireproof Paper Production from Turkish Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) with Using Fire Retardants. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17 2 275–281.
IEEE M. Çiçekler, A. Tutuş, and H. G. Özkan, “Fireproof Paper Production from Turkish Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) with Using Fire Retardants”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 275–281, 2017, doi: 10.17475/kastorman.285252.
ISNAD Çiçekler, Mustafa et al. “Fireproof Paper Production from Turkish Red Pine (Pinus Brutia Ten.) With Using Fire Retardants”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17/2 (September 2017), 275-281.
JAMA Çiçekler M, Tutuş A, Özkan HG. Fireproof Paper Production from Turkish Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) with Using Fire Retardants. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2017;17:275–281.
MLA Çiçekler, Mustafa et al. “Fireproof Paper Production from Turkish Red Pine (Pinus Brutia Ten.) With Using Fire Retardants”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 17, no. 2, 2017, pp. 275-81, doi:10.17475/kastorman.285252.
Vancouver Çiçekler M, Tutuş A, Özkan HG. Fireproof Paper Production from Turkish Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) with Using Fire Retardants. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2017;17(2):275-81.

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