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Raphignathus hecmatanensis (Acari: Raphignathidae) türünde görülen genital kıl sayısındaki varyasyonlar

Year 2018, , 121 - 125, 15.09.2018


Çalışmanın amacı: Bu çalışmada, aynı lokalite ve tarihte farklı habitatlardan (Crataegus sp., Astragalus sp., Euphorbia sp. ve Rosacanina sp. altı toprak ve döküntü örneği) toplanan örneklerden tespit edilen Raphignathus hecmatanaensis Khanjani ve Ueckermann, 2003 türüne ait 32 dişi akar örneğin 10 dişi bireyinde genital bölgesindeki kıl sayılarında varyasyonlar verilmiştir.

Çalışma alanı: Bu çalışma, Biyoloji Bölümü, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi, Zooloji Araştırma Laboratuvarında yürütülmüş, döküntü ve toprak örnekleri Afyonkarahisar ili, Bolvadin ilçesi, Büyükkarabağ köyü, Emirdağları, 1300 m’den toplanmıştır.

Materyal ve Yöntem: Toprak ve döküntü örnekleri çalışma alanında Crataegus sp., Astragalus sp., Euphorbia sp. ve Rosacanina sp. altından alınıp PVC torbalar içerisinde laboratuvara getirilmiştir. Berlese hunilerinde bir hafta, % 70’lik alkol bulunan şişelerinde biriken akarlar, stereo mikroskop altında ayıklanıp, laktofenol içerisine bırakılmış ve daha sonra Hoyer ortamında preparatları yapılmıştır. 32 dişi R. hecmatanaensis türü tespit edilmiş ve incelenmiştir.

Temel Sonuçlar: R. hecmatanaensis Türkiye (Afyonkarahisar) türüne ait 32 dişi akar örneğin 10 dişi bireyinde genital bölgesindeki kıl sayılarında varyasyonlar verilmiştir. 32 dişi bireyin, 22 dişi bireyde normal olarak genital kıl sayısı 3 çift olmak üzere 6 kıl iken; dokuzunda anormal olarak genital kıl sayısı 7, birinde anormal olarak genital kıl sayısı 5 olarak tespit edilmiştir.

Araştırma vurguları: Çalışmamızda R. hecmatanaensis türünün üçte birinde genital kıl sayısında varyasyonlar bulunmuştur. Bu duruma göre Raphignathus cinslerine ait tür tayin anahtarında genital kıl sayılarının kullanılması tartışmalıdı


  • Citation1 Akyol M. 2007. Afyonkarahisar ili Raphignathoidea (Acari: Actinedida) üst familyasına ait taksonların sistematik yönden incelenmesi (Doktora Tezi) CBÜ, Fen Bilimleri Enstistüsü, ,245s, Manisa.
  • Citation2 Akyol M., Koç K.. 2006a. Raphignathus mites from Turkey (Acari: Raphignathidae). Journal of Natural History, 40(17-18), 1149–1165.
  • Citation3 Akyol M., Koç K. 2006b. Türkiye faunası için üç yeni Raphignathus türü. XVIII. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, (26-30 Haziran 2006), Z1550, 276, Aydın.
  • Citation4 Akyol M., Koç,K.. 2007. Two new records of the genus Raphignathus (Acari: Actinedida) for the Turkish Fauna. Nobel International Journals, I (III), 13-18.
  • Citation5 Akyol M., Koç K.. 2010. Contributions totheraphignathoid fauna of Turkey, with a description of a newspecies of Cryptognathus Kramer (Acari: Actinedida: Raphignathoidea). Turkish Journal of Zoology, 34 TÜBİTAK. doi:10.3906/zoo-0811-5.
  • Citation6 Atyeo WT. 1963. New and redescribed species of Raphignathidae (Acarina) and a discussion of the chaetotaxy of Raphignathoidea. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 36(3), 172-186.
  • Citation7 Atyeo WT., Baker EA, Crossley DA. 1961.The genus Raphignathus Dugés (Acarina: Raphignathoidea) in the United State with notes on the Old World species. Acarologia, 3(1), 14-20.
  • Citation8 Doğan S. 2003. Descriptions of there new species and two new records of Raphignathus Dugés (Acari: Raphignathidae) from Turkey. Archives des Sciences, 56(3), 143-153.
  • Citation9 Doğan S., Ayyıldız N. 2003. Mites of the genus Raphignathus (Acari: Raphignathidae) from Turkey. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 30(2), 141-148.
  • Citation10 Dönel G., Doğan S. 2011. A new species of Raphignathus Dugesand a newly discovered male of R. fani Doğan & Ayyıldız fromTurkey. International Journal of Acarology, 37, 27–33.
  • Citation11 Dönel G., Doğan S. 2013. Two new mite species of the genus Raphignathus Dugés (Acari: Raphignathidae) fromTurkey. Turkish Journal f Zoology, 37, 179-183.
  • Citation 12 Fan Q-H., Yin X-M. 2000. The genus Raphignathus (Acari: Raphignathidae) from China. Systematic and Applied Acarology, 5, 83-98.
  • Citation13 Grandjean F. 1944. Observations sur les acariens de la famille des Stigmaeidae. Archives des Sciences physiques et naturelles 26, 103-131.
  • Citation14 Kethley J. 1990. Acarina: Prostigmata (Actinedida). In: Dindal DL, editor. Soil biology guide. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 667-756.
  • Citation15 Khanjani M, Ueckermann EA. 2003. Two new species of the genus Raphignathus Dugés (Acari: Raphignathidae) from Iran. Acarologia 43, 299-306.
  • Citation16 Koç K, Ayyıldız N. 1996. Türkiye faunası için yeni iki Raphignathus Dugés (Acari, Prostigmata, Raphignathidae) türü. Turkish Journal of Zoology 20, 209-214.
  • Citation17 Koç K., Akyol M. 2004. Favognathus afyonensis sp. nov.with notes on Raphignathus collegiatus Atyeo, Baker et Crossley, 1961 (Acari: Raphignathoidea) from Turkey. Annales Zoologici, 54(2), 475-479.
  • Citation18 Koç K., Akyol M. 2006. Spil Milli Parkının Rafignatoid (Acari: Raphignathoidea) Akarlarının Sistematik Yönden İncelenmesi. CBÜ Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri, 1- 59, Manisa.
  • Citation19 Koç K., Kara M. 2005. Two new species of Raphignathoidea (Acari: Raphignathidae; Camerobiidae) from Turkey. Acarologia, 45(2-3), 195-202.
  • Citation20 Meyer M.K.P, Ueckermann E.A. 1989. African Raphignathoidea. Entomology Memoir Department of Agriculture Water Supply Republic of South Africa, 74, 1-58.
  • Citation21 Zaher M.A., Gomaa E.A.1979. Three new species of the genus Raphignathus in Egypt (Prostigmata: Raphignathidae). Acarologia, 21, 197-203.

Variations in the number of genital setae in Raphignathus hecmatanensis species (Acari: Raphignathidae)

Year 2018, , 121 - 125, 15.09.2018


Aim of study: In this study, in 32 females species of the Raphignathus hecmatanaensis Khanjani and Ueckermann, 2003, were found from the samples collected from different of the same date and localities, variations in genital setae numbers were determined in 10 species.

Area of study: This study was conducted at the Zoology Research Laboratory, Department of Biology Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Manisa Celal Bayar University. The soil and litter samples were found from Emirdağları, 1300 m a.s.l., Büyükkarabağ village, Bolvadin district, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey.

Material and Methods: Soil samples and litter taken from under Crataegus sp., Astragalus sp., Euphorbia sp., Rosacanina sp. in research area were brought to the laboratory in PVC bags and extracted in Berlese funnels for 7 days. Mites accumulating in collection bottles with 70% alcohol, were selected from the samples under a stereomicroscope, left to clear into lactophenol and then embedded in Hoyer's solution. 32 females species of the R. hecmatanaensis were determined and examined.

Main results: In Turkish (Afyonkarahisar) specimens, R. hecmatanaensis in 32 females, while 22 females have 6 genital setae (3 pairs), 9 females have abnormal 7 genital setae and one female have abnormal 5 genital setae.

Research highlights: It is very interesting, about one-third of the R. hecmatanaensis species have been found to have an abnormal number of genital setae. In this case, genital setae number used for key to the species of Raphignathus is debate.


  • Citation1 Akyol M. 2007. Afyonkarahisar ili Raphignathoidea (Acari: Actinedida) üst familyasına ait taksonların sistematik yönden incelenmesi (Doktora Tezi) CBÜ, Fen Bilimleri Enstistüsü, ,245s, Manisa.
  • Citation2 Akyol M., Koç K.. 2006a. Raphignathus mites from Turkey (Acari: Raphignathidae). Journal of Natural History, 40(17-18), 1149–1165.
  • Citation3 Akyol M., Koç K. 2006b. Türkiye faunası için üç yeni Raphignathus türü. XVIII. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, (26-30 Haziran 2006), Z1550, 276, Aydın.
  • Citation4 Akyol M., Koç,K.. 2007. Two new records of the genus Raphignathus (Acari: Actinedida) for the Turkish Fauna. Nobel International Journals, I (III), 13-18.
  • Citation5 Akyol M., Koç K.. 2010. Contributions totheraphignathoid fauna of Turkey, with a description of a newspecies of Cryptognathus Kramer (Acari: Actinedida: Raphignathoidea). Turkish Journal of Zoology, 34 TÜBİTAK. doi:10.3906/zoo-0811-5.
  • Citation6 Atyeo WT. 1963. New and redescribed species of Raphignathidae (Acarina) and a discussion of the chaetotaxy of Raphignathoidea. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 36(3), 172-186.
  • Citation7 Atyeo WT., Baker EA, Crossley DA. 1961.The genus Raphignathus Dugés (Acarina: Raphignathoidea) in the United State with notes on the Old World species. Acarologia, 3(1), 14-20.
  • Citation8 Doğan S. 2003. Descriptions of there new species and two new records of Raphignathus Dugés (Acari: Raphignathidae) from Turkey. Archives des Sciences, 56(3), 143-153.
  • Citation9 Doğan S., Ayyıldız N. 2003. Mites of the genus Raphignathus (Acari: Raphignathidae) from Turkey. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 30(2), 141-148.
  • Citation10 Dönel G., Doğan S. 2011. A new species of Raphignathus Dugesand a newly discovered male of R. fani Doğan & Ayyıldız fromTurkey. International Journal of Acarology, 37, 27–33.
  • Citation11 Dönel G., Doğan S. 2013. Two new mite species of the genus Raphignathus Dugés (Acari: Raphignathidae) fromTurkey. Turkish Journal f Zoology, 37, 179-183.
  • Citation 12 Fan Q-H., Yin X-M. 2000. The genus Raphignathus (Acari: Raphignathidae) from China. Systematic and Applied Acarology, 5, 83-98.
  • Citation13 Grandjean F. 1944. Observations sur les acariens de la famille des Stigmaeidae. Archives des Sciences physiques et naturelles 26, 103-131.
  • Citation14 Kethley J. 1990. Acarina: Prostigmata (Actinedida). In: Dindal DL, editor. Soil biology guide. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 667-756.
  • Citation15 Khanjani M, Ueckermann EA. 2003. Two new species of the genus Raphignathus Dugés (Acari: Raphignathidae) from Iran. Acarologia 43, 299-306.
  • Citation16 Koç K, Ayyıldız N. 1996. Türkiye faunası için yeni iki Raphignathus Dugés (Acari, Prostigmata, Raphignathidae) türü. Turkish Journal of Zoology 20, 209-214.
  • Citation17 Koç K., Akyol M. 2004. Favognathus afyonensis sp. nov.with notes on Raphignathus collegiatus Atyeo, Baker et Crossley, 1961 (Acari: Raphignathoidea) from Turkey. Annales Zoologici, 54(2), 475-479.
  • Citation18 Koç K., Akyol M. 2006. Spil Milli Parkının Rafignatoid (Acari: Raphignathoidea) Akarlarının Sistematik Yönden İncelenmesi. CBÜ Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri, 1- 59, Manisa.
  • Citation19 Koç K., Kara M. 2005. Two new species of Raphignathoidea (Acari: Raphignathidae; Camerobiidae) from Turkey. Acarologia, 45(2-3), 195-202.
  • Citation20 Meyer M.K.P, Ueckermann E.A. 1989. African Raphignathoidea. Entomology Memoir Department of Agriculture Water Supply Republic of South Africa, 74, 1-58.
  • Citation21 Zaher M.A., Gomaa E.A.1979. Three new species of the genus Raphignathus in Egypt (Prostigmata: Raphignathidae). Acarologia, 21, 197-203.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Mustafa Akyol

Publication Date September 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Akyol, M. (2018). Variations in the number of genital setae in Raphignathus hecmatanensis species (Acari: Raphignathidae). Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 18(2), 121-125.
AMA Akyol M. Variations in the number of genital setae in Raphignathus hecmatanensis species (Acari: Raphignathidae). Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. September 2018;18(2):121-125. doi:10.17475/kastorman.305126
Chicago Akyol, Mustafa. “Variations in the Number of Genital Setae in Raphignathus Hecmatanensis Species (Acari: Raphignathidae)”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 18, no. 2 (September 2018): 121-25.
EndNote Akyol M (September 1, 2018) Variations in the number of genital setae in Raphignathus hecmatanensis species (Acari: Raphignathidae). Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 18 2 121–125.
IEEE M. Akyol, “Variations in the number of genital setae in Raphignathus hecmatanensis species (Acari: Raphignathidae)”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 121–125, 2018, doi: 10.17475/kastorman.305126.
ISNAD Akyol, Mustafa. “Variations in the Number of Genital Setae in Raphignathus Hecmatanensis Species (Acari: Raphignathidae)”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 18/2 (September 2018), 121-125.
JAMA Akyol M. Variations in the number of genital setae in Raphignathus hecmatanensis species (Acari: Raphignathidae). Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2018;18:121–125.
MLA Akyol, Mustafa. “Variations in the Number of Genital Setae in Raphignathus Hecmatanensis Species (Acari: Raphignathidae)”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 18, no. 2, 2018, pp. 121-5, doi:10.17475/kastorman.305126.
Vancouver Akyol M. Variations in the number of genital setae in Raphignathus hecmatanensis species (Acari: Raphignathidae). Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2018;18(2):121-5.

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