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Kanola Saplarından (Brassica napus L.) Modifiye Kraft Yöntemi ile Kağıt Hamuru ve Kağıt Üretimi Üzerine Araştırmalar

Year 2018, , 357 - 365, 28.12.2018


Çalışmanın amacı: Bu çalışma, kanola (Brassica napus L.) saplarının kağıt hamuru ve kağıt üretiminde
alternatif bir hammadde olarak değerlendirilmesini amaçlamıştır.

Çalışmanın alanı: Bu çalışma Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam
Üniversitesi, Orman Fakültesi, Kağıt Hamuru ve Kağıt Üretim Laboratuvarı'nda

Materyal ve Yöntem: Kağıt hamuru üretimine geçilmeden önce
kanola saplarının kimyasal içeriği araştırılmıştır. Holoselüloz, alfa selüloz,
lignin ve kül içerikleri ile NaOH (%1), soğuk ve sıcak su çözünürlükleri
belirlenmiştir. Kanola saplarından kağıt hamuru üretimi için NaBH4
ilaveli modifiye kraft yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Sülfidite %26, 28 ve 30, NaBH4;
%0, 0.1, 0.3, ve 0.5 oranlarında değiştirilirken aktif alkali oranı %20 olarak
sabit tutulmuştur. Optimum koşulu belirlemek için 12 farklı koşulda pişirme
işlemi yapılmıştır. Ayrıca elde edilen kağıt hamurlarından üretilen kağıtların
fiziksel ve optik özellikleri de belirlenmiştir.

Sonuçlar: Kanola saplarının holoselüloz (%72.10) ve
lignin (%13.15) içeriği yapraklı ağaç odunları ile benzer oranlarda
bulunmuştur. Optimum pişirme, %20 aktif alkali, %28 sülfidite ve %0.5 NaBH4
oranlarının kullanıldığı koşulda elde edilmiş ve bu koşulda kağıt hamuru toplam
verimi %44.7 olarak bulunmuştur. Aynı zamanda NaBH4 ilavesi ile
toplam verim %24.1 oranında artarken kappa numarası %9.7 oranında azalmıştır.

Araştırma Vurguları: Elde edilen sonuçlar, kanola saplarının
kağıt hamuru ve kağıt üretimi için uygunluğunu ve NaBH4'ün hamur
verimliliği için etkili bir pişirme katkı maddesi olduğunu ortaya koymuştur.


  • Akgul, M. (2007). Determination of the pulp and paper production conditions with soda-alcohol, soda-AQ, soda-alcohol-AQ methods from cotton straw (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Presidency of Scientific Research Projects, SRP Project Code (2005.05), 03.221.
  • Akgul, M., Temiz, S. (2006). Determination of Kraft-NaBH4 pulping condition of Uludag Fir (Abies Bornmuelleriana Mattf.). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 9 (13), 2493-2497
  • Ashori, A. (2006). Nonwood fibers-A potential source of raw material in papermaking. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 10 (1), 1133-1136
  • Baunelos, G.S., Bryla, D.R., Cook, C.G. (2002). Vegetative production of kenaf and canola under irrigation in Central California. Industrial Crops and Products, 15 (1), 237-245
  • Courchene, C.E. (1998). The tired, the true and the new-getting more pulp from chips--modifications to the kraft process for increased yield. Proceeding of: Breaking the Pulp Yield Barrier Symposium, Tappi Press, Atlanta: 11-20
  • Dang, Z., Elder, T., Regauskas, A.J. (2007). Alkaline peroxide treatment of ECF bleached softwood kraft pulps. Part 1. Characterizing the effect of alkaline peroxide treatment on carboxyl groups of fibers. Holzforschung, 61 (1), 445-450
  • Deniz, I., Okan, O.T., Serdar, B., Şahin, H.I. (2017). Kraft and modified kraft pulping of bamboo (Phyllostachys bambusoides). Drewno, 60(200): 79:94.
  • Ekhtera, M.H., Azadfallah, M., Bahrami, M., Rovshandeh, J.M. (2009). Comparative study of pulp and paper properties of canola stalks prepared by using dimethyl formamide or diethylene glycol. Bioresources, 4(1): 214-233.
  • Enayati, A.A., Hamzeh, Y., Mirshokraie, S.A., Molaii, M. (2009). Papermaking potential of canola stalks. Bioresources, 4 (1), 245-256
  • Eroglu, H. (1987). Soda-oxygen anthraquinone pulping of wheat straw. Nonwood Plant Fiber Pulping Progress Report, No. 17, Houston
  • Eroglu, H., Usta, M., Kirci, H. (1992). A Review of oxygen pulping conditions of some non-wood plant growing in Turkey. Tappi Pulping Conference Proceeding, 215-222
  • Eroǧlu, H., Deniz, İ. (1998). O2–NaOH pulping of predesilicated wheat straw (Triticum aestivum L.). Inpaper Int., 2(5): 14-20
  • Faostat 2018. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations website, 27.11.2018. Gencer, A., Eroglu, H., Deniz, I. (2005). The effects of oxygen and air to pulp production from wheat straw using KOH agent. International Journal of Bartın Faculty of Forestry, 77 (1), 9-13
  • Guler, M., Kara, T., Dok, M. (2005). Using geographic information systems (GIS) techniques to determine potential rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) production area in Middle Black Sea Region. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Ondokuz Mayıs University, 20 (1), 44-49
  • Gunduz, G., Asik, A., Aydemir, D., Kilic, A. (2015). The production and characterization of bacterial cellulose. Duzce University Journal of Forestry, 10 (12), 1-10
  • Hafizoğlu, H., Deniz, İ. (2007). Wood Chemistry Lecture Notes. Karadeniz Technical University, Forest Faculty Publication, Trabzon-Turkey.
  • Hart, P., Connell, D. (2006). The Effect of Digester Kappa on the Bleachability and Yield of EMCCTM Softwood Kraft Pulp. Tappi Journal, 5 (5), 23-27
  • Hosseinpour, R., Latibari, A.J. (2012). The Papermaking potential of canola residues; viable raw material. Proceedings of the 55th International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology, Beijing, China
  • Istek, O., Ozkan, I. (2008). Effect of sodium borohydride on Populus tremula L. Kraft Pulping. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 32 (2), 131-136
  • Istek A., Gonteki, E. (2009). Utilization of sodium borohydride (NaBH4) in kraft pulpingprocess. Journal of Environmental Biology, 30(6): 5-6 Kirci, H. (2006). Pulp Industry Lecture Notes. Karadeniz Technical University, Forest Faculty Publication, Trabzon-Turkey
  • Kiaei, M., Mahdavi, S., Kialashaki, A., Nemati, M., Samariha, A., Saghafi, A. (2014). Chemical composition and morphological properties of canola plant and its potential application in pulp and paper industry. Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 48(1-2): 105-110
  • Mohammad, M., Enayati, A.A., Hamzeh, Y., Roustaei, M. (2010). Preparation of bleached soda pulp from canola stalks. Iranian Journal of Wood and Paper Science Research, 25(1): 80-90
  • Moon, R.J., Martini, A., Nairn, J., Simonsenf, J., Youngblood, J. (2011). Cellulose nanomaterials review: structure, properties and nanocomposites. Chemical Society Reviews, 40 (1), 3941-3994
  • Ni, Y., Sommerville, J., van Heiningen, A.R.P. (2001). Bleaching of recycled fibers by adding sodium borohydride to a peroxide reinforced oxygen stage. Tappi Journal, 84(6):67.
  • Okan O.T., Deniz İ., Yildirim İ. (2013). Bleaching of bamboo (Phyllostachys Bambusoides) Kraft-AQ pulp with dodium perborate tetrahydrate (SPBTH) after oxygen delignification. Bioresources, 8(1): 1332-1344
  • Pahkala, S.K. (2001). Nonwood Plants as Raw Material for Pulp and Paper. Agriculture and Food Science Finland, 10:1-101
  • Potucek, F., Gurung, b., Hajkova, K. (2014). Soda pulping of rapeseed straw. Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 48(7-8): 683-691
  • Rousu, P., Rousis, P., Anttila, J. (2002). Sustainable pulp production from agricultural waste. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 35: 85-103 Rowell, R.M., Young, R.A., Rowell, J.K. (1997). Paper and composites from agro-based resources. CRC press, USA
  • Saracbasi, A., Sahin, H.T., Karademir, A. (2016). A. Effects of sodium borohydride addition to kraft pulping process of some pine species. Journal of Forestry Research, 2: 134-143
  • Sarwar, J.M., Nasima, C.D.A., Khalidul, I.M. (2006). Characterization and evaluation of golpata fronds as pulping raw materials. Bioresource Technology, 97: 401-406
  • Shatalov, A.A., Pereira, H. (2006). Papermaking fibers from giant reed (Arundo donax L.) by advanced ecologically friendly pulping and bleaching technologies. Bioresources, 1: 45-61
  • Sjöström, E., Eriksson, E. (1968). The influence of carboxyl and carbonyl groups on the brightness stability of bleached pulps. Tappi Journal, 51:16-19.
  • SKSV, (2018). Turkey Cellulose and Paper Industry Foundation, Annual Sector Reports.
  • Tiras, M. (2009). Agriculture of Canola in Turkey. Eastern Geographical Review, 14(21): 159-172.
  • Tran, A.V. (2006). Chemical analysis and pulping study of pineapple crown leaves. Industrial Crops and Products, 24: 66-74
  • Tutus, A. (2000). The investigation of soda-oxygen, soda-anthraquinone and soda methods used in pulp production from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) straw on the problem of silica and other aspects. Ph. D. dissertation, Institute of Science, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Bartın, Turkey.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., Karatas, B. (2011). Pulp and paper production by Kraft-Sodium Borohydride method from Poppy Stems. II. International Non-Wood Forest Products Symposium (pp. 183-190), Isparta.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., Ozdemir, A., Altas, A. (2014). Evaluation of Astragalus membranaceus in pulp and paper production. III. International Non-Wood Forest Products Symposium (pp. 323-331), Kahramanmaras
  • Tutus, A., Eroglu, H. (2003). A practical solution to silica problem in straw pulping. Appita Journal, 56(2): 111-115
  • Tutus A., Eroglu H. (2004). An alternative solution to the silica problem in wheat strawpulping. APPITA Journal, 57(3): 214-217
  • Tutus, A., Ezici, A.C., Ates, S. (2010). Chemical, morphological and anatomical properties and evaluation of cotton stalks (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in pulp industry. Scientific Research and Essays, 5(12): 1553-1560
  • Tutus, A., Kazaskeroglu, Y., Cicekler, M. (2015). Evaluation of tea wastes in usage pulp and paper production. Bioresources, 10(3): 5407-5416
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M. (2016). Evaluation of common wheat stubbles (triticum aestivum L.) for pulp and paper production. Drvna Industrija, 67(3): 271-279
  • Tutus, A., Usta, M. (2004). Bleaching of chemithermomechanical pulp (CTMP) using environmentally friendly chemicals. Journal of Environmental Biology, 25(2): 141-146
  • Wang, S., Li, Z., Ni, Y., Zhang, E. (2004). Sodium borohydride assisted hydrogen peroxide bleaching process for mechanical pulps. Appita Journal, 57:377-380
  • Wanrosli, W.D., Zainuddin, Z., Lawb, K.N., Asro, R. (2007). Pulp from oil palm fronds by chemical processes. Industrial Crops and Products, 25: 89-94
  • Wise, L.E., Murphy, M. (1946). A chlorite holocellulose, its fractionation and bearing on summative wood analysis and studies on hemicelluloses. Paper Trade Journal, 122: 35-43
  • Zawawi, D., Mohd, Z.M.H., Angzzas, S.M.K., Halizah, A., Ashuvila, M.A. (2014). Exploring of agro waste (pineapple leaf, corn stalk and napier grass) by chemical component and morphological study. Bioresources, 9(1): 872-880
  • ISO 2470-1:2016 Paper, board and pulps-Measurement of diffuse blue reflectance factor-Part 1: Indoor daylight conditions (ISO brightness)
  • ISO 5269-2:2004 Pulps-Preparation of laboratory sheets for physical testing-Part 2: Rapid-Köthen method
  • TAPPI T203 cm-09:2009 Alpha, beta and gamma-cellulose in pulp
  • TAPPI T204 cm-07:2007 Solvent extractives of wood and pulp
  • TAPPI T207 cm-08:2008 Water solubility of wood and pulp
  • TAPPI T211 om-02:2002 Ash in wood, pulp, paper and paperboard: combustion at 525°C
  • TAPPI T212 om-12:2012 One percent sodium hydroxide solubility
  • TAPPI T222 om-11:2011 Acid-insoluble lignin in wood and pulp
  • TAPPI T230 om-08:2008 Viscosity of pulp (capillary viscometer method)
  • TAPPI T236 om-99:1999 Kappa number of pulp
  • TAPPI T403 om-15:2015 Bursting strength of paper
  • TAPPI T414 om-88:1988 Internal tearing resistance of paper (Elmendorf-type method)
  • TAPPI T494 om-06:2006 Tensile properties of paper and paperboard

The Investigations on Pulp and Paper Production with Modified Kraft Pulping Method from Canola (Brassica napus L.) Stalks

Year 2018, , 357 - 365, 28.12.2018


Aim of study: This study was carried out to evaluate
canola (Brassica napus L.) stalks as
an alternative raw material for pulp and paper production.

Area of study: This work was carried out in Kahramanmaraş
Sütçü Imam University, Faculty of Forestry, Pulp and Paper Production

Material and Methods: Before pulping procedure, the chemical
components of the canola stalks were investigated. The holocellulose, alpha
cellulose, lignin, and ash contents and NaOH (1%) and cold-hot water
solubilities were determined. Modified kraft cooking method was used for
pulping from canola stalk by using sodium borohydride (NaBH4).
Sulfidity charge; 26, 28, 30%, and NaBH4 charge; 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5%
were changed while keeping constant temperature (150 oC), time (120
min) and alkali charge (20%). For determination of the optimum pulping condition,
12 cooking experiments were performed to canola stalks. In addition, the
physical and optical properties of the papers produced from the obtained pulps
were also determined.

Main results: The holocellulose (72.10%) and lignin
(13.15%) contents of the canola stalks were found to be similar with hardwoods.
The optimum cooking condition was determined as 20% active alkali, 28%
sulfidity and 0.5% NaBH4 charges (as NaOH) and the total pulp yield
were obtained about 44.7% in this condition. Besides, the addition of NaBH4
increased pulp yield by 24.1% and decreased kappa number by 9.7%.

Research highlights: It was concluded that obtained results
demonstrate the suitability of canola stalk for pulp and paper production and
NaBH4 is an effective cooking additive for the pulp yield.


  • Akgul, M. (2007). Determination of the pulp and paper production conditions with soda-alcohol, soda-AQ, soda-alcohol-AQ methods from cotton straw (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Presidency of Scientific Research Projects, SRP Project Code (2005.05), 03.221.
  • Akgul, M., Temiz, S. (2006). Determination of Kraft-NaBH4 pulping condition of Uludag Fir (Abies Bornmuelleriana Mattf.). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 9 (13), 2493-2497
  • Ashori, A. (2006). Nonwood fibers-A potential source of raw material in papermaking. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 10 (1), 1133-1136
  • Baunelos, G.S., Bryla, D.R., Cook, C.G. (2002). Vegetative production of kenaf and canola under irrigation in Central California. Industrial Crops and Products, 15 (1), 237-245
  • Courchene, C.E. (1998). The tired, the true and the new-getting more pulp from chips--modifications to the kraft process for increased yield. Proceeding of: Breaking the Pulp Yield Barrier Symposium, Tappi Press, Atlanta: 11-20
  • Dang, Z., Elder, T., Regauskas, A.J. (2007). Alkaline peroxide treatment of ECF bleached softwood kraft pulps. Part 1. Characterizing the effect of alkaline peroxide treatment on carboxyl groups of fibers. Holzforschung, 61 (1), 445-450
  • Deniz, I., Okan, O.T., Serdar, B., Şahin, H.I. (2017). Kraft and modified kraft pulping of bamboo (Phyllostachys bambusoides). Drewno, 60(200): 79:94.
  • Ekhtera, M.H., Azadfallah, M., Bahrami, M., Rovshandeh, J.M. (2009). Comparative study of pulp and paper properties of canola stalks prepared by using dimethyl formamide or diethylene glycol. Bioresources, 4(1): 214-233.
  • Enayati, A.A., Hamzeh, Y., Mirshokraie, S.A., Molaii, M. (2009). Papermaking potential of canola stalks. Bioresources, 4 (1), 245-256
  • Eroglu, H. (1987). Soda-oxygen anthraquinone pulping of wheat straw. Nonwood Plant Fiber Pulping Progress Report, No. 17, Houston
  • Eroglu, H., Usta, M., Kirci, H. (1992). A Review of oxygen pulping conditions of some non-wood plant growing in Turkey. Tappi Pulping Conference Proceeding, 215-222
  • Eroǧlu, H., Deniz, İ. (1998). O2–NaOH pulping of predesilicated wheat straw (Triticum aestivum L.). Inpaper Int., 2(5): 14-20
  • Faostat 2018. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations website, 27.11.2018. Gencer, A., Eroglu, H., Deniz, I. (2005). The effects of oxygen and air to pulp production from wheat straw using KOH agent. International Journal of Bartın Faculty of Forestry, 77 (1), 9-13
  • Guler, M., Kara, T., Dok, M. (2005). Using geographic information systems (GIS) techniques to determine potential rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) production area in Middle Black Sea Region. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Ondokuz Mayıs University, 20 (1), 44-49
  • Gunduz, G., Asik, A., Aydemir, D., Kilic, A. (2015). The production and characterization of bacterial cellulose. Duzce University Journal of Forestry, 10 (12), 1-10
  • Hafizoğlu, H., Deniz, İ. (2007). Wood Chemistry Lecture Notes. Karadeniz Technical University, Forest Faculty Publication, Trabzon-Turkey.
  • Hart, P., Connell, D. (2006). The Effect of Digester Kappa on the Bleachability and Yield of EMCCTM Softwood Kraft Pulp. Tappi Journal, 5 (5), 23-27
  • Hosseinpour, R., Latibari, A.J. (2012). The Papermaking potential of canola residues; viable raw material. Proceedings of the 55th International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology, Beijing, China
  • Istek, O., Ozkan, I. (2008). Effect of sodium borohydride on Populus tremula L. Kraft Pulping. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 32 (2), 131-136
  • Istek A., Gonteki, E. (2009). Utilization of sodium borohydride (NaBH4) in kraft pulpingprocess. Journal of Environmental Biology, 30(6): 5-6 Kirci, H. (2006). Pulp Industry Lecture Notes. Karadeniz Technical University, Forest Faculty Publication, Trabzon-Turkey
  • Kiaei, M., Mahdavi, S., Kialashaki, A., Nemati, M., Samariha, A., Saghafi, A. (2014). Chemical composition and morphological properties of canola plant and its potential application in pulp and paper industry. Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 48(1-2): 105-110
  • Mohammad, M., Enayati, A.A., Hamzeh, Y., Roustaei, M. (2010). Preparation of bleached soda pulp from canola stalks. Iranian Journal of Wood and Paper Science Research, 25(1): 80-90
  • Moon, R.J., Martini, A., Nairn, J., Simonsenf, J., Youngblood, J. (2011). Cellulose nanomaterials review: structure, properties and nanocomposites. Chemical Society Reviews, 40 (1), 3941-3994
  • Ni, Y., Sommerville, J., van Heiningen, A.R.P. (2001). Bleaching of recycled fibers by adding sodium borohydride to a peroxide reinforced oxygen stage. Tappi Journal, 84(6):67.
  • Okan O.T., Deniz İ., Yildirim İ. (2013). Bleaching of bamboo (Phyllostachys Bambusoides) Kraft-AQ pulp with dodium perborate tetrahydrate (SPBTH) after oxygen delignification. Bioresources, 8(1): 1332-1344
  • Pahkala, S.K. (2001). Nonwood Plants as Raw Material for Pulp and Paper. Agriculture and Food Science Finland, 10:1-101
  • Potucek, F., Gurung, b., Hajkova, K. (2014). Soda pulping of rapeseed straw. Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 48(7-8): 683-691
  • Rousu, P., Rousis, P., Anttila, J. (2002). Sustainable pulp production from agricultural waste. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 35: 85-103 Rowell, R.M., Young, R.A., Rowell, J.K. (1997). Paper and composites from agro-based resources. CRC press, USA
  • Saracbasi, A., Sahin, H.T., Karademir, A. (2016). A. Effects of sodium borohydride addition to kraft pulping process of some pine species. Journal of Forestry Research, 2: 134-143
  • Sarwar, J.M., Nasima, C.D.A., Khalidul, I.M. (2006). Characterization and evaluation of golpata fronds as pulping raw materials. Bioresource Technology, 97: 401-406
  • Shatalov, A.A., Pereira, H. (2006). Papermaking fibers from giant reed (Arundo donax L.) by advanced ecologically friendly pulping and bleaching technologies. Bioresources, 1: 45-61
  • Sjöström, E., Eriksson, E. (1968). The influence of carboxyl and carbonyl groups on the brightness stability of bleached pulps. Tappi Journal, 51:16-19.
  • SKSV, (2018). Turkey Cellulose and Paper Industry Foundation, Annual Sector Reports.
  • Tiras, M. (2009). Agriculture of Canola in Turkey. Eastern Geographical Review, 14(21): 159-172.
  • Tran, A.V. (2006). Chemical analysis and pulping study of pineapple crown leaves. Industrial Crops and Products, 24: 66-74
  • Tutus, A. (2000). The investigation of soda-oxygen, soda-anthraquinone and soda methods used in pulp production from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) straw on the problem of silica and other aspects. Ph. D. dissertation, Institute of Science, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Bartın, Turkey.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., Karatas, B. (2011). Pulp and paper production by Kraft-Sodium Borohydride method from Poppy Stems. II. International Non-Wood Forest Products Symposium (pp. 183-190), Isparta.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., Ozdemir, A., Altas, A. (2014). Evaluation of Astragalus membranaceus in pulp and paper production. III. International Non-Wood Forest Products Symposium (pp. 323-331), Kahramanmaras
  • Tutus, A., Eroglu, H. (2003). A practical solution to silica problem in straw pulping. Appita Journal, 56(2): 111-115
  • Tutus A., Eroglu H. (2004). An alternative solution to the silica problem in wheat strawpulping. APPITA Journal, 57(3): 214-217
  • Tutus, A., Ezici, A.C., Ates, S. (2010). Chemical, morphological and anatomical properties and evaluation of cotton stalks (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in pulp industry. Scientific Research and Essays, 5(12): 1553-1560
  • Tutus, A., Kazaskeroglu, Y., Cicekler, M. (2015). Evaluation of tea wastes in usage pulp and paper production. Bioresources, 10(3): 5407-5416
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M. (2016). Evaluation of common wheat stubbles (triticum aestivum L.) for pulp and paper production. Drvna Industrija, 67(3): 271-279
  • Tutus, A., Usta, M. (2004). Bleaching of chemithermomechanical pulp (CTMP) using environmentally friendly chemicals. Journal of Environmental Biology, 25(2): 141-146
  • Wang, S., Li, Z., Ni, Y., Zhang, E. (2004). Sodium borohydride assisted hydrogen peroxide bleaching process for mechanical pulps. Appita Journal, 57:377-380
  • Wanrosli, W.D., Zainuddin, Z., Lawb, K.N., Asro, R. (2007). Pulp from oil palm fronds by chemical processes. Industrial Crops and Products, 25: 89-94
  • Wise, L.E., Murphy, M. (1946). A chlorite holocellulose, its fractionation and bearing on summative wood analysis and studies on hemicelluloses. Paper Trade Journal, 122: 35-43
  • Zawawi, D., Mohd, Z.M.H., Angzzas, S.M.K., Halizah, A., Ashuvila, M.A. (2014). Exploring of agro waste (pineapple leaf, corn stalk and napier grass) by chemical component and morphological study. Bioresources, 9(1): 872-880
  • ISO 2470-1:2016 Paper, board and pulps-Measurement of diffuse blue reflectance factor-Part 1: Indoor daylight conditions (ISO brightness)
  • ISO 5269-2:2004 Pulps-Preparation of laboratory sheets for physical testing-Part 2: Rapid-Köthen method
  • TAPPI T203 cm-09:2009 Alpha, beta and gamma-cellulose in pulp
  • TAPPI T204 cm-07:2007 Solvent extractives of wood and pulp
  • TAPPI T207 cm-08:2008 Water solubility of wood and pulp
  • TAPPI T211 om-02:2002 Ash in wood, pulp, paper and paperboard: combustion at 525°C
  • TAPPI T212 om-12:2012 One percent sodium hydroxide solubility
  • TAPPI T222 om-11:2011 Acid-insoluble lignin in wood and pulp
  • TAPPI T230 om-08:2008 Viscosity of pulp (capillary viscometer method)
  • TAPPI T236 om-99:1999 Kappa number of pulp
  • TAPPI T403 om-15:2015 Bursting strength of paper
  • TAPPI T414 om-88:1988 Internal tearing resistance of paper (Elmendorf-type method)
  • TAPPI T494 om-06:2006 Tensile properties of paper and paperboard
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Mehmet Akgül This is me

İlhan Erdönmez This is me

Mustafa Çiçekler

Ahmet Tutuş This is me

Publication Date December 28, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Akgül, M., Erdönmez, İ., Çiçekler, M., Tutuş, A. (2018). The Investigations on Pulp and Paper Production with Modified Kraft Pulping Method from Canola (Brassica napus L.) Stalks. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 18(3), 357-365.
AMA Akgül M, Erdönmez İ, Çiçekler M, Tutuş A. The Investigations on Pulp and Paper Production with Modified Kraft Pulping Method from Canola (Brassica napus L.) Stalks. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. December 2018;18(3):357-365. doi:10.17475/kastorman.499091
Chicago Akgül, Mehmet, İlhan Erdönmez, Mustafa Çiçekler, and Ahmet Tutuş. “The Investigations on Pulp and Paper Production With Modified Kraft Pulping Method from Canola (Brassica Napus L.) Stalks”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 18, no. 3 (December 2018): 357-65.
EndNote Akgül M, Erdönmez İ, Çiçekler M, Tutuş A (December 1, 2018) The Investigations on Pulp and Paper Production with Modified Kraft Pulping Method from Canola (Brassica napus L.) Stalks. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 18 3 357–365.
IEEE M. Akgül, İ. Erdönmez, M. Çiçekler, and A. Tutuş, “The Investigations on Pulp and Paper Production with Modified Kraft Pulping Method from Canola (Brassica napus L.) Stalks”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 357–365, 2018, doi: 10.17475/kastorman.499091.
ISNAD Akgül, Mehmet et al. “The Investigations on Pulp and Paper Production With Modified Kraft Pulping Method from Canola (Brassica Napus L.) Stalks”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 18/3 (December 2018), 357-365.
JAMA Akgül M, Erdönmez İ, Çiçekler M, Tutuş A. The Investigations on Pulp and Paper Production with Modified Kraft Pulping Method from Canola (Brassica napus L.) Stalks. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2018;18:357–365.
MLA Akgül, Mehmet et al. “The Investigations on Pulp and Paper Production With Modified Kraft Pulping Method from Canola (Brassica Napus L.) Stalks”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 18, no. 3, 2018, pp. 357-65, doi:10.17475/kastorman.499091.
Vancouver Akgül M, Erdönmez İ, Çiçekler M, Tutuş A. The Investigations on Pulp and Paper Production with Modified Kraft Pulping Method from Canola (Brassica napus L.) Stalks. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2018;18(3):357-65.

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