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Antropik Baskı Etkisiyle Orman Örtüsünün Değişimi (Sehoul Mantar Meşesi Ormanı Vaka Örneği, Fas, Kuzey Atlantik)

Year 2020, , 62 - 73, 25.03.2020


Çalışmanın amacı: Bu çalışmanın amacı, Fas’da bulunan Sehoul mantar meşesi ormanının 20 yılı aşkın süredeki evriminin incelenmesi ve antropik baskının etkisini analiz etmektir.
Çalışma alanı: Araştırma, kuzeybatı Fas’ta bulunan Sehoul ormanında yürütülmüştür. Sehoul mantar meşesi orman, dünyadaki en geniş ve düz yayılış alanına sahip mantar meşesi ormanı ile bağlantılıdır.
Materyal ve yöntem: Bu çalışma, orman alanlarının bozulma durumunu ve evrimini değerlendirmek ve bunların nedenlerini insan faaliyetleri ile olan ilişkilerini araştırmak için orman alanı haritalaması, sosyo-ekonomik araştırmalar ve katılımcı atölye çalışmalarıyla yürütülmüştür.
Temel sonuçlar: Sehoul mantar meşesi ormanı, temel ekonomik, sosyal ve çevresel rol oynayan orman ekosistemleri arasındadır. Bununla birlikte, meşcerelerin mevcut durumu iyi nitelikte değildir. İlerleyen degredasyon, sürekli yoğunluğu artan iklim ve antropojenik faktörlerin kombinasyonunun bir sonucudur. Ormanın degredasyonu yeni türlerin introdüksiyonu, örtme derecesinin azalması ve doğal gençleşmenin olmayışı ile ifade edilebilir. Kullanılan yöntem, yöneticileri ve araştırmacıları yönlendirmede etkili bir bilimsel yaklaşım olarak izlenebilir.
Araştırma vurguları: Sehoul’deki mantar meşesi ormanında, yakacak odun kaynaklı orman azalması orman üretiminden iki kat daha yüksek ve aşırı otlatma oranı% 80 civarındadır.


  • AEFCS (1978). Plan national de reboisement: Guide pratique du reboiseur au MAROC.
  • Anonymous (1996). RGA-Ministry of Agriculture, 1996 Recenssement general de l’Agricuture Maroc-data base.
  • Alaoui A. (2002). Contribution à l’étude de l’écologie, production, croissance et productivité des principales essences de Reboisement au Maroc. Mémoire d’ingénieur d’état de l’ENFI-Maroc.
  • Alaoui A., Laaribya S. & Gmira N. (2013). La femme rurale et le développement durable au Maroc- Constats et perspectives d’évolution-Université Ibn Zohr Agadir - Publications locales- regards sociologiques.
  • Alaoui A., Laaribya S. & Gmira N. (2011). Production, croissance et modèles de conduite sylvicoles des principales essences (le pin maritime et le pin d’Alep) de reboisement au Maroc. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 11(1), 68-84.
  • Alaoui A., Laaribya S., Gmira N. & Benchekroun F. (2012). Involvement of Rural Women in Local Development and Preservation of Natural Resources-Case of The Rural Municipality Sehoul-Morocco, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 12(2), 261-269.
  • Belghazi B., Ezzahiri M., Amhajar M. & Benzyane M. (2001). Régénération artificielle du chêne-liège dans la forêt de la Mâamora (Maroc) Revue de la forêt Méditerranéennet. XXII, n° 3, novembre 2001.
  • Laaribya S. (2006). Il faut sauver la forêt de la Maâmora (Maroc). Revue de la forêt Méditerranéenne. T. XXVII, n°1, 65-72.
  • Laaribya S. (2011). Dynamique des espaces forestiers et plan stratégique de gestion et de développement socioéconomique de la forêt de la Maamora- Thèse de Doctorat en sciences de la vie et de l’environnement- Faculté des sciences de Kenitra.
  • Laaribya S., Alaoui A. & Gmira N. (2013a). L’évaluation de la pression pastorale dans la Maamora-Parcours forestiers et surpâturage- Nature & Technology, University Hassiba Benbouali of Chlef Journal, Algeria.
  • Laaribya S., Gmira N., Alaoui A. & Tomei P.E. (2013b). I prodotti forestali non legnosi, un'occasione di sviluppo locale. Il caso della foresta della Maamora (Marocco). Revue-INTER NOS-Quaderni della Sezione di Botanica et Geobotanica Applicate - PISA University (Italie).
  • Laaribya S., Gmira N. & Alaoui A. (2011). La Maamora au Maroc, Un enjeu essentiel de développement pour les populations locales, revue sylva belgica – pages 32 à 37 Numero Juillet Aout - 118-4/2011. Belgique.
  • Laouina, A., Aderghal, M., J. Al Karkouri, J., Antari, M., Chaker, M., Laghazi, Y., Machmachi, I., Machouri, N., Nafaa, R., Naïmi, K., Nouira, A. & Sfa, M. (2010). The efforts for cork oak forest management and their effects on soil conservation, Forest Systems, 19(2), 263-277.

The Evolution of The Forest Cover with The Effect of Anthropic Pressure (The Case Study of Sehoul Cork-Oak Forest in Morocco, North Atlantic)

Year 2020, , 62 - 73, 25.03.2020


Aim of study: The objectives of this study consist in an examination of the evolution of cork-oak forest in Sehoul forest, Morocco, over two decades and to analyze the impact of the anthropic pressure.
Area of study: The research has been carried on Sehoul forest, located in northwestern Morocco. It is linked to the largest plain cork-oak forest in the world.
Material and methods: This work carried via mapping of forest area, socio-economic surveys and participatory workshops, to assess the state of degradation of forest areas and their evolution, and to search for the causes of these with a relationship with human activities.
Main results: Sehoul cork-oak forest is among the forest ecosystems that play a fundamental economic, social and environmental role. However, the current state of its stands is disturbing. The progressive degradation is the result of a combination of climatic and anthropogenic factors that continue to intensify. The degradation of the forest can be expressed by its replacement by introduced species and the reduction of its coverage rate, and the absence of its natural regeneration.
Highlights: The cork-oak forest in Sehoul, firewood-borne forest regression is twice as high as forest production and overgrazing rate is around 80%.


  • AEFCS (1978). Plan national de reboisement: Guide pratique du reboiseur au MAROC.
  • Anonymous (1996). RGA-Ministry of Agriculture, 1996 Recenssement general de l’Agricuture Maroc-data base.
  • Alaoui A. (2002). Contribution à l’étude de l’écologie, production, croissance et productivité des principales essences de Reboisement au Maroc. Mémoire d’ingénieur d’état de l’ENFI-Maroc.
  • Alaoui A., Laaribya S. & Gmira N. (2013). La femme rurale et le développement durable au Maroc- Constats et perspectives d’évolution-Université Ibn Zohr Agadir - Publications locales- regards sociologiques.
  • Alaoui A., Laaribya S. & Gmira N. (2011). Production, croissance et modèles de conduite sylvicoles des principales essences (le pin maritime et le pin d’Alep) de reboisement au Maroc. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 11(1), 68-84.
  • Alaoui A., Laaribya S., Gmira N. & Benchekroun F. (2012). Involvement of Rural Women in Local Development and Preservation of Natural Resources-Case of The Rural Municipality Sehoul-Morocco, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 12(2), 261-269.
  • Belghazi B., Ezzahiri M., Amhajar M. & Benzyane M. (2001). Régénération artificielle du chêne-liège dans la forêt de la Mâamora (Maroc) Revue de la forêt Méditerranéennet. XXII, n° 3, novembre 2001.
  • Laaribya S. (2006). Il faut sauver la forêt de la Maâmora (Maroc). Revue de la forêt Méditerranéenne. T. XXVII, n°1, 65-72.
  • Laaribya S. (2011). Dynamique des espaces forestiers et plan stratégique de gestion et de développement socioéconomique de la forêt de la Maamora- Thèse de Doctorat en sciences de la vie et de l’environnement- Faculté des sciences de Kenitra.
  • Laaribya S., Alaoui A. & Gmira N. (2013a). L’évaluation de la pression pastorale dans la Maamora-Parcours forestiers et surpâturage- Nature & Technology, University Hassiba Benbouali of Chlef Journal, Algeria.
  • Laaribya S., Gmira N., Alaoui A. & Tomei P.E. (2013b). I prodotti forestali non legnosi, un'occasione di sviluppo locale. Il caso della foresta della Maamora (Marocco). Revue-INTER NOS-Quaderni della Sezione di Botanica et Geobotanica Applicate - PISA University (Italie).
  • Laaribya S., Gmira N. & Alaoui A. (2011). La Maamora au Maroc, Un enjeu essentiel de développement pour les populations locales, revue sylva belgica – pages 32 à 37 Numero Juillet Aout - 118-4/2011. Belgique.
  • Laouina, A., Aderghal, M., J. Al Karkouri, J., Antari, M., Chaker, M., Laghazi, Y., Machmachi, I., Machouri, N., Nafaa, R., Naïmi, K., Nouira, A. & Sfa, M. (2010). The efforts for cork oak forest management and their effects on soil conservation, Forest Systems, 19(2), 263-277.
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Assmaa Alaouı This is me

Said Laarıbya This is me

Sezgin Ayan This is me

Publication Date March 25, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Alaouı, A., Laarıbya, S., & Ayan, S. (2020). The Evolution of The Forest Cover with The Effect of Anthropic Pressure (The Case Study of Sehoul Cork-Oak Forest in Morocco, North Atlantic). Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 20(1), 62-73.
AMA Alaouı A, Laarıbya S, Ayan S. The Evolution of The Forest Cover with The Effect of Anthropic Pressure (The Case Study of Sehoul Cork-Oak Forest in Morocco, North Atlantic). Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. March 2020;20(1):62-73. doi:10.17475/kastorman.705872
Chicago Alaouı, Assmaa, Said Laarıbya, and Sezgin Ayan. “The Evolution of The Forest Cover With The Effect of Anthropic Pressure (The Case Study of Sehoul Cork-Oak Forest in Morocco, North Atlantic)”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 20, no. 1 (March 2020): 62-73.
EndNote Alaouı A, Laarıbya S, Ayan S (March 1, 2020) The Evolution of The Forest Cover with The Effect of Anthropic Pressure (The Case Study of Sehoul Cork-Oak Forest in Morocco, North Atlantic). Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 20 1 62–73.
IEEE A. Alaouı, S. Laarıbya, and S. Ayan, “The Evolution of The Forest Cover with The Effect of Anthropic Pressure (The Case Study of Sehoul Cork-Oak Forest in Morocco, North Atlantic)”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 62–73, 2020, doi: 10.17475/kastorman.705872.
ISNAD Alaouı, Assmaa et al. “The Evolution of The Forest Cover With The Effect of Anthropic Pressure (The Case Study of Sehoul Cork-Oak Forest in Morocco, North Atlantic)”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 20/1 (March 2020), 62-73.
JAMA Alaouı A, Laarıbya S, Ayan S. The Evolution of The Forest Cover with The Effect of Anthropic Pressure (The Case Study of Sehoul Cork-Oak Forest in Morocco, North Atlantic). Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2020;20:62–73.
MLA Alaouı, Assmaa et al. “The Evolution of The Forest Cover With The Effect of Anthropic Pressure (The Case Study of Sehoul Cork-Oak Forest in Morocco, North Atlantic)”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 20, no. 1, 2020, pp. 62-73, doi:10.17475/kastorman.705872.
Vancouver Alaouı A, Laarıbya S, Ayan S. The Evolution of The Forest Cover with The Effect of Anthropic Pressure (The Case Study of Sehoul Cork-Oak Forest in Morocco, North Atlantic). Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2020;20(1):62-73.

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