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The Utilizing Rock Salt of Inorganic Filler in Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) Production

Year 2020, , 158 - 175, 29.09.2020


Çalışmanın amacı: İnorganik kaya tuzunun MDF üretiminde kullanılabilirliliğini araştırmaktır.
Çalışma alanı: Malzemeler sırasıyla Çankırı yöresinden kaya tuzu, Batı Karadeniz bölgesinden odun toplanmıştır. Üretim Düzce'de özel bir firmada gerçekleştirildi. Testler Düzce Orman Fakültesi Laboratuvarı ve Gazi Ağaç İşleme Endüstri Mühendisliği Laboratuvarından yapılmıştır.
Materyal ve yöntem: Asplund Defibrator'da cipsler 7-7.5 bar buhar basıncında, 180°C sıcaklıkta 4-5 dakika pişirilmiştir. Kuru lif ağırlığına göre liflendirmeden öncesi% 1.5 parafin, liflendirmeden sonra % 1 amonyum sülfat solüsyonu verildi.. 1m³ MDF üretiminde lignoselülozik liflerin yerine; inorganik dolgu minerali kaya tuzu kullanmak için ayrı bir tankta hazırlanmıştır. Üre formaldehit tutkalı ile birlikte sırasıyla % 3 (20 kg), % 6 (40 kg), % 9 (60 kg) kaya tuzu solusyonu liflere blow line hattında verilmiştir. Lifler pasta haline getirildikten sonra sıcak preste 185-190°C sıcaklık, 32-34 kg/cm² basınç uygulanarak ve 270 saniyede levhalar üretilmiştir. Presleme sonrasında MDF paneller (2100x4900x18 mm) ölçülerinde üretilmiştir. Fiziksel, mekanik ve yanma testleri gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Temel sonuçlar: Yüzde 3 kaya tuzu katkılı MDF ürünleri bu çalışmadaki diğer MDF panellerinden daha iyi performansa sahiptir.
Araştırma vurguları: Kaya tuzunun yüzde 3 oran ile MDF üretiminde kullanımı önerilir.


  • Akgul, M. (2009). Medium density fiberboards manufactured from corn stalks. Duzce University Journal of Forestry, 5(2) 95-103.
  • Akgul, M., Ayrılmış, N., Camlıbel, O. & Korkut, S. (2013). Potential utilization of burned wood in manufacture of medium density fibreboard. The Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 15(2), 195-201.
  • Akgul, M. & Çamlıbel, O. (2008). The Manufacture of medium density fiberboards using rhododendron (R. Ponticum L.) biomass. Building and Environment, 43, 438-443.
  • ASTM D 2244-07e1 (2007). Standard practice for calculation of color tolerances and color differences from instrumentally measured color coordinates. American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA.
  • ASTM D 1037-78 (1994). Standards methods of evaluating the properties of wood-based-fiber and particle panel materials The American Society for Testing and Materials USA.
  • ASTM E 160–50 (1976) Standard test method for combustible properties of treated wood by the crib test.
  • Ayrılmış, N. (2000). Impact of tree varieties on the technological features of MDF, Master Thesis. İstanbul University Institute of Science and Technology, İstanbul.
  • Basta, A. H., El-Saıed, H., Gobran, R.H. & Sultan, M.Z. (2006). Enhancing environmental performance of formaldehyde-based adhesives in lignocellulosic composites, part III: evaluation of some starch derivatives. Designed Monomers and Polymers, 9(4), 325–347.
  • Basta, A.H. & El-Saied, H. (2008). New approach for utilization of cellulose derivatives metal complexes in preparation of durable and permanent colored papers. Carbohydrate Polymers, 74, 301–308.
  • Basta,, A.H., El-Saied, H. & Lotfy, V.F. (2013). Performance of rice straw-based composites using environmentally friendly polyalcoholic polymers-based adhesive system. Pigment & Resin Technology, 42(1) 24–33.
  • Basta, A.H., El- Saied, H. & Lotfy, V.F. (2014). Performance assessment of deashed and dewaxed rice straw on improving the quality of RS-based composites. RSC Advances, 4(42) 21794-21801.
  • Basta, A.H. & El-Saied, H. (2017). Beneficial effect of new activated enhancing the performance of particle boards from UF-rice straw. Pigment & Resin Technology, 46(2) 139–147.
  • Dönmez Çavdar, A., Boran Torun, S., Ertas, M. & Mengeloglu, F. (2019). Ammonium zeolite and ammonium phosphate applied as fire retardants for microcrystalline cellulose filled thermoplastic composites. Fire Safety Journal, 107, 202-209.
  • Dönmez Çavdar, A. (2020). Effect of zeolite filler in medium density fiberboards bonded with urea formaldehyde and melamine formaldehyde resins. Journal of Building Engineering, 27, 101000.
  • Ganapathy, P. M. (1997). Sources of nonwood fiber for paper, board and panels production: status, trends and prospects for India, Working Paper No: APFSOS/WP/10, Asia Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study, Bangalore.
  • Guller, B. (2001). Wood composites. Suleyman Demirel University Forest Faculty Journal, 2, 135-160.
  • Hafızoglu, H.; Yalinkilic, M.K.; Yildiz, U.C.; Baysal, E.; Peker, H.; Demirci, Z. 1994. Utilization of Turkey’s Boron Reserves in Wood Preservation Industry. Project of Turkish Science and Tech. Council (TUBITAK), Code: TOAG-875, 377.
  • Hosny, W. M., Basta, A.H. & El‐Saied, H. (1997). Metal chelates with some cellulose derivatives: v. synthesis and characterization of some ıron(ııı) complexes with cellulose ethers. Polymer International, 42(2) 157-162.
  • Istek, A, Aydemir, D. & Eroğlu, H. 2013. Combustion properties of medium-density fiberboards coated by a mixture of calcite and various fire retardants. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 37, 642-648.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, H., Yel, H. & Dönmez Çavdar, A. (2012). Wood wool cement boards and its applications. Kastamonu University Forest Faculty Journal, 12(1), 122-133.
  • Kurt, R. Mengeloglu, F. & Meric, H. (2012). The effects of boron compounds synergists with ammonium polyphosphate on mechanical properties and burning rates of wood-HDPE polymer composites. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 70, 177-182.
  • LeVan, S. & Tran, H.C. (1990). The role of boron in flame retardant treatments. In: Proceedings of first international conference on wood protection with diffusible preservatives. First International Conference on Wood Protection with Diffusible Preservatives: Nashville, Tennessee, November 28-30, 1990. Madison, WI: Forest Products Research Society, 39-41.
  • Ozcıfcı, A., Toker, H. & Baysal, E. (2007). Fire properties of laminated veneer lumber treated with some fire retardants. Wood Research, 52(4), 37-46.
  • Özdemir, F. (2019). Effect of mineral materials content as filler in medium density fiberboard. BioResources, 14(1), 2277-2286.
  • Ashori, A & Nourbakhsh. (2009). Effects of nanoclay as a reinforcement filler on the physical and mechanical properties of wood-based composite. Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 13, issue:18 pp:1869-1875.
  • Temiz, A., Yildiz, U.C., Aydin, I., Eikenes, M., Alfredsen, G. & Colakoglu, G. (2005). Surface roughness and color characteristics of wood treated with preservatives after accelerated weathering test. Applied Surface Science, 250 (1-4), 35-42.
  • Tondi, G., Haurie, L. & Wieland, S. (2014). Comparison of disodium octaborate tetrahydrate-based and tannin-boron-based formulations as fire retardant for wood structures. Fire and Materials, 38(3), 381-390.
  • TS EN 317 (2008). This standard specifies a method of determining the swelling in thickness of flat pressed or drum pressed particleboards, fibreboards and cement bonded particleboards. TSE, Ankara.
  • TS 642 ISO 554 (1997). Standard atmospheres for conditioning and/or testing; specifications.
  • TS EN 310 (1999). Wood-based-panels determination of modulus of elasticity in bending and of bending strnght, TSE, Ankara.
  • TS EN 319 (1999). Particleboards and fibreboards Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to the plane of the board. TSE, Ankara.
  • TS EN 323 (2008). Wood- based- panels density specifications, TSE, Ankara
  • TS EN 325 (2008). Wood-based Panels the Determination of dimensions of the test pierces. TSE, Ankara.
  • TS EN 326–1 (1999). Wood-Based Panels- Sampling, cutting and inspection- Part 1: Sampling test pieces and expression of test results. TSE. Ankara.
  • TS EN 382–1 (1999). Fibreboards- Determination of surface absorption Part 1: Test method for dry process fibreboards (MDF). TSE, Ankara.
  • TS EN 622–5. (2008). Fibreboards-specifications-part-5 Requirements for dry process boards (MDF). TSE, Ankara.
  • Tsunoda, K. (2001). Preservative properties of vapor-boron-treated wood and wood-based composites. Journal of Wood Science, 47: 149–153.
  • Usta, M. & Ustaömer, D. (2012). Boron compounds for MDF. BioResources, 7(1), 437-446.
  • Valcheva, L. & Savov, V. (2015). The effect of thickness of medium density fiberboard produced of hardwood tree species on their selected physical and mechanical properties, Key Engineering Materials Submitted. 688, 115-121
  • Xian-Qing, X., Wenting, Q., Lu, F., Zhihui, W. & Feng, W. (2016). Producing process for veneer decorative straw particleboards, Wood Research. 61(3), 465-474.
  • Yang, J., Zheng, X., Yao J., Xiao J. & Yan, L. (2019). 3D Surface Defects Recognıtıon of Lumber and Straw-Based Panels Based on Structure Laser Sensor Scannıng Technology, Inmateh Agricultural Engineer. 57(1).
  • Zuo, Y., Xiao, J., Wang, J., Liu, W., Li, X. & Wu, Y. (2018). Preparation and characterization of fire retardant straw/magnesium cement composites with an organic-inorganic network structure, Construction and Building Materials. 171, 404–413.
  • URL1.http:// accessed: 24.01.2020.
  • URL › resimler › ekler accessed:

The Utilizing Rock Salt of Inorganic Filler in Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) Production

Year 2020, , 158 - 175, 29.09.2020


Aim of study: To research the usage opportunities of the inorganic rock salt mineral in MDF production.
Area of study: The materials were collected rock salt from Çankırı region, wood from the Western Black Sea region, respectively. The production was performed in a private company in Düzce. The tests were performed at Duzce Forest Faculty Laboratory and Gazi Woodworking Industrial Engineering Laboratory.
Material and methods: In the Asplund Defibrator, chips were baked wtihin 7-7.5 bar vapor pressure and 180 ° C temperature for 4-5 minutes. According to the weight of dry fiber, 1.5% paraffin was given before fibrillation, fibrillation later was given 1% ammonium sulfate solution. Inorganic fillers prepared in a separate tank in order to use rock salt instead of lignocellulosic fibers in the production of 1 m³ MDF. After that urea-formaldehyde glue is prepared as three different solutions which include the rock salt respectively with 3% (20 kg), 6% (40 kg), 9% (60 kg). This press applies 185-190 °C temperature and 32-34 kg/cm² pressure to the mixture material in 270 second pressing time. MDF panels (2100x4900x18 mm) were produced in the process. Physical, mechanical and combustion tests experiments are performed over boards.
Main results: MDF products which were added per cent 3 with the rock salt have more performance than the other MDF panels in this study.
Highlights: The usage of the rock salt with per cent 3 is recommended in MDF products.


  • Akgul, M. (2009). Medium density fiberboards manufactured from corn stalks. Duzce University Journal of Forestry, 5(2) 95-103.
  • Akgul, M., Ayrılmış, N., Camlıbel, O. & Korkut, S. (2013). Potential utilization of burned wood in manufacture of medium density fibreboard. The Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 15(2), 195-201.
  • Akgul, M. & Çamlıbel, O. (2008). The Manufacture of medium density fiberboards using rhododendron (R. Ponticum L.) biomass. Building and Environment, 43, 438-443.
  • ASTM D 2244-07e1 (2007). Standard practice for calculation of color tolerances and color differences from instrumentally measured color coordinates. American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA.
  • ASTM D 1037-78 (1994). Standards methods of evaluating the properties of wood-based-fiber and particle panel materials The American Society for Testing and Materials USA.
  • ASTM E 160–50 (1976) Standard test method for combustible properties of treated wood by the crib test.
  • Ayrılmış, N. (2000). Impact of tree varieties on the technological features of MDF, Master Thesis. İstanbul University Institute of Science and Technology, İstanbul.
  • Basta, A. H., El-Saıed, H., Gobran, R.H. & Sultan, M.Z. (2006). Enhancing environmental performance of formaldehyde-based adhesives in lignocellulosic composites, part III: evaluation of some starch derivatives. Designed Monomers and Polymers, 9(4), 325–347.
  • Basta, A.H. & El-Saied, H. (2008). New approach for utilization of cellulose derivatives metal complexes in preparation of durable and permanent colored papers. Carbohydrate Polymers, 74, 301–308.
  • Basta,, A.H., El-Saied, H. & Lotfy, V.F. (2013). Performance of rice straw-based composites using environmentally friendly polyalcoholic polymers-based adhesive system. Pigment & Resin Technology, 42(1) 24–33.
  • Basta, A.H., El- Saied, H. & Lotfy, V.F. (2014). Performance assessment of deashed and dewaxed rice straw on improving the quality of RS-based composites. RSC Advances, 4(42) 21794-21801.
  • Basta, A.H. & El-Saied, H. (2017). Beneficial effect of new activated enhancing the performance of particle boards from UF-rice straw. Pigment & Resin Technology, 46(2) 139–147.
  • Dönmez Çavdar, A., Boran Torun, S., Ertas, M. & Mengeloglu, F. (2019). Ammonium zeolite and ammonium phosphate applied as fire retardants for microcrystalline cellulose filled thermoplastic composites. Fire Safety Journal, 107, 202-209.
  • Dönmez Çavdar, A. (2020). Effect of zeolite filler in medium density fiberboards bonded with urea formaldehyde and melamine formaldehyde resins. Journal of Building Engineering, 27, 101000.
  • Ganapathy, P. M. (1997). Sources of nonwood fiber for paper, board and panels production: status, trends and prospects for India, Working Paper No: APFSOS/WP/10, Asia Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study, Bangalore.
  • Guller, B. (2001). Wood composites. Suleyman Demirel University Forest Faculty Journal, 2, 135-160.
  • Hafızoglu, H.; Yalinkilic, M.K.; Yildiz, U.C.; Baysal, E.; Peker, H.; Demirci, Z. 1994. Utilization of Turkey’s Boron Reserves in Wood Preservation Industry. Project of Turkish Science and Tech. Council (TUBITAK), Code: TOAG-875, 377.
  • Hosny, W. M., Basta, A.H. & El‐Saied, H. (1997). Metal chelates with some cellulose derivatives: v. synthesis and characterization of some ıron(ııı) complexes with cellulose ethers. Polymer International, 42(2) 157-162.
  • Istek, A, Aydemir, D. & Eroğlu, H. 2013. Combustion properties of medium-density fiberboards coated by a mixture of calcite and various fire retardants. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 37, 642-648.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, H., Yel, H. & Dönmez Çavdar, A. (2012). Wood wool cement boards and its applications. Kastamonu University Forest Faculty Journal, 12(1), 122-133.
  • Kurt, R. Mengeloglu, F. & Meric, H. (2012). The effects of boron compounds synergists with ammonium polyphosphate on mechanical properties and burning rates of wood-HDPE polymer composites. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 70, 177-182.
  • LeVan, S. & Tran, H.C. (1990). The role of boron in flame retardant treatments. In: Proceedings of first international conference on wood protection with diffusible preservatives. First International Conference on Wood Protection with Diffusible Preservatives: Nashville, Tennessee, November 28-30, 1990. Madison, WI: Forest Products Research Society, 39-41.
  • Ozcıfcı, A., Toker, H. & Baysal, E. (2007). Fire properties of laminated veneer lumber treated with some fire retardants. Wood Research, 52(4), 37-46.
  • Özdemir, F. (2019). Effect of mineral materials content as filler in medium density fiberboard. BioResources, 14(1), 2277-2286.
  • Ashori, A & Nourbakhsh. (2009). Effects of nanoclay as a reinforcement filler on the physical and mechanical properties of wood-based composite. Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 13, issue:18 pp:1869-1875.
  • Temiz, A., Yildiz, U.C., Aydin, I., Eikenes, M., Alfredsen, G. & Colakoglu, G. (2005). Surface roughness and color characteristics of wood treated with preservatives after accelerated weathering test. Applied Surface Science, 250 (1-4), 35-42.
  • Tondi, G., Haurie, L. & Wieland, S. (2014). Comparison of disodium octaborate tetrahydrate-based and tannin-boron-based formulations as fire retardant for wood structures. Fire and Materials, 38(3), 381-390.
  • TS EN 317 (2008). This standard specifies a method of determining the swelling in thickness of flat pressed or drum pressed particleboards, fibreboards and cement bonded particleboards. TSE, Ankara.
  • TS 642 ISO 554 (1997). Standard atmospheres for conditioning and/or testing; specifications.
  • TS EN 310 (1999). Wood-based-panels determination of modulus of elasticity in bending and of bending strnght, TSE, Ankara.
  • TS EN 319 (1999). Particleboards and fibreboards Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to the plane of the board. TSE, Ankara.
  • TS EN 323 (2008). Wood- based- panels density specifications, TSE, Ankara
  • TS EN 325 (2008). Wood-based Panels the Determination of dimensions of the test pierces. TSE, Ankara.
  • TS EN 326–1 (1999). Wood-Based Panels- Sampling, cutting and inspection- Part 1: Sampling test pieces and expression of test results. TSE. Ankara.
  • TS EN 382–1 (1999). Fibreboards- Determination of surface absorption Part 1: Test method for dry process fibreboards (MDF). TSE, Ankara.
  • TS EN 622–5. (2008). Fibreboards-specifications-part-5 Requirements for dry process boards (MDF). TSE, Ankara.
  • Tsunoda, K. (2001). Preservative properties of vapor-boron-treated wood and wood-based composites. Journal of Wood Science, 47: 149–153.
  • Usta, M. & Ustaömer, D. (2012). Boron compounds for MDF. BioResources, 7(1), 437-446.
  • Valcheva, L. & Savov, V. (2015). The effect of thickness of medium density fiberboard produced of hardwood tree species on their selected physical and mechanical properties, Key Engineering Materials Submitted. 688, 115-121
  • Xian-Qing, X., Wenting, Q., Lu, F., Zhihui, W. & Feng, W. (2016). Producing process for veneer decorative straw particleboards, Wood Research. 61(3), 465-474.
  • Yang, J., Zheng, X., Yao J., Xiao J. & Yan, L. (2019). 3D Surface Defects Recognıtıon of Lumber and Straw-Based Panels Based on Structure Laser Sensor Scannıng Technology, Inmateh Agricultural Engineer. 57(1).
  • Zuo, Y., Xiao, J., Wang, J., Liu, W., Li, X. & Wu, Y. (2018). Preparation and characterization of fire retardant straw/magnesium cement composites with an organic-inorganic network structure, Construction and Building Materials. 171, 404–413.
  • URL1.http:// accessed: 24.01.2020.
  • URL › resimler › ekler accessed:
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Osman Çamlıbel This is me

Mehmet Akgül This is me

Publication Date September 29, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Çamlıbel, O., & Akgül, M. (2020). The Utilizing Rock Salt of Inorganic Filler in Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) Production. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 20(2), 158-175.
AMA Çamlıbel O, Akgül M. The Utilizing Rock Salt of Inorganic Filler in Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) Production. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. September 2020;20(2):158-175. doi:10.17475/kastorman.801814
Chicago Çamlıbel, Osman, and Mehmet Akgül. “The Utilizing Rock Salt of Inorganic Filler in Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) Production”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 20, no. 2 (September 2020): 158-75.
EndNote Çamlıbel O, Akgül M (September 1, 2020) The Utilizing Rock Salt of Inorganic Filler in Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) Production. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 20 2 158–175.
IEEE O. Çamlıbel and M. Akgül, “The Utilizing Rock Salt of Inorganic Filler in Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) Production”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 158–175, 2020, doi: 10.17475/kastorman.801814.
ISNAD Çamlıbel, Osman - Akgül, Mehmet. “The Utilizing Rock Salt of Inorganic Filler in Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) Production”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 20/2 (September 2020), 158-175.
JAMA Çamlıbel O, Akgül M. The Utilizing Rock Salt of Inorganic Filler in Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) Production. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2020;20:158–175.
MLA Çamlıbel, Osman and Mehmet Akgül. “The Utilizing Rock Salt of Inorganic Filler in Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) Production”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 20, no. 2, 2020, pp. 158-75, doi:10.17475/kastorman.801814.
Vancouver Çamlıbel O, Akgül M. The Utilizing Rock Salt of Inorganic Filler in Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) Production. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2020;20(2):158-75.

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