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Spatiotemporal Change of Carbon Storage in Forest Biomass: A case Study in Köprülü Canyon National Park

Year 2013, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 1 - 14, 01.03.2013


Forest ecosystems, especially protected forest areas play a key role in climate change mitigation. With the declaring Köprülü Canyon as a National Park (NP) since 1973, this region has likely become an important carbon (C) sink. To quantify this potential, understand its implication to the national C budget, comprehend the forest dynamics and evaluate these issues in future park planning, we estimated the changes in forest biomass C storage between 1965 and 2008. Based on the two periods of forest inventory, we used Biomass Expansion Factors (BEFs) to estimate the forest biomass C pool. The quantitative evidences presented here showed that there were drastic changes in C stock in above and below ground forest ecosystem increased nearly by 46% from one period to the other due mainly to the increase of growing stock and quality of forest ecosystem structure. Köprülü Canyon NP has accumulated 3.21 Tg C increasing from 3.56 Tg C in 1965 to 1.98 in 2008, at a rate of 0.28 Gg C yr-1 ha-1 between two periods. These certain C stock changes are also reflection of forest dynamics resulting in compatible with temporal changes with a net increase of 530.0 ha (1.84%) of forested areas or stands. On the other hand, such rate of increase in C was not influenced negatively by total number of patches increased from 238 to 672 almost tripled, and the mean patch size of the land cover/land use classes dropped markedly from 1615.0 ha to 425.3 ha. in the same period. In conclusion, landscape dynamics and effects of land use/land cover changes on the amount of C storage are necessary for national park planning


  • (Mg C ha-1 yr-1) 0.04
  • Forest Inventory (FI)
  • Camili, Turkey 1984-2005
  • Sivrikaya et al., (2007) Land use change Conterminous US 1980s 0.08
  • Houghton et al. (1999) FI
  • Türkoğlu, K.Maraş 1991-2002 0.11
  • Sivrikaya and Bozali (2012) Tolunay (2011) FI
  • Turkey Forests 1990-2005 0.21 FI
  • Köprülü Canyon NP 1965-2008 0.28 This Study FI
  • Torul, Turkey 1984-2005 0.29 Keleş et al. (2012) FI Conterminous US 1980s 0.31
  • Turner et al. (1995)
  • Forest Inventory and
  • Ecosystem Model (FIEM) 1990-2005 0.38
  • Woodbury et al. (2007) FI
  • Conterminous US 1952-1992 0.4
  • Birdsey and Heath (1995) Hurtt et al. (2002) FIEM Conterminous US 1980s 0.4 FI
  • Piedmont 1936-2005 0.44 Hu and Wang (2008) FI
  • Artvin, Turkey 1972-2002 0.67
  • Sivrikaya et al., (2007)
  • However, this plan was unable to reach to the target as it was not put in practice as desired. Forestry activities in terms of regeneration or thinning have not been undertaken since that time. Furthermore, after the announcement of NP, tourism activities developed rapidly resulting
  • Agriculture and stockbreeding were gradually diminished and the area of forested stands began to improve in that period. integrity. in heavy tourism
  • activities. Based on the master plan, a 20 year forest management plan was also prepared in 2008 with the participatory and ecosystem based approach focusing on meeting the needs of the people living in or around the protected areas as well as the requirements of nature conservation
  • management. But like the year 1984 forest management plan, the other plan designed in 2008 have not found any chance to come into practice since then because of deficient management policies. natural
  • There is an increasing need to improve the estimates of the amount of carbon in forest ecosystems because of their importance in the global international obligations,
  • according to Kyoto Protocol, countries must for instance stocks during the first In this study, a
  • Asan Ü. 2009. Report on proposal for Turkey’s Post- 2012 Negotiations on Forestry. Ministry of Environment and Forestry, pp: 21.
  • Asan Ü., Destan S., Özkan U.Y. 2002. Istanbul korularının karbon depolama, oksijen üretimi ve toz tutma
  • Amenajamanında Kavramsal Açılımlar ve Yeni Hedefler Sempozyumu, Bildiriler Kitabı, Istanbul, Turkey, 194–202. kestirilmesi.
  • Orman Backéus S., Wikström P., Lämås T. 2005. A model for regional analysis of carbon sequestration and timber production. Forest Ecology and Management 216, 28–40.
  • Başkent E.Z., Keleş S., Yolasığmaz H.A. 2008. Comparing multi-purpose forest management with timber management in incorporating timber, carbon and oxygen values: A case study. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 23 (2), 105-120.
  • Birdsey R.A. 1992. Carbon storage and accumulation in United States Forest Ecosystems, USDA Forest Service, Washington Office, GTR- WO-59, Washington, D.C.
  • Birdsey R.A., Heath L.S. 1995. Carbon changes in US forests. In:Joyce, L.A. (Ed.), Productivity of America’s Forests and Climate Change, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, RM-GTR-271, Fort Collins, CO, pp. 56-70.
  • Brown S. 2002. Measuring carbon in forests: current status and future challenges. Environmental Pollution, Volume 116 (3), 363-372.
  • Brown S., Lugo, A.E. 1992. Aboveground biomass estimates for tropical moist forests of the Brazilian Amazon. Interciencia, 17, 8-18.
  • Brown S.L., Schroeder, P.E. 1999. Spatial patterns of aboveground production and mortality of woody biomass for eastern U.S. forests. Ecol. Appl., 9, 968-980.
  • Brown S., Schroeder P., Kern J. 1999. Spatial distribution of biomass in forests of the eastern USA. Forest Ecology and Management, 123, 81– 90.
  • Campbell A., Miles L., Lysenko I., Hughes, A., Gibbs, H. 2008. Carbon storage in protected areas: Technical report. UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre.
  • Cannell M., Dewar R.C., Thornley, J.H.M. 1992. Carbon flux and storage in European forests. In A. Teller, P. Mathy, & J. N. R. Jeffers (Eds.), Responses of forest ecosystems to environmental changes (pp. 256–271). Elsevier, New York.
  • Cayuela L., Rey Benayas J.M., Echeverria C. 2006. Clearance and fragmentation of tropical montane forests in the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico (1975–2000). Forest Ecology
  • and Management, 226, 208–218.
  • Chen L., Wang J., Fu B., Qiu Y. 2001. Land use change in a small catchment of Northern Loess Plateau, China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 86, 163-172.
  • Clark S., Bolt K., Campbell A. 2008. Protected areas: an effective tool to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries?
  • Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, U.K. Paper, UNEP
  • World de Wit H.A., Palosuo, T., Hylen, G., Liski, J. 2006. A carbon budget of forest biomass and soils in southeast Norway calculated using a widely applicable method. Forest Ecology
  • and Management, 225, 15-26.
  • Dewar R.C. 1991. An analytical model of carbon storage in the trees. Tree Physiol., 8, 239– 258.
  • Dewar R.C., Cannell M.G.R. 1992. Carbon sequestration in the trees, products and soils of forest plantations: an analysis using UK examples. Tree Physiol., 11, 49–71
  • Dixon R.K., Turner D.P. 1991. The global carbon cycle and climate change: responses and feedbacks from below-ground
  • systems. Environmental Pollution, 73, 245-262.
  • Dixon R.K., Brown S., Houghton RA., Solomon A.M., Trexler M.C., Wisniewski J. 1994. Carbon pool and flux of global forest ecosystems. Science, 263, 185–190.
  • Dupouey J.L., Dambrine E., Laffite J.D., Moares, C. 2002. Irreversible impact of past land use on forest soils and biodiversity. Ecology, 83, 2978–2984.
  • Evrendilek F., Berberoğlu S., Taşkınsu Meydan S., Yılmaz, E. 2006. Quantifying carbon budgets of conifer Mediterranean forest ecosystems, Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assesement, 119, 527-543.
  • Evrendilek F., Doygun, H. 2000. Assessing major ecosystem types and the challenge of the sustainability in Turkey,
  • Environmental Management, 26, 479-489.
  • Fang J., Chen A., Peng C., Zhao S., Ci L. 2001. Changes in forest biomass carbon storage in China between 1949 and 1998, Science, 292, 2320-2322.
  • Foley J.A., Ramankutty N. 2004. A primer on the terrestrial carbon cycle: What we don’t know but should, In: Field, C.B. Raupach, M.R., eds., The global carbon cycle: Integrating humans, climate and the natural world, 281 pp., Island Press, Washington DC.
  • Fukuda M., Iehara T., Matsumoto M. 2003. Carbon stock estimates for sugi and hinoki forests in Japan. For. Ecol. Manage. 184, 1–16.
  • G.D.F. 1965. General directorate of forestry of Turkey, Forest management plans of Beşkonak, Karabük, Şanli, Ballibucak, Bozburun, Çayiçi, Eliftepesi planning units, Ankara.
  • G.D.F. 2008. General directorate of forestry of Turkey, Forest management plan of Köprülü Canyon National Park, Ankara.
  • Görücü Ö., Eker M. 2009. Kahramanmaraş Ayvalı baraj havzasında karbon emisyonu ve ekonomisi üzerine araştırmalar, II. Ormancılıkta Sosyo Ekonmik Sorunlar Kongresi, 19-21 Şubat, Isparta, Turkey.
  • Harries J.E., Brindley H.E., Sagoo P.J., Bantges, R.J. 2001. Increases in greenhouse forcing inferred from the outgoing longwave radiation spectra of the Earth in 1970 and 1997. Nature, 410, 355- 357.
  • Houghton R.A., Hackler, J.L., Lawrece, K.T., 1999. The US carbon budget: contributions from land-use change. Science, 285, 574–578.
  • Houghton J.T., Ding Y., Griggs D.J., Noguer M., van der Linden P.J., Dai X., Maskell K., Johnson C.A. 2001. Climate Change 2001, The Scientific Basis, Contribution of working group 1 to the Third Assessment Report of the IPCC, Cambridge University press, Cambridge.
  • Hu H., Wang, G.G. 2008. Changes in forest biomass carbon storage in the South Caroline Piedmont between 1936 and 2005, Forest Ecology and Management, 255, 1400-1408.
  • Hurtt, G.C., Pacala, S.W., Moorcroft, P.R., Caspersen, J., Shevliakova, E., Houghton, R.A., Moore III, B., 2002. Projecting the future of the U.S. carbon sink. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 1389–1394. I.P.C.C. 2001. Climate Change 2001, Volumes 1-3, Third Assessment
  • Report, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. Iida S., Nakashizuka T. 1995.
  • Forest fragmentation and its effect on species diversity in sub-urban coppice forests in Japan. Forest Ecology and Management, 73, 197–210.
  • Johnson L.B., Richards C., Host G., Arthur J.W. 1997. Landscape influences on water chemistry in midwestern streams. Freshwater Biology, 37, 209– 217.
  • Jones B.A., Ritters K., Wickham J.D., Tankersley Jr., R.D., O'Neill R.V., Chaloud D.J., Smith E.R., Neale A.C. 1997. An ecological assessment of the United States mid-Atlantic region: A landscape atlas, U.S. Environmental protection Agency, Report No. EPA/600/R-97/130, 104 p., US Printing Office, Washington, DC.
  • Kadıoğulları A.İ., Başkent E.Z. 2008. Spatial and temporal Dynamics of land use pattern in Turkey:
  • Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 138, in
  • Gümüşhane. 289-303.
  • Karahalil U., Kadıoğulları A.İ., Başkent E.Z., Köse S. 2009. The Spatiotemporal Forest Cover Changes in Köprülü Canyon National Park (1965- 2008) in Turkey, African Journal of Biotechnology, 8 (18), 4495-4507.
  • Kauppi P.E., Meielikainen K., Kuusela, K. 1992. Biomass and carbon budget of European forests, 1971-1990. Science, 256, 70-78.
  • Keleş S., Başkent E.Z. 2007. Modeling and production analyzing timber and
  • carbon sequestration values of forest ecosystems: A case study. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 16 (3), 473-479.
  • Keleş S., Yolasığmaz H.A., Başkent E.Z. 2007. Long term modeling and analyzing of some important forest ecosystem values with linear programming. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 16 (8): 963-972.
  • Keleş S., Kadıoğulları A.İ., Başkent E.Z. 2012. The Effects of land use and land cover changes on carbon storage in forest timber biomass: A Case Study in Torul, Turkey. Journal of Land Use Science, 7 (2), 125-133.
  • Kennedy R.S.H., Spies T.A. 2004. Dynamics of hardwood patches in a conifer matrix: 54 years of change in a forested landscape in Coastal Oregon, USA. Biological Conservation, 122, 363–374.
  • Kilbride C.M., Byrne, K.A., Gardiner J.J. 1999. Carbon sequestration and Irish forests, COFORD, Dublin.
  • Krankina O.N., Harmon M.E., Winjum J.K. 1996. Carbon storage and sequestration in the Russian forest sector. Ambio, 25, 284-288.
  • Kurz W.A., Apps M.J. 1993. Contribution of northern forests to the global carbon cycle: Canada as a case study, Water Air Soil Pollut., 70, 163-176. Laclau P. 2003. Biomass and
  • carbon sequestration of ponderosa pine plantations and native cypress forests in northwest Patagonia, Forest Ecology and Management, 180, 317-333.
  • Liu J., Liu S., Loveland T.R. 2006. Temporal evolution of carbon budgets of the appalachian forests in the U.S. from 1972 to 2000. Forest Ecology and Management, 222, 191–201.
  • Masera O.R., Garza-Caligaris J.F., Kanninen M., Karjalainen T., Liski J., Nabuurs G.J., Pussinen A., de Jong B.H.J., Mohren G.M.J. 2003. Modeling carbon sequestration in afforestation, agroforestry and forest management projects: the CO2FIX V.2 approach. Ecological Modeling., 164, 177-199.
  • Mery G., Kanninen M. 1999. Forest plantations and carbon sequestration in Chile. In: Palo, M. (Ed.), Forest Transitions and Carbon Fluxes, Global Scenarios and Policies. World Development Studies 15. United Nations University, World Institute for Development Economy Research (UNU/WIDER), pp. 74–100, Helsinki.
  • Milne R., Brown T.A.W., Murray T.D. 1998. The effect of geohraphical variation of planting rate on the uptake of carbon by new forests of Great Britain, Forestry, 71, 297-309.
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Spatiotemporal Change of Carbon Storage in Forest Biomass: A case Study in Köprülü Canyon National Park

Year 2013, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 1 - 14, 01.03.2013


Orman ekosistemleri, özellikle de korunan alanlar iklim değişiminde çok önemli role sahiptir. Köprülü Kanyon’un 1973 yılında Milli Park (MP) olarak ilan edilmesiyle, bu bölge önemli bir karbon (C) havuzu haline gelmiştir. Bu potansiyeli ortaya koyabilmek, milli C bütçesine katkısını tespit etmek, orman dinamiğini kavrayabilmek ve bu konuları gelecekteki park planlamalarında değerlendirebilmek amacıyla, orman biyokütlesindeki 1965 ile 2008 yılları arasında meydana gelen C depolama miktarı tahmin edilmeye çalışılmıştır. İki periyot için yapılan orman envanterine bağlı olarak, orman biyokütle C havuzunu tahmin edebilmek amacıyla Biyokütle Çevrim Faktörü (BEF) kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular toprak altı ve toprak üstü C depolama miktarında, temelde orman ekosistemindeki hacim ve gelişim çağlarında meydana gelen iyileşmeye bağlı olarak bir periyottan diğerine, toprak üstü tutulan karbon miktarında olduğu gibi % 46’ya varan belirgin değişimin olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Köprülü Kanyon MP’da 1965 yılında 3.21 Tg C olan karbon depolama miktarı, iki periyot arasında yıllık 0.28 Mg C yr-1 ha-1 artışla 2008 yılında 3.56 Tg C’a artmıştır. Bu belirgin değişim, aynı zamanda orman alanlarındaki 530.0 ha. (1.84%) artış nedeniyle orman dinamiğindeki değişimin bir yansımasıdır. Diğer taraftan, C depolama miktarındaki bu orandaki değişim, aynı dönemde toplam parça sayısının 238’den 672’e neredeyse üç katına çıkmasına ve ortalama parça büyüklüğünün 1615.0 ha’dan 425.3 ha’a belirgin olarak düşmesine karşın, olumsuz olarak etkilenmemiştir. Sonuç olarak, milli parkların planlanmasında, C depolama miktarı üzerinde önemli derecede etkili olan orman dinamiği ve arazi kullanım/arazi örtüsü değişiminin incelenmesi gerekli olmaktadır


  • (Mg C ha-1 yr-1) 0.04
  • Forest Inventory (FI)
  • Camili, Turkey 1984-2005
  • Sivrikaya et al., (2007) Land use change Conterminous US 1980s 0.08
  • Houghton et al. (1999) FI
  • Türkoğlu, K.Maraş 1991-2002 0.11
  • Sivrikaya and Bozali (2012) Tolunay (2011) FI
  • Turkey Forests 1990-2005 0.21 FI
  • Köprülü Canyon NP 1965-2008 0.28 This Study FI
  • Torul, Turkey 1984-2005 0.29 Keleş et al. (2012) FI Conterminous US 1980s 0.31
  • Turner et al. (1995)
  • Forest Inventory and
  • Ecosystem Model (FIEM) 1990-2005 0.38
  • Woodbury et al. (2007) FI
  • Conterminous US 1952-1992 0.4
  • Birdsey and Heath (1995) Hurtt et al. (2002) FIEM Conterminous US 1980s 0.4 FI
  • Piedmont 1936-2005 0.44 Hu and Wang (2008) FI
  • Artvin, Turkey 1972-2002 0.67
  • Sivrikaya et al., (2007)
  • However, this plan was unable to reach to the target as it was not put in practice as desired. Forestry activities in terms of regeneration or thinning have not been undertaken since that time. Furthermore, after the announcement of NP, tourism activities developed rapidly resulting
  • Agriculture and stockbreeding were gradually diminished and the area of forested stands began to improve in that period. integrity. in heavy tourism
  • activities. Based on the master plan, a 20 year forest management plan was also prepared in 2008 with the participatory and ecosystem based approach focusing on meeting the needs of the people living in or around the protected areas as well as the requirements of nature conservation
  • management. But like the year 1984 forest management plan, the other plan designed in 2008 have not found any chance to come into practice since then because of deficient management policies. natural
  • There is an increasing need to improve the estimates of the amount of carbon in forest ecosystems because of their importance in the global international obligations,
  • according to Kyoto Protocol, countries must for instance stocks during the first In this study, a
  • Asan Ü. 2009. Report on proposal for Turkey’s Post- 2012 Negotiations on Forestry. Ministry of Environment and Forestry, pp: 21.
  • Asan Ü., Destan S., Özkan U.Y. 2002. Istanbul korularının karbon depolama, oksijen üretimi ve toz tutma
  • Amenajamanında Kavramsal Açılımlar ve Yeni Hedefler Sempozyumu, Bildiriler Kitabı, Istanbul, Turkey, 194–202. kestirilmesi.
  • Orman Backéus S., Wikström P., Lämås T. 2005. A model for regional analysis of carbon sequestration and timber production. Forest Ecology and Management 216, 28–40.
  • Başkent E.Z., Keleş S., Yolasığmaz H.A. 2008. Comparing multi-purpose forest management with timber management in incorporating timber, carbon and oxygen values: A case study. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 23 (2), 105-120.
  • Birdsey R.A. 1992. Carbon storage and accumulation in United States Forest Ecosystems, USDA Forest Service, Washington Office, GTR- WO-59, Washington, D.C.
  • Birdsey R.A., Heath L.S. 1995. Carbon changes in US forests. In:Joyce, L.A. (Ed.), Productivity of America’s Forests and Climate Change, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, RM-GTR-271, Fort Collins, CO, pp. 56-70.
  • Brown S. 2002. Measuring carbon in forests: current status and future challenges. Environmental Pollution, Volume 116 (3), 363-372.
  • Brown S., Lugo, A.E. 1992. Aboveground biomass estimates for tropical moist forests of the Brazilian Amazon. Interciencia, 17, 8-18.
  • Brown S.L., Schroeder, P.E. 1999. Spatial patterns of aboveground production and mortality of woody biomass for eastern U.S. forests. Ecol. Appl., 9, 968-980.
  • Brown S., Schroeder P., Kern J. 1999. Spatial distribution of biomass in forests of the eastern USA. Forest Ecology and Management, 123, 81– 90.
  • Campbell A., Miles L., Lysenko I., Hughes, A., Gibbs, H. 2008. Carbon storage in protected areas: Technical report. UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre.
  • Cannell M., Dewar R.C., Thornley, J.H.M. 1992. Carbon flux and storage in European forests. In A. Teller, P. Mathy, & J. N. R. Jeffers (Eds.), Responses of forest ecosystems to environmental changes (pp. 256–271). Elsevier, New York.
  • Cayuela L., Rey Benayas J.M., Echeverria C. 2006. Clearance and fragmentation of tropical montane forests in the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico (1975–2000). Forest Ecology
  • and Management, 226, 208–218.
  • Chen L., Wang J., Fu B., Qiu Y. 2001. Land use change in a small catchment of Northern Loess Plateau, China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 86, 163-172.
  • Clark S., Bolt K., Campbell A. 2008. Protected areas: an effective tool to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries?
  • Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, U.K. Paper, UNEP
  • World de Wit H.A., Palosuo, T., Hylen, G., Liski, J. 2006. A carbon budget of forest biomass and soils in southeast Norway calculated using a widely applicable method. Forest Ecology
  • and Management, 225, 15-26.
  • Dewar R.C. 1991. An analytical model of carbon storage in the trees. Tree Physiol., 8, 239– 258.
  • Dewar R.C., Cannell M.G.R. 1992. Carbon sequestration in the trees, products and soils of forest plantations: an analysis using UK examples. Tree Physiol., 11, 49–71
  • Dixon R.K., Turner D.P. 1991. The global carbon cycle and climate change: responses and feedbacks from below-ground
  • systems. Environmental Pollution, 73, 245-262.
  • Dixon R.K., Brown S., Houghton RA., Solomon A.M., Trexler M.C., Wisniewski J. 1994. Carbon pool and flux of global forest ecosystems. Science, 263, 185–190.
  • Dupouey J.L., Dambrine E., Laffite J.D., Moares, C. 2002. Irreversible impact of past land use on forest soils and biodiversity. Ecology, 83, 2978–2984.
  • Evrendilek F., Berberoğlu S., Taşkınsu Meydan S., Yılmaz, E. 2006. Quantifying carbon budgets of conifer Mediterranean forest ecosystems, Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assesement, 119, 527-543.
  • Evrendilek F., Doygun, H. 2000. Assessing major ecosystem types and the challenge of the sustainability in Turkey,
  • Environmental Management, 26, 479-489.
  • Fang J., Chen A., Peng C., Zhao S., Ci L. 2001. Changes in forest biomass carbon storage in China between 1949 and 1998, Science, 292, 2320-2322.
  • Foley J.A., Ramankutty N. 2004. A primer on the terrestrial carbon cycle: What we don’t know but should, In: Field, C.B. Raupach, M.R., eds., The global carbon cycle: Integrating humans, climate and the natural world, 281 pp., Island Press, Washington DC.
  • Fukuda M., Iehara T., Matsumoto M. 2003. Carbon stock estimates for sugi and hinoki forests in Japan. For. Ecol. Manage. 184, 1–16.
  • G.D.F. 1965. General directorate of forestry of Turkey, Forest management plans of Beşkonak, Karabük, Şanli, Ballibucak, Bozburun, Çayiçi, Eliftepesi planning units, Ankara.
  • G.D.F. 2008. General directorate of forestry of Turkey, Forest management plan of Köprülü Canyon National Park, Ankara.
  • Görücü Ö., Eker M. 2009. Kahramanmaraş Ayvalı baraj havzasında karbon emisyonu ve ekonomisi üzerine araştırmalar, II. Ormancılıkta Sosyo Ekonmik Sorunlar Kongresi, 19-21 Şubat, Isparta, Turkey.
  • Harries J.E., Brindley H.E., Sagoo P.J., Bantges, R.J. 2001. Increases in greenhouse forcing inferred from the outgoing longwave radiation spectra of the Earth in 1970 and 1997. Nature, 410, 355- 357.
  • Houghton R.A., Hackler, J.L., Lawrece, K.T., 1999. The US carbon budget: contributions from land-use change. Science, 285, 574–578.
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There are 105 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ali İhsan Kadıoğulları This is me

Uzay Karahalil

Publication Date March 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 13 Issue: 1


APA Kadıoğulları, A. İ., & Karahalil, U. (2013). Spatiotemporal Change of Carbon Storage in Forest Biomass: A case Study in Köprülü Canyon National Park. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 13(1), 1-14.
AMA Kadıoğulları Aİ, Karahalil U. Spatiotemporal Change of Carbon Storage in Forest Biomass: A case Study in Köprülü Canyon National Park. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. March 2013;13(1):1-14.
Chicago Kadıoğulları, Ali İhsan, and Uzay Karahalil. “Spatiotemporal Change of Carbon Storage in Forest Biomass: A Case Study in Köprülü Canyon National Park”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 13, no. 1 (March 2013): 1-14.
EndNote Kadıoğulları Aİ, Karahalil U (March 1, 2013) Spatiotemporal Change of Carbon Storage in Forest Biomass: A case Study in Köprülü Canyon National Park. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 13 1 1–14.
IEEE A. İ. Kadıoğulları and U. Karahalil, “Spatiotemporal Change of Carbon Storage in Forest Biomass: A case Study in Köprülü Canyon National Park”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1–14, 2013.
ISNAD Kadıoğulları, Ali İhsan - Karahalil, Uzay. “Spatiotemporal Change of Carbon Storage in Forest Biomass: A Case Study in Köprülü Canyon National Park”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 13/1 (March 2013), 1-14.
JAMA Kadıoğulları Aİ, Karahalil U. Spatiotemporal Change of Carbon Storage in Forest Biomass: A case Study in Köprülü Canyon National Park. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2013;13:1–14.
MLA Kadıoğulları, Ali İhsan and Uzay Karahalil. “Spatiotemporal Change of Carbon Storage in Forest Biomass: A Case Study in Köprülü Canyon National Park”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 13, no. 1, 2013, pp. 1-14.
Vancouver Kadıoğulları Aİ, Karahalil U. Spatiotemporal Change of Carbon Storage in Forest Biomass: A case Study in Köprülü Canyon National Park. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2013;13(1):1-14.

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