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Epiphytic Mosses Growing on Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmuelleriana Trees in Ilgaz Forests of Turkey

Year 2012, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 170 - 175, 01.09.2012



  • Abay G. 2001. Ilgaz Dağı Milli Parkı Karayosunu (Musci) Florası.DoktoraTezi,Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı, 148 s.,Ankara.
  • Abay G., Çetin B. 2003.The Moss Flora (Musci) of Ilgaz Mountain National Park. Turk J Bot., 27, 321-332.
  • Akman Y., Yurdakulol E., Demirörs M. 1983. The vegetation of the Ilgaz Mountains. Ecologia Mediterranea, 2, 137-165.
  • Alataş M., Uyar G., Kara R., Ezer T. 2012a. The epiphytic bryophytes of Uludağ fir (Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmuelleriana) on Abant Mountains/Turkey. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 5 (1), 69-75.
  • AlataşM., Ezer T., Kara R., Uyar G. 2012b. Abantdağlarındaki Fagusorientalis Lipsky.(Doğu Kayını) ağaçlarının epifitik bryofitleri. Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, Özelsayı, 14: 98-105.
  • Aude E.,Poulsen R.S. 2000. Influence of management on the species composition of epiphytic cryptogams in Danish Fagus forest. Appl. Veg. Sci., 3, 81–88.
  • Barkman J.J. 1958. Phytosociology and ecology of cryptogamic epiphytes. Van Gorcum. Assen.628 pp.
  • de Oliveira S.M., ter Steege H., Cornelissen J.H.C., Gradstein S.R. 2009. Niche assembly of epiphytic bryophyte communities in the Guyanas: a regional approach. Journal of Biogeography, 1- 9.
  • Düzenli A., Kara R., Ezer T., Türkmen N. 2011. The bryophytes in the protected Quercus coccifera macchia in East Mediterranean Region of Turkey: their life-form, habitat and substratum relations. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 4 (2), 149-154.
  • Ek T., Suško U., Auzinš R. 2002. Mežaudžuatslȇgas biotope in ventarizăcija. Metodika (In Latvian). Riga, 76 pp.
  • Ezer T., Kara R., Atabay D. 2010. GüneyAmanosDağları’ndaki Quercus cerris L. ağaçlarının epifitik bryofitleri. Biyoloji Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi, 3 (1), 139- 145. (Musa Dağı)
  • Ezer T., Kara R., Düzenli, A. 2009. Succession, habitat affinity and life-forms of epiphytic bryophytes in Turkish oak (Quercus cerris L.) forests on Mount Musa. Ekoloji, 18 (72), 8-15.
  • Friedel A., Oheimb G.V., Dengler J., Härdtle W. composition of epiphytic bryophytes and lichens- a comparison of managed and unmanaged beech forests in NE Germany. Feddes Reportorium, 117, 172-185. diversity and species
  • Glime J. M. 2007. Bryophyte Ecology. Volume booksponsored Universityandthe International Association of Bryologists. Ecology. Technological Michigan
  • Gradstein R., Culmsee H. 2010. Bryophyte diversity on tree trunks in montane forests of Central Sulawesi. Indonesia. Tropical Bryology, 31, 95-105.
  • Hannerz M., Hånell B. 1997. Effects on the flora in Norway spruce forests following clearcutting and shelterwood cutting. For. Ecol. Manage, 90, 29-49.
  • Heyn C.C., Herrnstadt I. 2004. Thebryophyte flora of Israel and adjacent regions. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 736 p, Jerusalem, Israel.
  • Hill M.O., Bell N., Buruggeman-Nannenga M.A., Brugues M., Cano M.J., EnrothFlatberg KI., Frahm J-P., Gallego M.T., Garilleti R., Guerra J., Hedenäs L., Holyoak D.T., Hyvönen J., Ignatov M.S., Lara F., Mazimpaka V., Munoz J., Söderström L. 2006. An annotated checklist of the mosses of Europe and Macaronesia. J. Bryol., 28, 198–267.
  • Hill M.O., Preston C.D., Bosanquet S.D.S., Roy D.B. 2007. Bryoatt. Attributes of British and Irish Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts.With information on native status, size, life form, life history, geography and habitat. Printed by The Saxon Print Group, Norwich.
  • Holz I., Gradstein S.R. 2005. Cryptogamic epiphytes in primary and recovering upper montane oak forests of Costa Rica – species richness, community composition and ecology. PlantEcol. 178, 89–109.
  • Király I., Ódor P. 2010. The effect of stand structure and tree species composition on epiphytic bryophytes in mixed deciduous- coniferous Biological Conservation, 143, 2063-2069. Western Hungary.
  • Kürschner H. 1999. Life strategies of epiphytic bryophytes in Mediterranean Pinus woodlands and Platanus orientalis alluvial forests of Turkey. CryptogamieBryologie, 20 (1), 17-33.
  • Kürschner H. 2004. Life strategies and adaptations in bryophytes from the Near and Middle East. Turk J Bot., 28, 73-84.
  • Kürschner H., Parolly G., Erdağ A. 2006. Life forms and life strategies of epiphytic bryophytes in Quercus vulcanica forest of Turkey. Nova Hedwigia, 82, 3-4.
  • Kürschner H., Tonguç Ö., Yayıntaş A. 1998. Life communities Liquidambar orientalis forest. Nova Hedwigia, 66, 435-450. epiphytic southwest Anatolian of Mägdefrau K. 1982. Life-forms of bryophytes. In: Smith, A. J. E. Bryophyte Ecology. Chapman and Hall, 45-58, London.
  • Marques J., Hespanhol H., Vieira C., Séneca A. 2005.Comparative study of the bryophyte epiphytic vegetation in Quercus pyrenaica and Quercus Portugal. Bol. Soc. Esp. Briol., 26(27), 75-84. from northern
  • McGee G.G., Kimmerer R.W. 2002. Forest age and management effects on epiphytic bryophyte communities in Adirondack northern hardwood forests. Can. J. For. Res., 32, 1562– 1576, New York. USA
  • Mežaka A., Brümelis G., Piterāns A. 2008. The distributions of epiphytic bryophyte and lichen species in relation to phorophyte characters in Latvian natural old-growth broad leaved forests. Folia Cryptog. Estonica, 44, 89-99.
  • Moe B., Botnen, A. 2000. Epiphytic vegetation on pollarded trunks of Fraxinus excelsior in four different habitats at Grinde, Leikanger, Western Norway. Plant Ecol. 151, 143-159.
  • Newmaster S.G., Bell F.W. 2002.The effects of silvicultural disturbances on cryptogam diversity in the boreal-mixedwood forest. Can. J. For. Res., 32, 38-51.
  • Öner N., Abay G. 2005a. Contributions to the flora of Yenice forests (Ilgaz/Çankırı). Gazi Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi. 5, 181-197.
  • Öner N., Abay G. 2005b. The vegetation of Yenice forests (Ilgaz/Çankırı). Gazi Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi. 5, 164-180.
  • Pedrotti, C.C. 2001. Flora dei muschid’Italia, Sphagnopsida, Andreaopsida, Bryopsida (I parte). 1-817 p, Antonia Delfino Editore, Roma.
  • Pedrotti, C.C. 2006. Flora dei muschid’Italia, Bryopsida (II parte). 827-1235 p, Antonia Delfino Editore, Roma. Ross-Davis A.L., Frego K.A. 2002. Comparison regenerated clearcuts in the Acadian forest: forest floor bryophyte community and habitat features. Can. J. Bot., 80, 21-33. and naturally
  • Smith, A.J.E. 2004. Themoss flora of Britain and Ireland. (Second edition). 1012 p, Cambridge UniversityPress, Cambridge. URL1,2012., 23 February 2012.
  • Ursavaş S. 2008. Ilgaz-Yenice (Çankırı) Ormanlarının Karayosunları (Musci) Florası. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı, 201 s. Çankırı. Orman Mühendisliği
  • Ursavaş S., Abay G. 2009. Contributions to the bryoflora of Ilgaz Mountains, Yenice Forests, Turkey. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 2(3), 112-121.
  • Vanderpoorten A., Engels P., Sotiaux A. 2004. Trends in diversity and abundance of obligate epiphytic bryophytes in a highly managed landscape. Ecography, 27, 567-576.
  • Yaltırık F., Akkemik Ü. 2011. Türkiye’nin Doğal Gymnospermleri (Açık Tohumlular). Dumat Ofset, Ankara.
  • Yan X., Bao W., Zhu Z. 2009. Effect of tourism on epiphytic bryophyte community growing on Abies faxoniana trees in primary forests in Jiuzhaigou, China. Chin. J. Appl. Environ. Biol., 15, 469-473.

Epiphytic Mosses Growing on Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmuelleriana Trees in Ilgaz Forests of Turkey

Year 2012, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 170 - 175, 01.09.2012


We studied the diversity of epiphytic mosses in the Uludağ fir Abies nordmanniana (Stev.) Spach. subsp. bornmuellerina (Mattf.) Coode et Cullen consisting of pure and mixed type forests in Ilgaz Mountain National Park and Yenice Forests located in the south parts of the park. After evaluating the collected mosses from Uludağ fir, we determined 38 epiphytic moss taxa and 26 genera belonging to 19 families. Dicranum and Orthotrichum genera were noticed as the richest corticolous moss species. According to the life-forms analysis, 8 different life forms were determined. Among them, tall turf (tT) was dominant. Weft (We) and Mat (Ma) were seen as the second life forms in the studied area. The samplings were made from tree base up to stand basal area. Generally, the effect of forestry practices was touched on composition, richness and cover of epiphytic bryophyte assemblages in managed and unmanaged forests. Negative effects of construction and tourist’ behaviors on the diversity of epiphytic bryophyte species in protected areas, such as national parks, were also mentioned


  • Abay G. 2001. Ilgaz Dağı Milli Parkı Karayosunu (Musci) Florası.DoktoraTezi,Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı, 148 s.,Ankara.
  • Abay G., Çetin B. 2003.The Moss Flora (Musci) of Ilgaz Mountain National Park. Turk J Bot., 27, 321-332.
  • Akman Y., Yurdakulol E., Demirörs M. 1983. The vegetation of the Ilgaz Mountains. Ecologia Mediterranea, 2, 137-165.
  • Alataş M., Uyar G., Kara R., Ezer T. 2012a. The epiphytic bryophytes of Uludağ fir (Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmuelleriana) on Abant Mountains/Turkey. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 5 (1), 69-75.
  • AlataşM., Ezer T., Kara R., Uyar G. 2012b. Abantdağlarındaki Fagusorientalis Lipsky.(Doğu Kayını) ağaçlarının epifitik bryofitleri. Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, Özelsayı, 14: 98-105.
  • Aude E.,Poulsen R.S. 2000. Influence of management on the species composition of epiphytic cryptogams in Danish Fagus forest. Appl. Veg. Sci., 3, 81–88.
  • Barkman J.J. 1958. Phytosociology and ecology of cryptogamic epiphytes. Van Gorcum. Assen.628 pp.
  • de Oliveira S.M., ter Steege H., Cornelissen J.H.C., Gradstein S.R. 2009. Niche assembly of epiphytic bryophyte communities in the Guyanas: a regional approach. Journal of Biogeography, 1- 9.
  • Düzenli A., Kara R., Ezer T., Türkmen N. 2011. The bryophytes in the protected Quercus coccifera macchia in East Mediterranean Region of Turkey: their life-form, habitat and substratum relations. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 4 (2), 149-154.
  • Ek T., Suško U., Auzinš R. 2002. Mežaudžuatslȇgas biotope in ventarizăcija. Metodika (In Latvian). Riga, 76 pp.
  • Ezer T., Kara R., Atabay D. 2010. GüneyAmanosDağları’ndaki Quercus cerris L. ağaçlarının epifitik bryofitleri. Biyoloji Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi, 3 (1), 139- 145. (Musa Dağı)
  • Ezer T., Kara R., Düzenli, A. 2009. Succession, habitat affinity and life-forms of epiphytic bryophytes in Turkish oak (Quercus cerris L.) forests on Mount Musa. Ekoloji, 18 (72), 8-15.
  • Friedel A., Oheimb G.V., Dengler J., Härdtle W. composition of epiphytic bryophytes and lichens- a comparison of managed and unmanaged beech forests in NE Germany. Feddes Reportorium, 117, 172-185. diversity and species
  • Glime J. M. 2007. Bryophyte Ecology. Volume booksponsored Universityandthe International Association of Bryologists. Ecology. Technological Michigan
  • Gradstein R., Culmsee H. 2010. Bryophyte diversity on tree trunks in montane forests of Central Sulawesi. Indonesia. Tropical Bryology, 31, 95-105.
  • Hannerz M., Hånell B. 1997. Effects on the flora in Norway spruce forests following clearcutting and shelterwood cutting. For. Ecol. Manage, 90, 29-49.
  • Heyn C.C., Herrnstadt I. 2004. Thebryophyte flora of Israel and adjacent regions. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 736 p, Jerusalem, Israel.
  • Hill M.O., Bell N., Buruggeman-Nannenga M.A., Brugues M., Cano M.J., EnrothFlatberg KI., Frahm J-P., Gallego M.T., Garilleti R., Guerra J., Hedenäs L., Holyoak D.T., Hyvönen J., Ignatov M.S., Lara F., Mazimpaka V., Munoz J., Söderström L. 2006. An annotated checklist of the mosses of Europe and Macaronesia. J. Bryol., 28, 198–267.
  • Hill M.O., Preston C.D., Bosanquet S.D.S., Roy D.B. 2007. Bryoatt. Attributes of British and Irish Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts.With information on native status, size, life form, life history, geography and habitat. Printed by The Saxon Print Group, Norwich.
  • Holz I., Gradstein S.R. 2005. Cryptogamic epiphytes in primary and recovering upper montane oak forests of Costa Rica – species richness, community composition and ecology. PlantEcol. 178, 89–109.
  • Király I., Ódor P. 2010. The effect of stand structure and tree species composition on epiphytic bryophytes in mixed deciduous- coniferous Biological Conservation, 143, 2063-2069. Western Hungary.
  • Kürschner H. 1999. Life strategies of epiphytic bryophytes in Mediterranean Pinus woodlands and Platanus orientalis alluvial forests of Turkey. CryptogamieBryologie, 20 (1), 17-33.
  • Kürschner H. 2004. Life strategies and adaptations in bryophytes from the Near and Middle East. Turk J Bot., 28, 73-84.
  • Kürschner H., Parolly G., Erdağ A. 2006. Life forms and life strategies of epiphytic bryophytes in Quercus vulcanica forest of Turkey. Nova Hedwigia, 82, 3-4.
  • Kürschner H., Tonguç Ö., Yayıntaş A. 1998. Life communities Liquidambar orientalis forest. Nova Hedwigia, 66, 435-450. epiphytic southwest Anatolian of Mägdefrau K. 1982. Life-forms of bryophytes. In: Smith, A. J. E. Bryophyte Ecology. Chapman and Hall, 45-58, London.
  • Marques J., Hespanhol H., Vieira C., Séneca A. 2005.Comparative study of the bryophyte epiphytic vegetation in Quercus pyrenaica and Quercus Portugal. Bol. Soc. Esp. Briol., 26(27), 75-84. from northern
  • McGee G.G., Kimmerer R.W. 2002. Forest age and management effects on epiphytic bryophyte communities in Adirondack northern hardwood forests. Can. J. For. Res., 32, 1562– 1576, New York. USA
  • Mežaka A., Brümelis G., Piterāns A. 2008. The distributions of epiphytic bryophyte and lichen species in relation to phorophyte characters in Latvian natural old-growth broad leaved forests. Folia Cryptog. Estonica, 44, 89-99.
  • Moe B., Botnen, A. 2000. Epiphytic vegetation on pollarded trunks of Fraxinus excelsior in four different habitats at Grinde, Leikanger, Western Norway. Plant Ecol. 151, 143-159.
  • Newmaster S.G., Bell F.W. 2002.The effects of silvicultural disturbances on cryptogam diversity in the boreal-mixedwood forest. Can. J. For. Res., 32, 38-51.
  • Öner N., Abay G. 2005a. Contributions to the flora of Yenice forests (Ilgaz/Çankırı). Gazi Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi. 5, 181-197.
  • Öner N., Abay G. 2005b. The vegetation of Yenice forests (Ilgaz/Çankırı). Gazi Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi. 5, 164-180.
  • Pedrotti, C.C. 2001. Flora dei muschid’Italia, Sphagnopsida, Andreaopsida, Bryopsida (I parte). 1-817 p, Antonia Delfino Editore, Roma.
  • Pedrotti, C.C. 2006. Flora dei muschid’Italia, Bryopsida (II parte). 827-1235 p, Antonia Delfino Editore, Roma. Ross-Davis A.L., Frego K.A. 2002. Comparison regenerated clearcuts in the Acadian forest: forest floor bryophyte community and habitat features. Can. J. Bot., 80, 21-33. and naturally
  • Smith, A.J.E. 2004. Themoss flora of Britain and Ireland. (Second edition). 1012 p, Cambridge UniversityPress, Cambridge. URL1,2012., 23 February 2012.
  • Ursavaş S. 2008. Ilgaz-Yenice (Çankırı) Ormanlarının Karayosunları (Musci) Florası. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı, 201 s. Çankırı. Orman Mühendisliği
  • Ursavaş S., Abay G. 2009. Contributions to the bryoflora of Ilgaz Mountains, Yenice Forests, Turkey. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 2(3), 112-121.
  • Vanderpoorten A., Engels P., Sotiaux A. 2004. Trends in diversity and abundance of obligate epiphytic bryophytes in a highly managed landscape. Ecography, 27, 567-576.
  • Yaltırık F., Akkemik Ü. 2011. Türkiye’nin Doğal Gymnospermleri (Açık Tohumlular). Dumat Ofset, Ankara.
  • Yan X., Bao W., Zhu Z. 2009. Effect of tourism on epiphytic bryophyte community growing on Abies faxoniana trees in primary forests in Jiuzhaigou, China. Chin. J. Appl. Environ. Biol., 15, 469-473.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Gökhan Abay This is me

Serhat Ursavaş This is me

Barbaros Çetin This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 12 Issue: 3


APA Abay, G., Ursavaş, S., & Çetin, B. (2012). Epiphytic Mosses Growing on Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmuelleriana Trees in Ilgaz Forests of Turkey. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 12(3), 170-175.
AMA Abay G, Ursavaş S, Çetin B. Epiphytic Mosses Growing on Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmuelleriana Trees in Ilgaz Forests of Turkey. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. September 2012;12(3):170-175.
Chicago Abay, Gökhan, Serhat Ursavaş, and Barbaros Çetin. “Epiphytic Mosses Growing on Abies Nordmanniana Subsp. Bornmuelleriana Trees in Ilgaz Forests of Turkey”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 12, no. 3 (September 2012): 170-75.
EndNote Abay G, Ursavaş S, Çetin B (September 1, 2012) Epiphytic Mosses Growing on Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmuelleriana Trees in Ilgaz Forests of Turkey. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 12 3 170–175.
IEEE G. Abay, S. Ursavaş, and B. Çetin, “Epiphytic Mosses Growing on Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmuelleriana Trees in Ilgaz Forests of Turkey”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 170–175, 2012.
ISNAD Abay, Gökhan et al. “Epiphytic Mosses Growing on Abies Nordmanniana Subsp. Bornmuelleriana Trees in Ilgaz Forests of Turkey”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 12/3 (September 2012), 170-175.
JAMA Abay G, Ursavaş S, Çetin B. Epiphytic Mosses Growing on Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmuelleriana Trees in Ilgaz Forests of Turkey. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2012;12:170–175.
MLA Abay, Gökhan et al. “Epiphytic Mosses Growing on Abies Nordmanniana Subsp. Bornmuelleriana Trees in Ilgaz Forests of Turkey”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 12, no. 3, 2012, pp. 170-5.
Vancouver Abay G, Ursavaş S, Çetin B. Epiphytic Mosses Growing on Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmuelleriana Trees in Ilgaz Forests of Turkey. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2012;12(3):170-5.

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