Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 176 - 185, 12.03.2017



  • AGM, 2008. Ağaçlandırma ve erozyon kontrolü genel müdürlüğü, URL (erişim tarihi: 08.01.2011)
  • Altın, M. 2006. Erozyon, doğa ve çevre, TEMA vakfı yayınları, (mera-erozyon ilişkileri, Ed: Ahmet Aydemir), İstanbul.
  • Anonymous, 1997. Understanding GIS, The ARC/ INFO method. environmental systems research ınstitute, ınc. Distributed in the Americas by John Willey & Sons, Inc. 605 Third Avenue, New York, USA.
  • Arnoldus, H.M. J. 1977. Methodology used to determine the maximum potential average soil loss due to sheet and rill erosion in Morocco, Assessing Soil Degradation, FAO Soils Bulletin, 34s., 8-9.
  • Arnoldus, H.M.J. 1980. An approximation of the rainfall factor in the universal soil loss equation. ın: M. De Boodt and D. Gabriels (Editors), Assessment of Erosion. J.Wiley and Sons, Chichester, England., s.127-132.
  • Ball, A. 1990. Soil properties and their uses. John Wiley and Sons. London.Balcı, A.N., Erodobility Characteristics of Some Forest Soils Developed Under The Influence of Arid and Humid Climatic Conditions, İ.Ü.Ö.F Yayınları, İ.Ü. Yayın No:2402, İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, B, 21, 1 (1971) s.48-58.
  • Bayramin, İ., Dengiz, O., Baskan, O., Parlak M. 2003. Soil erosion risk assessment with ICONA Model; Case Study: Beypazarı Area, Turk Journal Agriculture Forestry 23, s.105-116.
  • Beasley, D.B., Huggins, L.F., Monke, E.J. 1980. Answers: A model for watershed planning, Trans. of the ASAE 23 (4), 938-944s.Corine, 1992. Soil erosion risk and ımportant land resources in the southern regions of the European Community. EUR 13233, Luxembourg.
  • Covert, A. 2003. Accuracy assessment of WEPP-based erosion models on three small, harvested and burned forest watersheds. MSc Thesis, Natural Resource College of University of Idaho, USA.
  • Cürebal, İ., Ekinci, D. 2006, Kızılkeçili deresi havzasında CBS tabanlı RUSLE -yöntemiyle erozyon analizi, Türk Coğrafya Dergisi, 47, s115–130.
  • Çakal, M.A., Özlü, A., Birhan, H., Bakır, H., Gültepe, N.Z., Ayday, C. 1997. Tortum gölü havzasının uzaktan algılama ve coğrafi bilgi sistemiyle erozyon risk haritasının hazırlanması. Türkiye’nin Erozyon Sorunu ve Adana’nın Yeri Kongresi, Çağrılı Bildiriler, Proje Tasarımları, Önlem ve Öneriler Kitabı, 5–6 Aralık 1997, Adana.
  • Çelik, V. 2011. Değirmen deresi havzasında (Bolvadin-Afyonkarahisar) toprak erozyonu risk analizi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Afyonkarahisar.
  • Çepel, N. 1997. Toprak kirliliği erozyon ve çevreye verdiği zararlar, Tema Vakfı Yayınları 14, İstanbul.
  • Doğan, O. ve C. Güçer. 1976. Su erozyonunun nedenleri, oluşumu ve üniversal denklem ile toprak kayıplarının saptanması. T.C. Köy İşleri Bak. TOPRAKSU Genel Müd. TOPRAKSU Araş. Enst. Müd. Yay. No.41. Ankara. 159s.
  • Doğan, O. 2002. Türkiye yağışlarının erozyon oluşturma gücü ve universal toprak kaybı eşitliğinin yağış erozyon indeks değerleri. KHGM, Ankara Araş. Enst. Müd. Yay. Genel Yay. No:220, Rapor Yay. No:R-120, Ankara. 211s.
  • DMİ, 2015. Devlet meteoroloji işleri Gn. Md., K.Maraş Meteoroloji İl Müdürlüğü, K.Maraş Meteoroloji İstasyonu Verileri, 1975-2015. Kahramanmaraş.
  • Department of Agriculture Malaysia. 2010. Urban stormwater management manual for Malaysia, Chapter 13 - Design Rainfall.
  • Ekinci, D. 2005. CBS tabanlı uyarlanmış RUSLE yöntemi ile kozlu deresi havzası’nda erozyon analizi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Coğrafya Bölümü Coğrafya Dergisi, 13 s.109-119.
  • Filho, M. V., O. C. Neto, 1995. Geoprocessing tecniques applied to the study of the dynamics of land use and land cover at small watersheds. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. v. 1,95CH35770, p.297-299. Giordani, C., and Zanchi, C., 1995: Fundamentals of Soil Conservation. Bologna, Patron. 220 (In Italian).
  • Goldman, Steven J., Jackson, Katherina., Bursztynsky, Taras, A. 1986. Erosion And Sediment Control Handbook. Chapter 4.
  • İrvem, A., Topaloğlu, F. ve Uygur, V. 2007. Estimating spatial distribution of soil loss over Seyhan River Basin in Turkey. Journal of Hydrology 336, s.30-37.
  • Kantarci, M.D. 1980.The research on distinguishing and mapping of forest site unity and soil types in Belgrade forest. Istanbul University Faculty of Forestry publication No:2636, Istanbul, Turkey (in Turkish).
  • Karaburun, A., Demirci, A. ve Karakuyu, M., 2009. Erozyon tahmininde CBS tabanlı rusle metodunun kullanılması: büyükçekmece örneği, 3. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi CBS Sempozyumu CBS ve Bilgi Teknolojileri 10-11 Aralık, İstanbul.
  • Lal, R. 1990.Soil erosion in the tropics: principles and management. McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • Loch, R.J. 2000. Effects of vegetation cover on runoff and erosion under simulated rain and overland flow on a rehabilitated site on the Meandu Mine, Tarong, Australian Journal of Soil Research 2000 Vol. 38 No. 2 pp. 299-312
  • Lu, H., Yu, B. 2002. Spatial and seasonal distribution of rainfall erosivity in australia. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 40(6), s.887-901.
  • Millward, A.A and Mersey, J.E. 1999. Adapting the RUSLE to model soil erosion potential in a mountainous tropical watershed, Catena, 38, 109–129.
  • Moore, I.D and Burch, G.J. 1986. Physical basis of the length–slope factor in the universal soil loss equation. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 50, s. 1294–1298.
  • Morgan, R.P. 1995. Soil Erosion and conservation, second edit. Longman Group,Cranfield, s.412.
  • Okatan, A., Aydın, M. ve Urhan O. Ş. 2007. Coğrafi bilgi sistemlerinin havza amenajmanında kullanımı ve önemi, TMMOB Harita ve Kadastro Mühendisleri Odası Ulusal Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Kongresi 30 Ekim- 02 Kasım, Trabzon.
  • Özsoy, G. 2007. Uzaktan algılama (UA) ve coğrafi bilgi sistemi kullanarak (CBS) erozyon riskinin belirlenmesi. Doktora Tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Bursa.
  • Öztürk, N. 1995. Coğrafi bilgi sistemi (GIS) ve sayısal uydu verilerinin detaylı toprak etüdlerinde kullanma olanakları. Doktora Tezi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Toprak Anabilim Dalı, Adana. 106s.
  • Renard, K.G and Freimund, J.R. 1994. Using monthly precipitation data to estimate the r-factor in the revised USLE. Journal of Hydrology, 157, s.287-306.
  • Renard, K.G., Foster, G.R., Weesies, G.A., McCool, D.K and Yoder, D.C. 1997. Predicting soil erosion by water: a guide to conservation planning with the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE). Agriculture Handbook No.703, USDA, Washington, DC.
  • Roose, E. 1977. Erosion and runoff in West Africa from 20 Years of Records for Small Experimental Plots. Works and Documents of OSTROM, No:78, Paris.
  • Savacı, G. 2012. Kahramanmaraş ili göz ve haman deresi yağış havzalarında CORINE metodolojisi ile erozyon risk haritalarının oluşturulması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kahramanmaraş.
  • Sönmez, K. 1994. Toprak koruma ders kitabı. Atatürk Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yayınları. No: 169, Erzurum, s.192.
  • Sönmez, E., 2010. Mekânsal Potansiyel ve Kalkınmayı Geciktiren Sorunlara Coğrafi Bir Yaklaşım: Göksu Çayı Havzası (Adıyaman), Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. İstanbul.
  • Stockıng, M.A and Elwell, H.A. 1976. Rainfall erosivity over rhodesia. Trans. Of the Inst. Of British Geographers, New Series, 1(2), s.231-245.
  • Sujaul, I.M., Muhammad Barzani, G., Ismail, B.S., Sahibin, A.R., Mohd Ekhwan, T. 2012. Estimation of the rate of soil erosion in the Tasik Chini Catchment, Malaysia using the RUSLE Model Integrated with the GIS Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6(12): 286-296, 2012 ISSN 1991-8178.
  • Taysun, A. 1989. Toprak ve su korunumu. E.Ü. Zir. Fak. Ders Teksiri No: 92- III.Bornova, İzmir. 72s.
  • Tombuş, F.E., Yüksel, M., Şahin, M., Ozulu, İ. M., Coşar, M. 2012. Assessment Of soil erosion based on the method USLE; Çorum Province Example. FIG Working Week 2012 Knowing to manage the territory, protect the environment, evaluate the cultural heritage Rome, 6-10 May 2012, pp.: 1-11, Italy
  • Wall, O.S.G. 2003. Soil Erosion-Causes and Effects.
  • Wischmeier, W.H. 1976. The use and misuse of the universal soil loss equation. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 31 (1), s.5-9.
  • Wang, G., Gertner, G., Fang, S., Anderson, A.B. 2003. Mapping multiple variables for predicting soil loss by geostatistical methods with tm images and a slope map. photogrammetric, Engineering and Remote Sensing 69: 889–898.
  • Wawer, R., Nowocien, E., Podolski, B. 2005. Real calculated k- usle erodobility factor for selected polish soils. Polish J.Environ. Stud. 14 (5):665-658.
  • Wischmeier, W.H. 1975. Estimating the soil loss equations cover and management factor for undisturbed lands. In Present and Prospective Technology for Predicting Sediment Yields and Sources. U.S. Dep. Agric., Agric. Res. Serv., ARS-S-40. s.118-125.
  • Wischmeier, W.H., Smith, D.D. 1978. Predicting rainfall erosion losses: a guide to onservation planning, agricultural handbook, US Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC, USA 537s.
  • Yüksel, A., Akay, A.E., Reis, M., Gundogan, R. 2007. Using the WEPP model to predict sediment yield in a sample, watershed ın Kahramanmaras Region. International Congress River Basin Management, 2, Antalya, s.11-22.
  • Yu, B and Rosewell, C.J. 1996. A robust estimator of the r-factor for the universal soil loss equation. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng., 39:559-561.
  • Zachar, D. 1982. Soil erosion, Elsevier Scientifıc Publishing Company, USA.
  • Zhang, Z.G., Fan, B.E., Bai, W.J., Jiao, J.Y. 2007. Soil anti-erodobility of plant communities on the removal lnds in hilly-gully region of the loess plateau. Science Soil Water Conser. 5.7–13.

Producing Erosion Risk Map Using Remote Sensing Techniques and RUSLE Method in Halfalı Stream Watershed of Kahramanmaras

Year 2017, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 176 - 185, 12.03.2017


In this
study, it is aimed to determine the potential erosion risk condition of the
area using remote sensing techniques and RUSLE method in Halfalı Stream
Watershed, which is 25 km away from Kahramanmaras province. With the purpose of
applying this method, rainfall erosivitiy index (R) has been generated by means
of modified fournier index (MFI).Soil erodibility factor (K) has been produced
using Inverse Distance Weighted technique and soil sample obtained from study
area. Slope length and slope steepness factor (LS) has been created by the help
of digital terrain elevation model. Vegetation management factor (C) has been
generated using remote sensing techniques. Whole factors obtained have been
overlapped in Geographic Information System (GIS) and soil loss belonging to
study area has been determined using raster calculator command within map
algebra module. It has been divided into 5 classes and erosion risk map has
been produced. According to potential erosion risk map obtained,
60.35 % of area has been subject to very low
erosion risk, while
2.60%, 6.08%, 10.37% and 20.60% has been subject to low, medium, high
and very high erosion risk, respectively.


  • AGM, 2008. Ağaçlandırma ve erozyon kontrolü genel müdürlüğü, URL (erişim tarihi: 08.01.2011)
  • Altın, M. 2006. Erozyon, doğa ve çevre, TEMA vakfı yayınları, (mera-erozyon ilişkileri, Ed: Ahmet Aydemir), İstanbul.
  • Anonymous, 1997. Understanding GIS, The ARC/ INFO method. environmental systems research ınstitute, ınc. Distributed in the Americas by John Willey & Sons, Inc. 605 Third Avenue, New York, USA.
  • Arnoldus, H.M. J. 1977. Methodology used to determine the maximum potential average soil loss due to sheet and rill erosion in Morocco, Assessing Soil Degradation, FAO Soils Bulletin, 34s., 8-9.
  • Arnoldus, H.M.J. 1980. An approximation of the rainfall factor in the universal soil loss equation. ın: M. De Boodt and D. Gabriels (Editors), Assessment of Erosion. J.Wiley and Sons, Chichester, England., s.127-132.
  • Ball, A. 1990. Soil properties and their uses. John Wiley and Sons. London.Balcı, A.N., Erodobility Characteristics of Some Forest Soils Developed Under The Influence of Arid and Humid Climatic Conditions, İ.Ü.Ö.F Yayınları, İ.Ü. Yayın No:2402, İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, B, 21, 1 (1971) s.48-58.
  • Bayramin, İ., Dengiz, O., Baskan, O., Parlak M. 2003. Soil erosion risk assessment with ICONA Model; Case Study: Beypazarı Area, Turk Journal Agriculture Forestry 23, s.105-116.
  • Beasley, D.B., Huggins, L.F., Monke, E.J. 1980. Answers: A model for watershed planning, Trans. of the ASAE 23 (4), 938-944s.Corine, 1992. Soil erosion risk and ımportant land resources in the southern regions of the European Community. EUR 13233, Luxembourg.
  • Covert, A. 2003. Accuracy assessment of WEPP-based erosion models on three small, harvested and burned forest watersheds. MSc Thesis, Natural Resource College of University of Idaho, USA.
  • Cürebal, İ., Ekinci, D. 2006, Kızılkeçili deresi havzasında CBS tabanlı RUSLE -yöntemiyle erozyon analizi, Türk Coğrafya Dergisi, 47, s115–130.
  • Çakal, M.A., Özlü, A., Birhan, H., Bakır, H., Gültepe, N.Z., Ayday, C. 1997. Tortum gölü havzasının uzaktan algılama ve coğrafi bilgi sistemiyle erozyon risk haritasının hazırlanması. Türkiye’nin Erozyon Sorunu ve Adana’nın Yeri Kongresi, Çağrılı Bildiriler, Proje Tasarımları, Önlem ve Öneriler Kitabı, 5–6 Aralık 1997, Adana.
  • Çelik, V. 2011. Değirmen deresi havzasında (Bolvadin-Afyonkarahisar) toprak erozyonu risk analizi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Afyonkarahisar.
  • Çepel, N. 1997. Toprak kirliliği erozyon ve çevreye verdiği zararlar, Tema Vakfı Yayınları 14, İstanbul.
  • Doğan, O. ve C. Güçer. 1976. Su erozyonunun nedenleri, oluşumu ve üniversal denklem ile toprak kayıplarının saptanması. T.C. Köy İşleri Bak. TOPRAKSU Genel Müd. TOPRAKSU Araş. Enst. Müd. Yay. No.41. Ankara. 159s.
  • Doğan, O. 2002. Türkiye yağışlarının erozyon oluşturma gücü ve universal toprak kaybı eşitliğinin yağış erozyon indeks değerleri. KHGM, Ankara Araş. Enst. Müd. Yay. Genel Yay. No:220, Rapor Yay. No:R-120, Ankara. 211s.
  • DMİ, 2015. Devlet meteoroloji işleri Gn. Md., K.Maraş Meteoroloji İl Müdürlüğü, K.Maraş Meteoroloji İstasyonu Verileri, 1975-2015. Kahramanmaraş.
  • Department of Agriculture Malaysia. 2010. Urban stormwater management manual for Malaysia, Chapter 13 - Design Rainfall.
  • Ekinci, D. 2005. CBS tabanlı uyarlanmış RUSLE yöntemi ile kozlu deresi havzası’nda erozyon analizi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Coğrafya Bölümü Coğrafya Dergisi, 13 s.109-119.
  • Filho, M. V., O. C. Neto, 1995. Geoprocessing tecniques applied to the study of the dynamics of land use and land cover at small watersheds. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. v. 1,95CH35770, p.297-299. Giordani, C., and Zanchi, C., 1995: Fundamentals of Soil Conservation. Bologna, Patron. 220 (In Italian).
  • Goldman, Steven J., Jackson, Katherina., Bursztynsky, Taras, A. 1986. Erosion And Sediment Control Handbook. Chapter 4.
  • İrvem, A., Topaloğlu, F. ve Uygur, V. 2007. Estimating spatial distribution of soil loss over Seyhan River Basin in Turkey. Journal of Hydrology 336, s.30-37.
  • Kantarci, M.D. 1980.The research on distinguishing and mapping of forest site unity and soil types in Belgrade forest. Istanbul University Faculty of Forestry publication No:2636, Istanbul, Turkey (in Turkish).
  • Karaburun, A., Demirci, A. ve Karakuyu, M., 2009. Erozyon tahmininde CBS tabanlı rusle metodunun kullanılması: büyükçekmece örneği, 3. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi CBS Sempozyumu CBS ve Bilgi Teknolojileri 10-11 Aralık, İstanbul.
  • Lal, R. 1990.Soil erosion in the tropics: principles and management. McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • Loch, R.J. 2000. Effects of vegetation cover on runoff and erosion under simulated rain and overland flow on a rehabilitated site on the Meandu Mine, Tarong, Australian Journal of Soil Research 2000 Vol. 38 No. 2 pp. 299-312
  • Lu, H., Yu, B. 2002. Spatial and seasonal distribution of rainfall erosivity in australia. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 40(6), s.887-901.
  • Millward, A.A and Mersey, J.E. 1999. Adapting the RUSLE to model soil erosion potential in a mountainous tropical watershed, Catena, 38, 109–129.
  • Moore, I.D and Burch, G.J. 1986. Physical basis of the length–slope factor in the universal soil loss equation. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 50, s. 1294–1298.
  • Morgan, R.P. 1995. Soil Erosion and conservation, second edit. Longman Group,Cranfield, s.412.
  • Okatan, A., Aydın, M. ve Urhan O. Ş. 2007. Coğrafi bilgi sistemlerinin havza amenajmanında kullanımı ve önemi, TMMOB Harita ve Kadastro Mühendisleri Odası Ulusal Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Kongresi 30 Ekim- 02 Kasım, Trabzon.
  • Özsoy, G. 2007. Uzaktan algılama (UA) ve coğrafi bilgi sistemi kullanarak (CBS) erozyon riskinin belirlenmesi. Doktora Tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Bursa.
  • Öztürk, N. 1995. Coğrafi bilgi sistemi (GIS) ve sayısal uydu verilerinin detaylı toprak etüdlerinde kullanma olanakları. Doktora Tezi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Toprak Anabilim Dalı, Adana. 106s.
  • Renard, K.G and Freimund, J.R. 1994. Using monthly precipitation data to estimate the r-factor in the revised USLE. Journal of Hydrology, 157, s.287-306.
  • Renard, K.G., Foster, G.R., Weesies, G.A., McCool, D.K and Yoder, D.C. 1997. Predicting soil erosion by water: a guide to conservation planning with the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE). Agriculture Handbook No.703, USDA, Washington, DC.
  • Roose, E. 1977. Erosion and runoff in West Africa from 20 Years of Records for Small Experimental Plots. Works and Documents of OSTROM, No:78, Paris.
  • Savacı, G. 2012. Kahramanmaraş ili göz ve haman deresi yağış havzalarında CORINE metodolojisi ile erozyon risk haritalarının oluşturulması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kahramanmaraş.
  • Sönmez, K. 1994. Toprak koruma ders kitabı. Atatürk Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yayınları. No: 169, Erzurum, s.192.
  • Sönmez, E., 2010. Mekânsal Potansiyel ve Kalkınmayı Geciktiren Sorunlara Coğrafi Bir Yaklaşım: Göksu Çayı Havzası (Adıyaman), Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. İstanbul.
  • Stockıng, M.A and Elwell, H.A. 1976. Rainfall erosivity over rhodesia. Trans. Of the Inst. Of British Geographers, New Series, 1(2), s.231-245.
  • Sujaul, I.M., Muhammad Barzani, G., Ismail, B.S., Sahibin, A.R., Mohd Ekhwan, T. 2012. Estimation of the rate of soil erosion in the Tasik Chini Catchment, Malaysia using the RUSLE Model Integrated with the GIS Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6(12): 286-296, 2012 ISSN 1991-8178.
  • Taysun, A. 1989. Toprak ve su korunumu. E.Ü. Zir. Fak. Ders Teksiri No: 92- III.Bornova, İzmir. 72s.
  • Tombuş, F.E., Yüksel, M., Şahin, M., Ozulu, İ. M., Coşar, M. 2012. Assessment Of soil erosion based on the method USLE; Çorum Province Example. FIG Working Week 2012 Knowing to manage the territory, protect the environment, evaluate the cultural heritage Rome, 6-10 May 2012, pp.: 1-11, Italy
  • Wall, O.S.G. 2003. Soil Erosion-Causes and Effects.
  • Wischmeier, W.H. 1976. The use and misuse of the universal soil loss equation. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 31 (1), s.5-9.
  • Wang, G., Gertner, G., Fang, S., Anderson, A.B. 2003. Mapping multiple variables for predicting soil loss by geostatistical methods with tm images and a slope map. photogrammetric, Engineering and Remote Sensing 69: 889–898.
  • Wawer, R., Nowocien, E., Podolski, B. 2005. Real calculated k- usle erodobility factor for selected polish soils. Polish J.Environ. Stud. 14 (5):665-658.
  • Wischmeier, W.H. 1975. Estimating the soil loss equations cover and management factor for undisturbed lands. In Present and Prospective Technology for Predicting Sediment Yields and Sources. U.S. Dep. Agric., Agric. Res. Serv., ARS-S-40. s.118-125.
  • Wischmeier, W.H., Smith, D.D. 1978. Predicting rainfall erosion losses: a guide to onservation planning, agricultural handbook, US Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC, USA 537s.
  • Yüksel, A., Akay, A.E., Reis, M., Gundogan, R. 2007. Using the WEPP model to predict sediment yield in a sample, watershed ın Kahramanmaras Region. International Congress River Basin Management, 2, Antalya, s.11-22.
  • Yu, B and Rosewell, C.J. 1996. A robust estimator of the r-factor for the universal soil loss equation. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng., 39:559-561.
  • Zachar, D. 1982. Soil erosion, Elsevier Scientifıc Publishing Company, USA.
  • Zhang, Z.G., Fan, B.E., Bai, W.J., Jiao, J.Y. 2007. Soil anti-erodobility of plant communities on the removal lnds in hilly-gully region of the loess plateau. Science Soil Water Conser. 5.7–13.
There are 52 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Mahmut Reis

Nurşen Bolat

Hurem Dutal

Bülent Abız This is me

Publication Date March 12, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 17 Issue: 1


APA Reis, M., Bolat, N., Dutal, H., Abız, B. (2017). Producing Erosion Risk Map Using Remote Sensing Techniques and RUSLE Method in Halfalı Stream Watershed of Kahramanmaras. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 17(1), 176-185.
AMA Reis M, Bolat N, Dutal H, Abız B. Producing Erosion Risk Map Using Remote Sensing Techniques and RUSLE Method in Halfalı Stream Watershed of Kahramanmaras. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. March 2017;17(1):176-185. doi:10.17475/kastorman.288171
Chicago Reis, Mahmut, Nurşen Bolat, Hurem Dutal, and Bülent Abız. “Producing Erosion Risk Map Using Remote Sensing Techniques and RUSLE Method in Halfalı Stream Watershed of Kahramanmaras”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17, no. 1 (March 2017): 176-85.
EndNote Reis M, Bolat N, Dutal H, Abız B (March 1, 2017) Producing Erosion Risk Map Using Remote Sensing Techniques and RUSLE Method in Halfalı Stream Watershed of Kahramanmaras. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17 1 176–185.
IEEE M. Reis, N. Bolat, H. Dutal, and B. Abız, “Producing Erosion Risk Map Using Remote Sensing Techniques and RUSLE Method in Halfalı Stream Watershed of Kahramanmaras”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 176–185, 2017, doi: 10.17475/kastorman.288171.
ISNAD Reis, Mahmut et al. “Producing Erosion Risk Map Using Remote Sensing Techniques and RUSLE Method in Halfalı Stream Watershed of Kahramanmaras”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17/1 (March 2017), 176-185.
JAMA Reis M, Bolat N, Dutal H, Abız B. Producing Erosion Risk Map Using Remote Sensing Techniques and RUSLE Method in Halfalı Stream Watershed of Kahramanmaras. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2017;17:176–185.
MLA Reis, Mahmut et al. “Producing Erosion Risk Map Using Remote Sensing Techniques and RUSLE Method in Halfalı Stream Watershed of Kahramanmaras”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 17, no. 1, 2017, pp. 176-85, doi:10.17475/kastorman.288171.
Vancouver Reis M, Bolat N, Dutal H, Abız B. Producing Erosion Risk Map Using Remote Sensing Techniques and RUSLE Method in Halfalı Stream Watershed of Kahramanmaras. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2017;17(1):176-85.

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