Research Article
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Land-use/vegetation cover and soil erosion impacts on soil properties of hilly slopes in Drama Prefecture of Northern Greece.

Year 2017, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 427 - 433, 27.11.2017



Aim of study: Soil erosion is one of the most
serious threats because of the multiple effects it has on society. The
Mediterranean region is extremely susceptible to severe erosion because of the
inappropriate agricultural management, overgrazing, deforestation, wildfires,
land abandonment, urbanization, etc. Land-use/vegetation cover has a major
impact on soil erosion and soil properties. The aim of this study was to compare
soil properties of slopes of hills with three different land-uses/vegetation

Area of study: The study was conducted on
different slopes along Menoikio Mountain of the Prefecture of Drama in Greece.

Material and Methods: The three different land-uses/vegetation
covers investigated were: a) cultivated areas, b) grazed rangelands and c)
forested areas. Each slope had all three land-uses/vegetation covers and was
separated in three parts: a) top, b) middle and c) bottom slope. Five soil
samples were collected from each part. The soil samples were analyzed in the
laboratory for the following soil properties: a) clay, silt and sand
percentage, b) soil texture, c) soil density, d) soil moisture, e) pH and f)
organic matter.

Main results: Significant differences among the
three land-uses/vegetation covers were expected to be found because of the
difference in soil erosion rates and also among the three slope parts because
of the difference in erosional and depositional process that take place. This was
not the case because in some soil variables other parameters e.g. other
management practices in the three land-uses (grazing in the forested areas)
were as influential.

Highlights: Examines
land-use/vegetation cover implications on soil properties due to erosional and
depositional process along a slope and provides insights to land managers of
Greece in regards to soil management practices in order to promote


  • Cerdan O., Desprats J-F., Fouché J., Le Bissonnais Y., Cheviron B., Simonneaux V., Raclot D., Mouillot F. 2011. Impact of global changes on soil vulnerability in the Mediterranean Basin. ASABE - International Symposium on Erosion and Landscape Evolution, pp 495- 503
  • Clute, A. (Ed.). 1986. Methods of soil analysis: Part 1. Physical and Mineralogical Methods. 2nd ed. American Society of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI.
  • Davidson A.D. 1991. Soil erosion in the Mediterranean Basin. Geography 76(1), 71-73
  • Giupponi C., Shechter M. (eds.) (2003) Climate change in the Mediterranean: Socio-economic perspectives of impacts, vulnerability and adaptation. Edward Elgar Publications, Glos, UK.
  • Kosmas C., Danalatos N., Cammeraat L.H., Chabart M., Diamantopoulos J., Farand R., Gutierrez L., Jacob A., Marques H., Martinez-Fernandez J., Mizara A., Moustakas N., Nicolau J.M., Oliveros C., Pinna G., Puddu R., Puigdefabregas J., Roxo M., Simao A., Stamou G., Tomasi N., Usai D., Vacca A.. 1997. The effect of land use on runoff and soil erosion rates under Mediterranean conditions. Catena 29(1), 45-59.
  • Lal R., Stewart B.A. 1990. Soil degradation. Springer-Verlag, New York.
  • Ministry of Development (MoD), National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Institute of Geological and Mining Research (IGME), and Centre for Research and Planning (KEPE). 2003. Master plan for water resource management of the country, Completion of the classification of quantitative and qualitative parameters of water resources in water districts of Greece. Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering – National Technical University of Athens, Ministry of Development, Athens, Greece. (In Greek).
  • Mitsios J., Pashalidis C., Panagias K. 1995. Soil erosion - Mitigation techniques to soil erosion. Zymel Editions, Athens, Greece.
  • Montgomery D.R. 2007 Soil erosion and agriculture sustainability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 104, 13268-13272
  • Nearing M.A., Pruski F.F., O'Neal M.R. 2004. Expected climate change impacts on soil erosion rates: A review. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 59(1), 43-50.
  • Pearce F. 1996. Deserts on our doorstep. New Science 151(2037), 12-13
  • Pimentel, D. 2006. Soil erosion: A food and environmental threat. Environment, Development and Sustainability 8, 119-137
  • Pimentel D., Harvey C., Resosudarmo P., Sinclair K., Kurz D., McNair M., Crist S., Shpritz l., Fitton L., Saffouri R., Blair, R. 1995. Environmental and economic costs of soil erosion and conservation benefits. Science 267, 1117-1123.
  • Pimentel D., Kounang N. 1998. Ecology of soil erosion in ecosystems. Ecosystems 1, 416-426
  • Ranis G.D., Iakovoglou V., Zaimes G.N. 2015. Ecosystem Post-Wildfire Effects of Thasos Island. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Environmental, Chemical, Ecological, Geological and Geophysical Engineering 9(10): 1242-1245.
  • Shakesby R.A. 2011. Post-wildfire soil erosion in the Mediterranean: Review and future research directions. Earth-Science Reviews 105, 71-100
  • Yates C.J., Norton D.A., RHobbs R.J. 2000. Grazing effects on plant cover, soil and microclimate in fragmented woodlands in south-western Australia: implications for restoration. Austral Ecology. 25(1), 36–47.
  • Tal A. 2010. Desertification. (Editor: Uekötter F, In: The Turning Points of Environmental History. University of Pittsburgh Press, pp 146-161, Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Zaimes G.N., Lee K-H., Tufekcioglu M., Long L.A., Schultz R.C., Isenhart T.M. 2012. The Effectiveness of Riparian Conservation Practices in Reducing Sediment in Iowa Streams., (Editor: Barbara P. Hendriks, In: Agricultural Research Updates. Vol. 2). Nova Science Publishers, Inc. pp. 117-165. Hauppauge, NY.

Kuzey Yunanistan’ın Drama bölgesinde kara kullanımının/bitki örtüsünün ve toprak erozyonunun engebeli yamaçlardaki toprak özelliklerine olan etkisi

Year 2017, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 427 - 433, 27.11.2017




Toplum üzerine olan birçok etkisinden dolayı, toprak erozyonu en ciddi
tehlikelerden biridir. Akdeniz Bölgesi; uygun olmayan tarımsal yönetim, aşırı
otlatma, ormansızlaşma, orman yangınları, terk edilmiş araziler, şehirleşme vb.
nedenler sebebiyle erozyona oldukça duyarlıdır. Arazi kullanımı/bitki örtüsü
toprak erozyonu ve toprak özellikleri üzerinde büyük bir etkiye sahiptir. Bu
çalışmanın amacı, üç farklı arazi kullanımı/bitki örtüsünde tepe yamaçlarının
toprak özelliklerini karşılaştırmaktır.


Çalışma, Yunanistan'da Drama Bölgesi Menoikio Dağı boyunca farklı yamaçlar
üzerinde yürütülmüştür.

ve Yöntem:

Araştırılan üç farklı arazi kullanımını/bitki örtüsünü a) ekili alanlar b)
otlatılan meralar ve c) ormanlık alanlar oluşturmaktadır. Her yamaç üç farklı
arazi kullanımını/bitki örtüsünü barındırıp, a) üst, b) orta ve c) alt yamaç
olmak üzere üç kısma ayrılmıştır. Her kısımdan beş adet toprak örneği
toplanmıştır. Toplanan toprak örnekleri: a) kil, silt ve kum yüzdesi, b) toprak
tekstürü, c) toprak yoğunluğu, d) toprak nemi, e) pH ve f) organik madde gibi
toprak özelliklerini belirlemek için laboratuvarda analiz edilmiştir.

Sonuçlar: Toprak erozyon
oranlarındaki farklılık nedeniyle üç arazi kullanımı/bitki örtüsü arasında
önemli farklılıkların bulunması ve aynı şekilde, gerçekleşen erozyon ve çökelme
sürecindeki farklılık nedeniyle üç yamaç kısmı arasında da önemli
farklılıkların gözlemlenmesi beklenmekteydi. Bazı toprak özelliklerindeki diğer
değişkenler örneğin, üç farklı arazi kullanımındaki diğer yönetim
uygulamaları  (ormanlık alanda otlatma)
sebebiyle sonuçlar beklenilen şekilde değildi.

çalışma, bir yamaç boyunca erozyon ve birikme süreçleri nedeniyle arazi
kullanımının/bitki örtüsünün toprak özellikleri üzerine olan etkilerini inceler
ve sürdürülebilirliği teşvik etmek için toprak yönetim uygulamaları hakkında
Yunanistan’ın arazi yöneticilerine fikir verir. 


  • Cerdan O., Desprats J-F., Fouché J., Le Bissonnais Y., Cheviron B., Simonneaux V., Raclot D., Mouillot F. 2011. Impact of global changes on soil vulnerability in the Mediterranean Basin. ASABE - International Symposium on Erosion and Landscape Evolution, pp 495- 503
  • Clute, A. (Ed.). 1986. Methods of soil analysis: Part 1. Physical and Mineralogical Methods. 2nd ed. American Society of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI.
  • Davidson A.D. 1991. Soil erosion in the Mediterranean Basin. Geography 76(1), 71-73
  • Giupponi C., Shechter M. (eds.) (2003) Climate change in the Mediterranean: Socio-economic perspectives of impacts, vulnerability and adaptation. Edward Elgar Publications, Glos, UK.
  • Kosmas C., Danalatos N., Cammeraat L.H., Chabart M., Diamantopoulos J., Farand R., Gutierrez L., Jacob A., Marques H., Martinez-Fernandez J., Mizara A., Moustakas N., Nicolau J.M., Oliveros C., Pinna G., Puddu R., Puigdefabregas J., Roxo M., Simao A., Stamou G., Tomasi N., Usai D., Vacca A.. 1997. The effect of land use on runoff and soil erosion rates under Mediterranean conditions. Catena 29(1), 45-59.
  • Lal R., Stewart B.A. 1990. Soil degradation. Springer-Verlag, New York.
  • Ministry of Development (MoD), National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Institute of Geological and Mining Research (IGME), and Centre for Research and Planning (KEPE). 2003. Master plan for water resource management of the country, Completion of the classification of quantitative and qualitative parameters of water resources in water districts of Greece. Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering – National Technical University of Athens, Ministry of Development, Athens, Greece. (In Greek).
  • Mitsios J., Pashalidis C., Panagias K. 1995. Soil erosion - Mitigation techniques to soil erosion. Zymel Editions, Athens, Greece.
  • Montgomery D.R. 2007 Soil erosion and agriculture sustainability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 104, 13268-13272
  • Nearing M.A., Pruski F.F., O'Neal M.R. 2004. Expected climate change impacts on soil erosion rates: A review. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 59(1), 43-50.
  • Pearce F. 1996. Deserts on our doorstep. New Science 151(2037), 12-13
  • Pimentel, D. 2006. Soil erosion: A food and environmental threat. Environment, Development and Sustainability 8, 119-137
  • Pimentel D., Harvey C., Resosudarmo P., Sinclair K., Kurz D., McNair M., Crist S., Shpritz l., Fitton L., Saffouri R., Blair, R. 1995. Environmental and economic costs of soil erosion and conservation benefits. Science 267, 1117-1123.
  • Pimentel D., Kounang N. 1998. Ecology of soil erosion in ecosystems. Ecosystems 1, 416-426
  • Ranis G.D., Iakovoglou V., Zaimes G.N. 2015. Ecosystem Post-Wildfire Effects of Thasos Island. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Environmental, Chemical, Ecological, Geological and Geophysical Engineering 9(10): 1242-1245.
  • Shakesby R.A. 2011. Post-wildfire soil erosion in the Mediterranean: Review and future research directions. Earth-Science Reviews 105, 71-100
  • Yates C.J., Norton D.A., RHobbs R.J. 2000. Grazing effects on plant cover, soil and microclimate in fragmented woodlands in south-western Australia: implications for restoration. Austral Ecology. 25(1), 36–47.
  • Tal A. 2010. Desertification. (Editor: Uekötter F, In: The Turning Points of Environmental History. University of Pittsburgh Press, pp 146-161, Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Zaimes G.N., Lee K-H., Tufekcioglu M., Long L.A., Schultz R.C., Isenhart T.M. 2012. The Effectiveness of Riparian Conservation Practices in Reducing Sediment in Iowa Streams., (Editor: Barbara P. Hendriks, In: Agricultural Research Updates. Vol. 2). Nova Science Publishers, Inc. pp. 117-165. Hauppauge, NY.
There are 19 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

George Zaimes

Kostas Kayiaoglu This is me

Athanasios Kozanidis This is me

Publication Date November 27, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 17 Issue: 3


APA Zaimes, G., Kayiaoglu, K., & Kozanidis, A. (2017). Land-use/vegetation cover and soil erosion impacts on soil properties of hilly slopes in Drama Prefecture of Northern Greece. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 17(3), 427-433.
AMA Zaimes G, Kayiaoglu K, Kozanidis A. Land-use/vegetation cover and soil erosion impacts on soil properties of hilly slopes in Drama Prefecture of Northern Greece. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. November 2017;17(3):427-433. doi:10.17475/kastorman.300074
Chicago Zaimes, George, Kostas Kayiaoglu, and Athanasios Kozanidis. “Land-use/Vegetation Cover and Soil Erosion Impacts on Soil Properties of Hilly Slopes in Drama Prefecture of Northern Greece”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17, no. 3 (November 2017): 427-33.
EndNote Zaimes G, Kayiaoglu K, Kozanidis A (November 1, 2017) Land-use/vegetation cover and soil erosion impacts on soil properties of hilly slopes in Drama Prefecture of Northern Greece. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17 3 427–433.
IEEE G. Zaimes, K. Kayiaoglu, and A. Kozanidis, “Land-use/vegetation cover and soil erosion impacts on soil properties of hilly slopes in Drama Prefecture of Northern Greece”., Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 427–433, 2017, doi: 10.17475/kastorman.300074.
ISNAD Zaimes, George et al. “Land-use/Vegetation Cover and Soil Erosion Impacts on Soil Properties of Hilly Slopes in Drama Prefecture of Northern Greece”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17/3 (November 2017), 427-433.
JAMA Zaimes G, Kayiaoglu K, Kozanidis A. Land-use/vegetation cover and soil erosion impacts on soil properties of hilly slopes in Drama Prefecture of Northern Greece. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2017;17:427–433.
MLA Zaimes, George et al. “Land-use/Vegetation Cover and Soil Erosion Impacts on Soil Properties of Hilly Slopes in Drama Prefecture of Northern Greece”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 17, no. 3, 2017, pp. 427-33, doi:10.17475/kastorman.300074.
Vancouver Zaimes G, Kayiaoglu K, Kozanidis A. Land-use/vegetation cover and soil erosion impacts on soil properties of hilly slopes in Drama Prefecture of Northern Greece. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2017;17(3):427-33.

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