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Year 2017, Issue: 12, 438 - 451, 01.12.2017


Civil Aviation Industry has accelerated its growing capacity by deregulation and formation of hub concept since 1978. With proliferation of airports and accelerating competition customer expectations are differentiated and this status is increased utilization rate of civil aviation in transportation industry. With the increment of this utilization rate airport capacitities are oversupplied and this situation reveals the concept of slot. In this study, we take our evaluation of the slot concept by its use from past to present with its deeply analyzation. After that, we analyze the concept of code share and Star Alliance Agreement with developing of bilateral agreements starting between America and Netherlands under the concept of slot.


  • Airbus. (2010). Global Market Forecast 2010e2029. Airbus, Blagnac.
  • Airbus. (2013). Global Market Forecast 2013–2032. Airbus S.A.S., Blagnac Cedex. .
  • Ashford, N., Wright, P. (1992). Airport Engineering. Wiley-Interscience, New York.
  • Berardino, F. (2010). New US airport slot policy in flux J. Transport Econ. Policy, 43, (2), pp. 279–290.
  • Brueckner, J.K. (2009). Price vs. quantity-based approaches to airport congestion ma- nagement. J. Public Econ. 93 (5), 681–690.
  • Boeing Current Market Outlook 2011–2031 Boeing, Seattle. (2012).
  • Booz Allen Hamilton Ltd. (2007). The Economic Impacts of an Open Aviation Area between the EU and the US. Report Prepared for the General Energy and Transport Directorate of the European Commission.
  • Button, K. (2006). Airports and international economic integration. In: ECMT-OECD Working Paper Presented at the 17th International Symposium on Theory and Practice in Transport Economics and Policy, Berlin (25–27 October).
  • Clougherty, J.A., Dresner, M., Oum, T.H. (2001). An empirical analysis of Canadian international air policy: effects of dual carrier designation and partial liberali- zation. Transp. Policy 8 (3), 219–230.
  • Czerny, A. (2010). Airport congestion management under uncertainty. Transp. Res. Part B 44 (3), 371–380.
  • Dempsey, P.S. (2001). Airport landing slots: barriers to entry and impediments to competition Air Space Law, 26 (1), pp. 20–48.
  • DotEcon Ltd. (2001). Auctioning Airports Slots. London, UK.
  • Dresner, M., Tretheway, M. (1992). ICAO and the economic regulation of internatio- nal air transport. Ann. Air Space Law 17 (2), 195–216.
  • Dresner, M., Oum, T.H. (1998). The effect of liberalized air transport bilaterals on fo- reign traffic diversion: the case of Canada. J. Transp. Econ. Policy 32 (3), 317– 330.
  • Encanoua, D. (1991). Liberalizing European airlines: cost and factor productivity evi- dence. Int. J. Ind. Organ. 9, 109–124.
  • EuroControl. (2008). Eurocontrol Eurocontrol Long-term Forecast: Flight Movements 2008–2030 Eurocontrol, Brussels.
  • EuroControl. (2013). 20-year Forecast of Annual Number of IFR Flights (2012–2035).
  • European Commission, (2011a). Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area: Towards a Competitive and Resource Efficient Transport System. White Pa- per, COM 144, Brussels.
  • European Commission. (2011b). Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parlia- ment and of the Council on Common Rules for the Allocation of Slots at Euro- pean Union Airports.
  • Financial Times. (2011). BA Buys BMI Heathrow Slots. September 23, 2011.
  • Forsyth, P., 2005. Airport infrastructure for the Airbus A380: cost recovery and pri- cing. J. Transport Econ. Policy 39 (3), 341–362.
  • Fu, X., Oum, T.H., Zhang, A. (2010). Air transport liberalization and its impacts on airline competition and air passenger traffic. Transp. J. 49 (4), 24–41.
  • Fukui, H. (2010). An empirical analysis of airport slot trading in the United States. Transp. Res. Part B 44 (3), 330–357.
  • Graham, B. (1998). Liberalization, regional economic development and the geography of demand for air transport in the European Union. J. Transp. Geogr. 2, 87– 104.
  • leri_listesi.
  • IATA. (2013). Worldwide Slot Guidelines, Effective, January 2013, forth ed. Retrieved from:
  • IATA (International Air Transport Association). (2014). Worldwide Slot Guidelines. .
  • ICAO. (2005). International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) The World of Civil Aviation ICAO, Montreal.
  • ICAO. (2012). International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) ICAO Annual Report of the Council ICAO, Montreal (2012).
  • ICAO Secretariat. (2007). Overview of Trends and Developments in International Air Transport.
  • Intervistas. (2006). The Economic Impact of Air Service Liberalisation. J. Econ. 23, 309–333.
  • Button, K. (1998). Opening U.S. Skies to Global Airline Competition. Trade, Policy Analysis (24 November).
  • Mawson, J. (1997). Air transport liberalization in the European Union: an assessment. Reg. Stud. 31 (8), 807–812.
  • Micco, A., Serebrisky, T. (2006). Competition regimes and air transport costs: the ef- fects of open skies agreements. J. Int. Econ. 70, 25–51.
  • Oum, T.H., Park, J.H., Zhang, A. (2000). Globalization and Strategic Alliances: The Case of the Airline Industry. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
  • Oum, T.H., Taylor, A.J., Zhang, A. (1993). Strategic airline policy in the globalizing airline networks. Transp. J. 32, 14–30.
  • Oum, T.H., Yu, C. (1998). Cost competitiveness of major airlines: an international comparison. Transp. Res. A. 32 (6), 407–422.
  • Oum, T.H., Zhang, A., Zhang, Y. (2004). Alternative forms of economic regulation and their efficiency implications for airports. J. Transport Econ. Policy 28 (2), 217–246.
  • Pedro, M.L. (1995). Competition in European aviation: pricing policy and market structure. J. Ind. Econ. 43, 141–159.
  • Schipper, Y., Rietveld, P., Nijkamp, P. (2002). European airline reform: an empirical welfare analysis. J. Transp. Econ. Policy, 36 (2), 189–209.
  • Sieg G. (2010). Grandfather rights in the market for airport slots Transp. Res. Part B, 44 (1), pp. 29–37.
  • Starkie, D. (1998). Allocating airport slots: a role for the market? J. Air Transport Ma- nage., 4 (2), pp.111–116.
  • Teyssier Aviation Statistics & Data: a Vital Tool for the Decision Making Process ICAO, Montreal, (2010).
  • The impacts of emerging aviation trends on airport infrastructure. (2007). J. Air Transport Manage. 13 (1), 45–52.
  • (erişim tarihi 10.12.2015).
  • (20.12.2015).
  • Verhoef, E.T. (2010). Congestion pricing, slot sales and slot trading in aviation. Transp. Res. Part B. 44 (3), 320–329.
  • Zhang, A., Zhang, Y. (2010). Airport capacity and congestion pricing with both aero- nautical and commercial operations. Transp. Res. Part B. 44, 404–413.
  • Zhang, A., Zhang, Y., (2003). Airport charges and capacity expansion: effects of con- cessions and privatization. J. Urban Econ. 53 (1), 54–75.
  • Zhang, A.M., Chen, H.M., (2003). Evolution of China’s air transport development and policy towards international liberalization. Transp. J. 42, 31–49.
  • Zhang, Y. (2010). Network structure and capacity requirement: the case of China. Transp. Res. Part E. 46 (2), 189–197.


Year 2017, Issue: 12, 438 - 451, 01.12.2017


Sivil Havacılık Sektörü 1978 yılından itibaren serbestleşme süreci ve hub kavramının oluşması ile birlikte büyümesini hızlandırmıştır. Havayollarının çoğalması ve artan rekabet ile birlikte müşteri beklentileri farklılaşmış ve bu durum havacılığın ulaşım sektörü içerisindeki kullanım oranını arttırmıştır. Bu kullanım oranının artması ile havalimanı kapasiteleri aşıma uğramış ve bu durum slot kavramını ortaya çıkartmıştır. Bu çalışmada, havayollarının var olabilmesi ve havalimanlarının optimum şekilde kullanılabilmesi için büyük önem arz eden slot kavramının geçmişten bugüne kullanımı ile ilgili derinlemesine analiz yapılmasıyla beraber, 1992 yılında Amerika ve Hollanda arasında başlayan ikili anlaşmalar çerçevesinde gelişen Ortak Uçuş Kodu Code Share kavramı ve Star Alliance Anlaşmasını slot kavramının altında değerlendirmemize alacağız.


  • Airbus. (2010). Global Market Forecast 2010e2029. Airbus, Blagnac.
  • Airbus. (2013). Global Market Forecast 2013–2032. Airbus S.A.S., Blagnac Cedex. .
  • Ashford, N., Wright, P. (1992). Airport Engineering. Wiley-Interscience, New York.
  • Berardino, F. (2010). New US airport slot policy in flux J. Transport Econ. Policy, 43, (2), pp. 279–290.
  • Brueckner, J.K. (2009). Price vs. quantity-based approaches to airport congestion ma- nagement. J. Public Econ. 93 (5), 681–690.
  • Boeing Current Market Outlook 2011–2031 Boeing, Seattle. (2012).
  • Booz Allen Hamilton Ltd. (2007). The Economic Impacts of an Open Aviation Area between the EU and the US. Report Prepared for the General Energy and Transport Directorate of the European Commission.
  • Button, K. (2006). Airports and international economic integration. In: ECMT-OECD Working Paper Presented at the 17th International Symposium on Theory and Practice in Transport Economics and Policy, Berlin (25–27 October).
  • Clougherty, J.A., Dresner, M., Oum, T.H. (2001). An empirical analysis of Canadian international air policy: effects of dual carrier designation and partial liberali- zation. Transp. Policy 8 (3), 219–230.
  • Czerny, A. (2010). Airport congestion management under uncertainty. Transp. Res. Part B 44 (3), 371–380.
  • Dempsey, P.S. (2001). Airport landing slots: barriers to entry and impediments to competition Air Space Law, 26 (1), pp. 20–48.
  • DotEcon Ltd. (2001). Auctioning Airports Slots. London, UK.
  • Dresner, M., Tretheway, M. (1992). ICAO and the economic regulation of internatio- nal air transport. Ann. Air Space Law 17 (2), 195–216.
  • Dresner, M., Oum, T.H. (1998). The effect of liberalized air transport bilaterals on fo- reign traffic diversion: the case of Canada. J. Transp. Econ. Policy 32 (3), 317– 330.
  • Encanoua, D. (1991). Liberalizing European airlines: cost and factor productivity evi- dence. Int. J. Ind. Organ. 9, 109–124.
  • EuroControl. (2008). Eurocontrol Eurocontrol Long-term Forecast: Flight Movements 2008–2030 Eurocontrol, Brussels.
  • EuroControl. (2013). 20-year Forecast of Annual Number of IFR Flights (2012–2035).
  • European Commission, (2011a). Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area: Towards a Competitive and Resource Efficient Transport System. White Pa- per, COM 144, Brussels.
  • European Commission. (2011b). Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parlia- ment and of the Council on Common Rules for the Allocation of Slots at Euro- pean Union Airports.
  • Financial Times. (2011). BA Buys BMI Heathrow Slots. September 23, 2011.
  • Forsyth, P., 2005. Airport infrastructure for the Airbus A380: cost recovery and pri- cing. J. Transport Econ. Policy 39 (3), 341–362.
  • Fu, X., Oum, T.H., Zhang, A. (2010). Air transport liberalization and its impacts on airline competition and air passenger traffic. Transp. J. 49 (4), 24–41.
  • Fukui, H. (2010). An empirical analysis of airport slot trading in the United States. Transp. Res. Part B 44 (3), 330–357.
  • Graham, B. (1998). Liberalization, regional economic development and the geography of demand for air transport in the European Union. J. Transp. Geogr. 2, 87– 104.
  • leri_listesi.
  • IATA. (2013). Worldwide Slot Guidelines, Effective, January 2013, forth ed. Retrieved from:
  • IATA (International Air Transport Association). (2014). Worldwide Slot Guidelines. .
  • ICAO. (2005). International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) The World of Civil Aviation ICAO, Montreal.
  • ICAO. (2012). International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) ICAO Annual Report of the Council ICAO, Montreal (2012).
  • ICAO Secretariat. (2007). Overview of Trends and Developments in International Air Transport.
  • Intervistas. (2006). The Economic Impact of Air Service Liberalisation. J. Econ. 23, 309–333.
  • Button, K. (1998). Opening U.S. Skies to Global Airline Competition. Trade, Policy Analysis (24 November).
  • Mawson, J. (1997). Air transport liberalization in the European Union: an assessment. Reg. Stud. 31 (8), 807–812.
  • Micco, A., Serebrisky, T. (2006). Competition regimes and air transport costs: the ef- fects of open skies agreements. J. Int. Econ. 70, 25–51.
  • Oum, T.H., Park, J.H., Zhang, A. (2000). Globalization and Strategic Alliances: The Case of the Airline Industry. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
  • Oum, T.H., Taylor, A.J., Zhang, A. (1993). Strategic airline policy in the globalizing airline networks. Transp. J. 32, 14–30.
  • Oum, T.H., Yu, C. (1998). Cost competitiveness of major airlines: an international comparison. Transp. Res. A. 32 (6), 407–422.
  • Oum, T.H., Zhang, A., Zhang, Y. (2004). Alternative forms of economic regulation and their efficiency implications for airports. J. Transport Econ. Policy 28 (2), 217–246.
  • Pedro, M.L. (1995). Competition in European aviation: pricing policy and market structure. J. Ind. Econ. 43, 141–159.
  • Schipper, Y., Rietveld, P., Nijkamp, P. (2002). European airline reform: an empirical welfare analysis. J. Transp. Econ. Policy, 36 (2), 189–209.
  • Sieg G. (2010). Grandfather rights in the market for airport slots Transp. Res. Part B, 44 (1), pp. 29–37.
  • Starkie, D. (1998). Allocating airport slots: a role for the market? J. Air Transport Ma- nage., 4 (2), pp.111–116.
  • Teyssier Aviation Statistics & Data: a Vital Tool for the Decision Making Process ICAO, Montreal, (2010).
  • The impacts of emerging aviation trends on airport infrastructure. (2007). J. Air Transport Manage. 13 (1), 45–52.
  • (erişim tarihi 10.12.2015).
  • (20.12.2015).
  • Verhoef, E.T. (2010). Congestion pricing, slot sales and slot trading in aviation. Transp. Res. Part B. 44 (3), 320–329.
  • Zhang, A., Zhang, Y. (2010). Airport capacity and congestion pricing with both aero- nautical and commercial operations. Transp. Res. Part B. 44, 404–413.
  • Zhang, A., Zhang, Y., (2003). Airport charges and capacity expansion: effects of con- cessions and privatization. J. Urban Econ. 53 (1), 54–75.
  • Zhang, A.M., Chen, H.M., (2003). Evolution of China’s air transport development and policy towards international liberalization. Transp. J. 42, 31–49.
  • Zhang, Y. (2010). Network structure and capacity requirement: the case of China. Transp. Res. Part E. 46 (2), 189–197.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Tüzün Tolga İnan This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Issue: 12
