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Year 2016, Issue: 6, 378 - 391, 01.12.2016


Türkiye, küreselleşme sürecine paralel olarak, ihracat gelirini ve dünya piyasasında rekabet gücünü arttırmaya çalışan bir ülkedir. Bu çabanın ardındaki amaç ise sürdürülebilir bir ekonomik büyüme ve kalkınmayı gerçekleştirmektir. Çalışmamızın amacı Eskişehir ilinin Türkiye’nin bu çabasına ne ölçüde eşlik edebildiğini saptamaktır. Daha açık şekliyle, bu çalışmada Eskişehir ilinin dış ticaret performansının Türkiye’nin geneline kıyasla incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Çalışmada Eskişehir ilinin 10 yıl içindeki dış ticaret performansının betimsel olarak incelenmesinin yanısıra, ihracat performansını ölçmeye yönelik olarak “açıklanmış karşılaştırmalı üstünlükler”, “ihracatta yaygın ve yoğun marjlar” ve “ihracatın dinamik piyasa konumlanması”, il ve ürün düzeyinde analiz edilmektedir. Eskişehir ili düzeyinde bu denli kapsamlı ve detaylı bir dış ticaret çalışması bulunmadığından, çalışmanın genel sonuçları Eskişehir ilinin umut vaad eden sektörlerinin saptanması ve zaman içinde hangi mal gruplarına daha fazla önem ve destek verilmesi gerektiği konusunda yol gösterici bir nitelik taşımaktadır. Dolayısıyla, bu çalışmanın özelde Eskişehir’in ve genelde Türkiye’nin büyüme ve kalkınma olanaklarını ortaya çıkarması amaçlanmaktadır.


  • Aldan, A. ve Çulha, O. Y. (2013). The Role of Extensive Margin in Exports of Turkey: A Comparative Analysis. Working Paper No. 13/3, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey.
  • Alvarez, R. and Claro, S. (2007), “On the Sources of China’s Export Growth”, Central Bank of Chile
  • Working Papers, No. 426.
  • Amiti, M. ve Freund C. (2008). An Anatomy of China’s Export Growth. Policy Research Working Paper No.WPS 4628.
  • Balassa, B. (1965). Trade Liberalization and ‘Revealed’ Comparative Advantage. The Manchester School, 33, 99–123.
  • Edwards, L. ve Schoer, W. (2002). Measures of Competitiveness: A Dynamic Approach to South Africa’s Trade Performance in the 1990s. The South African Journal of Economics. 70 (6): 1008-1046.
  • Ekmen,S. ve Erlat, G. (2013). Export Diversification and Competitiveness: Intensive and Exten- sive Margins of Turkey, Ekonomik Yaklaşım. 24 (88): 35-64
  • Ekmen,S. ve Erlat, G. 2014. Turkey’s Comparative Advantages and Dynamic Market Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 50 (5): 18-41.
  • Eskişehir Sanayi Odası (ESO). 2014. 2014-2017 Stratejik Planı.
  • Eskişehir Sanayi Odası (ESO). 2014. Eskişehir Piyasa Analizi.
  • Feenstra, R. C. (1994), “New Product Varieties and the Measurement of International Prices”, American Economic Review, 84 (1), 157-177.
  • Feenstra, R., Madani, C. D., Yang, T. and Liang, C. (1999), “Testing Endogenous Growth in South Korea and Taiwan”, Journal of Development Economics, 60, 317–41.
  • Feenstra, R. C. ve Kee, H. L. (2007), “Trade Liberalization and Export Variety: A Comparison of Mexico and China”, The World Economy, 30 (1), 5-21.
  • Funke, M. ve Ruhwedel, R. (2001), ‘Product Variety and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from the OECD Countries’, IMF Staff Papers, 48 (2), 225–42.
  • Hummels, D. ve Klenow, P. (2005), “The Variety and Quality of a Nation’s Trade”, American Economic Review, 95 (3), 704–23.
  • Iranzo, S. ve Ma, A. (2006), “The Effect of China on Mexico-US Trade: Undoing NAFTA?”, mimeo, University of California, San Diego.
  • Kandoğan, Y. (2003), “Intra-industry Trade of Transition Countries: Trends and Determinants”, Emerging Markets Review, 4(3).
  • Yoshida, Y. (2008), “Intra-Industry Trade Between Japan and Korea: Vertical Intra-Industry Trade, Fragmentation and Export Margins”, Discussion Papers 32, Kyushu Sangyo Uni- versity, Faculty of Economics.


Year 2016, Issue: 6, 378 - 391, 01.12.2016


Turkey, in accordance with the globalization process, has been trying to increase its competitiveness and export earnings in the world markets. The purpose behind this effort is to achieve sustainable economic growth and development. The aim of this study is to analyze the contribution of Eskişehir to this effort of Turkey. More specifically, this study aims to evaluate Eskişehir’s foreign trade performance vis-à-vis overall cities in Turkey based on general indicators and foreign trade indices. In addition to the descriptive analysis of Eskişehir’s foreign trade performance in last 10 years, this study also utilizes competitiveness indices such as “revealed comparative advantages”, “extensive and intensive margins” and “dynamic market positioning”. Our analyses are based on city and product. To our knowledge, there is no such comprehensive and detailed foreign trade analysis of Eskişehir in the literature. Findings of this study constitute a guideline for determining the promising export sectors of Eskişehir and can be utilized to improve Turkey as well as Eskişehir export competitiveness in the world markets.


  • Aldan, A. ve Çulha, O. Y. (2013). The Role of Extensive Margin in Exports of Turkey: A Comparative Analysis. Working Paper No. 13/3, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey.
  • Alvarez, R. and Claro, S. (2007), “On the Sources of China’s Export Growth”, Central Bank of Chile
  • Working Papers, No. 426.
  • Amiti, M. ve Freund C. (2008). An Anatomy of China’s Export Growth. Policy Research Working Paper No.WPS 4628.
  • Balassa, B. (1965). Trade Liberalization and ‘Revealed’ Comparative Advantage. The Manchester School, 33, 99–123.
  • Edwards, L. ve Schoer, W. (2002). Measures of Competitiveness: A Dynamic Approach to South Africa’s Trade Performance in the 1990s. The South African Journal of Economics. 70 (6): 1008-1046.
  • Ekmen,S. ve Erlat, G. (2013). Export Diversification and Competitiveness: Intensive and Exten- sive Margins of Turkey, Ekonomik Yaklaşım. 24 (88): 35-64
  • Ekmen,S. ve Erlat, G. 2014. Turkey’s Comparative Advantages and Dynamic Market Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 50 (5): 18-41.
  • Eskişehir Sanayi Odası (ESO). 2014. 2014-2017 Stratejik Planı.
  • Eskişehir Sanayi Odası (ESO). 2014. Eskişehir Piyasa Analizi.
  • Feenstra, R. C. (1994), “New Product Varieties and the Measurement of International Prices”, American Economic Review, 84 (1), 157-177.
  • Feenstra, R., Madani, C. D., Yang, T. and Liang, C. (1999), “Testing Endogenous Growth in South Korea and Taiwan”, Journal of Development Economics, 60, 317–41.
  • Feenstra, R. C. ve Kee, H. L. (2007), “Trade Liberalization and Export Variety: A Comparison of Mexico and China”, The World Economy, 30 (1), 5-21.
  • Funke, M. ve Ruhwedel, R. (2001), ‘Product Variety and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from the OECD Countries’, IMF Staff Papers, 48 (2), 225–42.
  • Hummels, D. ve Klenow, P. (2005), “The Variety and Quality of a Nation’s Trade”, American Economic Review, 95 (3), 704–23.
  • Iranzo, S. ve Ma, A. (2006), “The Effect of China on Mexico-US Trade: Undoing NAFTA?”, mimeo, University of California, San Diego.
  • Kandoğan, Y. (2003), “Intra-industry Trade of Transition Countries: Trends and Determinants”, Emerging Markets Review, 4(3).
  • Yoshida, Y. (2008), “Intra-Industry Trade Between Japan and Korea: Vertical Intra-Industry Trade, Fragmentation and Export Margins”, Discussion Papers 32, Kyushu Sangyo Uni- versity, Faculty of Economics.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Seda Ekmen Özçelik This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Issue: 6


APA Ekmen Özçelik, S. (2016). ESKİŞEHİR’İN DIŞ TİCARET PERFORMANSI ANALİZİ. Kesit Akademi Dergisi(6), 378-391.