Percutaneous Retrieval of an Embolized Central Venous Chemoport Catheter in a Patient with Pinch-off Syndrome
Year 2017,
Volume: 20 Issue: 2, 179 - 181, 01.08.2017
Anıl Avcı
Muhammet Tellice
Emrah Bayam
Burak Öztürkeri
Gökhan Alıcı
and embolization of a chemoport secondary to a pinching effect between the
clavicle and first rib (pinch-off syndrome) is a rare but serious complication.
Pinch-off syndrome usually occurs approximately 5.3 months after the insertion
of the catheter. We are reporting a case of an embolized chemoport catheter
into the right atrium that occurred 5 years after the chemoport implantation in
a patient with breast cancer. Percutaneous retrieval of an embolized chemoport
catheter using a snare loop catheter may be safe and effective even in patients
who presented very late with pinch-off syndrome.
- 1. Kim JE, Kim MK, Shim YK, Kim JT, Kim SM, Lee SY, et al. Percutaneous retrieval of an embolized central venous chemoport in a patient with colon cancer. Korean Circ J 2012;42:122-4.
- 2. Kim OK, Kim SH, Kim JB, Jeon WS, Jo SH, Lee JH, et al. Transluminal removal of a fractured and embolized indwelling central venous catheter in the pulmonary artery. Korean J Intern Med 2006;21:187-90.
- 3. Çilingiroğlu M, Akkuş Nl. Embolization of a PORT-A-CATH device in the main pulmonary artery and its percutaneous extraction in a patient with pinch-off syndrome. Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars 2012;40:162-4.
- 4. Graaff de JC, Bras LJ, Vos JA. Early transaction of a central venous catheter in a sedated ICU patient. Br J Anaesth 2006;97:832-4.
- 5. Hinke DH, Zandt-Stastny DA, Goodman LR, Quebbeman EJ, Krzywda EA, Andris DA. Pinch-off syndrome: a complication of implantable subclavian venous access devices. Radiology 1990;177:353-6.
- 6. Pittiruti M, Cina A, Cotroneo A, DiStasi C, Malerba M, Cina G. Percutaneous intravascular retrieval of embolised fragments of long term central venous catheters. J Vasc Access 2007;1:23-7.
- 7. Mirza B, Vanek VW, Kupensky DT. Pinch-off syndrome: case report and collective review of the literature. Am Surg 2004;70:635-44.
Pinch-off Sendromlu Bir Hastada Embolize Olmuş Santral Venöz Kemoport Kateterinin Perkütan Yol ile Çıkarılması
Year 2017,
Volume: 20 Issue: 2, 179 - 181, 01.08.2017
Anıl Avcı
Muhammet Tellice
Emrah Bayam
Burak Öztürkeri
Gökhan Alıcı
portunun klavikula ve 1. kot arasında sıkışmasına bağlı kopması ve
embolizasyonu (pinch-off sendromu) nadir görülen ancak ciddi bir
komplikasyondur. Pinch-off sendromu kemoterapi portunun yerleştirilmesinden
ortalama 5.3 ay sonra oluşmakla birlikte 60. aya kadar da görülebilmektedir. Bu
çalışmamızda; meme tümörü olan bir hastada, kemoport kateterinin 5 yıl sonra
sağ atriyuma embolize olması sonucu gelişen pinch-off sendromu olgusunu
sunuyoruz. Embolize olan santral venöz kemoport kateterinin loop snare kateter
kullanılarak perkütan yol ile çıkarılması geç dönem pinch-off sendromu
olgularında dahi güvenli ve etkili bir yöntem olabilir.
- 1. Kim JE, Kim MK, Shim YK, Kim JT, Kim SM, Lee SY, et al. Percutaneous retrieval of an embolized central venous chemoport in a patient with colon cancer. Korean Circ J 2012;42:122-4.
- 2. Kim OK, Kim SH, Kim JB, Jeon WS, Jo SH, Lee JH, et al. Transluminal removal of a fractured and embolized indwelling central venous catheter in the pulmonary artery. Korean J Intern Med 2006;21:187-90.
- 3. Çilingiroğlu M, Akkuş Nl. Embolization of a PORT-A-CATH device in the main pulmonary artery and its percutaneous extraction in a patient with pinch-off syndrome. Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars 2012;40:162-4.
- 4. Graaff de JC, Bras LJ, Vos JA. Early transaction of a central venous catheter in a sedated ICU patient. Br J Anaesth 2006;97:832-4.
- 5. Hinke DH, Zandt-Stastny DA, Goodman LR, Quebbeman EJ, Krzywda EA, Andris DA. Pinch-off syndrome: a complication of implantable subclavian venous access devices. Radiology 1990;177:353-6.
- 6. Pittiruti M, Cina A, Cotroneo A, DiStasi C, Malerba M, Cina G. Percutaneous intravascular retrieval of embolised fragments of long term central venous catheters. J Vasc Access 2007;1:23-7.
- 7. Mirza B, Vanek VW, Kupensky DT. Pinch-off syndrome: case report and collective review of the literature. Am Surg 2004;70:635-44.