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Yeni Bir Kalp Merkezi: Eskişehir Şehir Hastanesi-İlk Sonuçlar

Year 2019, Volume: 22 Issue: 3, 193 - 197, 24.12.2019


Giriş: Bu çalışmanın amacı, yeni açılan bir hastanede, hasta kabulünden birkaç gün sonra aktif cerrahiye de başlanan kliniğimizin ilk sonuçlarını değerlendirmektir.

Hastalar ve Yöntem: 1 Kasım 2018-1 Ağustos 2019 tarihleri arasında Eskişehir Şehir Hastanesi Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Kliniğinde gerçekleştirilen klinik uygulamalar çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Bu süre içerisinde kliniğimizde 104 açık kalp ameliyatı, 2 karotis endarterektomi, 225 damar cerrahisi girişimi, 86 periferik endovasküler girişim yapılmıştır.

Bulgular: Hastane mortalitesi toplam altı hastada görüldü. Bunlardan üç tanesi acil şartlarda vakaya alınan hasta, iki tanesi kronik böbrek yetmezliği sebebiyle rutin diyaliz programında olan hastaydı. Aort ve mitral kapak replasmanı yapılan bir hastamız, postoperatif 17. günde çoklu organ yetmezliği sebebiyle kaybedildi. Doksan yedi koroner baypas operasyonunun dört tanesi atan kalpte baypas tekniği kullanılarak yapıldı.

Sonuç: Her biri farklı bir merkezden gelen ekibimiz, sıfırdan kurulan bir hastanenin açılışından birkaç hafta sonra, ilk açık kalp ameliyatını yapmış ve 9 ayda 104 vakaya ulaşarak bunu sürdürülebilir kılmıştır. Ülkemizde özellikle son 20 yılda yeni açılan kalp cerrahisi kliniklerinin, köklü bir merkezin koordinatörlüğünde faaliyete geçtiği düşünüldüğünde; kendi imkanlarıyla bunu başaran kliniğimizin örnek teşkil ettiğini düşünüyoruz.


  • 1. T.R. Ministry of Health (2019). Heart Center Services Circular. Available at:,56552/kalp-merkezi-hizmetleri-genelgesi.html. Accessed July 30, 2019.
  • 2. T.R. Ministry of Health (2019). Featured health services. Available at: Accessed July 30, 2019.
  • 3. European Cardiovascular Disease Statistics-British Heart Foundation and European Heart Network 2010. Available from
  • 4. Kocabeyoğlu SS, Çetin E, Özyüksel A, Kutas B, Çalışkan A, Özdemir F, et al. Newly established cardiac surgery clinic: results of first 195 cases at Diyarbakır training and research hospital. Koşuyolu Heart J 2014;17:20-5.
  • 5. Kırali K, Güler M, Ekim H, Kutay V, Yakut C, Demirbağ R, et al. A new cardiac center: Van Yüksek İhtisas Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi. Preliminary results. Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 2001;9:74-8.
  • 6. Papadimos T. The early efficacy of CABG care delivery in a low procedure-volume community hospital: operative and midterm results. Crit Care 2005;9:264.
  • 7. Diken Aİ, Yalçınkaya A, Yılmaz S, Aksoy E, Ereren E, Höbek Aydın Y, et al. Heart surgery experience in Hitit University Faculty of Medicine Çorum Research and Training Hospital: first year results. J Clin Anal Med 2015;6:679-82.
  • 8. Köksal C, Sarıkaya S, Özcan V, Zengin M, Meydan B, Helvacı A, et al. Open heart surgery experienie in SSK Süreyyapaşa Hospital: the first consecutive 100 cases. Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 2002;10:264-6.
  • 9. Kemal K. Open heart surgery in a newly established cardiovascular department: the first 300 cases. J Clin Anal Med 2015;6(suppl 2):151-4.
  • 10. T.R. Ministry of Health (2019). 10 city hospitals in 3 years. Available at:,56672/3-yilda-10-sehir-hastanesi.html. Accessed July 30,2019

New Heart Centre: Eskisehir City Hospital-First Results

Year 2019, Volume: 22 Issue: 3, 193 - 197, 24.12.2019


Introduction: To evaluate the first results of our clinic, in a newly opened hospital, where active surgery is started a few days following patient admission.

Patients and Methods: Clinical practices performed in the Eskisehir City Hospital Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic between 1st November 2018, and 1st August 2019, were examined in the study. During this time, 104 open-heart procedures, two carotid endarterectomies, 225 vascular surgery interventions and 86 peripheral endovascular interventions were performed in our clinic.

Results: The total number of in-hospital deaths was six. Of these, three patients were in emergency situations, and two patients were on routine dialysis because of chronic kidney failure. A patient who underwent aortic and mitral valve replacement died of a multiple-organ failure on the 17th postoperative day. Of the 97 coronary bypass operations, four were performed using the beating-heart bypass technique.

Conclusion: Our team, each from a different centre, performed the first open-heart surgery a few weeks after the opening of a new hospital, and it made it sustainable by reaching 104 cases in 9 months. Considering that the newly opened heart surgery clinics in our country have been operating under the supervision of a well-established centre, we think that our clinic, which has achieved this by its own means, has shown a great success.


  • 1. T.R. Ministry of Health (2019). Heart Center Services Circular. Available at:,56552/kalp-merkezi-hizmetleri-genelgesi.html. Accessed July 30, 2019.
  • 2. T.R. Ministry of Health (2019). Featured health services. Available at: Accessed July 30, 2019.
  • 3. European Cardiovascular Disease Statistics-British Heart Foundation and European Heart Network 2010. Available from
  • 4. Kocabeyoğlu SS, Çetin E, Özyüksel A, Kutas B, Çalışkan A, Özdemir F, et al. Newly established cardiac surgery clinic: results of first 195 cases at Diyarbakır training and research hospital. Koşuyolu Heart J 2014;17:20-5.
  • 5. Kırali K, Güler M, Ekim H, Kutay V, Yakut C, Demirbağ R, et al. A new cardiac center: Van Yüksek İhtisas Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi. Preliminary results. Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 2001;9:74-8.
  • 6. Papadimos T. The early efficacy of CABG care delivery in a low procedure-volume community hospital: operative and midterm results. Crit Care 2005;9:264.
  • 7. Diken Aİ, Yalçınkaya A, Yılmaz S, Aksoy E, Ereren E, Höbek Aydın Y, et al. Heart surgery experience in Hitit University Faculty of Medicine Çorum Research and Training Hospital: first year results. J Clin Anal Med 2015;6:679-82.
  • 8. Köksal C, Sarıkaya S, Özcan V, Zengin M, Meydan B, Helvacı A, et al. Open heart surgery experienie in SSK Süreyyapaşa Hospital: the first consecutive 100 cases. Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 2002;10:264-6.
  • 9. Kemal K. Open heart surgery in a newly established cardiovascular department: the first 300 cases. J Clin Anal Med 2015;6(suppl 2):151-4.
  • 10. T.R. Ministry of Health (2019). 10 city hospitals in 3 years. Available at:,56672/3-yilda-10-sehir-hastanesi.html. Accessed July 30,2019
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Original Investigations

İbrahim Kaya 0000-0002-2909-4034

Publication Date December 24, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 22 Issue: 3


Vancouver Kaya İ. New Heart Centre: Eskisehir City Hospital-First Results. Koşuyolu Heart Journal. 2019;22(3):193-7.