Research Article
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Populism, Media and Journalism: The Guardian’s New Populism Series as an Example of Democratically Engaged Journalism

Year 2023, Issue: 10, 1 - 19, 20.06.2023


This article aims to focus on the Guardian's New Populism series, which seems to be very instructive in demonstrating the dynamic interplay between the concepts of populism, media, and journalism. Using the Guardian’s New Populism series as a case/sample study, this paper attempts to critically analyze media discourse, paying due regard to representation, and construction of identities and relations. Within this perspective, the Guardian series’ contributions to the contested concept of populism, the mechanisms used to achieve it, and the interests it serves for are the main issues at hand. This article argues that the Guardian's initiatives in the New Populism series can be approached in terms of democratically engaged journalism. Democratically engaged journalism is first and foremost a call for journalists to respond effectively to populism and to take responsibility for it. However, the Guardian and the team of populism experts behind the project have certainly inscribed into the liberal democracy in the series, which by and large seems to be the problem not the solution. The attempts to practice democratically engaged journalism has thus failed, culminating in considering all the opponents of liberal democracy as the enemies fed by populism.


  • Albæk, E. (2011). The interaction between experts and journalists in news journal-ism. Journalism, 12(3), 335-348.
  • APSA Conference (2019, August). "The new populism": Results and lessons from a collaboration with the Guardian [Abstract]. Theme Panel of 2019 APSA annual meet-ing: Populism and privilege, Washington DC, Marriot Wardman Park. Retrieved from
  • Arato, A. and Cohen, J.L. (2019). Civil society, populism and religion. C. de la Torre (Ed.), Routledge handbook of global populism (p. 98-112) in. New York: Routledge.
  • Brown, K. and Mondon, A. (2021). Populism, the media, and the mainstreaming of the far right: The Guardian’s coverage of populism as a case study. Politics, 41(3), 279-295.
  • Burtenshaw, R. and Jäger, A. (2018). The Guardian's populism panic. Jacobin. Re-trieved from
  • Castanho Silva, B., Clarke, S., Hawkins, K. A., Lewis, P., Littvay, L., Weiseho-meier, N. (2018). Methodological memo for the Guardian’s how populist are you? pro-ject. Retrieved from
  • D'Eramo, M. (2013). Populism and the new oligarchy. New Left Review, 82. Re-trieved from
  • De Vreese, C.H., Esser, F., Aalberg, T., Reinemann, C., Stanyer, J. (2018). Popu-lism as an expression of political communication content and style: A new perspective. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 23(4), 423-438.
  • Fairclough, N. (1995). Media discourse. London: Arnold.
  • Foster, J.B. (2017). This is not populism. Monthly Review. Retrieved from
  • Gulati, G.J., Just, M.R., Crigler, A.N. (2004). News coverage of political cam-paigns. L. L. Kaid (Ed.), Handbook of political communication research (p. 237-256) in. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Hameleers, M., Bos, L., de Vreese, C.H. (2019). Shoot the messenger? The me-dia’s role in framing populist attributions of blame. Journalism, 20(9), 1145-1164.
  • Hawkins, K. A. and Kaltwasser, C. R. (2017). What the (ideational) study of populism can teach us, and what it can't. Swiss Political Science Review, 24(4), 526-542.
  • Inglehart, R. and Norris, P. (2016). Trump, Brexit, and the rise of populism: Eco-nomic have-nots and cultural backlash (HKS Working Paper No. RWP 16-026). Cam-bridge: Harvard Kennedy School. Retrieved from
  • Jäger, A. (2017). The semantic drift: Images of populism in post-war American historiography and their relevance for (European) political science. Constellations, 24, 310-323.
  • Jäger, A. (2019). H-Diplo review essay 179 on Sophia Rosenfeld: Democracy and truth: A short history. H-Diplo essay No. 179. Retrieved from
  • Jäger, A. and Borriello, A. (2020). Making sense of populism. Catalyst, 3(4). Re-trieved from
  • Kaltwasser, C.R., Taggart, P., Ochoa Espejo, P., Ostiguy, P. (2017). Populism: An overview of the concept and the state of the art. C. R. Kaltwasser, P. Taggart, P. Ochoa Espejo, P. Ostiguy (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of populism (p. 1-24) in. UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Laclau, E. (2005a). On populist reason. London: Verso.
  • Laclau, E. (2005b). Populism: What’s in a name?. F. Panizza (Ed.), Populism and the mirror of democracy (p. 32-49) in. London-New York: Verso.
  • Löwy, M. (2019). The far right: a global phenomenon. International Viewpoint. Retrieved from
  • Mautner, G. (2008). Analyzing newspapers, magazines and other print media. R. Wodak & M. Krzyzanowski (Ed.), Qualitative discourse analysis in the social sciences (p. 30-53) in. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Meny, Y. and Surel, Y. (2002). The constitutive ambiguity of populism. Y. Meny & Y., Surel (Ed.), Democracies and the populist challenge (p. 1-21) in. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Moffitt, B. (2016). The global rise of populism: Performance, political style and representation. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
  • Mudde, C. (2004). The populist zeitgeist, Government and Opposition, 39(4), 541-563.
  • Mudde, C. (2015, 17 February). The problem with populism. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Mudde, C. (2017). An ideational approach. C.R. Kaltwasser, P. Taggart, P. Ochoa Espejo, P. Ostiguy (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of populism (p. 27-47) in. UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Müller, J. W. (2019). Is this really how it ends? Democracy's midlife crisis. The Nation. Retrieved from
  • Panievsky, A. (2021). Covering populist media criticism: When journalists’ profes-sional norms turn against them. International Journal of Communication, 15, 2136-2155.
  • Picard, R. G. (2016, October). Journalism, populism and the future of democracy. Keynote speech to the 40th anniversary symposium of the institut für journalistik, Tech-nische Universität Dortmund,
  • Rooduijn, M. (2014). The mesmerising message: The diffusion of populism in pub-lic debates in western European media. Political Studies, 62(4), 726-744.
  • Rooduijn, M. (2016). Simply studying populism is no longer enough. Nature, 540, 317.
  • Rooduijn, M. (2019). State of the field: How to study populism and adjacent top-ics? A plea for both more and less focus. European Journal of Political Research, 58(1), 362-372.
  • Soontjens, K. (2019). The rise of interpretive journalism. Journalism Studies, 20(7), 952-971.
  • Taggart, P. (2000). Populism. Buckingham: Open University Press.
  • Venger, O. (2019). The use of experts in journalistic accounts of media events: A comparative study of the 2005 London bombings in British, American and Russian newspapers. Journalism, 20(10), 1343-1359.
  • Waisbord, S. (2019). Populism as media and communication phenomenon. C. de la Torre (Ed.), Routledge handbook of global populism (p. 221-234) in. New York: Routledge.
  • Ward, S. J. A. (2017a). Radical ethics in a time of Trump: How to practice demo-cratically engaged journalism. MediaShift. Retrieved from
  • Ward, S. J. A. (2017b). Radical journalism ethics in the time of Trump: Engage-ment and pragmatic objectivity. MediaShift. Retrieved from
  • Ward, S. J. A. (2018). Ethical journalism in a populist age: The democratically en-gaged journalist. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • Ward, S. J. A. (2021). Democratically engaged journalists: Ethical invention amid unreasonable publics. Luengo, M., Herrera-Damas, S. (Ed.), News media innovation re-considered: Ethics and values in a creative reconstruction of journalism (p. 20-39) in. USA: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Weyland, K. (2001). Clarifying a contested concept: Populism in the study of Lat-in American politics. Comparative Politics, 34(1), 1-22.
  • Guardian References Clarke, S. and Jones, S. (2018, 30 November). Guardian quiz finds women more populist than men. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Clarke, S., Kalia, A., Lewis, P. (2018, 21 November). How we devised our 'how populist are you?' quiz. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Guardian (2015a, 1 February). The Guardian view of Europe’s populists: left or right, they are united by a worrying xenophobia. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Guardian (2015b, 16 June). The Guardian view on populism in European politics: shaken and stirred. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Guardian (2018a, 21 November). How populist are you. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Guardian (2018b, 21 November). The Guardian view on the populist moment: Difficult times. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Hawkins, K. (2019, 9 March). Don’t try to silence populists – listen to them. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Lewis, P. (2019, 22 June). Exploring the rise of populism: 'It pops up in unex-pected places'. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Lewis, P. and Duncan, P. (2019, 1 May). What is Guardian YouGov-Cambridge globalism project?”. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Rice-Oxley, M. (2019, 3 May). In an age of extremes, most people are pretty moderate. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Rooduijn, M. (2018, 20 November). Why is populism suddenly all the rage?. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Viner, K. (2017, 16 November). A mission for journalism in a time of crisis. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Wintour, P. (2018a, 22 November). Clinton, Blair, Renzi: Why we lost, and how to fight back. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Wintour, P. (2018b, 22 November). Hillary Clinton: Europe must curb immigration to stop rightwing populists. Guardian. Retrieved from

Popülizm, Medya ve Gazetecilik: Demokratik Şekilde Bağlanmış Gazetecilik Örneği Olarak Guardian’ın Yeni Popülizm Serisi

Year 2023, Issue: 10, 1 - 19, 20.06.2023


Bu çalışmanın amacı popülizm kavramı, medya ve gazetecilik arasındaki dinamik karşılıklı etkileşimi sergilemek anlamında oldukça yol gösterici olarak görünen Guardian gazetesinin Yeni Popülizm serisi üzerine odaklanmaktır. Guardian gazetesinin Yeni Popülizm serisini örnek olay incelemesi olarak kullanarak, makale temsil etme, kimlikler ve ilişkiler oluşturma girişimlerine gereken önemi göstermeye çalışarak medya söyleminin eleştirel bir analizine teşebbüs etmektedir. Bu çerçevede, Guardian gazetesinin Yeni Popülizm serilerinin tartışmalı bir kavram olan popülizm kavramına yaptığı katkılar, bu amaca yönelik olarak kullanmış olduğu mekanizmalar ve sonuç olarak hangi çıkarlara hizmet ettiği ele alınan temel meseleler olacaktır. Elinizdeki çalışma Guardian gazetesinin Yeni Popülizm serisindeki girişimlerinin demokratik şekilde bağlanmış gazetecilik doğrultusunda ele alınabileceğini ileri sürmektedir. Demokratik şekilde bağlanmış gazetecilik öncelikli olarak gazetecilerin popülizme karşı etkin bir karşılık vermelerine ve bu noktada sorumluluk yüklenmelerine yönelik bir çağrıdır. Bununla birlikte, Guardian gazetesi ve projede birlikte çalıştığı popülizm üzerine uzmanlar grubu seride büyük oranda çözüm olmak yerine sorun olarak görünen liberal demokrasi düşüncesi ile kendilerini bağlamıştır. Bu sayede, demokratik şekilde bağlanmış gazetecilik sergilemeye yönelik girişimleri liberal demokrasiye olan tüm muhalefeti popülizm tarafından beslenen düşmanlar olarak telakki ederek bir başarısızlık ile son bulmuştur.


  • Albæk, E. (2011). The interaction between experts and journalists in news journal-ism. Journalism, 12(3), 335-348.
  • APSA Conference (2019, August). "The new populism": Results and lessons from a collaboration with the Guardian [Abstract]. Theme Panel of 2019 APSA annual meet-ing: Populism and privilege, Washington DC, Marriot Wardman Park. Retrieved from
  • Arato, A. and Cohen, J.L. (2019). Civil society, populism and religion. C. de la Torre (Ed.), Routledge handbook of global populism (p. 98-112) in. New York: Routledge.
  • Brown, K. and Mondon, A. (2021). Populism, the media, and the mainstreaming of the far right: The Guardian’s coverage of populism as a case study. Politics, 41(3), 279-295.
  • Burtenshaw, R. and Jäger, A. (2018). The Guardian's populism panic. Jacobin. Re-trieved from
  • Castanho Silva, B., Clarke, S., Hawkins, K. A., Lewis, P., Littvay, L., Weiseho-meier, N. (2018). Methodological memo for the Guardian’s how populist are you? pro-ject. Retrieved from
  • D'Eramo, M. (2013). Populism and the new oligarchy. New Left Review, 82. Re-trieved from
  • De Vreese, C.H., Esser, F., Aalberg, T., Reinemann, C., Stanyer, J. (2018). Popu-lism as an expression of political communication content and style: A new perspective. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 23(4), 423-438.
  • Fairclough, N. (1995). Media discourse. London: Arnold.
  • Foster, J.B. (2017). This is not populism. Monthly Review. Retrieved from
  • Gulati, G.J., Just, M.R., Crigler, A.N. (2004). News coverage of political cam-paigns. L. L. Kaid (Ed.), Handbook of political communication research (p. 237-256) in. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Hameleers, M., Bos, L., de Vreese, C.H. (2019). Shoot the messenger? The me-dia’s role in framing populist attributions of blame. Journalism, 20(9), 1145-1164.
  • Hawkins, K. A. and Kaltwasser, C. R. (2017). What the (ideational) study of populism can teach us, and what it can't. Swiss Political Science Review, 24(4), 526-542.
  • Inglehart, R. and Norris, P. (2016). Trump, Brexit, and the rise of populism: Eco-nomic have-nots and cultural backlash (HKS Working Paper No. RWP 16-026). Cam-bridge: Harvard Kennedy School. Retrieved from
  • Jäger, A. (2017). The semantic drift: Images of populism in post-war American historiography and their relevance for (European) political science. Constellations, 24, 310-323.
  • Jäger, A. (2019). H-Diplo review essay 179 on Sophia Rosenfeld: Democracy and truth: A short history. H-Diplo essay No. 179. Retrieved from
  • Jäger, A. and Borriello, A. (2020). Making sense of populism. Catalyst, 3(4). Re-trieved from
  • Kaltwasser, C.R., Taggart, P., Ochoa Espejo, P., Ostiguy, P. (2017). Populism: An overview of the concept and the state of the art. C. R. Kaltwasser, P. Taggart, P. Ochoa Espejo, P. Ostiguy (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of populism (p. 1-24) in. UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Laclau, E. (2005a). On populist reason. London: Verso.
  • Laclau, E. (2005b). Populism: What’s in a name?. F. Panizza (Ed.), Populism and the mirror of democracy (p. 32-49) in. London-New York: Verso.
  • Löwy, M. (2019). The far right: a global phenomenon. International Viewpoint. Retrieved from
  • Mautner, G. (2008). Analyzing newspapers, magazines and other print media. R. Wodak & M. Krzyzanowski (Ed.), Qualitative discourse analysis in the social sciences (p. 30-53) in. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Meny, Y. and Surel, Y. (2002). The constitutive ambiguity of populism. Y. Meny & Y., Surel (Ed.), Democracies and the populist challenge (p. 1-21) in. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Moffitt, B. (2016). The global rise of populism: Performance, political style and representation. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
  • Mudde, C. (2004). The populist zeitgeist, Government and Opposition, 39(4), 541-563.
  • Mudde, C. (2015, 17 February). The problem with populism. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Mudde, C. (2017). An ideational approach. C.R. Kaltwasser, P. Taggart, P. Ochoa Espejo, P. Ostiguy (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of populism (p. 27-47) in. UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Müller, J. W. (2019). Is this really how it ends? Democracy's midlife crisis. The Nation. Retrieved from
  • Panievsky, A. (2021). Covering populist media criticism: When journalists’ profes-sional norms turn against them. International Journal of Communication, 15, 2136-2155.
  • Picard, R. G. (2016, October). Journalism, populism and the future of democracy. Keynote speech to the 40th anniversary symposium of the institut für journalistik, Tech-nische Universität Dortmund,
  • Rooduijn, M. (2014). The mesmerising message: The diffusion of populism in pub-lic debates in western European media. Political Studies, 62(4), 726-744.
  • Rooduijn, M. (2016). Simply studying populism is no longer enough. Nature, 540, 317.
  • Rooduijn, M. (2019). State of the field: How to study populism and adjacent top-ics? A plea for both more and less focus. European Journal of Political Research, 58(1), 362-372.
  • Soontjens, K. (2019). The rise of interpretive journalism. Journalism Studies, 20(7), 952-971.
  • Taggart, P. (2000). Populism. Buckingham: Open University Press.
  • Venger, O. (2019). The use of experts in journalistic accounts of media events: A comparative study of the 2005 London bombings in British, American and Russian newspapers. Journalism, 20(10), 1343-1359.
  • Waisbord, S. (2019). Populism as media and communication phenomenon. C. de la Torre (Ed.), Routledge handbook of global populism (p. 221-234) in. New York: Routledge.
  • Ward, S. J. A. (2017a). Radical ethics in a time of Trump: How to practice demo-cratically engaged journalism. MediaShift. Retrieved from
  • Ward, S. J. A. (2017b). Radical journalism ethics in the time of Trump: Engage-ment and pragmatic objectivity. MediaShift. Retrieved from
  • Ward, S. J. A. (2018). Ethical journalism in a populist age: The democratically en-gaged journalist. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • Ward, S. J. A. (2021). Democratically engaged journalists: Ethical invention amid unreasonable publics. Luengo, M., Herrera-Damas, S. (Ed.), News media innovation re-considered: Ethics and values in a creative reconstruction of journalism (p. 20-39) in. USA: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Weyland, K. (2001). Clarifying a contested concept: Populism in the study of Lat-in American politics. Comparative Politics, 34(1), 1-22.
  • Guardian References Clarke, S. and Jones, S. (2018, 30 November). Guardian quiz finds women more populist than men. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Clarke, S., Kalia, A., Lewis, P. (2018, 21 November). How we devised our 'how populist are you?' quiz. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Guardian (2015a, 1 February). The Guardian view of Europe’s populists: left or right, they are united by a worrying xenophobia. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Guardian (2015b, 16 June). The Guardian view on populism in European politics: shaken and stirred. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Guardian (2018a, 21 November). How populist are you. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Guardian (2018b, 21 November). The Guardian view on the populist moment: Difficult times. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Hawkins, K. (2019, 9 March). Don’t try to silence populists – listen to them. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Lewis, P. (2019, 22 June). Exploring the rise of populism: 'It pops up in unex-pected places'. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Lewis, P. and Duncan, P. (2019, 1 May). What is Guardian YouGov-Cambridge globalism project?”. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Rice-Oxley, M. (2019, 3 May). In an age of extremes, most people are pretty moderate. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Rooduijn, M. (2018, 20 November). Why is populism suddenly all the rage?. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Viner, K. (2017, 16 November). A mission for journalism in a time of crisis. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Wintour, P. (2018a, 22 November). Clinton, Blair, Renzi: Why we lost, and how to fight back. Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Wintour, P. (2018b, 22 November). Hillary Clinton: Europe must curb immigration to stop rightwing populists. Guardian. Retrieved from
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Journalism
Journal Section Research Articles

Hasan Faruk Uslu 0000-0002-7130-3020

Publication Date June 20, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 10


APA Uslu, H. F. (2023). Populism, Media and Journalism: The Guardian’s New Populism Series as an Example of Democratically Engaged Journalism. Kastamonu İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi(10), 1-19.