Publisher Page of Afyon Kocatepe University
Owner on behalf of the Afyon Kocatepe University
Responsible Manager
Law and Economy, Islamic Studies, Islamic Law
Editor in Chief
Editorial Board
Information Systems Philosophy, Research Methods and Theory, Philosophy, Islamic Philosophy, Turkish Islamic Philosophy
Gender History, History of Islam, Islamic Studies, Tafsir
Political and Civilization History of Islam, Ottoman Field Service, African Political History, Middle Eastern and North African History, History of Islam, Late Modern African History, Early Modern African History, Ottoman history, Religion, Society and Culture Studies
History of Islam, Religious Studies (Other)
Language Studies, Turkish Islamic Literature, Classical Turkish Literature, Religion, Society and Culture Studies
World Languages, Literature and Culture, Arabic Language, Literature and Culture, Turkish Islamic Literature, Religion, Society and Culture Studies, Arabic Language and Rhetoric
Field Editor (Statistic)
Religious Education, Religion, Society and Culture Studies
Field Editor (Philosophy)
Islamic Philosophy, Turkish Islamic Philosophy
Field Editor (Religious Education)
Field Editor (Psychology of Religion)
Field Editor (Sociology of Religion)
Field Editor (History of Religion)
History of Religion, Historical Religions, Religion, Society and Culture Studies
Field Editor (Tafsir)
Field Editor (Hadith)
Field Editor (Islamic Law)
Religion, Society and Culture Studies, Islamic Studies, Islamic Law
Field Editor (Arabic Language and Rhetoric)
Comparative Language Studies, Language Studies (Other), Linguistic Structures (Incl. Phonology, Morphology and Syntax), Arabic Language, Literature and Culture, Arabic Language and Rhetoric
Field Editor (Sufism)
Field Editor (Islamic Theology/Kalām)
Field Editor (History of Islam)
Ottoman Institutions and Civilization, Ottoman Culture and Art, Ottoman Central Organization, History of Ottoman Socio-Economy, Ottoman Society, History of Islam
Field Editor (Turkish Islamic Literature)
Turkish Islamic Literature
Field Editor (Turkish Islamic Arts)
Turkish Islamic Literature
Alan Editörü (Dini Musiki)
Religious Music, Music Education
Arabic Language Editor
Arabic Language, Literature and Culture, Arabic Language and Rhetoric
English Language Editors
Language Acquisition, Family Sociology , Sociology of Religion, Youth Sociology , Migration Sociology, Urban Sociology and Community Studies, Modernization Sociology, Studies in Religious Traditions (Excl. Eastern, Jewish, Christian and Islamic Traditions)
Editors of Pre-Control
Turkish Islamic Literature
Recitation of the Qur'an and Qiraat
Political and Civilization History of Islam, History of Islam
Field Editors (Special Issue)
Law and Economy, Islamic Studies, Islamic Law
Banking and Insurance, Participation Banking, Takaful (Participation) Insurance, Islamic Finance