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İslami Hisse Senedi Piyasaları Literatürü Üzerine Bir Analiz: Eğilimler, Yeni Temalar ve Gelecek Öngörüleri

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 1 - 24


Bu çalışma, halihazırdaki bilgiyi kapsamlı bir şekilde inceleyip, araştırma boşluklarını vurgulayarak ve gelişen araştırma eğilimlerini belirleyerek İslami hisse senedi piyasaları alanında yapılacak çalışmalara yol göstermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada, en kapsamlı veri tabanlarından Scopus kullanılarak bu alandaki bibliyometrik analiz boşluğu doldurulmaya çalışılmıştır. Scopus veri tabanından belirli kriterler kullanılarak alınan 624 belge üzerinde bibliyometrik bir analiz uygulanmıştır. Analizlerde Bibliometrix R paketi kullanılmıştır. Bu sayede çalışmada; en üretken kurumlar, yazarlar, yayınlar, ülkeler arasındaki bilimsel işbirlikleri, ortak kelime ve ortak atıf ağları ile araştırma alanındaki eğilimler belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlar, Pacific Basin Finance Journal ve International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management dergilerinin bu alana en çok katkı sağlayan dergiler olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. En etkili yazarlar ise M. Masih ve S. Hammoudeh olarak belirlenmiştir. Malezya üniversiteleri en üretken kurumlar iken, ülke işbirliği ağına göre Malezya, en çok işbirliği yapan ülkedir. Bu alanda en çok çalışılan konular, İslami ve konvansiyonel hisse senedi piyasalarının performans açısından karşılaştırılması ve aralarındaki volatilite yayılımlarıdır. İslami hisse senedi piyasaları araştırma alanındaki yeni konular daha çok COVID-19 ve bitcoin'e odaklanmıştır. İslami finans alanındaki bibliyometrik çalışmaların çoğu İslami bankacılık, sukuk, İslami sermaye piyasaları ve tekafül üzerine odaklanmıştır.


  • Ajmi, Ahdi Noomen et al. “How Strong Are the Causal Relationships between Islamic Stock Markets and Conventional Financial Systems? Evidence from Linear and Nonlinear Tests.” Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 28 (2014), 213–227.
  • Alam, Azhar et al. “History and Development of Takaful Research: A Bibliometric Review.” SAGE Open 13/3 (July 2023), 21582440231184852.
  • Alam, Azhar et al. “How Does Sukuk Investment Perform? A Literature Review.” International Journal of Professional Business Review 8/7 (July 25, 2023), e02580.
  • Albahsh, Rana - Al-Anaswah, Mohammad F. “Bibliometric Analysis of Corporate Governance: Past, Present, and Future Research Agenda.” Corporate Ownership and Control 20/3 (2023), 146–168.
  • Al-Khazali, Osamah et al. “Do Islamic Stock Indexes Outperform Conventional Stock Indexes? A Stochastic Dominance Approach.” Pacific Basin Finance Journal 28 (2014), 29–46.
  • Ashraf, Dawood - Mohammad, Nazeeruddin. “Matching Perception with the Reality—Performance of Islamic Equity Investments.” Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 28 (June 2014), 175–189.
  • Baas, Jeroen et al. “Scopus as a Curated, High-Quality Bibliometric Data Source for Academic Research in Quantitative Science Studies.” Quantitative Science Studies 1/1 (February 2020), 377–386.
  • Batra, Shallu et al. “Mapping the Intellectual Structure and Demystifying the Research Trend of Cross Listing: A Bibliometric Analysis.” Managerial Finance 49/6 (May 22, 2023), 992–1016.
  • Baur, Dirk G. - McDermott, Thomas K. “Is Gold a Safe Haven? International Evidence.” Journal of Banking & Finance 34/8 (August 2010), 1886–1898.
  • Benomar, Lahcen et al. “Bibliometric Analysis of the Structure and Evolution of Research on Assisted Migration.” Current Forestry Reports 8/2 (June 2022), 199–213.
  • Biancone, Paolo Pietro et al. “The Bibliometric Analysis of Islamic Banking and Finance.” Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research 11/9 (October 12, 2020), 2069–2086.
  • Canbaz, Muhammet Fatih. “Üniversite Öğrencilerinin İslam İktisadı ve Finansı Eğitimine Bakış Açılarının Tespit Edilmesi.” Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi 6/Özel Sayı (October 15, 2023), 64–91.
  • Carhart, Mark M. “On Persistence in Mutual Fund Performance.” The Journal of Finance 52/1 (March 1997), 57–82.
  • Chang, Bisharat Hussain et al. “The Asymmetric Effects of Oil Price on Sectoral Islamic Stocks: New Evidence from Quantile-on-Quantile Regression Approach.” Resources Policy 65 (March 2020), 101571.
  • Chau, Frankie et al. “Political Uncertainty and Stock Market Volatility in the Middle East and North African (MENA) Countries.” Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 28 (January 2014), 1–19.
  • Derigs, Ulrich - Marzban, Shehab. “Review and Analysis of Current Shariah-Compliant Equity Screening Practices.” International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management 1/4 (2008), 285–303.
  • Donthu, Naveen et al. “How to Conduct a Bibliometric Analysis: An Overview and Guidelines.” Journal of Business Research 133 (September 2021), 285–296.
  • El Khamlichi, Abdelbari et al. “Islamic Equity Indices: Insight and Comparison with Conventional Counterparts.” Bankers, Markets and Investors 130 (2014), 69–80.
  • Erkan, İsmail. “Dijital Pazarlamanın Dünü, Bugünü, Geleceği: Bibliyometrik Bir Analiz.” Akademik Hassasiyetler 7/13 (2020), 149–168.
  • Fama, Eugene F. - French, Kenneth R. “Common Risk Factors in the Returns on Stocks and Bonds.” Journal of Financial Economics 33/1 (February 1993), 3–56.
  • Firmansyah, Muhamad Ferdy. “A Scientometric Analysis in Islamic Equity Market: Where Shall We Go?” International Journal of Islamic Business Ethics 7/1 (March 31, 2022), 40.
  • Garfield, Eugene. “Keywords Plus®: ISI’s Breakthrough Retrieval Method. Part 1. Expanding Your Searching Power on Current Contents on Diskette.” Current Comments 32 (1990), 5–9.
  • Giannakos, Michail et al. “Mapping Child–Computer Interaction Research through Co-Word Analysis.” International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 23–24 (June 2020), 100165.
  • González-Teruel, Aurora et al. “Mapping Recent Information Behavior Research: An Analysis of Co-Authorship and Co-Citation Networks.” Scientometrics 103/2 (May 2015), 687–705.
  • Güçlü, Fatih. “İslam İktisadı ve Finansı Literatüründe Murabaha: Bibliyometrik Bir İnceleme.” International Journal of Applied Economic and Finance Studies 9/1 (2024), 67–77.
  • Güçlü, Fatih - Canbaz, Muhammet Fatih. “Paya Dayalı Kitle Fonlaması Literatürünün On Yılının Bibliyometrik Analizi.” Politik Ekonomik Kuram 8/3 (2024), 814–833.
  • Hammoudeh, Shawkat et al. “Dynamic Dependence of the Global Islamic Equity Index with Global Conventional Equity Market Indices and Risk Factors.” Pacific Basin Finance Journal 30 (2014), 189–206.
  • Hayat, Raphie - Kraeussl, Roman. “Risk and Return Characteristics of Islamic Equity Funds.” Emerging Markets Review 12/2 (2011), 189–203.
  • He, Yulan - Cheung Hui, Siu. “Mining a Web Citation Database for Author Co-Citation Analysis.” Information Processing & Management 38/4 (July 2002), 491–508.
  • Hkiri, Besma et al. “Are Islamic Indexes a Safe Haven for Investors? An Analysis of Total, Directional and Net Volatility Spillovers between Conventional and Islamic Indexes and Importance of Crisis Periods.” Pacific Basin Finance Journal 43 (2017), 124–150.
  • Ho, Catherine S.F. - Mohd-Raff, Nor Erna Nabila. “External and Internal Determinants of Performances of Shariah and Non-Shariah Compliant Firms.” International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management 12/2 (2019), 236–253.
  • Hoepner, Andreas G.F. et al. “Islamic Mutual Funds’ Financial Performance and International Investment Style: Evidence from 20 Countries.” European Journal of Finance 17/9–10 (2011), 829–850.
  • Jawadi, Fredj et al. “Conventional and Islamic Stock Price Performance: An Empirical Investigation.” International Economics 137 (May 2014), 73–87.
  • Kenourgios, Dimitris et al. “Islamic Financial Markets and Global Crises: Contagion or Decoupling?” Economic Modelling 57 (2016), 36–46.
  • Liu, Zhao. “Mapping the Research Trends of Third Language Acquisition: A Bibliometric Analysis Based on Scopus.” Frontiers in Psychology 13 (November 3, 2022), 1021517.
  • Majdoub, Jihed - Mansour, Walid. “Islamic Equity Market Integration and Volatility Spillover between Emerging and US Stock Markets.” North American Journal of Economics and Finance 29 (2014), 452–470.
  • Markowitz, Harry. “Portfolio Selection.” The Journal of Finance 7/1 (1952), 77–91.
  • Mensi, Walid et al. “Dynamic Risk Spillovers between Gold, Oil Prices and Conventional, Sustainability and Islamic Equity Aggregates and Sectors with Portfolio Implications.” Energy Economics 67 (September 2017), 454–475.
  • Mishra, Shekhar et al. “Does Oil Prices Impede Islamic Stock Indices? Fresh Insights from Wavelet-Based Quantile-on-Quantile Approach.” Resources Policy 62 (August 2019), 292–304.
  • Mohamad Shafi, Roslina - Tan, Yan-Ling. “Evolution in Islamic Capital Market: A Bibliometric Analysis.” Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research.
  • Nagayev, Ruslan et al. “On the Dynamic Links between Commodities and Islamic Equity.” Energy Economics 58 (August 2016), 125–140.
  • Nazlioglu, Saban et al. “Volatility Transmission between Islamic and Conventional Equity Markets: Evidence from Causality-in-Variance Test.” Applied Economics 47/46 (2015), 4996–5011.
  • Niaman, Mohammad Asif - Aslan, Hakan. “Islamic Finance as an Alternative of Infrastructure Financing for Asian Landlocked Developing Countries.” Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi 6/Özel Sayı (October 15, 2023), 38–63.
  • Öztürk, Doğan - Özdemir, Şuayıp. “Global İslâmi Hisse Senedi Endekslerinin Markov Rejim Değişim Modeli İle İncelenmesi.” Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi 7/1 (April 27, 2024), 78–98.
  • Paltrinieri, Andrea et al. “Islamic, Socially Responsible, and Conventional Market Comovements: Evidence from Stock Indices.” Thunderbird International Business Review 61/5 (September 2019), 719–733.
  • Rizvi, Syed Aun R. et al. “An Analysis of Stock Market Efficiency: Developed vs. Islamic Stock Markets Using MF-DFA.” Physica A 407 (2014), 86–99.
  • Rizvi, Syed Aun R. et al. “Crises and Contagion in Asia Pacific — Islamic v/s Conventional Markets.” Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 34 (September 2015), 315–326.
  • Saiti, Buerhan et al. “The Diversification Benefits from Islamic Investment during the Financial Turmoil: The Case for the US-Based Equity Investors.” Borsa Istanbul Review 14/4 (December 2014), 196–211.
  • Schildt, Henri A. - Mattsson, Juha T. “A Dense Network Sub-Grouping Algorithm for Co-Citation Analysis and Its Implementation in the Software Tool Sitkis.” Scientometrics 67/1 (April 2006), 143–163.
  • Shahzad, Syed Jawad Hussain et al. “Risk Transmission between Islamic and Conventional Stock Markets: A Return and Volatility Spillover Analysis.” International Review of Financial Analysis 52 (2017), 9–26.
  • Thottoli, Mohammed Muneerali et al. “Auditing and Sustainability Accounting: A Global Examination Using the Scopus Database.” Sustainability 14/23 (December 6, 2022), 16323.
  • Tırman, Nurullah - Keçeci, İbrahim. “Katılım-Esaslı Yatırım Fonlarında Oluşan Mahzurlu Gelirlerin Sosyal Yardım Faaliyetlerine Aktarılmasına İlişkin Bir Öneri.” Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi 6/Özel Sayı (October 15, 2023), 303–319.
  • Tyagi, Sunil. “Bibliometric Analysis and Scientific Mapping of Research Trends on ‘Digital Divide.’” Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication.
  • Ulfah, Indar Fauziah et al. “A Structured Literature Review on Green Sukuk (Islamic Bonds): Implications for Government Policy and Future Studies.” Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research.
  • Yarovaya, Larisa et al. “Determinants of Spillovers between Islamic and Conventional Financial Markets: Exploring the Safe Haven Assets during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Finance Research Letters 43 (November 2021), 101979.
  • Yurtseven, Muhammet. “Katılım Finans Sistemine Yönelik Şer’i/Fıkhi Yönetişimle Yapılandırılmış Kurumsal Model Önerisi.” Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi 6/Katılım Finans Özel Sayısı (October 15, 2023), 92–119.
  • Zupic, Ivan - Čater, Tomaž. “Bibliometric Methods in Management and Organization.” Organizational Research Methods 18/3 (July 2015), 429–472.

An Analysis of Islamic Stock Markets Literature: Trends, Emerging Themes and Future Prospects

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 1 - 24


This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of current knowledge, highlight research gaps, and identify emerging trends to guide future research in the area of Islamic stock markets. It addresses the lack of a thorough bibliometric analysis in this area using reliable databases such as Scopus. The study applied a bibliometric analysis on 624 documents retrieved from the Scopus database using certain criteria. The Bibliometrix R package was used to perform the analysis. In this way, the most prolific affiliations, authors, documents, scientific networks between different countries, co-occurrence and co-citation networks, and trends in the research field were identified in the study. The results reveal that Pacific Basin Finance Journal and International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management are the journals that contribute the most in this field. The results also reveals that the most influential authors are M. Masih and S. Hammoudeh. Malaysian universities are the most productive institutions, while Malaysia is the most cooperative country according to the country cooperation network. The most studied topics in this field are the comparison of Islamic and conventional stock markets in terms of performance and volatility spillovers between them. New topics within Islamic stock markets research field have focused more COVID-19 and bitcoin. Most of the bibliometric studies in the field of Islamic finance have focused on Islamic banking, sukuk, Islamic capital markets and takaful.


  • Ajmi, Ahdi Noomen et al. “How Strong Are the Causal Relationships between Islamic Stock Markets and Conventional Financial Systems? Evidence from Linear and Nonlinear Tests.” Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 28 (2014), 213–227.
  • Alam, Azhar et al. “History and Development of Takaful Research: A Bibliometric Review.” SAGE Open 13/3 (July 2023), 21582440231184852.
  • Alam, Azhar et al. “How Does Sukuk Investment Perform? A Literature Review.” International Journal of Professional Business Review 8/7 (July 25, 2023), e02580.
  • Albahsh, Rana - Al-Anaswah, Mohammad F. “Bibliometric Analysis of Corporate Governance: Past, Present, and Future Research Agenda.” Corporate Ownership and Control 20/3 (2023), 146–168.
  • Al-Khazali, Osamah et al. “Do Islamic Stock Indexes Outperform Conventional Stock Indexes? A Stochastic Dominance Approach.” Pacific Basin Finance Journal 28 (2014), 29–46.
  • Ashraf, Dawood - Mohammad, Nazeeruddin. “Matching Perception with the Reality—Performance of Islamic Equity Investments.” Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 28 (June 2014), 175–189.
  • Baas, Jeroen et al. “Scopus as a Curated, High-Quality Bibliometric Data Source for Academic Research in Quantitative Science Studies.” Quantitative Science Studies 1/1 (February 2020), 377–386.
  • Batra, Shallu et al. “Mapping the Intellectual Structure and Demystifying the Research Trend of Cross Listing: A Bibliometric Analysis.” Managerial Finance 49/6 (May 22, 2023), 992–1016.
  • Baur, Dirk G. - McDermott, Thomas K. “Is Gold a Safe Haven? International Evidence.” Journal of Banking & Finance 34/8 (August 2010), 1886–1898.
  • Benomar, Lahcen et al. “Bibliometric Analysis of the Structure and Evolution of Research on Assisted Migration.” Current Forestry Reports 8/2 (June 2022), 199–213.
  • Biancone, Paolo Pietro et al. “The Bibliometric Analysis of Islamic Banking and Finance.” Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research 11/9 (October 12, 2020), 2069–2086.
  • Canbaz, Muhammet Fatih. “Üniversite Öğrencilerinin İslam İktisadı ve Finansı Eğitimine Bakış Açılarının Tespit Edilmesi.” Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi 6/Özel Sayı (October 15, 2023), 64–91.
  • Carhart, Mark M. “On Persistence in Mutual Fund Performance.” The Journal of Finance 52/1 (March 1997), 57–82.
  • Chang, Bisharat Hussain et al. “The Asymmetric Effects of Oil Price on Sectoral Islamic Stocks: New Evidence from Quantile-on-Quantile Regression Approach.” Resources Policy 65 (March 2020), 101571.
  • Chau, Frankie et al. “Political Uncertainty and Stock Market Volatility in the Middle East and North African (MENA) Countries.” Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 28 (January 2014), 1–19.
  • Derigs, Ulrich - Marzban, Shehab. “Review and Analysis of Current Shariah-Compliant Equity Screening Practices.” International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management 1/4 (2008), 285–303.
  • Donthu, Naveen et al. “How to Conduct a Bibliometric Analysis: An Overview and Guidelines.” Journal of Business Research 133 (September 2021), 285–296.
  • El Khamlichi, Abdelbari et al. “Islamic Equity Indices: Insight and Comparison with Conventional Counterparts.” Bankers, Markets and Investors 130 (2014), 69–80.
  • Erkan, İsmail. “Dijital Pazarlamanın Dünü, Bugünü, Geleceği: Bibliyometrik Bir Analiz.” Akademik Hassasiyetler 7/13 (2020), 149–168.
  • Fama, Eugene F. - French, Kenneth R. “Common Risk Factors in the Returns on Stocks and Bonds.” Journal of Financial Economics 33/1 (February 1993), 3–56.
  • Firmansyah, Muhamad Ferdy. “A Scientometric Analysis in Islamic Equity Market: Where Shall We Go?” International Journal of Islamic Business Ethics 7/1 (March 31, 2022), 40.
  • Garfield, Eugene. “Keywords Plus®: ISI’s Breakthrough Retrieval Method. Part 1. Expanding Your Searching Power on Current Contents on Diskette.” Current Comments 32 (1990), 5–9.
  • Giannakos, Michail et al. “Mapping Child–Computer Interaction Research through Co-Word Analysis.” International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 23–24 (June 2020), 100165.
  • González-Teruel, Aurora et al. “Mapping Recent Information Behavior Research: An Analysis of Co-Authorship and Co-Citation Networks.” Scientometrics 103/2 (May 2015), 687–705.
  • Güçlü, Fatih. “İslam İktisadı ve Finansı Literatüründe Murabaha: Bibliyometrik Bir İnceleme.” International Journal of Applied Economic and Finance Studies 9/1 (2024), 67–77.
  • Güçlü, Fatih - Canbaz, Muhammet Fatih. “Paya Dayalı Kitle Fonlaması Literatürünün On Yılının Bibliyometrik Analizi.” Politik Ekonomik Kuram 8/3 (2024), 814–833.
  • Hammoudeh, Shawkat et al. “Dynamic Dependence of the Global Islamic Equity Index with Global Conventional Equity Market Indices and Risk Factors.” Pacific Basin Finance Journal 30 (2014), 189–206.
  • Hayat, Raphie - Kraeussl, Roman. “Risk and Return Characteristics of Islamic Equity Funds.” Emerging Markets Review 12/2 (2011), 189–203.
  • He, Yulan - Cheung Hui, Siu. “Mining a Web Citation Database for Author Co-Citation Analysis.” Information Processing & Management 38/4 (July 2002), 491–508.
  • Hkiri, Besma et al. “Are Islamic Indexes a Safe Haven for Investors? An Analysis of Total, Directional and Net Volatility Spillovers between Conventional and Islamic Indexes and Importance of Crisis Periods.” Pacific Basin Finance Journal 43 (2017), 124–150.
  • Ho, Catherine S.F. - Mohd-Raff, Nor Erna Nabila. “External and Internal Determinants of Performances of Shariah and Non-Shariah Compliant Firms.” International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management 12/2 (2019), 236–253.
  • Hoepner, Andreas G.F. et al. “Islamic Mutual Funds’ Financial Performance and International Investment Style: Evidence from 20 Countries.” European Journal of Finance 17/9–10 (2011), 829–850.
  • Jawadi, Fredj et al. “Conventional and Islamic Stock Price Performance: An Empirical Investigation.” International Economics 137 (May 2014), 73–87.
  • Kenourgios, Dimitris et al. “Islamic Financial Markets and Global Crises: Contagion or Decoupling?” Economic Modelling 57 (2016), 36–46.
  • Liu, Zhao. “Mapping the Research Trends of Third Language Acquisition: A Bibliometric Analysis Based on Scopus.” Frontiers in Psychology 13 (November 3, 2022), 1021517.
  • Majdoub, Jihed - Mansour, Walid. “Islamic Equity Market Integration and Volatility Spillover between Emerging and US Stock Markets.” North American Journal of Economics and Finance 29 (2014), 452–470.
  • Markowitz, Harry. “Portfolio Selection.” The Journal of Finance 7/1 (1952), 77–91.
  • Mensi, Walid et al. “Dynamic Risk Spillovers between Gold, Oil Prices and Conventional, Sustainability and Islamic Equity Aggregates and Sectors with Portfolio Implications.” Energy Economics 67 (September 2017), 454–475.
  • Mishra, Shekhar et al. “Does Oil Prices Impede Islamic Stock Indices? Fresh Insights from Wavelet-Based Quantile-on-Quantile Approach.” Resources Policy 62 (August 2019), 292–304.
  • Mohamad Shafi, Roslina - Tan, Yan-Ling. “Evolution in Islamic Capital Market: A Bibliometric Analysis.” Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research.
  • Nagayev, Ruslan et al. “On the Dynamic Links between Commodities and Islamic Equity.” Energy Economics 58 (August 2016), 125–140.
  • Nazlioglu, Saban et al. “Volatility Transmission between Islamic and Conventional Equity Markets: Evidence from Causality-in-Variance Test.” Applied Economics 47/46 (2015), 4996–5011.
  • Niaman, Mohammad Asif - Aslan, Hakan. “Islamic Finance as an Alternative of Infrastructure Financing for Asian Landlocked Developing Countries.” Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi 6/Özel Sayı (October 15, 2023), 38–63.
  • Öztürk, Doğan - Özdemir, Şuayıp. “Global İslâmi Hisse Senedi Endekslerinin Markov Rejim Değişim Modeli İle İncelenmesi.” Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi 7/1 (April 27, 2024), 78–98.
  • Paltrinieri, Andrea et al. “Islamic, Socially Responsible, and Conventional Market Comovements: Evidence from Stock Indices.” Thunderbird International Business Review 61/5 (September 2019), 719–733.
  • Rizvi, Syed Aun R. et al. “An Analysis of Stock Market Efficiency: Developed vs. Islamic Stock Markets Using MF-DFA.” Physica A 407 (2014), 86–99.
  • Rizvi, Syed Aun R. et al. “Crises and Contagion in Asia Pacific — Islamic v/s Conventional Markets.” Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 34 (September 2015), 315–326.
  • Saiti, Buerhan et al. “The Diversification Benefits from Islamic Investment during the Financial Turmoil: The Case for the US-Based Equity Investors.” Borsa Istanbul Review 14/4 (December 2014), 196–211.
  • Schildt, Henri A. - Mattsson, Juha T. “A Dense Network Sub-Grouping Algorithm for Co-Citation Analysis and Its Implementation in the Software Tool Sitkis.” Scientometrics 67/1 (April 2006), 143–163.
  • Shahzad, Syed Jawad Hussain et al. “Risk Transmission between Islamic and Conventional Stock Markets: A Return and Volatility Spillover Analysis.” International Review of Financial Analysis 52 (2017), 9–26.
  • Thottoli, Mohammed Muneerali et al. “Auditing and Sustainability Accounting: A Global Examination Using the Scopus Database.” Sustainability 14/23 (December 6, 2022), 16323.
  • Tırman, Nurullah - Keçeci, İbrahim. “Katılım-Esaslı Yatırım Fonlarında Oluşan Mahzurlu Gelirlerin Sosyal Yardım Faaliyetlerine Aktarılmasına İlişkin Bir Öneri.” Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi 6/Özel Sayı (October 15, 2023), 303–319.
  • Tyagi, Sunil. “Bibliometric Analysis and Scientific Mapping of Research Trends on ‘Digital Divide.’” Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication.
  • Ulfah, Indar Fauziah et al. “A Structured Literature Review on Green Sukuk (Islamic Bonds): Implications for Government Policy and Future Studies.” Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research.
  • Yarovaya, Larisa et al. “Determinants of Spillovers between Islamic and Conventional Financial Markets: Exploring the Safe Haven Assets during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Finance Research Letters 43 (November 2021), 101979.
  • Yurtseven, Muhammet. “Katılım Finans Sistemine Yönelik Şer’i/Fıkhi Yönetişimle Yapılandırılmış Kurumsal Model Önerisi.” Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi 6/Katılım Finans Özel Sayısı (October 15, 2023), 92–119.
  • Zupic, Ivan - Čater, Tomaž. “Bibliometric Methods in Management and Organization.” Organizational Research Methods 18/3 (July 2015), 429–472.
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Islamic Finance
Journal Section Research Articles

Fatih Güçlü 0000-0002-1007-4594

Early Pub Date December 17, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date July 1, 2024
Acceptance Date October 22, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


APA Güçlü, F. (2024). An Analysis of Islamic Stock Markets Literature: Trends, Emerging Themes and Future Prospects. Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi, 7(3), 1-24.
AMA Güçlü F. An Analysis of Islamic Stock Markets Literature: Trends, Emerging Themes and Future Prospects. Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi. December 2024;7(3):1-24.
Chicago Güçlü, Fatih. “An Analysis of Islamic Stock Markets Literature: Trends, Emerging Themes and Future Prospects”. Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi 7, no. 3 (December 2024): 1-24.
EndNote Güçlü F (December 1, 2024) An Analysis of Islamic Stock Markets Literature: Trends, Emerging Themes and Future Prospects. Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi 7 3 1–24.
IEEE F. Güçlü, “An Analysis of Islamic Stock Markets Literature: Trends, Emerging Themes and Future Prospects”, Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1–24, 2024.
ISNAD Güçlü, Fatih. “An Analysis of Islamic Stock Markets Literature: Trends, Emerging Themes and Future Prospects”. Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi 7/3 (December 2024), 1-24.
JAMA Güçlü F. An Analysis of Islamic Stock Markets Literature: Trends, Emerging Themes and Future Prospects. Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi. 2024;7:1–24.
MLA Güçlü, Fatih. “An Analysis of Islamic Stock Markets Literature: Trends, Emerging Themes and Future Prospects”. Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 3, 2024, pp. 1-24.
Vancouver Güçlü F. An Analysis of Islamic Stock Markets Literature: Trends, Emerging Themes and Future Prospects. Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi. 2024;7(3):1-24.