e-ISSN: 2757-5616
Founded: 2019
Publisher: Social Sciences University of Ankara
Cover Image
ATEBE is an international peer-reviewed journal published by Ankara Social Sciences University since 2019, focusing on original academic works in the fields of Theology and Social and Human Sciences. The journal is indexed in prominent international databases such as EBSCOhost, DOAJ, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory-ProQuest, and ERIH Plus.
The article evaluation process begins with a preliminary review conducted by the editor and the editorial board. Subsequently, the area editor reviews the submissions for formal and ethical compliance, after which the articles undergo peer review by experts in the relevant field. Once the peer review process is completed, the article is reviewed by a language editor, followed by a final reading conducted by the area editor.
The journal accepts submissions for its June issue from January 1 to April 30, and for its December issue from July 1 to October 30.

Review Article

Müellifi Meçhul Bir Kaside Şerhi: Şerh-i Kasîdetü’t-Tâ’iyye

Research Article

Al-Marsad Right as a Mechanism for Developing and Investing in Urban Waqf Properties in Algerian Legislation

Research Article

أحكام العمل عن بُعد في الشريعة الإسلامية

Book Review

Ahmet Aydın, İslam Hukuk Mantığı ve Felsefesi (Ankara: Kitabe Yayınları, 2023), 128 Sayfa, ISBN: 9786259951058

Research Article

Yaygın Din Eğitiminin Z Kuşağına Katkısı: Cuma Hutbeleri Örneği