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Proaktif İş Davranışları: Kavramsal Çerçevesi ve Etkili Yönetim Açısından Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2024, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 29 - 38, 30.06.2024


Günümüzün kaçınılmaz gerekliliklerinin başında, öğrenen organizasyon yapısı ve çevik şirket modelleri gelmektedir. Aynı şekilde çalışanlar da bu yapı ve doğrultuda kendilerini geliştirmek zorundadır. Günümüzde artık, kurumların çalışanlardan beklentisi; verilen iş ve görevlerin tanımlandığı şekilde ve zamanında yapan pasif çalışanlardan çok öte değişim ve gelişimi özümsemiş ve buna göre kendisini yapılandırmış ve geliştirmiş aktif çalışan profilidir. Proaktif iş davranışları, şirketlerin daha esnek, yenilikçi ve verimli olmasına yardımcı olurken, çalışan memnuniyeti ve bağlılığını da artırır. Bu nedenle, etkili yönetim için proaktif iş davranışlarının teşvik edilmesi ve desteklenmesi büyük önem taşır. Kurumların değişen çevresel şartlara uyum sağlayabilmesi, artan rekabet ortamında ayakta kalabilmesi, inovasyon odaklı öğrenen örgüt özelliklerine sahip olması, iç ve dış müşteri memnuniyetinin sağlanması, öngörülü ve girişimci bir yapı ve sisteme sahip olarak yönetsel faaliyetlerini sergileyebilmesi adına gerekli esnekliği gösterebilmesinde, proaktif iş davranışları kritik rol ve öneme sahiptir. Bu tespitlerden hareketle bu makalenin amacı; proaktif iş davranışlarının kavramsal çerçevesini sunmak; yapısı, öncülleri ve çıktıları hakkında bilgi vermek, etkili yönetim açısından değerlendirmesini yapmak ve kurumsal başarı açısından önerilerde bulunmaktır.


  • Bai, Y., Wang, Z., Alam, M., Gul, F., & Wang, Y. (2022). The impact of authentic leadership on innovative work behavior: Mediating roles of proactive personality and employee engagement. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 879176, 1-12.
  • Bakker, A. B., Demerouti, E., & Verbeke, W. (2004). Using the job demands‐resources model to predict burnout and performance. Human Resource Management, 43(1), 83-104.
  • Bakker, A. B., Tims, M., & Derks, D. (2012). Proactive personality and job performance: The role of job crafting and work engagement. Human relations, 65(10), 1359-1378.
  • Bakker, A. B., Van Emmerik, H., & Van Riet, P. (2008). How job demands, resources, and burnout predict objective performance: A constructive replication. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 21(3), 309-324.
  • Bartsch, V., Ebers, M., & Maurer, I. (2013). Learning in project-based organizations: The role of project teams' social capital for overcoming barriers to learning. International Journal of Project Management, 31(2), 239-251.
  • Bateman, T. S., & Crant, J. M. (1999). Proactive behavior: Meaning, impact, recommendations. Business Horizons, 42(3), 63 70.
  • Bateman, T., & Crant, J. M. (1993). The proactive component of organizational behavior: A measure and correlates, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 103-118.
  • Burkert, M., Fischer, F. M., Hoos, F., & Schuhmacher, K. (2017). The relationship between lack of controllability and proactive work behaviour: An empirical analysis of competing theoretical explanations. Accounting and Business Research, 47(2), 144-171.
  • Chang, P. C., Ma, G., & Lin, Y. Y. (2022). Inclusive leadership and employee proactive behavior: A cross-level moderated mediation model. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 1797-1808.
  • Chen, S., Jiang, W., Zhang, G., & Chu, F. (2019). Spiritual leadership on proactive workplace behavior: The role of organizational identification and psychological safety. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 440515, 1-10.
  • Cooper-Thomas, H. D., Paterson, N. L., Stadler, M. J., & Saks, A. M. (2014). The relative importance of proactive behaviors and outcomes for predicting newcomer learning, well-being, and work engagement. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 84(3), 318-331.
  • Crant, J. M. (1995). The proactive personality scale and objective job performance among real estate agents. Journal of applied psychology, 80(4), 532.
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  • Crant, J. M., & Bateman, T. S. (2000). Charismatic leadership viewed from above: The impact of proactive personality. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21, 63-75.
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  • Fay, D., Strauss, K., Schwake, C., & Urbach, T. (2023). Creating meaning by taking initiative: Proactive work behavior fosters work meaningfulness. Applied Psychology, 72(2), 506-534.
  • Frese, M., & Fay, D. (2001). Personal initiative: An active performance concept for work in the 21st century. Research in Organizational Behavior, 23, 133-187.
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  • Fuller, B., Marler, L. E., Hester, K., & Otondo, R. F. (2015). Leader reactions to follower proactive behavior: Giving credit when credit is due. Human Relations, 68(6), 879-898.
  • Fuller, J. B., Marler, L. E., & Hester, K. (2006). Promoting felt responsibility for constructive change and proactive behavior: Exploring aspects of an elaborated model of work design. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 27(8), 1089-1120.
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  • Ghitulescu, B. E. (2018). Psychosocial effects of proactivity: The interplay between proactive and collaborative behavior. Personnel Review, 47(2), 294-318.
  • Grant, A. M., & Ashford, S. J. (2008). The dynamics of proactivity at work. Research in Organizational Behavior, 28, 3-34.
  • Gultom, L., Suroso, G., & Gasjirin, J. (2022). The influence of proactive behavior and psychological empowerment on innovative work behavior: Moderating role of job characteristic. Journal of World Science, 1(9), 674-682.
  • Hackman, R.J., & Oldham, G. R. (1976). Motivation through the design of work: Test of a theory. Oganizational Behavior and Human Performance, 16, 250-279.
  • Han, Y., Wang, M., & Dong, L. (2014). Role conflict and the buffering effect of proactive personality among middle managers. Social Behavior And Personality, 42(3), 473-486.
  • Hou, C., Wu L., & Liu, Z. (2014). Effect of proactive personality and decision-making self-efficacy on career adaptability among Chınese graduates. Social Behavior and Personality, 42(6), 903-912.
  • Hu, Y., Wu, X., Zong, Z., Xiao, Y., Maguire, P., Qu, F., ... & Wang, D. (2018). Authentic leadership and proactive behavior: The role of psychological capital and compassion at work. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2470.
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  • Kuo, C. C., Ye, Y. C., Chen, M. Y., & Chen, L. H. (2018). Psychological flexibility at work and employees' proactive work behaviour: Cross‐level moderating role of leader need for structure. Applied Psychology, 67(3), 454-472.
  • Li, L., Zhong, J. A., Chen, Y., Xıe, Y., & Mao, S. (2014). Moderating effects of proactive personality on factors ınfluencing work engagement based on the job demandsresources model. Social Behavior And Personality, 42(1), 7-16.
  • Li, W., Gill, S. A., Wang, Y., Safdar, M. A., & Sheikh, M. R. (2022). Proactive personality and innovative work behavior: Through the juxtapose of Schumpeter's theory of innovation and broaden-and-build theory. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 927458,1-17.
  • Lin, C. S., Xiao, R., Huang, P. C., & Huang, L. C. (2022). Composing the same song: When and how high-performance work systems can stimulate proactive behavior. Personnel Review, 51(9), 2388-2403.
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Year 2024, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 29 - 38, 30.06.2024



  • Bai, Y., Wang, Z., Alam, M., Gul, F., & Wang, Y. (2022). The impact of authentic leadership on innovative work behavior: Mediating roles of proactive personality and employee engagement. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 879176, 1-12.
  • Bakker, A. B., Demerouti, E., & Verbeke, W. (2004). Using the job demands‐resources model to predict burnout and performance. Human Resource Management, 43(1), 83-104.
  • Bakker, A. B., Tims, M., & Derks, D. (2012). Proactive personality and job performance: The role of job crafting and work engagement. Human relations, 65(10), 1359-1378.
  • Bakker, A. B., Van Emmerik, H., & Van Riet, P. (2008). How job demands, resources, and burnout predict objective performance: A constructive replication. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 21(3), 309-324.
  • Bartsch, V., Ebers, M., & Maurer, I. (2013). Learning in project-based organizations: The role of project teams' social capital for overcoming barriers to learning. International Journal of Project Management, 31(2), 239-251.
  • Bateman, T. S., & Crant, J. M. (1999). Proactive behavior: Meaning, impact, recommendations. Business Horizons, 42(3), 63 70.
  • Bateman, T., & Crant, J. M. (1993). The proactive component of organizational behavior: A measure and correlates, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 103-118.
  • Burkert, M., Fischer, F. M., Hoos, F., & Schuhmacher, K. (2017). The relationship between lack of controllability and proactive work behaviour: An empirical analysis of competing theoretical explanations. Accounting and Business Research, 47(2), 144-171.
  • Chang, P. C., Ma, G., & Lin, Y. Y. (2022). Inclusive leadership and employee proactive behavior: A cross-level moderated mediation model. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 1797-1808.
  • Chen, S., Jiang, W., Zhang, G., & Chu, F. (2019). Spiritual leadership on proactive workplace behavior: The role of organizational identification and psychological safety. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 440515, 1-10.
  • Cooper-Thomas, H. D., Paterson, N. L., Stadler, M. J., & Saks, A. M. (2014). The relative importance of proactive behaviors and outcomes for predicting newcomer learning, well-being, and work engagement. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 84(3), 318-331.
  • Crant, J. M. (1995). The proactive personality scale and objective job performance among real estate agents. Journal of applied psychology, 80(4), 532.
  • Crant, J. M. (1996). The proactive personality scale as a predictor of entrepreneurial intentions. Journal of Small Business Management, 34(3), 42-49.
  • Crant, J. M. (2000). Proactive behavior in organizations. Journal of management, 26(3), 435-462.
  • Crant, J. M., & Bateman, T. S. (2000). Charismatic leadership viewed from above: The impact of proactive personality. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21, 63-75.
  • Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319-340.
  • Demerouti, E., Bakker, A. B., Nachreiner, F., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2001). The job demands-resources model of burnout. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(3), 499–512.
  • Eisenberger, R., Huntington, R., Hutchison, S., & Sowa, D. (1986). Perceived organizational support. Journal Of Applied Psychology, 71(3), 500-507.
  • Fay, D., Strauss, K., Schwake, C., & Urbach, T. (2023). Creating meaning by taking initiative: Proactive work behavior fosters work meaningfulness. Applied Psychology, 72(2), 506-534.
  • Frese, M., & Fay, D. (2001). Personal initiative: An active performance concept for work in the 21st century. Research in Organizational Behavior, 23, 133-187.
  • Frese, M., Fay, D., Hilburger, T., Leng, K., & Tag, A. (1997). Reliability and validity in two German samples. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 70, 139-161.
  • Fuller, B., Marler, L. E., Hester, K., & Otondo, R. F. (2015). Leader reactions to follower proactive behavior: Giving credit when credit is due. Human Relations, 68(6), 879-898.
  • Fuller, J. B., Marler, L. E., & Hester, K. (2006). Promoting felt responsibility for constructive change and proactive behavior: Exploring aspects of an elaborated model of work design. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 27(8), 1089-1120.
  • Garvin, D. A. (1993). Building a learning organization. Harvard Business Review, 71(4), 78-91.
  • Ghitulescu, B. E. (2018). Psychosocial effects of proactivity: The interplay between proactive and collaborative behavior. Personnel Review, 47(2), 294-318.
  • Grant, A. M., & Ashford, S. J. (2008). The dynamics of proactivity at work. Research in Organizational Behavior, 28, 3-34.
  • Gultom, L., Suroso, G., & Gasjirin, J. (2022). The influence of proactive behavior and psychological empowerment on innovative work behavior: Moderating role of job characteristic. Journal of World Science, 1(9), 674-682.
  • Hackman, R.J., & Oldham, G. R. (1976). Motivation through the design of work: Test of a theory. Oganizational Behavior and Human Performance, 16, 250-279.
  • Han, Y., Wang, M., & Dong, L. (2014). Role conflict and the buffering effect of proactive personality among middle managers. Social Behavior And Personality, 42(3), 473-486.
  • Hou, C., Wu L., & Liu, Z. (2014). Effect of proactive personality and decision-making self-efficacy on career adaptability among Chınese graduates. Social Behavior and Personality, 42(6), 903-912.
  • Hu, Y., Wu, X., Zong, Z., Xiao, Y., Maguire, P., Qu, F., ... & Wang, D. (2018). Authentic leadership and proactive behavior: The role of psychological capital and compassion at work. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2470.
  • Humphrey, S. E., Nahrgang, J. D., & Morgeson, F. P. (2007). Integrating motivational, social, and contextual work design features: A meta-analytic summary and theoretical extension of the work design literature. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(5), 1332.
  • James, R. (2021). Repatriates’ work engagement: Proactive behavior, perceived support, and adjustment. Journal of Career Development, 48(5), 686-700.
  • Jiang, Z. (2017). Proactive personality and career adaptability: The role of thriving at work. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 98, 85-97.
  • Kanten, P., & Ulker, F. E. (2012). A relational approach among perceived organizational support proactive personality and voice behavior. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 62, 1016-1022.
  • Karasar, N. (2007). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi (17. baskı). Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • Kayani, M. B., & Alasan, I. I. (2021). Impact of toxic leadership on counterproductive work behavior with the mediating role of psychological contract breach and moderating role of proactive personality. Studies of Applied Economics, 39(4), 1-22
  • Kuo, C. C., Ye, Y. C., Chen, M. Y., & Chen, L. H. (2018). Psychological flexibility at work and employees' proactive work behaviour: Cross‐level moderating role of leader need for structure. Applied Psychology, 67(3), 454-472.
  • Li, L., Zhong, J. A., Chen, Y., Xıe, Y., & Mao, S. (2014). Moderating effects of proactive personality on factors ınfluencing work engagement based on the job demandsresources model. Social Behavior And Personality, 42(1), 7-16.
  • Li, W., Gill, S. A., Wang, Y., Safdar, M. A., & Sheikh, M. R. (2022). Proactive personality and innovative work behavior: Through the juxtapose of Schumpeter's theory of innovation and broaden-and-build theory. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 927458,1-17.
  • Lin, C. S., Xiao, R., Huang, P. C., & Huang, L. C. (2022). Composing the same song: When and how high-performance work systems can stimulate proactive behavior. Personnel Review, 51(9), 2388-2403.
  • Liu, W. (2016). Effects of positive mood and job complexity on employee creativty and performance. Social Behavior and Personality, 44(5), 865–880.
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There are 95 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Industrial Organisation
Journal Section Reviews

Ahmet Avcı 0000-0002-3105-7849

Halit Keskin 0000-0003-4432-3998

Publication Date June 30, 2024
Submission Date June 10, 2024
Acceptance Date June 28, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Avcı, A., & Keskin, H. (2024). Proaktif İş Davranışları: Kavramsal Çerçevesi ve Etkili Yönetim Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. Kahramanmaraş İstiklal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2(1), 29-38.