Year 2022,
, 103 - 108, 31.08.2022
Canan Kömürcü
Ayşe Kuzu
Amaç: Bu araştırma, diyaliz hastaları ve bakım verenlerinde sosyal destek ve ruhsal iyi oluşun travma sonrası gelişime etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Yöntem: Araştırmanın evren ve örneklemini 13 Temmuz 2019-17 Ekim 2019 tarihleri arasında Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi Sağlık Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Nefroloji Bilim Dalı’nda yatarak ya da ayaktan diyaliz tedavisi gören tüm diyaliz hastaları (n=44) ve bu hastaların bakım vericileri (n=44) oluşturdu. Çalışmanın verileri Çok Boyutlu Algılanan Sosyal Destek Ölçeği, Spritüal İyi Oluş Ölçeği, Travma Sonrası Büyüme Ölçeği kullanılarak toplandı.
Bulgular: Çalışma sonuçları, diyaliz hastaları (p<0.001) ve bakım verenlerinde (p<0.001) travma sonrası gelişim, spritüal iyi oluş ve sosyal destek puanları arasında pozitif yönde bir ilişki olduğunu gösterdi. Sosyal destek ve spritüal iyi oluşun travma sonrası büyümeyi hasta grubunda %74.8 ve bakım veren grubunda %54.0 açıkladığı görüldü.
Sonuç: Hem hasta hem de bakım veren grubunda algılanan sosyal destek ve spritüal iyi oluş arttıkça travma sonrası büyüme artmış ve spritüal iyi oluş ve sosyal destek travma sonrası büyümeyi etkilemiştir.
- Özkan Tuncay F, Kars Fertelli T. Care dependency and related factors in patients with chronic renal failure. Kocaeli Med J. 2020;9:32-40.
- Moore C, Skevington S, Wearden A, Mitra S. Impact of dialysis on the dyadic relationship between male patients and their female partners. Qual Health Res. 2020;30:380-390.
- Jafari H, Ebrahimi A, Aghaei A, Khatony A.The relationship between care burden and quality of life in caregivers of hemodialysis patients. BMC Nephrology. 2018;19:321.
- Sajadi SA, Ebadi A, Moradian ST, Akbari R. Designing and validation of health-related quality of life inventory for family caregivers of hemodialysis patients. IJCBNM. 2020;8:164-176.
- Auxemery Y. Post-traumatic psychiatric disorders: PTSD is not the only diagnosis. Presse Med. 2018;47:423-30.
Tedeschi RG, Calhoun LG. The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory: Measuring the positive legacy of trauma. J Trauma Stress. 1996;9:455-471.
- Tedeschi RG, Calhoun LG. Posttraumatic growth: Conceptual foundations and empirical evidence. Psychological Inquiry. 2004;15:1-18.
- Mattson E, James L, Engdahl B. Personality factors and their impact on PTSD and post-traumatic growth is mediated by coping style among OIF/OEF veterans. Mil Med. 2018;183 9-10.
- Nouzari R, Najafi SS, Momennasab M. Post-traumatic growth among family caregivers of cancer patients and its association with social support and hope. Int J Community Based Nurs Midwifery. 2019;7:319.
- Ajoudani F, Jafarizadeh H, Kazamzadeh J. Social support and posttraumatic growth in Iranian burn survivors: The mediating role of spirituality. Burns. 2019;45:732-40.
- Akcan G. Post traumatic growth: A review. Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Letter. 2018;3:61-70.
- Brelsford GM, Doheny KK, Nestler L. Parents’ post-traumatic growth and spirituality post-neonatal intensive care unit discharge. J Psychol Theol. 2020;48:34-43.
- Rzeszutek M, Oniszczenko W, Kwiatkowska B. Stress coping strategies, spirituality, social support and posttraumatic growth in a Polish sample of rheumatoid arthritis patients. Psychol Health Med. 2017;22:1082-1088.
- Cui C, Wang K, An J, Jin C. Current status and influencing factors of post-traumatic growth in maintenance hemodialysis. Int J Nurs Sci. 2017;4:362-366.
- Li T, Liu T, Han J, et al.The relationship among resilience, rumination and posttraumatic growth in hemodialysis patients in North China. Psychol Health Med. 2018;23:442-453.
- Ruiz de Alegria B, Basabe N, De Lorenzo E. Evolution of post traumatic growth during the first 12 months of dialysis: A longitudinal study. J Ren Care. 2017; 43:108-113.
- Dürü Ç. Exploring posttraumatic stress symptoms and posttraumatic growth with respect to some variables and proposing a model. Hacettepe University Social Sciences Institute. Department of Psychology Doctoral Thesis, Ankara, 2006.
- Eker D, Arkar H. Multi-dimensional structure of factors perceived social support scale, reliability and validity. Turkish Journal of Psychology. 1995;10:45-55.
- Ekşi H, Kardaş S. Spiritual well-being: Scale development and validation. Spiritual Psychology and Counseling. 2017;2:73-88.
- Zhang L, Lu Y, Qin Y, Xue J, Chen Y. Post‐traumatic growth and related factors among 1221 Chinese cancer survivors. Psychooncology. 2020;29:413-422.
- Salomé GM, de Almeida SA, Mendes B, et al. Association of sociodemographic factors with spirituality and hope in patients with diabetic foot ulcers. Advances in Skin & Wound Care. 2017;30:34-39.
- Tav AS, Gultekin BK, Arpacioglu BS. Clinical characteristics, adjustment between the couples and the quality of sexual life of married women who are exposed to physical domestic violence. Turkish Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2018;21:254-260.
- Theodoritsi A, Aravantinou ME, Gravani V, et al. Factors associated with the social support of hemodialysis patients. Iran J Public Health. 2016;45:1261-1269.
- Zeligman M, Varney M, Grad RI, Huffstead M. Posttraumatic growth in individuals with chronic illness: The role of social support and meaning making. J Couns Dev. 2018;96:53-63.
- Musa AS, Pevalin DJ, Al Khalaileh MA. Spiritual well-being, depression, and stress among hemodialysis patients in Jordan. J Holist Nurs. 2018;36:354-365.
- ,Tav AS, Gultekin BK, Arpacioglu BS. Clinical characteristics, adjustment between the couples and the quality of sexual life of married women who are exposed to physical domestic violence. Turkish Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2018;21:254-260.
- Gündüz F. The determination of relationship between perceived social support and the level of hopelessness in cancer patients and their caregivers. Adnan Menderes University Health Sciences Institute, Department of Internal Medicine Nursing Master's Thesis, Aydın, 2019.
- Uçar M. The relationship between quality of life and spirituality in elders. Inönü University Health Sciences Institute, Department of Nursing Master's Thesis, Malatya, 2017.
- Masat S. The relationship between the psychological problems and spiritual orientation and religious coping strategies of oncology patients. Ondokuz Mayıs University Health Sciences Institute, Department of Nursing Master's Thesis, Samsun, 2018.
- Doğan S. Evaluating spiritual care, life quality and the relationship between them in elderly individuals without any chronic disease. Kafkas University Health Sciences Institute, Department of Nursing Master's Thesis, Kars, 2018.
- Eirini G, Georgia G. Caregivers of patients on haemodialysis. In M. Mollaoğlu (ed.): Caregiving and Home Care, 75-84. IntechOpen. 2018.
- Cruz THd, Girardon-Perlini NMO, Beuter M, Coppetti LdC, Dolomini A, Piccin C. Social support of family caregivers of chronic renal patients on hemodialysis. Rev Min Enferm. 2018;22:1-6.
Gün S. Evaluation of stroke patients caregivers burnout and stress coping style situations Ondokuz Mayıs University Health Sciences Institute, Department of Public Health Nursing Master's Thesis, Samsun, 2017.
- Uyan B. The care burden of the caregivers of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and their perceived social support level (Unpublished Master's Thesis). Marmara University Health Sciences Institute, İstanbul, 2019.
- Pehlivan S, Özgür YF, Yildiz H, Dalkılıç HE, Pehlivan Y. Social support and caregiver burden in rheumatological diseases. Journal of Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine. 2018;44:19-25.
- Hwang Y, Kim M, Min K. Factors associated with health-related quality of life in kidney transplant recipients in Korea. Plos One. 2021;16:1-13.
- Şimşek C. Examination of post-traumatic growth and social support in cancer patients. Medipol University Health Sciences Institute, Department of Nursing Master's Thesis, Istanbul, 2018.
- Özcan NA, Arslan R. The mediating role of perceived social support and spirituality in the relationship between posttraumatic stress level and post-traumatic growth. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences. 2020;19:299-314.
- Sim BY, Lee YW, Kim H, Kim SH. Post-traumatic growth in stomach cancer survivors: Prevalence, correlates and relationship with health-related quality of life. Eur J Oncol Nurs. 2015;19:230-236.
Akın G. Investigation of individuals with myocardial infarction in terms of post traumatic growth, attachment styles and coping styles. Maltepe University Social Sciences Institute, Department of Psychology Master’s Thesis, Istanbul, 2019.
Year 2022,
, 103 - 108, 31.08.2022
Canan Kömürcü
Ayşe Kuzu
Objective: This study was conducted to determine the effect of social support and spiritual well-being on posttraumatic growth in dialysis patients and their caregivers.
Method: The population and sample of the research consisted of all dialysis patients (n=44) and their caregivers (n=44) who received inpatient or outpatient dialysis treatment at the Health Research and Application Center in the Department of Nephrology at Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit University between 13 July 2019 and 17 October 2019. The data were collected using the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, the Spiritual Well-Being Scale, and the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory.
Results: The results showed that there was a positive correlation between the posttraumatic growth, spiritual well-being and social support scores of the dialysis patients (p<0.001) and their caregivers (p<0.001). Social support and spiritual well-being explained posttraumatic growth by 74.8% in the patient group and 54.0% in the caregiver group.
Conclusion: Posttraumatic growth increased as perceived social support and spiritual well-being increased in both the patient and caregiver groups and spiritual well-being and social support affected posttraumatic growth.
- Özkan Tuncay F, Kars Fertelli T. Care dependency and related factors in patients with chronic renal failure. Kocaeli Med J. 2020;9:32-40.
- Moore C, Skevington S, Wearden A, Mitra S. Impact of dialysis on the dyadic relationship between male patients and their female partners. Qual Health Res. 2020;30:380-390.
- Jafari H, Ebrahimi A, Aghaei A, Khatony A.The relationship between care burden and quality of life in caregivers of hemodialysis patients. BMC Nephrology. 2018;19:321.
- Sajadi SA, Ebadi A, Moradian ST, Akbari R. Designing and validation of health-related quality of life inventory for family caregivers of hemodialysis patients. IJCBNM. 2020;8:164-176.
- Auxemery Y. Post-traumatic psychiatric disorders: PTSD is not the only diagnosis. Presse Med. 2018;47:423-30.
Tedeschi RG, Calhoun LG. The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory: Measuring the positive legacy of trauma. J Trauma Stress. 1996;9:455-471.
- Tedeschi RG, Calhoun LG. Posttraumatic growth: Conceptual foundations and empirical evidence. Psychological Inquiry. 2004;15:1-18.
- Mattson E, James L, Engdahl B. Personality factors and their impact on PTSD and post-traumatic growth is mediated by coping style among OIF/OEF veterans. Mil Med. 2018;183 9-10.
- Nouzari R, Najafi SS, Momennasab M. Post-traumatic growth among family caregivers of cancer patients and its association with social support and hope. Int J Community Based Nurs Midwifery. 2019;7:319.
- Ajoudani F, Jafarizadeh H, Kazamzadeh J. Social support and posttraumatic growth in Iranian burn survivors: The mediating role of spirituality. Burns. 2019;45:732-40.
- Akcan G. Post traumatic growth: A review. Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Letter. 2018;3:61-70.
- Brelsford GM, Doheny KK, Nestler L. Parents’ post-traumatic growth and spirituality post-neonatal intensive care unit discharge. J Psychol Theol. 2020;48:34-43.
- Rzeszutek M, Oniszczenko W, Kwiatkowska B. Stress coping strategies, spirituality, social support and posttraumatic growth in a Polish sample of rheumatoid arthritis patients. Psychol Health Med. 2017;22:1082-1088.
- Cui C, Wang K, An J, Jin C. Current status and influencing factors of post-traumatic growth in maintenance hemodialysis. Int J Nurs Sci. 2017;4:362-366.
- Li T, Liu T, Han J, et al.The relationship among resilience, rumination and posttraumatic growth in hemodialysis patients in North China. Psychol Health Med. 2018;23:442-453.
- Ruiz de Alegria B, Basabe N, De Lorenzo E. Evolution of post traumatic growth during the first 12 months of dialysis: A longitudinal study. J Ren Care. 2017; 43:108-113.
- Dürü Ç. Exploring posttraumatic stress symptoms and posttraumatic growth with respect to some variables and proposing a model. Hacettepe University Social Sciences Institute. Department of Psychology Doctoral Thesis, Ankara, 2006.
- Eker D, Arkar H. Multi-dimensional structure of factors perceived social support scale, reliability and validity. Turkish Journal of Psychology. 1995;10:45-55.
- Ekşi H, Kardaş S. Spiritual well-being: Scale development and validation. Spiritual Psychology and Counseling. 2017;2:73-88.
- Zhang L, Lu Y, Qin Y, Xue J, Chen Y. Post‐traumatic growth and related factors among 1221 Chinese cancer survivors. Psychooncology. 2020;29:413-422.
- Salomé GM, de Almeida SA, Mendes B, et al. Association of sociodemographic factors with spirituality and hope in patients with diabetic foot ulcers. Advances in Skin & Wound Care. 2017;30:34-39.
- Tav AS, Gultekin BK, Arpacioglu BS. Clinical characteristics, adjustment between the couples and the quality of sexual life of married women who are exposed to physical domestic violence. Turkish Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2018;21:254-260.
- Theodoritsi A, Aravantinou ME, Gravani V, et al. Factors associated with the social support of hemodialysis patients. Iran J Public Health. 2016;45:1261-1269.
- Zeligman M, Varney M, Grad RI, Huffstead M. Posttraumatic growth in individuals with chronic illness: The role of social support and meaning making. J Couns Dev. 2018;96:53-63.
- Musa AS, Pevalin DJ, Al Khalaileh MA. Spiritual well-being, depression, and stress among hemodialysis patients in Jordan. J Holist Nurs. 2018;36:354-365.
- ,Tav AS, Gultekin BK, Arpacioglu BS. Clinical characteristics, adjustment between the couples and the quality of sexual life of married women who are exposed to physical domestic violence. Turkish Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2018;21:254-260.
- Gündüz F. The determination of relationship between perceived social support and the level of hopelessness in cancer patients and their caregivers. Adnan Menderes University Health Sciences Institute, Department of Internal Medicine Nursing Master's Thesis, Aydın, 2019.
- Uçar M. The relationship between quality of life and spirituality in elders. Inönü University Health Sciences Institute, Department of Nursing Master's Thesis, Malatya, 2017.
- Masat S. The relationship between the psychological problems and spiritual orientation and religious coping strategies of oncology patients. Ondokuz Mayıs University Health Sciences Institute, Department of Nursing Master's Thesis, Samsun, 2018.
- Doğan S. Evaluating spiritual care, life quality and the relationship between them in elderly individuals without any chronic disease. Kafkas University Health Sciences Institute, Department of Nursing Master's Thesis, Kars, 2018.
- Eirini G, Georgia G. Caregivers of patients on haemodialysis. In M. Mollaoğlu (ed.): Caregiving and Home Care, 75-84. IntechOpen. 2018.
- Cruz THd, Girardon-Perlini NMO, Beuter M, Coppetti LdC, Dolomini A, Piccin C. Social support of family caregivers of chronic renal patients on hemodialysis. Rev Min Enferm. 2018;22:1-6.
Gün S. Evaluation of stroke patients caregivers burnout and stress coping style situations Ondokuz Mayıs University Health Sciences Institute, Department of Public Health Nursing Master's Thesis, Samsun, 2017.
- Uyan B. The care burden of the caregivers of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and their perceived social support level (Unpublished Master's Thesis). Marmara University Health Sciences Institute, İstanbul, 2019.
- Pehlivan S, Özgür YF, Yildiz H, Dalkılıç HE, Pehlivan Y. Social support and caregiver burden in rheumatological diseases. Journal of Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine. 2018;44:19-25.
- Hwang Y, Kim M, Min K. Factors associated with health-related quality of life in kidney transplant recipients in Korea. Plos One. 2021;16:1-13.
- Şimşek C. Examination of post-traumatic growth and social support in cancer patients. Medipol University Health Sciences Institute, Department of Nursing Master's Thesis, Istanbul, 2018.
- Özcan NA, Arslan R. The mediating role of perceived social support and spirituality in the relationship between posttraumatic stress level and post-traumatic growth. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences. 2020;19:299-314.
- Sim BY, Lee YW, Kim H, Kim SH. Post-traumatic growth in stomach cancer survivors: Prevalence, correlates and relationship with health-related quality of life. Eur J Oncol Nurs. 2015;19:230-236.
Akın G. Investigation of individuals with myocardial infarction in terms of post traumatic growth, attachment styles and coping styles. Maltepe University Social Sciences Institute, Department of Psychology Master’s Thesis, Istanbul, 2019.