Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 237 - 245, 31.12.2022


Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between macro and micro nutrient intakes and hedonic hunger, chronotype and emotion regulation difficulties.
Method: The study consisted of a total of 255 volunteers working at a desk who received consultancy services from the nutrition and diet counselling centre in Istanbul. Demographic characteristics, nutritional habits, Power of Food Scale (PFS), Morning-Evening Questionnaire (MEQ) and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) were applied to the participants by face-to-face interview method. In addition, individuals' weight and height measurements and BMI were also evaluated.
Results: The average age of the individuals participating in the study was 36.11+8.75, and 70.2% of the participants were women. The average BMI of the participants is 26.35±5.27 kg/m2 and the obesity rate is higher in men (21.1%) than in women (19.0%). According to the BMI classification, the total PFS score and the mean scores of the sub-factors of food available, food present and food tasted were significantly higher in overweight individuals than in normal individuals. A significant positive correlation was found between PFS scores and mean intakes of thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, potassium, and magnesium. When the macro and micronutrient intake averages of the DERS scores are examined; A negative correlation was found with polyunsaturated fat, vitamin E, riboflavin, folate and potassium intake. A positive correlation was found between SAA scores and energy, total fat, polyunsaturated fat, cholesterol, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and iron intake. In addition, a positive correlation was found between PFS scores and MEQ scores and DERS scores.
Conclusion: Hedonic hunger is associated with emotıon regularıy dıffıculty and chronotype. Hedonic hunger increases as individuals' intake of micronutrients increases. Emotıon regularıy dıffıculty increases as intakes of polyunsaturated fatty acids and micronutrients decrease. Morning-type chronotypes have higher intakes of energy, macronutrients and micronutrients.


  • Mendini M, Pizzetti M, Peter PC. Social food pleasure: when sharing offline, online and for society promotes pleasurable and healthy food experiences and well-being. Qual Mark Res. 2019;22(4):544-556.
  • Cheung LTF, Ko GTC, Chow FCC, Kong APS. Association between hedonic hunger and glycemic control in non-obese and obese patients with type 2 diabetes. J Diabetes Investig. 2018;9(5):1135-1143.
  • Cahyani A, Setyorini A, Ispurwanto W. Hedonic eating among female students: a descriptive study. Soc Econ Ecol Int J. 2018;2(2):129-134.
  • Witt AA, Lowe MR. Hedonic hunger and binge eating among women with eating disorders. Int J Eat Disord. 2014;47(3):273-280.
  • Coccurello R., Maccarrone M. Hedonic eating and the “delicious circle”: from lipidderived mediators to brain dopamine and back. Front Neurosci. 2018;12:271.
  • Sivertsen HK, Ueland O, Westad F. Development of satiating and palatable highprotein meat products by using experimental design in food technology. Food Nutr Res. 2010;54(1):5114.
  • Sclafani A, Ackroff K. Role of gut nutrient sensing in stimulating appetite and conditioning food preferences. Am J Physiol. 2012;302(10):1119-1133.
  • Avena NM, Bocarsly ME, Hoebel BG. Animal models of sugar and fat bingeing: relationship to food addiction and increased body weight. Methods Mol Biol. 2012;829:351-365.
  • Lucassen EA, Zhao X, Rother K, et al. Evening chronotype is associated with changes in eating behavior, more sleep apnea, and increased stress hormones in short sleeping obese individuals. PLoS One. 2013;8(3):e56519.
  • Basnet S, Merikanto I, Lahti T, et al. Associations of common noncommunicable medical conditions and chronic diseases with chronotype in a population-based health examination study. Chronobiol Int. 2017;34(4):462-470.
  • Sato-Mito ON, Sasaki S, Murakami K, et al. The midpoint of sleep is associated with dietary intake and dietary behavior among young Japanese women. Sleep Med. 2011;12(3):289-294.
  • Çakır Y, Toktaş N, Karabudak E. Üniversite öğrencilerinde kronotipe göre besin tüketiminin değerlendirilmesi. Bes Diy Der. 2018;46(2):136-146.
  • Mason TB, Engwall A, Mead MP, Irish LA. Sleep and eating disorders among adults enrolled in a commercial weight loss program: associations with selfreport and objective sleep measures. Eat Weight Disord. 2019;24(2):307-312.
  • Chen H. A theoretic review of emotion regulation. Open J Soc Sci. 2016;04(02):147-153.
  • Gratz KL, Roemer L. Multidimensional assessment of emotion regulation and dysregulation: development, factor structure, and initial validation of the difficulties in emotion regulation scale. J Psychopathol Behav Assess. 2004;26(1):41-54.
  • Gross JJ, Jazaieri H. Emotion, emotion regulation, and psychopathology: an affective science perspective. Clin. Psychol. Sci. 2014;2(4):387-401.
  • Mclaughlin KA, Hatzenbuehler ML, Mennin DS, Nolen Hoeksama S. Emotion dysregulation and adolescent psychopathology: a prospective study. Behav Res Ther. 2011;1:1-11.
  • Svaldi J, Griepenstroh J, Tuschen-Caffier B, Ehring T. Emotion regulation deficits in eating disorders: a marker of eating pathology or general psychopathology. Psychiatry Res. 2012;197(1-2):103-111.
  • Racine SE, Horvath SA. Emotion dysregulation across the spectrum of pathological eating: comparisons among women with binge eating, overeating, and loss of control eating. Eat Dis. 2018;26(1):13-25.
  • Lucassen EA, Zhao X, Rother KI, et al. Sleep extension study group. evening chronotype is associated with changes in eating behavior, more sleep apnea, and increased stress hormones in short sleeping obese individuals. PLoS One. 2013;8(3):e56519.
  • Sut N. Sample size determination and power analysis in clinical trials. RAED Journal, 2011;3(1-2):29-33.
  • Champely S. pwr: Basic Functions for Power Analysis. R package version 1.30. 2020. (Accessed Oct 21 2021. At
  • Horne JA, Östberg OA. A self-assessment questionnaire to determine morningness eveningness in human circadian rhythms. Int J Chronobiol 1976;4:97-110.
  • Cappelleri JC, Bushmakin AG, Gerber R, et al. Evaluating the Power of Food Scale in obese subjects and a general sample of individuals: development and measurement properties. Int J Obes (Lond). 2009;33(8):913-922.
  • Turkish version BeBiS, Versiyon 9; Ebispro for Windows, Stuttgart, Germany; Bundeslebenmittelschlüssel (BLS), 11.3. 2022. (Accessed Ag. 2022. At
  • Recommendations, IOM Nutrient. "Dietary Reference Intakes." 2017.(Accessed Ag. 2022. At
  • National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Classification of overweight and obesity by BMI, waist circumference, and associated disease risks. (Accessed May 10. 2021. At https:// dis)
  • Pündük Z, Gür H, Ercan İ. Sabahçıl-akşamcıl anketi Türkçe uyarlamasında güvenilirlik çalışması. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 2005;16(1):40-45.
  • Akçil Ok M., Hayzaran M. Validation of the Turkish version Power of the Food Scale (PFS) for determining hedonic hunger status and correlate between PFS and body mass index. Malays J Nutr. 2020;26(3):369-377.
  • Lipsky LM, Nansel TR, Haynie D, Liu D, Eisenberg MH, Simons-Morton B. Power of food scale in association with weight outcomes and dieting in a nationally representative cohort of U.S. young adults. Appetite. 2016;1(105):385-391.
  • Şarahman C, Akçil Ok M. Erişkin bireylerin hedonik açlık durumları ile aşırı besin isteği, dürtüsellik ve benlik saygısı durumları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. GETATDER. 2019;2(2):71-82.
  • Rugancı RN, Gençöz T. Psychometric properties of a Turkish version of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale. J Clin Psychol. 2010;66(4):442-455.
  • Choi J, Peters M, Mueller RO. Correlational analysis of ordinal data: from Pearson’sr to Bayesian polychoric correlation. Asia Pac Educ Rev. 2010;11(4):459-466.
  • Büyüköztürk Ş, Kılıç Çakmak E, Akgün Ö.E. ve ark. Örnekleme yöntemleri: Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. 32. Baskı. Ankara. Pegem Akademi; 2022:81-103.
  • Ayyıldız F, Ülker İ, Yıldıran H. Hedonik açlık ve yeme davranışı ilişkisinin farklı beden kütlelerine yansıması. Bes Diy Der. 2021;49(2):9-17.
  • Hopkins M, Gibbons C, Caudwell P, Blundell J, Finlayson G. Differing effects of high-fat or high-carbohydrate meals on food hedonics in overweight and obese individuals. Br J Nutr. 2016;115(10):1875-1884.
  • Hsu T, Forestell CA. Mindfulness, depression, and emotional eating: the moderating role of nonjudging of inner experience. Appetite. 2021;160:105089.
  • Deacon G, Kettle C, Hayes D, Dennis C, Tucci J. Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and the treatment of depression. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2017;57(1):212-223.


Year 2022, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 237 - 245, 31.12.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı makro ve mikro besin ögesi alımlarının hedonik açlık, kronotip ve duygu düzenleme güçlüğü ile ilişkisinin belirlenmesidir.
Yöntem: Çalışmanın örneklemini İstanbul’da beslenme ve diyet danışmanlık merkezinden danışmanlık hizmeti alan, masa başı çalışan, toplam 255 gönüllü birey oluşturdu. Katılımcılara yüz yüze görüşme yöntemiyle demografik özellikleri, beslenme alışkanlıkları, Besin Gücü Ölçeği (BGÖ), Sabahçıl-Akşamcıl Anketi (SAA) ve Duygu Düzenleme Güçlüğü Ölçeği (DDGÖ) uygulandı. Buna ek olarak bireylerin ağırlık ve boy ölçümleri ile beden kütle indeksi (BKİ) de değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılan bireylerin yaş ortalaması 36.1+8.75 yıl ve %70.2’si kadındı. BKİ ortalaması; 26.35±5.27 kg/m2’idi ve obezite oranı erkeklerde (%21.1) kadınlardan (%19.0) daha yüksekti. BKİ sınıflandırmasına göre toplam BGÖ puanı ve alt faktörleri olan Besin Bulunabilirliği, Besin Mevcudiyeti ve Besinin Tadına Bakılması puan ortalamalarının fazla kilolu olan bireylerde normal olan bireylere göre anlamlı olarak daha yüksek olduğu saptandı. BGÖ puanlarıyla tiamin, riboflavin, B6 vitamini, potasyum, magnezyum alım ortalamaları arasında anlamlı pozitif ilişki saptandı. DDGÖ puanlarının makro ve mikro besin alım ortalamaları incelendiğinde; çoklu doymamış yağ, E vitamini, riboflavin, folat ve potasyum alımı ile negatif ilişki bulundu. SAA puanları ile enerji, toplam yağ, çoklu doymamış yağ, kolesterol, tiamin, riboflavin, B6 vitamini, folat, C vitamini, potasyum, magnezyum ve demir alımlarında pozitif ilişki bulundu. Bunun yanı sıra BGÖ puanları ile SAA puanları ve DDGÖ puanları arasında da pozitif bir ilişki olduğu saptandı.
Sonuç: Hedonik açlık, duygu düzenleme güçlüğü ve kronotip ile ilişkilidir. Bireylerin mikro besin ögesi alımı arttıkça hedonik açlık artmaktadır. Çoklu doymamış yağ asitleri ve mikro besin ögesi alımları azaldıkça duygu düzenleme güçlüğü artmaktadır. Sabahçıl tipteki kronotiplerin enerji, makro ve mikro besin ögeleri alımları daha fazladır.


  • Mendini M, Pizzetti M, Peter PC. Social food pleasure: when sharing offline, online and for society promotes pleasurable and healthy food experiences and well-being. Qual Mark Res. 2019;22(4):544-556.
  • Cheung LTF, Ko GTC, Chow FCC, Kong APS. Association between hedonic hunger and glycemic control in non-obese and obese patients with type 2 diabetes. J Diabetes Investig. 2018;9(5):1135-1143.
  • Cahyani A, Setyorini A, Ispurwanto W. Hedonic eating among female students: a descriptive study. Soc Econ Ecol Int J. 2018;2(2):129-134.
  • Witt AA, Lowe MR. Hedonic hunger and binge eating among women with eating disorders. Int J Eat Disord. 2014;47(3):273-280.
  • Coccurello R., Maccarrone M. Hedonic eating and the “delicious circle”: from lipidderived mediators to brain dopamine and back. Front Neurosci. 2018;12:271.
  • Sivertsen HK, Ueland O, Westad F. Development of satiating and palatable highprotein meat products by using experimental design in food technology. Food Nutr Res. 2010;54(1):5114.
  • Sclafani A, Ackroff K. Role of gut nutrient sensing in stimulating appetite and conditioning food preferences. Am J Physiol. 2012;302(10):1119-1133.
  • Avena NM, Bocarsly ME, Hoebel BG. Animal models of sugar and fat bingeing: relationship to food addiction and increased body weight. Methods Mol Biol. 2012;829:351-365.
  • Lucassen EA, Zhao X, Rother K, et al. Evening chronotype is associated with changes in eating behavior, more sleep apnea, and increased stress hormones in short sleeping obese individuals. PLoS One. 2013;8(3):e56519.
  • Basnet S, Merikanto I, Lahti T, et al. Associations of common noncommunicable medical conditions and chronic diseases with chronotype in a population-based health examination study. Chronobiol Int. 2017;34(4):462-470.
  • Sato-Mito ON, Sasaki S, Murakami K, et al. The midpoint of sleep is associated with dietary intake and dietary behavior among young Japanese women. Sleep Med. 2011;12(3):289-294.
  • Çakır Y, Toktaş N, Karabudak E. Üniversite öğrencilerinde kronotipe göre besin tüketiminin değerlendirilmesi. Bes Diy Der. 2018;46(2):136-146.
  • Mason TB, Engwall A, Mead MP, Irish LA. Sleep and eating disorders among adults enrolled in a commercial weight loss program: associations with selfreport and objective sleep measures. Eat Weight Disord. 2019;24(2):307-312.
  • Chen H. A theoretic review of emotion regulation. Open J Soc Sci. 2016;04(02):147-153.
  • Gratz KL, Roemer L. Multidimensional assessment of emotion regulation and dysregulation: development, factor structure, and initial validation of the difficulties in emotion regulation scale. J Psychopathol Behav Assess. 2004;26(1):41-54.
  • Gross JJ, Jazaieri H. Emotion, emotion regulation, and psychopathology: an affective science perspective. Clin. Psychol. Sci. 2014;2(4):387-401.
  • Mclaughlin KA, Hatzenbuehler ML, Mennin DS, Nolen Hoeksama S. Emotion dysregulation and adolescent psychopathology: a prospective study. Behav Res Ther. 2011;1:1-11.
  • Svaldi J, Griepenstroh J, Tuschen-Caffier B, Ehring T. Emotion regulation deficits in eating disorders: a marker of eating pathology or general psychopathology. Psychiatry Res. 2012;197(1-2):103-111.
  • Racine SE, Horvath SA. Emotion dysregulation across the spectrum of pathological eating: comparisons among women with binge eating, overeating, and loss of control eating. Eat Dis. 2018;26(1):13-25.
  • Lucassen EA, Zhao X, Rother KI, et al. Sleep extension study group. evening chronotype is associated with changes in eating behavior, more sleep apnea, and increased stress hormones in short sleeping obese individuals. PLoS One. 2013;8(3):e56519.
  • Sut N. Sample size determination and power analysis in clinical trials. RAED Journal, 2011;3(1-2):29-33.
  • Champely S. pwr: Basic Functions for Power Analysis. R package version 1.30. 2020. (Accessed Oct 21 2021. At
  • Horne JA, Östberg OA. A self-assessment questionnaire to determine morningness eveningness in human circadian rhythms. Int J Chronobiol 1976;4:97-110.
  • Cappelleri JC, Bushmakin AG, Gerber R, et al. Evaluating the Power of Food Scale in obese subjects and a general sample of individuals: development and measurement properties. Int J Obes (Lond). 2009;33(8):913-922.
  • Turkish version BeBiS, Versiyon 9; Ebispro for Windows, Stuttgart, Germany; Bundeslebenmittelschlüssel (BLS), 11.3. 2022. (Accessed Ag. 2022. At
  • Recommendations, IOM Nutrient. "Dietary Reference Intakes." 2017.(Accessed Ag. 2022. At
  • National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Classification of overweight and obesity by BMI, waist circumference, and associated disease risks. (Accessed May 10. 2021. At https:// dis)
  • Pündük Z, Gür H, Ercan İ. Sabahçıl-akşamcıl anketi Türkçe uyarlamasında güvenilirlik çalışması. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 2005;16(1):40-45.
  • Akçil Ok M., Hayzaran M. Validation of the Turkish version Power of the Food Scale (PFS) for determining hedonic hunger status and correlate between PFS and body mass index. Malays J Nutr. 2020;26(3):369-377.
  • Lipsky LM, Nansel TR, Haynie D, Liu D, Eisenberg MH, Simons-Morton B. Power of food scale in association with weight outcomes and dieting in a nationally representative cohort of U.S. young adults. Appetite. 2016;1(105):385-391.
  • Şarahman C, Akçil Ok M. Erişkin bireylerin hedonik açlık durumları ile aşırı besin isteği, dürtüsellik ve benlik saygısı durumları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. GETATDER. 2019;2(2):71-82.
  • Rugancı RN, Gençöz T. Psychometric properties of a Turkish version of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale. J Clin Psychol. 2010;66(4):442-455.
  • Choi J, Peters M, Mueller RO. Correlational analysis of ordinal data: from Pearson’sr to Bayesian polychoric correlation. Asia Pac Educ Rev. 2010;11(4):459-466.
  • Büyüköztürk Ş, Kılıç Çakmak E, Akgün Ö.E. ve ark. Örnekleme yöntemleri: Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. 32. Baskı. Ankara. Pegem Akademi; 2022:81-103.
  • Ayyıldız F, Ülker İ, Yıldıran H. Hedonik açlık ve yeme davranışı ilişkisinin farklı beden kütlelerine yansıması. Bes Diy Der. 2021;49(2):9-17.
  • Hopkins M, Gibbons C, Caudwell P, Blundell J, Finlayson G. Differing effects of high-fat or high-carbohydrate meals on food hedonics in overweight and obese individuals. Br J Nutr. 2016;115(10):1875-1884.
  • Hsu T, Forestell CA. Mindfulness, depression, and emotional eating: the moderating role of nonjudging of inner experience. Appetite. 2021;160:105089.
  • Deacon G, Kettle C, Hayes D, Dennis C, Tucci J. Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and the treatment of depression. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2017;57(1):212-223.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Articles

Müge Arslan 0000-0003-1305-5126

Elif Bilgin Baş 0000-0001-8308-5852

Funda Tuncer 0000-0003-1558-8452

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Submission Date October 1, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 3 Issue: 3
