Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 127 - 131, 31.08.2023


Amaç: COVID-19 pandemisi sırasında sosyal izolasyon yaşlıların fiziksel ve psikolojik durumlarını olumsuz etkilemiştir. Bu çalışma Türkiye'de yaşayan yaşlı bireylerin fiziksel aktivitelerini etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi amacıyla planlandı.
Yöntem: Bu çalışmada yaşlı bireylerin kırılganlık düzeyleri (Kırılganlık Ölçeği), depresif semptomları (Geriatrik Depresyon Ölçeği [GDS]), fiziksel aktivite düzeyleri (PASE Anketi), kinezyofobileri (TAMPA Ölçeği) ve kaygıları (Beck Anksiyete Ölçeği); yapılandırılmış bir Google anketi ile değerlendirildi. Fiziksel aktivite düzeyini etkileyen faktörleri belirlemek için regresyon analizi kullanıldı.
Bulgular: Katılımcıların (%28’si erkek; %72’si kadın; ortalama yaş: 69.34±15.03 yıl) %52’si fiziksel olarak daha az aktif olduğunu belirtirken, %93'ü pandemi sürecinde sosyal katılımlarının azaldığını belirttiler. Ortalama fiziksel aktivite puanı 89.12±55.33 olarak saptandı (en yüksek puan ev içi aktiviteler için hesaplandı: 32.00±21.34; en düşük puan işle ilgili aktiviteler için hesaplandı: 2.10±6.33). Kinezyofobi puanları 41.44±7.39’du. Katılımcıların yaklaşık yarısı “depresyon için kapsamlı bir değerlendirmeyi garanti eder” kategorisinde yer alırken, %18’i “depresyonu düşündüren” kategorisinde ve %30’u “depresyon yok” kategorisindeydi (GDS ortalama puanı: 14.41±6.01). Ek olarak, katılımcı yaşlı bireylerin %29’unda şiddetli kaygı, %25’inde orta düzeyde kaygı ve %24’ünde hafif düzeyde kaygı olduğu belirlendi. Ortalama kırılganlık skoru 2.09±1.69’du (normal %19; ön kırılgan %53; kırılgan %28). Tek değişkenli lineer regresyon analizi ve çoklu regresyon analizine göre fiziksel aktivite düzeyini en çok etkileyen faktörlerin yaş, vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ) skoru, hareket korkusu ve kırılganlık olduğu belirlendi.
Sonuç: Bu çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar, COVID-19 pandemisinin ilk yılında yaşlı bireylerin fiziksel aktivite düzeylerinin düştüğünü gösterdi. Ayrıca artan yaş, VKİ skoru, kinezyofobi ve kırılganlık yaşlı bireylerin fiziksel aktivite düzeylerinde azalmaya neden olmuştur. Bu bulgular, sağlık politika yapıcılarına ve sağlık hizmeti sağlayıcılarına pandemi dönemi sonrasında yaşlı bireyler için uygun bakım planı yapılması gerektiğini önermektedir.


  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. [cited 2023 January 26]; Available From: []
  • Aşkın R, Bozkurt Y, Zeybek Z. Covid-19 pandemic: psychological effects and therapeutic interventions. Istanbul Commerce University Journal of Social Sciences. 2020;19(37):304-318.
  • Altın Z. Elderly People in Covid-19 Outbreak. J Tepecik Education and Research Hospital. 2020;30:49-57.
  • Sepúlveda-Loyola W, Rodríguez-Sánchez I, Pérez-Rodríguez P, et al. Impact of social isolation due to Covid-19 on health in older people: mental and physical effects and recommendations. J Nutr Health Aging. 2020;24(9):938-947.
  • Cihan FG, Gökgöz Durmaz F. Evaluation of Covid‐19 phobia and the feeling of loneliness in the geriatric age group. Int J Clin Pract. 2021;75(6):e14089.
  • Clegg A, Young J, Iliffe S, Rikkert MO, Rockwood K. Frailty in elderly people. Lancet. 2013;381(9868):752-762.
  • Wilson D, Jackson T, Sapey E, Lord JM. Frailty and sarcopenia: The potential role of an aged immune system. Ageing Res Rev. 2017;36:1-10.
  • Şenol D, Taştan A. People 65 years and over of the Covid-19 (Sars-CoV2) process understanding its impacts on a qualitative study for. Habitus Journal of Sociology. 2021;2(2):1-32.
  • Washburn RA, McAuley E, Katula J, Mihalko SL, Boileau RA. The physical activity scale for the elderly (PASE): evidence for validity. J Clin Epidemiol. 1999;52(7):643-651.
  • Tunca Yılmaz Ö, Yakut Y, Uygur F, Uluğ N. Turkish version of the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia and its test-retest reliability. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy Rehabilitation. 2011;22(1):44-49.
  • Yesavage JA, Brink TL, Rose TL et al. Development and validation of a geriatric depression screening scale: a preliminary report. J Psychiatr Res. 1983;17(1):37-49.
  • Beck AT, Epstein N, Brown G, Steer RA. An inventory for measuring clinical anxiety: psychometric properties. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1988;56(6):893-897.
  • Morley JE, Malmstrom TK, Miller DK. A simple frailty questionnaire (FRAIL) predicts outcomes in middle aged African Americans. J Nutr Health Aging. 2012;16(7):601-608.
  • Callow DD, Arnold-Nedimala NA, Jordan LS, et al. The mental health benefits of physical activity in older adults survive the Covid-19 pandemic. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2020;28(10):1046-1057.
  • Demirdel E, Demirdel S, Karahan S, Topuz S. The Cons of Covid-19 restrictions on physical activity in the elderly; results of an online survey. Turkish J Geriatrics. 2021;24(1):32-40.
  • Mete B, Tanir F, Kanat C. The effect of fear of Covid-19 and social isolation on the fragility in the elderly. Turkish J Geriatrics. 2021;24(1):23-31.
  • Huber BC, Schlichtiger J, Drey M, Steffen J, Brunner S. Change of the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE) score after COVID-19 outbreak. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2021;10:1-8.
  • Stubbs B, Patchay S, Soundy A, Schofield P. The avoidance of activities due to fear of falling contributes to sedentary behavior among community-dwelling older adults with chronic musculoskeletal pain: a multisite observational study. Pain Med. 2014;15(11):1861-1871.
  • Frost R, Nair P, Aw S, et al. Supporting frail older people with depression and anxiety: a qualitative study. Aging Ment Health. 2020;24(12):1977-1984.
  • Kirwan R, McCullough D, Butler T. et al. Sarcopenia during Covid-19 lockdown restrictions: long-term health effects of short-term muscle loss. Geroscience. 2020;42(6):1547-1578.
  • Briguglio M, Giorgino R, Dell'Osso B, et al. Consequences for the Elderly after COVID-19 Isolation: FEaR (Frail Elderly amid Restrictions). Front Psychol. 2020;11:565052.


Year 2023, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 127 - 131, 31.08.2023


Objective: Social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic adversely affected the physical and psychological conditions of the elderly. This study was planned to determine the factors affecting the physical activities of elderly individuals living in Turkey.
Method: In this study, frailty level (Fragility Scale), depressive symptoms (Geriatric Depression Scale [GDS]), physical activity level (PASE Questionnaire), kinesiophobia (TAMPA Scale), and anxiety (Beck Anxiety Scale) of elderly individuals were evaluated by a structured Google survey. Regression analysis was used to determine the factors affecting the level of physical activity.
Results: While 52% of the participants (28% male; 72% female; mean age: 69.34±15.03 years) stated that they were less physically active, 93% stated that their social participation decreased during the pandemic process. The mean physical activity score was 89.12±55.33 (the highest score was calculated for indoor activities: 32.00±21.34; the lowest score was calculated for work-related activities: 2.10±6.33). Kinesiophobia score was 41.44±7.39. Approximately half of the participants were in the category of “guarantees a comprehensive assessment for depression”, while 18% were in the category of “suggesting depression” and 30% were in the category of “no depression” (GDS mean score: 14.41±6.01). In addition, it was determined that 29% of the elderly had severe anxiety, 25% had moderate anxiety, and 24% had mild anxiety. The mean frailty score was 2.09±1.69 (normal 19%; pre-fragile 53%; frail 28%). According to univariate linear regression analysis and multiple regression analysis, the most factors affecting the level of physical activity were age, BMI score, fear of movement and fragility.
Conclusion: The results obtained from this study showed that the physical activity level of the elderly decreased in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, increasing age, BMI score, kinesiophobia and fragility caused a decrease in the physical activity level of the elderly. These findings suggest that health policy makers and health care providers should organize appropriate care plans for the elderly after the pandemic period.


  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. [cited 2023 January 26]; Available From: []
  • Aşkın R, Bozkurt Y, Zeybek Z. Covid-19 pandemic: psychological effects and therapeutic interventions. Istanbul Commerce University Journal of Social Sciences. 2020;19(37):304-318.
  • Altın Z. Elderly People in Covid-19 Outbreak. J Tepecik Education and Research Hospital. 2020;30:49-57.
  • Sepúlveda-Loyola W, Rodríguez-Sánchez I, Pérez-Rodríguez P, et al. Impact of social isolation due to Covid-19 on health in older people: mental and physical effects and recommendations. J Nutr Health Aging. 2020;24(9):938-947.
  • Cihan FG, Gökgöz Durmaz F. Evaluation of Covid‐19 phobia and the feeling of loneliness in the geriatric age group. Int J Clin Pract. 2021;75(6):e14089.
  • Clegg A, Young J, Iliffe S, Rikkert MO, Rockwood K. Frailty in elderly people. Lancet. 2013;381(9868):752-762.
  • Wilson D, Jackson T, Sapey E, Lord JM. Frailty and sarcopenia: The potential role of an aged immune system. Ageing Res Rev. 2017;36:1-10.
  • Şenol D, Taştan A. People 65 years and over of the Covid-19 (Sars-CoV2) process understanding its impacts on a qualitative study for. Habitus Journal of Sociology. 2021;2(2):1-32.
  • Washburn RA, McAuley E, Katula J, Mihalko SL, Boileau RA. The physical activity scale for the elderly (PASE): evidence for validity. J Clin Epidemiol. 1999;52(7):643-651.
  • Tunca Yılmaz Ö, Yakut Y, Uygur F, Uluğ N. Turkish version of the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia and its test-retest reliability. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy Rehabilitation. 2011;22(1):44-49.
  • Yesavage JA, Brink TL, Rose TL et al. Development and validation of a geriatric depression screening scale: a preliminary report. J Psychiatr Res. 1983;17(1):37-49.
  • Beck AT, Epstein N, Brown G, Steer RA. An inventory for measuring clinical anxiety: psychometric properties. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1988;56(6):893-897.
  • Morley JE, Malmstrom TK, Miller DK. A simple frailty questionnaire (FRAIL) predicts outcomes in middle aged African Americans. J Nutr Health Aging. 2012;16(7):601-608.
  • Callow DD, Arnold-Nedimala NA, Jordan LS, et al. The mental health benefits of physical activity in older adults survive the Covid-19 pandemic. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2020;28(10):1046-1057.
  • Demirdel E, Demirdel S, Karahan S, Topuz S. The Cons of Covid-19 restrictions on physical activity in the elderly; results of an online survey. Turkish J Geriatrics. 2021;24(1):32-40.
  • Mete B, Tanir F, Kanat C. The effect of fear of Covid-19 and social isolation on the fragility in the elderly. Turkish J Geriatrics. 2021;24(1):23-31.
  • Huber BC, Schlichtiger J, Drey M, Steffen J, Brunner S. Change of the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE) score after COVID-19 outbreak. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2021;10:1-8.
  • Stubbs B, Patchay S, Soundy A, Schofield P. The avoidance of activities due to fear of falling contributes to sedentary behavior among community-dwelling older adults with chronic musculoskeletal pain: a multisite observational study. Pain Med. 2014;15(11):1861-1871.
  • Frost R, Nair P, Aw S, et al. Supporting frail older people with depression and anxiety: a qualitative study. Aging Ment Health. 2020;24(12):1977-1984.
  • Kirwan R, McCullough D, Butler T. et al. Sarcopenia during Covid-19 lockdown restrictions: long-term health effects of short-term muscle loss. Geroscience. 2020;42(6):1547-1578.
  • Briguglio M, Giorgino R, Dell'Osso B, et al. Consequences for the Elderly after COVID-19 Isolation: FEaR (Frail Elderly amid Restrictions). Front Psychol. 2020;11:565052.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Physiotherapy
Journal Section Research Articles

Halil Hakan Uysal 0000-0001-7929-5777

İrem Hüzmeli 0000-0003-3400-6016

Yurdagül Yılmaz 0000-0003-3474-0982

Mustafa Batuhan Demir 0000-0003-1605-1796

Esra Doğru Hüzmeli 0000-0002-7025-8192

Uğur Cavlak 0000-0002-5290-9107

Publication Date August 31, 2023
Submission Date June 23, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


Vancouver Uysal HH, Hüzmeli İ, Yılmaz Y, Demir MB, Doğru Hüzmeli E, Cavlak U. DETERMINING FACTORS AFFECTING OF THE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY LEVEL OF OLDER ADULTS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Karya J Health Sci. 2023;4(2):127-31.