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Application Of Contrast Echocardiography In Invas›ve Cardiology

Year 2010, Volume: 13 Issue: 3, 32 - 36, 01.03.2009


Contrast echocardiography by rendering better imaging of the borders of cardiac chambers is a useful tool for evaluating cardiac function, mass, myocardial vascularization, microvascular structure (small vessel vasculature) and viability. Contrast was first started to be used for patients with suboptimal image quality. It can be used in detecting defects in myocardial blood supply in patients with chest pain and determining the success of interventional procedures. It can also be of help in demonstrating myocardial viability after reperfusion treatment in patients who had myocardial infarction. It is expected to be used more widely in invasive cardiology for decision making, guiding and determining the success of the procedures. Advances in imaging techniques, development of contrast materials for evaluation of left system, contrast echocardiography may become a routine clinical practice.


  • Senior R, Dwivedi G, Hayat S, Lim TK. Clinical benefit of contrast-enhanced echocardiography during rest and stress examinations. Eur J Echocardiogr 2005;6 Suppl 2: 6–13.
  • Firschke, C, Koberl, B, von Bibra, H. Combined use of con- trast-enhanced 2-dimensional and color Doppler echocardi- ography for improved left ventricular endocardial border deli- neation using levovist, a new venous echocardiographic con- trast agent. Int J Card Imaging 1997; 13: 137–44.
  • Mulvagh SL, DeMaria AN, Feinstein SB. Contrast echocar- diography: current and future applications. Am Soc Echocar- diogr. 2000; 13(4) :331–42.
  • Lenci I, Alvior A, Manzia TM, Toti L, Neuberger J, Steeds R. Saline contrast echocardiography in patients with hepatopul- monary syndrome awaiting liver transplantation.J Am Soc Ec- hocardiogr. 2009; 22(1): 89–94.
  • Kurflaklıoğlu H, İyisoy A. Platipne-ortodeoksi sendromu ve kateter yoluyla tedavisi. Türk Kardiyol Dern Arfl 2005; 33: 304–8. 66.. Weissman NJ, Cohen MC, Hack TC. Infusion versus bolus contrast echocardiography: A multicenter, open-label, cros- sover trial. Am Heart J 2000; 139:399–404.
  • Kaul S. Myocardial contrast echocardiography: 15 years of research and development. Circulation 1997; 96: 3745–60.
  • Mulvagh SL, Rakowski H, Vannan MA. American Society of Echocardiography. American Society of Echocardiography Consensus Statement on the Clinical Applications of Ultraso- nic Contrast Agents in Echocardiography.J Am Soc Echocar- diogr. 2008; 21(11):1179–201.
  • Douglas PS, Weyman AE, Lindner JR, Wei K. Contrast ec- hocardiography: Past, present and . . . Future? J Am Coll Car- diol Img 2008; 1: 107–10.
  • Colon PJ 3rd, Richards DR, Moreno CA, et al. Benefits of reducing the cardiac cycle-triggering frequency of ultrasound imaging to increase myocardial opacification with fso69 du- ring fundamental and second harmonic imaging. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1997; 10: 602–7.
  • Firschke C, Lindner JR, Wei K. Myocardial perfusion ima- ging in the setting of coronary artery stenosis and acute myo- cardial infarction using venous injection of a second-genera- tion echocardiographic contrast agent. Circulation 1997; 96: 959–67.
  • Porter TR, Kricsfeld A, Deligonul U, Xie F. Detection of re- gional perfusion abnormalities during adenosine stress echo- cardiography with intravenous perfluorocarbon-exposed so- nicated dextrose albumin. Am Heart J 1996; 132: 41–7.
  • Hundley WG, Kizilbash AM, Franco F. Administration of an intravenous pefluorocarbon contrast agent improves echo- cardiographic determination of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction: Comparison with cine magnetic resonance imaging. J Am Coll Cardiol 1998; 31: 1426–32 .
  • Chow CM, Lim KD, Wu L, Leong-Poi H. Images in cardi- ovascular medicine: isolated left ventricular noncmpaction enhanced by echocontrast agent. Circulation 2007;116: 90–1. 1155.. Nagueh SF, Lakkis NM, He Z-X. Role of myocardial con- trast echocardiography during nonsurgical septal reduction therapy for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. J Am Coll Cardiol 1998; 32: 225–9.
  • Jeetley P, Hickman M, Kamp O. Myocardial contrast echo- cardiography for the detection of coronary artery stenosis: a prospective multicenter study in comparison with single-pho- ton emission computed tomography. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006; 47:141-5.
  • Kaul S, Senior R, Firschke Cl. Incremental value of cardiac imaging in patients presenting to the emergency department with chest pain and without ST-segment elevation: A multicen- ter study. American Heart Journal, 2004;148: 129–36.
  • Eeckhout E. and Kern MJ. The coronary no-reflow pheno- menon: a review of mechanisms and therapies. European He- art Journal 2001: 22, 729–39.
  • Main M, Magalski A, Morris B. Combined assessment of microvascular integrity and contractile reserve improves diffe- rentiation of stunning and necrosis after acute anterior wall myocardial infarction. Journal of the American College of Car- diology, 2002;40: 1079–84.
  • Hayat SA, Senior R. Myocardial contrast echocardiog- raphy in ST elevation myocardial infarction: ready for prime ti- me? European Heart Journal 2008;29: 299–314.
  • Vernon SM, Camarano, G, Kaul, S. Myocardial contrast ec- hocardiography demonstrates that collateral flow can preser- ve myocardial function beyond a chronically occluded coro- nary artery. Am J Cardiol 1996; 78: 958–60.
  • Shimoni S, Frangogiannis NG, Aggeli CJ. Identification of hibernating myocardium with quantitative intravenous myo- cardial contrast echocardiography: comparison with dobuta- mine echocardiography and thallium-201 scintigraphy. Circu- lation 2003; 107: 538–44.
  • Youn HJ, Foster E. Demonstration of coronary artery flow using transthrasic Doppler echocardiography .Journal of American Society of Echocardiography.2004;17:178-85.
  • Kaufmann BA, Sanders JM, Davis C, Xie A, Aldred P, Sa- rembock IJ, et al. Lindner JR. Molecular imaging of inflamma- tion in atherosclerosis with targeted ultrasound detection of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1. Circulation. 2007;116(3): 276–84.
  • Voigt JU. Ultrasound molecular imaging. Methods. 2009;48(2): 92–7.
  • Kofluyolu Heart Journal

Giriflimsel Kardiyolojide Kontrast Ekokardiyografi Kullan›m›

Year 2010, Volume: 13 Issue: 3, 32 - 36, 01.03.2009


Kontrast ekokardiyografi kalp boflluklar›n›n s›n›rlar›n› daha net göstererek kardiyak fonksiyon, kitle, miyokard kanlanmas›, küçük damarsal yap›y› ve canl›l›¤› de¤erlendirmemize olanak sa¤lamaktad›r. Optimal görüntü elde edilemeyen hastalarda bu sorunu yenmek için kontrast kullan›lmaya bafllanm›flt›r. Gö¤üs a¤r›s› olan hastalarda miyokard beslenme kusurunun saptanmas›, müdahale karar›n›n al›nmas› ve müdahalenin baflar›s›n›n de¤erlendirilmesinde kullan›labilir. Kalp krizi geçiren hastalar›n reperfüzyon tedavisi sonras› miyokard canl›l›¤›n›n tespitinde de miyokardiyal kontrast eko'dan yararlan›labilir. Giriflimsel ifllemlere karar verme, k›lavuzluk ve ifllemin baflar›s›n› de- ¤erlendirmede daha fazla kullan›lmas› beklenilmektedir. Görüntüleme tekniklerinde geliflmeler, sol sistemi de¤erlendirmemize olanak sa¤layan kontrast maddeler gelifltikçe kontrast eko rutin prati¤imize daha fazla girecektir.


  • Senior R, Dwivedi G, Hayat S, Lim TK. Clinical benefit of contrast-enhanced echocardiography during rest and stress examinations. Eur J Echocardiogr 2005;6 Suppl 2: 6–13.
  • Firschke, C, Koberl, B, von Bibra, H. Combined use of con- trast-enhanced 2-dimensional and color Doppler echocardi- ography for improved left ventricular endocardial border deli- neation using levovist, a new venous echocardiographic con- trast agent. Int J Card Imaging 1997; 13: 137–44.
  • Mulvagh SL, DeMaria AN, Feinstein SB. Contrast echocar- diography: current and future applications. Am Soc Echocar- diogr. 2000; 13(4) :331–42.
  • Lenci I, Alvior A, Manzia TM, Toti L, Neuberger J, Steeds R. Saline contrast echocardiography in patients with hepatopul- monary syndrome awaiting liver transplantation.J Am Soc Ec- hocardiogr. 2009; 22(1): 89–94.
  • Kurflaklıoğlu H, İyisoy A. Platipne-ortodeoksi sendromu ve kateter yoluyla tedavisi. Türk Kardiyol Dern Arfl 2005; 33: 304–8. 66.. Weissman NJ, Cohen MC, Hack TC. Infusion versus bolus contrast echocardiography: A multicenter, open-label, cros- sover trial. Am Heart J 2000; 139:399–404.
  • Kaul S. Myocardial contrast echocardiography: 15 years of research and development. Circulation 1997; 96: 3745–60.
  • Mulvagh SL, Rakowski H, Vannan MA. American Society of Echocardiography. American Society of Echocardiography Consensus Statement on the Clinical Applications of Ultraso- nic Contrast Agents in Echocardiography.J Am Soc Echocar- diogr. 2008; 21(11):1179–201.
  • Douglas PS, Weyman AE, Lindner JR, Wei K. Contrast ec- hocardiography: Past, present and . . . Future? J Am Coll Car- diol Img 2008; 1: 107–10.
  • Colon PJ 3rd, Richards DR, Moreno CA, et al. Benefits of reducing the cardiac cycle-triggering frequency of ultrasound imaging to increase myocardial opacification with fso69 du- ring fundamental and second harmonic imaging. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1997; 10: 602–7.
  • Firschke C, Lindner JR, Wei K. Myocardial perfusion ima- ging in the setting of coronary artery stenosis and acute myo- cardial infarction using venous injection of a second-genera- tion echocardiographic contrast agent. Circulation 1997; 96: 959–67.
  • Porter TR, Kricsfeld A, Deligonul U, Xie F. Detection of re- gional perfusion abnormalities during adenosine stress echo- cardiography with intravenous perfluorocarbon-exposed so- nicated dextrose albumin. Am Heart J 1996; 132: 41–7.
  • Hundley WG, Kizilbash AM, Franco F. Administration of an intravenous pefluorocarbon contrast agent improves echo- cardiographic determination of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction: Comparison with cine magnetic resonance imaging. J Am Coll Cardiol 1998; 31: 1426–32 .
  • Chow CM, Lim KD, Wu L, Leong-Poi H. Images in cardi- ovascular medicine: isolated left ventricular noncmpaction enhanced by echocontrast agent. Circulation 2007;116: 90–1. 1155.. Nagueh SF, Lakkis NM, He Z-X. Role of myocardial con- trast echocardiography during nonsurgical septal reduction therapy for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. J Am Coll Cardiol 1998; 32: 225–9.
  • Jeetley P, Hickman M, Kamp O. Myocardial contrast echo- cardiography for the detection of coronary artery stenosis: a prospective multicenter study in comparison with single-pho- ton emission computed tomography. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006; 47:141-5.
  • Kaul S, Senior R, Firschke Cl. Incremental value of cardiac imaging in patients presenting to the emergency department with chest pain and without ST-segment elevation: A multicen- ter study. American Heart Journal, 2004;148: 129–36.
  • Eeckhout E. and Kern MJ. The coronary no-reflow pheno- menon: a review of mechanisms and therapies. European He- art Journal 2001: 22, 729–39.
  • Main M, Magalski A, Morris B. Combined assessment of microvascular integrity and contractile reserve improves diffe- rentiation of stunning and necrosis after acute anterior wall myocardial infarction. Journal of the American College of Car- diology, 2002;40: 1079–84.
  • Hayat SA, Senior R. Myocardial contrast echocardiog- raphy in ST elevation myocardial infarction: ready for prime ti- me? European Heart Journal 2008;29: 299–314.
  • Vernon SM, Camarano, G, Kaul, S. Myocardial contrast ec- hocardiography demonstrates that collateral flow can preser- ve myocardial function beyond a chronically occluded coro- nary artery. Am J Cardiol 1996; 78: 958–60.
  • Shimoni S, Frangogiannis NG, Aggeli CJ. Identification of hibernating myocardium with quantitative intravenous myo- cardial contrast echocardiography: comparison with dobuta- mine echocardiography and thallium-201 scintigraphy. Circu- lation 2003; 107: 538–44.
  • Youn HJ, Foster E. Demonstration of coronary artery flow using transthrasic Doppler echocardiography .Journal of American Society of Echocardiography.2004;17:178-85.
  • Kaufmann BA, Sanders JM, Davis C, Xie A, Aldred P, Sa- rembock IJ, et al. Lindner JR. Molecular imaging of inflamma- tion in atherosclerosis with targeted ultrasound detection of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1. Circulation. 2007;116(3): 276–84.
  • Voigt JU. Ultrasound molecular imaging. Methods. 2009;48(2): 92–7.
  • Kofluyolu Heart Journal
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Atila Bitigen This is me

Mustafa Bulut This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 13 Issue: 3


APA Bitigen, A. ., & Bulut, M. . (2009). Giriflimsel Kardiyolojide Kontrast Ekokardiyografi Kullan›m›. Koşuyolu Kalp Dergisi, 13(3), 32-36.
AMA Bitigen A, Bulut M. Giriflimsel Kardiyolojide Kontrast Ekokardiyografi Kullan›m›. Koşuyolu Kalp Dergisi. March 2009;13(3):32-36.
Chicago Bitigen, Atila, and Mustafa Bulut. “Giriflimsel Kardiyolojide Kontrast Ekokardiyografi Kullan›m›”. Koşuyolu Kalp Dergisi 13, no. 3 (March 2009): 32-36.
EndNote Bitigen A, Bulut M (March 1, 2009) Giriflimsel Kardiyolojide Kontrast Ekokardiyografi Kullan›m›. Koşuyolu Kalp Dergisi 13 3 32–36.
IEEE A. . Bitigen and M. . Bulut, “Giriflimsel Kardiyolojide Kontrast Ekokardiyografi Kullan›m›”, Koşuyolu Kalp Dergisi, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 32–36, 2009.
ISNAD Bitigen, Atila - Bulut, Mustafa. “Giriflimsel Kardiyolojide Kontrast Ekokardiyografi Kullan›m›”. Koşuyolu Kalp Dergisi 13/3 (March 2009), 32-36.
JAMA Bitigen A, Bulut M. Giriflimsel Kardiyolojide Kontrast Ekokardiyografi Kullan›m›. Koşuyolu Kalp Dergisi. 2009;13:32–36.
MLA Bitigen, Atila and Mustafa Bulut. “Giriflimsel Kardiyolojide Kontrast Ekokardiyografi Kullan›m›”. Koşuyolu Kalp Dergisi, vol. 13, no. 3, 2009, pp. 32-36.
Vancouver Bitigen A, Bulut M. Giriflimsel Kardiyolojide Kontrast Ekokardiyografi Kullan›m›. Koşuyolu Kalp Dergisi. 2009;13(3):32-6.