- Have a competent institution or person write the English abstract.
- The Turkish and English title of the article should be written in CAPITAL LETTERS in 12 pt. font size and 1 line spacing and should be centered on the page.
- English and Turkish abstracts should be in 10 pt.
- A 2.5 cm margin should be left from each edge during page layout.
- The entire article should be in “Times New Roman” and “12 point font”.
- The number of paragraph spacing in the whole article should be “single” and “0 pt” (Leave a single line space after the main headings and paragraphs).
- If your article has “revise” or “annotate” sections, please remove them.
- Your article should not contain author and institution names (to be requested later)
- Tables, graphs, figures, etc. should have a font size of 10 points (9-11 points) and should be prepared according to APA 7 style.
- Please do not make page numbering in your article.
- Do not number the references and leave a single line space between references.
- The headings in the article (INTRODUCTION, METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, RESOURCES) should be left justified and capitalized.
- Do not center any headings and lines in your article except for Turkish and English subject headings.
- In your manuscript, all line starts should be left justified except for Turkish and English subject headings.
- Scientific studies are limited to 15 pages (additions can be made with the editorial decision).
- Review studies are limited to 20 pages (additions can be made with the editorial decision).
- Your article must have an Ethics Committee Report. Articles without an Ethics Committee Report will not be considered. The date and number of the Ethics Committee Report should be clearly stated in the method section of your article.
- Articles should be uploaded to the system in “Microsoft Word” format.
- Turkish abstract is mandatory for English articles. The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
- In in-text references, multiple works should be cited in alphabetical order. When two or more studies are presented in the same parenthesis, semicolons are placed between the studies (Schwarzer & Buchwald, 2004; Malecki & Demaray, 2002). For English studies; (Thoits et al., 1995: 120-125).
- In articles written in English, when referring to publications with three, four or five authors, et al. should be used instead of et al. (Butcher et al., 2004)
- References text should be written in 10 font size and 1 line spacing according to APA 7 style.
Note: For publications that have been previously presented at a scientific meeting, abstract-abstract has been published or produced from a thesis, the author must indicate this in the note to the editor section while uploading it to the system. The journal cannot be held responsible for any omissions in this regard. In addition, it is not considered appropriate to translate the studies that have been previously presented anywhere and published as full-text papers into articles and send them for publication in our journal. Such a study will be rejected even if the refereeing process is completed. Articles that do not comply with the spelling rules will be rejected by the editorial office.
The following forms must be uploaded to the system:
* Full Text File (A file prepared in accordance with the Article Template and spelling rules and without author information should be attached)
* Author(s) Information Form
* Similarity Report (must be obtained from Turnitin or Ithenticate programs)
* Ethics Declaration Form or Ethics Committee Document (Ethics Committee Declaration Form included in the forms
Form or Ethics Committee Certificate obtained from the relevant units of universities is accepted)
* Copyright Form