Year 2023,
, 220 - 246, 01.03.2023
Orhan Koç
Mustafa Tınkır
Ateşli silahların tasarımında mekanizma parçalarının ve tahrik sistemlerinin enerji ve kuvvet hesaplamaları, silahın konforu ve etkinliği açısından hayati önem arz etmektedir. Silah uzuvlarında oluşan kuvvetlerin bilinmesi, uzun ömürlü parçaların tasarımına olanak sağlar. Otomatik silahlarda patlamadan sonra açığa çıkan enerjinin bilinmesi ise gaz deliği çapının ve konumunun optimum hesaplanmasını mümkün kılar. Bu hesapların sonucunda daha konforlu ve performansı yüksek silahlar tasarlanabilir. Bu çalışma kapsamında; silah ateşlenmesinde oluşan tepme kuvvetini ve şahlanma momentini ölçebilen, iki serbestlik dereceli, gelen kuvvetleri sönümleyebilen rijit bir test makinasının Ansys/Workbench programı kullanarak yapısal analizleri, özgün tasarımı ve MATLAB/Simulink ile PID konum kontrol simülasyonları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca test makinasının prototip imalatı için oldukça önemli teknik bulgular elde edilmiştir.
Çalışmaya büyük katkılarından dolayı Huğlu Av Tüfekleri Kooperatifine ve Mekatronik Mühendisi Kübra KÖSEMEN’e teşekkür ederiz.
- [1] Y.A. Çengel and M. A. Boles, Mühendislik Yaklaşımıyla Termodinamik. Yayıncı. Palme Yayıncılık, 1 Ağustos 2013 ; ISBN-10. 6053551627 ; ISBN-13. 978-6053551621.
- [2] M. Ahmadian and J. C. Poynor, “An evaluation of magneto rheological dampers for controlling gun recoil Dynamics”, Shock and Vibration, vol. 8, pp. 147–155, 2001.
- [3] M. Craig, “Testin machine”, U.S. Patent Office, Feb. 1, 1921.
- [4] N. Benson, “Process and apparatus for catching machine gun bullets”, US Patent Office, Aug. 15, 1950.
- [5] G. E. McPherren, “Machine gun testing device”, US Patent Office, May 29, 1951.
- [6] H. J. Singh and N. M. Wereley “Optimal control of gun recoil using magnetorheological dampers”. In Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems , Vol.45103, pp. 441-450, 2012.
- [7] H. J. Singh and N. M. Wereley. “Optimal control of gun recoil in direct fire using magnetorheological absorbers”, Smart materials and Structures, 23(5), pp.55-70, 2014.
- [8] Q. Ouyang, J. Zheng, Z. Li, M. Hu and J. Wang, “Controllability analysis and testing of a novel magnetorheological absorber for field gun recoil mitigation”, Smart Materials and Structures, 25(11), 115041, 2015.
- [9] X. Y. Liu, D. Wu, J. Hou, “Design and analysis of a scheme for the naval gun test shell entering the bore”, Defence Technology, Volume 17, Issue 4, Pages 1374-1386, 2021.
- [10] D. K. Noh, Y. K. Kang, J. D. Ji, J. S. Park, J. S. Jang, “Case of Developing Analysis Model for Recoil System for Automatic Gun”, Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation. Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 35-41, 2015.
- [11] S. R. Hong, N. M. Wereley, Y. T. Choi and S. B. Choi, “Analytical and experimental validation of a nondimensional bingham model for mixed mode magnetorheological dampers”. J. Sound Vib. Vol. 312, pp. 399–417, 2008.
- [12] H. Hongsheng, W. Jiong, Q. Suxiang, L. Yancheng and J. Xuezheng, “Investigation on controllability of a magnetorheological gun recoil damper”, Int. Conf. on Information and Automation, pp 1044–1049, 2009.
- [13] Z. C. Li and J. Wang, “A gun recoil system employing a magnetorheological fluid damper”, Smart Mater. Struct. Vol. 21,105003, 2012.
- [14] M. Mao, W. Hu, Y. T. Choi, N. M. Wereley, A. L. Browne and J. Ulicny, “Experimental validation of a magnetorheological energy absorber design analysis”, J. Intell. Mater. Syst. Struct., Vol. 25, pp. 352–63, 2014.
Design and Simulation of Gun Rebound and Rampancy Test Machine
Year 2023,
, 220 - 246, 01.03.2023
Orhan Koç
Mustafa Tınkır
In the design of firearms, the energy and force calculations of the mechanism parts and actuation systems are vital for the comfort and effectiveness of the gun. Knowing the forces formed on the gun limbs enables the design of long-lasting parts. Knowing the energy released after the explosion in automatic guns enables optimum calculation of the gas hole diameter and position. As a result of these calculations, more comfortable and high performance guns can be designed. In this study; the novel design and simulation of a rigid test machine is realized using a finite element method which is two degrees of freedom and can measure the rebound force and rampancy moment formed on gun firing and absorbs incoming forces. In addition, very important technical findings are obtained for the prototype manufacturing of the testing machine.
- [1] Y.A. Çengel and M. A. Boles, Mühendislik Yaklaşımıyla Termodinamik. Yayıncı. Palme Yayıncılık, 1 Ağustos 2013 ; ISBN-10. 6053551627 ; ISBN-13. 978-6053551621.
- [2] M. Ahmadian and J. C. Poynor, “An evaluation of magneto rheological dampers for controlling gun recoil Dynamics”, Shock and Vibration, vol. 8, pp. 147–155, 2001.
- [3] M. Craig, “Testin machine”, U.S. Patent Office, Feb. 1, 1921.
- [4] N. Benson, “Process and apparatus for catching machine gun bullets”, US Patent Office, Aug. 15, 1950.
- [5] G. E. McPherren, “Machine gun testing device”, US Patent Office, May 29, 1951.
- [6] H. J. Singh and N. M. Wereley “Optimal control of gun recoil using magnetorheological dampers”. In Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems , Vol.45103, pp. 441-450, 2012.
- [7] H. J. Singh and N. M. Wereley. “Optimal control of gun recoil in direct fire using magnetorheological absorbers”, Smart materials and Structures, 23(5), pp.55-70, 2014.
- [8] Q. Ouyang, J. Zheng, Z. Li, M. Hu and J. Wang, “Controllability analysis and testing of a novel magnetorheological absorber for field gun recoil mitigation”, Smart Materials and Structures, 25(11), 115041, 2015.
- [9] X. Y. Liu, D. Wu, J. Hou, “Design and analysis of a scheme for the naval gun test shell entering the bore”, Defence Technology, Volume 17, Issue 4, Pages 1374-1386, 2021.
- [10] D. K. Noh, Y. K. Kang, J. D. Ji, J. S. Park, J. S. Jang, “Case of Developing Analysis Model for Recoil System for Automatic Gun”, Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation. Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 35-41, 2015.
- [11] S. R. Hong, N. M. Wereley, Y. T. Choi and S. B. Choi, “Analytical and experimental validation of a nondimensional bingham model for mixed mode magnetorheological dampers”. J. Sound Vib. Vol. 312, pp. 399–417, 2008.
- [12] H. Hongsheng, W. Jiong, Q. Suxiang, L. Yancheng and J. Xuezheng, “Investigation on controllability of a magnetorheological gun recoil damper”, Int. Conf. on Information and Automation, pp 1044–1049, 2009.
- [13] Z. C. Li and J. Wang, “A gun recoil system employing a magnetorheological fluid damper”, Smart Mater. Struct. Vol. 21,105003, 2012.
- [14] M. Mao, W. Hu, Y. T. Choi, N. M. Wereley, A. L. Browne and J. Ulicny, “Experimental validation of a magnetorheological energy absorber design analysis”, J. Intell. Mater. Syst. Struct., Vol. 25, pp. 352–63, 2014.