Year 2021,
, 467 - 478, 01.06.2021
Salih Yılmaz
Mahmut Fırat
Özgür Özdemir
Abdullah Ateş
Dağıtım sistemlerinde meydana gelen sızıntıların önemli teknik, sosyal ve ekonomik etkileri olmaktadır. Bu etkilerin azaltılması için, uygunluk, uygulanabilirlik ve ekonomik ölçütler esas alınarak en uygun önleme yöntemlerinin seçilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, sürdürülebilir su kayıp yönetiminin sağlanması amacıyla, izole ölçüm bölgeleri ve aktif kaçak kontrolü yöntemleri için, ekonomik analiz yapısının oluşturulması ve bu analizlerin sistematik ve doğru bir şekilde gerçekleştirilmesi için hesaplama aracının geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. İzole bölgeler için, gerekli bölge ve izolasyon vana sayısı, saha çalışmaları gibi bileşenlerin maliyet analizleri gerçekleştirilmektedir. Aktif kaçak kontrolü ekonomik analiz yapısında, sızıntı yerinin tespit edilmesi, onarılması ve izlenmesi faaliyetleri yer almaktadır. Bu analizlerin sistematik ve doğru bir şekilde yapılması için web tabanlı bir hesaplama aracı geliştirilmiştir. Bu hesaplama aracı ile pilot veri seti için analiz yapılmış ve sonuçlar tartışılmıştır. Geliştirilen bu ekonomik analiz modelinin ve hesaplama aracının sızıntı yönetiminin temel yöntemleri için ekonomik değerlendirme açısından referans oluşturacağı düşünülmektedir.
Supporting Institution
İnönü Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi
Project Number
İÜ-BAP FOA-2018-626, FDK 2020-2053
Bu çalışma, Salih YILMAZ tarafından yapılan Doktora tezinden üretilmiştir. Yazarlar desteklerinden dolayı İnönü Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimine (FOA-2018-626, FDK 2020-2053) teşekkür etmektedir.
- Berardi, L., Laucelli, D.B., Simone, A., Mazzolani, G., Giustolisi, O., 2016, “Active Leakage Control with WDNetXL”, Procedia Engineering, Cilt 154, ss. 62–70.
- Boztaş, F., 2017, “İçme Suyu Dağıtım Sistemlerinde Bina (Servis) Bağlantılarında Meydana Gelen Arızaların Analizi ve Su Kayıplarına Etkisi”, İnönü Üniversitesi. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. 104s.
- Candelieri, A., Soldi, D. and Archetti, F., 2015, “Cost-effective sensors placement and leak localization – the Neptun pilot of the ICeWater Project”, Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology, Cilt 64, Sayı 5, ss. 567–582.
- Cabral, M., Loureiro, D., Almedia,, Covas, D., 2019, “Estimation of costs for monitoring urban water and wastewater networks”, Journal of Water Supply: Research and Techn., Cilt 68, Sayı 2, ss.87–97.
- Campbell, E., Izquierdo, J., Montalvo, I., Perez-Garcia, R., 2016, “A novel water supply network sectorization methodology based on a complete economic analysis, including uncertainties”, Water (Switzerland), Cilt 8, Sayı 5, 179.
- di Nardo, A., di Natale, M., Giudicianni, C., 2017, "Economic and energy criteria for district meter areas design of water distribution networks", Water (Switzerland), Cilt 9, ss. 1–13.
- Aydogdu, M., Firat, M., 2015, "Estimation of Failure Rate in Water Distribution Network Using Fuzzy Clustering and LS-SVM Methods", Water Resources Management, Cilt 29, ss. 1575-1590.
- Gomes, R., Marques, A. S. A. and Sousa, J., 2013, "District Metered Areas Design Under Different Decision Makers’ Options: Cost Analysis", Water Resources Management, Cilt 27, Sayı 13, ss. 4527–4543.
- Fallis, P., Hübschen, K., Oertlé, E., 2011, "Guidelines for Water Loss Reduction".ss 236 Farley, M., Trow, S., 2003, "Losses in Distribution Networks. In: An examination of the benefits of leak detection". ISBN 1 900222 11 6
- Farley, M., Liemberger, R., 2005, "Developing a non-revenue water reduction strategy: planning and implementing the strategy", Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, Cilt 15, ss. 41–50
- Farley, M., Wyeth, G., Ghazali, Z.B.M., 2008, "The Manager’s Non-Revenue Water Handbook. A Guide to Understanding Water Losses"
- Ferrari, G., Savic, D., 2015, "Economic performance of DMAs in water distribution systems", Procedia Eng Cilt 119, ss. 189–195.
- Islam, M.S., Babel, M.S., 2013, "Economic analysis of leakage in the Bangkok water distribution system",
Journal of Water Resources Planning Management, Cilt 139, ss. 209–216.
- Lambert, A., Lalonde, A., 2005, "Using practical predictions of Economic Intervention Frequency to calculate Short-run Economic Leakage Level , with or without Pressure Management". Leakage
Conf Proceeding, ss. 1–12
- Lambert, A., Charalambous, B., Fantozzi, M., 2014, "14 Years Experience of using IWA Best Practice Water Balance and Water Loss Performance Indicators in Europe", Proceedings of the WaterLoss
- Lambert, A.O., Brown, T.G., Takizawa, M., Weimer, D., 1999, "A review of performance indicators for real
losses from water supply systems", Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA, Cilt
48, ss. 227–237.
- Lipiwattanakarn, S., Kaewsang, S., Pornprommin, A., Wongwiset, T., 2019, "Real benefits of leak repair and increasing the number of inlets to energy", Water Sci, Cilt 14, Sayı 3, ss. 714–725
- May, J., 1994, "Pressure dependent leakage. In": World Water and Environmental Engineering
- Nazif, S., Karamouz, M., Tabesh, M., Moridi, A., 2010, "Pressure management model for urban water distribution networks", Water Resources Management, Cilt 24, Sayı 3, ss. 437–458. doi: 10.1007/s11269-009-9454-x.
- Nicolini, M., Giacomello, C., Scarsini, M., and Mion, M., 2014, “Numerical modeling and leakage reduction in the water distribution system of Udine”, Procedia Engineering, Cilt 70, ss. 1241-1250.
- Pearson, D., Trow, S.W., 2005, "Calculating the Economic Levels of Leakage", Leakage 2005 Conf Proc, ss. 1– 16
- Puust, R., Kapelan, Z., Savic D., Koppel, T., 2010, "A review of methods for leakage management in pipe networks", Urban Water Journal, Cilt 7, ss. 25–45.
- Sarrate, R., Blase, J., Nejjari, F., Quevedo, J., 2014, “Sensor placement for leak detection and location in water distribution networks”, Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, Cilt 14, Sayı 5, ss. 795– 803.
- Xin, K. Tao, T. Lu, Y., 2014, “Apparent Losses Analysis in District Metered Areas of Water Distribution Systems”. Water Resources Management, Cilt 28, ss. 683–696.
Development of Calculation Tools for Economic Analysis Active Leakage Control and District Metered Area Methods Applied in Water Loss Management
Year 2021,
, 467 - 478, 01.06.2021
Salih Yılmaz
Mahmut Fırat
Özgür Özdemir
Abdullah Ateş
Leaks occurring in distribution systems have important technical, social and economic impacts. In order to reduce these impacts, the most appropriate prevention methods should be selected based on suitability, applicability and economic criteria. In this study, it is aimed to develop an economic analysis structure for isolated measurement zones and active leakage control methods in order to ensure sustainable water loss management and to develop a calculation tool to perform these analyzes systematically and accurately. Cost analysis of components such as required zone and number of isolation valves, field studies are performed for isolated zones. The economic analysis structure of the active leakage control includes the detection, repair and monitoring of the leak location. A web-based calculation tool has been developed to make these analyzes systematically and accurately. With this calculation tool, analysis was made for the pilot data set and the results were discussed. It is thought that this economic analysis model and calculation tool developed will constitute a reference for the basic methods of leakage management in terms of economic evaluation.
Project Number
İÜ-BAP FOA-2018-626, FDK 2020-2053
- Berardi, L., Laucelli, D.B., Simone, A., Mazzolani, G., Giustolisi, O., 2016, “Active Leakage Control with WDNetXL”, Procedia Engineering, Cilt 154, ss. 62–70.
- Boztaş, F., 2017, “İçme Suyu Dağıtım Sistemlerinde Bina (Servis) Bağlantılarında Meydana Gelen Arızaların Analizi ve Su Kayıplarına Etkisi”, İnönü Üniversitesi. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. 104s.
- Candelieri, A., Soldi, D. and Archetti, F., 2015, “Cost-effective sensors placement and leak localization – the Neptun pilot of the ICeWater Project”, Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology, Cilt 64, Sayı 5, ss. 567–582.
- Cabral, M., Loureiro, D., Almedia,, Covas, D., 2019, “Estimation of costs for monitoring urban water and wastewater networks”, Journal of Water Supply: Research and Techn., Cilt 68, Sayı 2, ss.87–97.
- Campbell, E., Izquierdo, J., Montalvo, I., Perez-Garcia, R., 2016, “A novel water supply network sectorization methodology based on a complete economic analysis, including uncertainties”, Water (Switzerland), Cilt 8, Sayı 5, 179.
- di Nardo, A., di Natale, M., Giudicianni, C., 2017, "Economic and energy criteria for district meter areas design of water distribution networks", Water (Switzerland), Cilt 9, ss. 1–13.
- Aydogdu, M., Firat, M., 2015, "Estimation of Failure Rate in Water Distribution Network Using Fuzzy Clustering and LS-SVM Methods", Water Resources Management, Cilt 29, ss. 1575-1590.
- Gomes, R., Marques, A. S. A. and Sousa, J., 2013, "District Metered Areas Design Under Different Decision Makers’ Options: Cost Analysis", Water Resources Management, Cilt 27, Sayı 13, ss. 4527–4543.
- Fallis, P., Hübschen, K., Oertlé, E., 2011, "Guidelines for Water Loss Reduction".ss 236 Farley, M., Trow, S., 2003, "Losses in Distribution Networks. In: An examination of the benefits of leak detection". ISBN 1 900222 11 6
- Farley, M., Liemberger, R., 2005, "Developing a non-revenue water reduction strategy: planning and implementing the strategy", Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, Cilt 15, ss. 41–50
- Farley, M., Wyeth, G., Ghazali, Z.B.M., 2008, "The Manager’s Non-Revenue Water Handbook. A Guide to Understanding Water Losses"
- Ferrari, G., Savic, D., 2015, "Economic performance of DMAs in water distribution systems", Procedia Eng Cilt 119, ss. 189–195.
- Islam, M.S., Babel, M.S., 2013, "Economic analysis of leakage in the Bangkok water distribution system",
Journal of Water Resources Planning Management, Cilt 139, ss. 209–216.
- Lambert, A., Lalonde, A., 2005, "Using practical predictions of Economic Intervention Frequency to calculate Short-run Economic Leakage Level , with or without Pressure Management". Leakage
Conf Proceeding, ss. 1–12
- Lambert, A., Charalambous, B., Fantozzi, M., 2014, "14 Years Experience of using IWA Best Practice Water Balance and Water Loss Performance Indicators in Europe", Proceedings of the WaterLoss
- Lambert, A.O., Brown, T.G., Takizawa, M., Weimer, D., 1999, "A review of performance indicators for real
losses from water supply systems", Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA, Cilt
48, ss. 227–237.
- Lipiwattanakarn, S., Kaewsang, S., Pornprommin, A., Wongwiset, T., 2019, "Real benefits of leak repair and increasing the number of inlets to energy", Water Sci, Cilt 14, Sayı 3, ss. 714–725
- May, J., 1994, "Pressure dependent leakage. In": World Water and Environmental Engineering
- Nazif, S., Karamouz, M., Tabesh, M., Moridi, A., 2010, "Pressure management model for urban water distribution networks", Water Resources Management, Cilt 24, Sayı 3, ss. 437–458. doi: 10.1007/s11269-009-9454-x.
- Nicolini, M., Giacomello, C., Scarsini, M., and Mion, M., 2014, “Numerical modeling and leakage reduction in the water distribution system of Udine”, Procedia Engineering, Cilt 70, ss. 1241-1250.
- Pearson, D., Trow, S.W., 2005, "Calculating the Economic Levels of Leakage", Leakage 2005 Conf Proc, ss. 1– 16
- Puust, R., Kapelan, Z., Savic D., Koppel, T., 2010, "A review of methods for leakage management in pipe networks", Urban Water Journal, Cilt 7, ss. 25–45.
- Sarrate, R., Blase, J., Nejjari, F., Quevedo, J., 2014, “Sensor placement for leak detection and location in water distribution networks”, Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, Cilt 14, Sayı 5, ss. 795– 803.
- Xin, K. Tao, T. Lu, Y., 2014, “Apparent Losses Analysis in District Metered Areas of Water Distribution Systems”. Water Resources Management, Cilt 28, ss. 683–696.