Research Article
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Effects of Nanosilica on The Consistency, Viscosity and Microstructure of Bitumen

Year 2021, , 845 - 857, 04.12.2021


In this study, the effects of nanosilica additive on consistency, viscosity and microstructure, which are important properties of bitumens, were investigated. For this purpose, modified bitumens were obtained by adding 1%, 3%, 5% and 7% nanosilica additives by weight to pure bitumen with penetration class B 160/220. The physical properties of the obtained pure and modified bitumens were determined by penetration, softening point, ductility and rolling thin film oven (RTFO) tests. In addition, penetration index (PI) values, which are considered as a measure of the sensitivity of bitumens to temperature, were also calculated. Then, the flowability of the binders at high temperatures was determined by the rotational viscometer (RV) test, and the change in their microstructure by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis. According to the physical test results, it was observed that with the hardening of the binders with the nanosilica additive, the penetration class changed to B 100/150, the rate of 5% nanosilica was a critical ratio and the temperature sensitivity decreased at this rate. According to the RV results, it was observed that the viscosity values of the binders increased with the addition of additives and thus the mixing- compaction temperatures also increased. According to the SEM results, it was observed that a homogeneous bitumen-nanosilica mixture was obtained with the addition of nanosilica.


  • Alataş, T., Kizirgil, M.E., 2012, “Saf ve polimer modifiyeli bitümlü bağlayıcıların karıştırma ve sıkıştırma sıcaklıklarının dönel viskozimetre deneyi ile belirlenmesi”, Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt 28, Sayı 3, ss. 249-256.
  • Almahali, D.I., Hassan, N.A., Albrka Ali, S.I., Wu, J., Liu, Q., Yusoff, N.I., 2016, “Physical and Rheological Characteristics of Polymer Modified Bitumen with Nanosilica Particles”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol. 41, pp. 1521–1530.
  • Ates, A., Yesilbag, Y.O., 2019, “Calcium mineralization analysis in human aortic valve using SEM, XRD and EDX”, Erzincan Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 1160-1164.
  • Bala, N., Napiah, M., Kamaruddin, I., 2018, “Effect of nanosilica particles on polypropylene polymer modified asphalt mixture performance”, Case Studies in Construction Materials, Vol. 8, pp. 447- 454.
  • Chen, X., Liu, S., Sun, L., 2007, “Preparation and properties of emulsion asphalt modified by nano- silica/SBR composite”, China Rubber Industry, Vol. 54, pp. 337-340.
  • Geçkil, T., İnce, C.B., İssi, S., 2021, “Pirina Modifiyeli Bitümlerin Yüksek Sıcaklıklardaki İşlenebilirliği ve Kalıcı Deformasyon Direnci”, Politeknik dergisi, (Erken görünüm).
  • Geçkil, T., Önal, Y., İnce, C.B., 2020, “Atık Polietilen Tereftalat (PET) ile Modifiye Edilmiş Saf Bitümün Fiziksel, Morfolojik ve Isıl Özellikleri”, Fırat Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, Cilt 32, Sayı 1, ss. 157-166.
  • Karnati, S.R., Oldham, D., Fini, E.H., Zhang, L., 2020, “Application of surface-modified silica nanoparticles with dual silane coupling agents in bitumen for performance enhancement”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 244, pp. 118324.
  • Lazzara, G., Milioto, S., 2010, “Dispersions of nanosilica in biocompatible copolymers”, Polymer Degradation and Stability, Vol. 95, No. 4, pp. 610-617.
  • Lu, X., Isacsson, U., 2002, “Effect of ageing on bitumen chemistry and rheology”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 15-22.
  • Mazumder, M., Ahmed, R., Ali, A.W., Lee, S.J, 2018, “SEM and ESEM techniques used for analysis of asphalt binder and mixture: A state of the art review”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 186, pp. 313–329.
  • Mcgennis, R. B., Shuler, S., Bahia, H. U., 1994, “Background of Superpave Asphalt Binder Test Methods”, Report No: FHWA-SA-94-069, pp. 104.
  • Padhan, R.K., Sreeram, A., 2018, “Enhancement of storage stability and rheological properties of polyethylene (PE) modified asphalt using cross linking and reactive polymer based additives”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 188, pp. 772-780.
  • Shafabakhsh, G., Rajabi, M., Sahaf, A., 2019, “The fatigue behavior of SBS/nanosilica composite modified asphalt binder and mixture”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 229, pp. 116796.
  • Shi, X., Cai, L., Xu, W., Fan, J., Wang, X., 2018, “Effects of nano-silica and rock asphalt on rheological properties of modified bitumen”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 161, pp. 705-714.
  • Sui, H., Ma, G., Yuan, Y., Li, Q., He, L., Wang, Y., Li, X., 2018, “Bitumen-silica interactions in the presence of hydrophilic ionic liquids”, Fuel, Vol. 233, pp. 860-866.
  • Sun, L., Xin, X., Ren, J., 2017, “Asphalt modification using nano-materials and polymers composite considering high and low temperature performance”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 133, pp. 358-366.
  • Xia, T., Chen, X., Xu, J., Li, Y., Zhang, A., 2021, “Influence of hydrophilic nanosilica premixing method on the property of isocyanate-based polymer modified bitumen”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 275, pp. 122174.
  • Yao, H., vd. 2013, “Rheological properties and chemical bonding of asphalt modified with nanosilica”, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 11, pp. 1619-1630.
  • Yusoff, N.I., Alhamali, D.I., Ibrahim, A.N.H., Rosyidi, S.A.P., Hassan, N.A., 2019, “Engineering characteristics of nanosilica/polymer-modified bitumen and predicting their rheological properties using multilayer perceptron neural network model, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 204, pp. 781-799.
  • Zaniewski, J. P., Pumphrey, M. E., 2004, “Evaluation of Performance Graded Asphalt Binder Equipment and Testing Protocol”, Asphalt Technology Program, pp. 107.
  • Zhu, J., Birgisson, B., Kringos, N., 2014, “Polymer modification of bitumen: advances and challenges”, European Polymer Journal, Vol. 54, pp. 18-38.


Year 2021, , 845 - 857, 04.12.2021


Bu çalışmada, nanosilika katkısının bitümlerin önemli özelliklerinden olan kıvam, viskozite ve mikroyapı üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla, penetrasyon sınıfı B 160/220 olan saf bitüme ağırlıkça %1, %3, %5 ve %7 oranlarında nanosilika katkısı eklenerek modifiye bitümler elde edilmiştir.
Elde edilen saf ve modifiye bitümlerin fiziksel özellikleri penetrasyon, yumuşama noktası, düktilite ve dönel ince film etüvü (RTFO) testleri ile belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, bitümlerin sıcaklığa karşı hassasiyetlerinin bir ölçüsü olarak kabul edilen penetrasyon indeksi (PI) değerleri de hesaplanmıştır. Daha sonra, bağlayıcıların yüksek sıcaklıklardaki akıcılıkları dönel viskozimetre (RV) deneyi ile, mikroyapılarında meydana gelen değişim ise taramalı elektron mikroskopu (SEM) analizi ile belirlenmiştir. Fiziksel test sonuçlarına göre, nanosilika katkısıyla bağlayıcıların sertleşerek penetrasyon sınıfının B 100/150 olarak değiştiği, %5 nanosilika oranının kritik bir oran olduğu ve bu oranda sıcaklık hassasiyetinin azaldığı görülmüştür. RV sonuçlarına göre, katkı ilavesi ile bağlayıcıların viskozite değerlerinin artış gösterdiği ve dolayısıyla karıştırma-sıkıştırma sıcaklıklarının da arttığı görülmüştür. SEM sonuçlarına göre, nanosilika ilavesiyle homojen bir bitüm-nanosilika karışımının elde edildiği görülmüştür.


  • Alataş, T., Kizirgil, M.E., 2012, “Saf ve polimer modifiyeli bitümlü bağlayıcıların karıştırma ve sıkıştırma sıcaklıklarının dönel viskozimetre deneyi ile belirlenmesi”, Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt 28, Sayı 3, ss. 249-256.
  • Almahali, D.I., Hassan, N.A., Albrka Ali, S.I., Wu, J., Liu, Q., Yusoff, N.I., 2016, “Physical and Rheological Characteristics of Polymer Modified Bitumen with Nanosilica Particles”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol. 41, pp. 1521–1530.
  • Ates, A., Yesilbag, Y.O., 2019, “Calcium mineralization analysis in human aortic valve using SEM, XRD and EDX”, Erzincan Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 1160-1164.
  • Bala, N., Napiah, M., Kamaruddin, I., 2018, “Effect of nanosilica particles on polypropylene polymer modified asphalt mixture performance”, Case Studies in Construction Materials, Vol. 8, pp. 447- 454.
  • Chen, X., Liu, S., Sun, L., 2007, “Preparation and properties of emulsion asphalt modified by nano- silica/SBR composite”, China Rubber Industry, Vol. 54, pp. 337-340.
  • Geçkil, T., İnce, C.B., İssi, S., 2021, “Pirina Modifiyeli Bitümlerin Yüksek Sıcaklıklardaki İşlenebilirliği ve Kalıcı Deformasyon Direnci”, Politeknik dergisi, (Erken görünüm).
  • Geçkil, T., Önal, Y., İnce, C.B., 2020, “Atık Polietilen Tereftalat (PET) ile Modifiye Edilmiş Saf Bitümün Fiziksel, Morfolojik ve Isıl Özellikleri”, Fırat Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, Cilt 32, Sayı 1, ss. 157-166.
  • Karnati, S.R., Oldham, D., Fini, E.H., Zhang, L., 2020, “Application of surface-modified silica nanoparticles with dual silane coupling agents in bitumen for performance enhancement”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 244, pp. 118324.
  • Lazzara, G., Milioto, S., 2010, “Dispersions of nanosilica in biocompatible copolymers”, Polymer Degradation and Stability, Vol. 95, No. 4, pp. 610-617.
  • Lu, X., Isacsson, U., 2002, “Effect of ageing on bitumen chemistry and rheology”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 15-22.
  • Mazumder, M., Ahmed, R., Ali, A.W., Lee, S.J, 2018, “SEM and ESEM techniques used for analysis of asphalt binder and mixture: A state of the art review”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 186, pp. 313–329.
  • Mcgennis, R. B., Shuler, S., Bahia, H. U., 1994, “Background of Superpave Asphalt Binder Test Methods”, Report No: FHWA-SA-94-069, pp. 104.
  • Padhan, R.K., Sreeram, A., 2018, “Enhancement of storage stability and rheological properties of polyethylene (PE) modified asphalt using cross linking and reactive polymer based additives”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 188, pp. 772-780.
  • Shafabakhsh, G., Rajabi, M., Sahaf, A., 2019, “The fatigue behavior of SBS/nanosilica composite modified asphalt binder and mixture”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 229, pp. 116796.
  • Shi, X., Cai, L., Xu, W., Fan, J., Wang, X., 2018, “Effects of nano-silica and rock asphalt on rheological properties of modified bitumen”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 161, pp. 705-714.
  • Sui, H., Ma, G., Yuan, Y., Li, Q., He, L., Wang, Y., Li, X., 2018, “Bitumen-silica interactions in the presence of hydrophilic ionic liquids”, Fuel, Vol. 233, pp. 860-866.
  • Sun, L., Xin, X., Ren, J., 2017, “Asphalt modification using nano-materials and polymers composite considering high and low temperature performance”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 133, pp. 358-366.
  • Xia, T., Chen, X., Xu, J., Li, Y., Zhang, A., 2021, “Influence of hydrophilic nanosilica premixing method on the property of isocyanate-based polymer modified bitumen”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 275, pp. 122174.
  • Yao, H., vd. 2013, “Rheological properties and chemical bonding of asphalt modified with nanosilica”, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 11, pp. 1619-1630.
  • Yusoff, N.I., Alhamali, D.I., Ibrahim, A.N.H., Rosyidi, S.A.P., Hassan, N.A., 2019, “Engineering characteristics of nanosilica/polymer-modified bitumen and predicting their rheological properties using multilayer perceptron neural network model, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 204, pp. 781-799.
  • Zaniewski, J. P., Pumphrey, M. E., 2004, “Evaluation of Performance Graded Asphalt Binder Equipment and Testing Protocol”, Asphalt Technology Program, pp. 107.
  • Zhu, J., Birgisson, B., Kringos, N., 2014, “Polymer modification of bitumen: advances and challenges”, European Polymer Journal, Vol. 54, pp. 18-38.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Tacettin Geçkil 0000-0001-8070-6836

Ceren Beyza İnce 0000-0002-6385-0964

Eda Tüzün Özpınar 0000-0003-0410-9479

Publication Date December 4, 2021
Submission Date May 29, 2021
Acceptance Date August 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


IEEE T. Geçkil, C. B. İnce, and E. Tüzün Özpınar, “NANOSİLİKANIN BİTÜMÜN KIVAMI, VİSKOZİTESİ VE MİKROYAPISINA ETKİLERİ”, KONJES, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 845–857, 2021, doi: 10.36306/konjes.944600.