Research Article
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Year 2021, , 995 - 1012, 04.12.2021


Dünya enerji ihtiyacının büyük bir kısmı fosil kökenli kaynaklardan karşılanmaktadır. Ancak fosil enerji kaynaklarının giderek azalması, araştırmacıları mevcut kaynaklara alternatif olabilecek yeni yakıt arayışlarına ve eldeki kaynakları daha verimli kullanmaya yöneltmiştir. Ayrıca enerji üretilirken genelde bir yakma sisteminden faydalanılır ve yakma sisteminin verimi yanma kalitesiyle yakından ilgilidir. Gaz yakıtın durgun hava içine enjekte edildiği ve gereken yakma havasını emmek suretiyle yakma havasını yakıtın kendisinin temin ettiği yakıcılar atmosferik yakıcılar olarak bilinir ve bu yakıcılarda hava-yakıt karışma oranları yanma kalitesini belirlemede önemli bir paya sahiptir. Bu çalışmada örnek bir atmosferik brülörde enjektör çapının ve enjeksiyon hızının hava-yakıt karışmasına etkisi nümerik olarak incelenmiştir. Ayrıca çalışma kapsamında iki, dört, sekiz ve sonsuz hava giriş delikli tasarımların brülördeki hava/yakıt karışmasına etkisi incelenmiştir. Hesaplamalar üç boyutlu olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Türbülansın modellenmesinde Standard k-ε modeli kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar incelendiğinde, enjeksiyon hızının artması sürüklenen hava hızını arttırıcı yönde etki göstermiş, artan enjeksiyon hızıyla birlikte oluşan girdapların da boyutlarının büyüdüğü görülmüştür. Ayrıca hava giriş delik sayısının artmasıyla birlikte havanın içeri daha fazla nüfuz ettiği ve buna bağlı olarak λ değerinin arttığı görülmüştür. Ancak bu artışın önemli seviyelerde olmadığı belirlenmiştir.


  • Baylar, A., Aydin, M. C., Unsal, M., Ozkan, F. 2009. "Numerical Modeling of Venturi Flows for Determining Air Injection Rates Using Fluent V6.2". Mathematical and Computational Applications .
  • Baylar, A., Ozkan, F., Unsal, M. 2010. "Effect of air inlet hole diameter of venturi tube on air injection rate". KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 14(4), 489–492.
  • Baylar, A., Unsal, M., Ozkan, F. 2007. "Determination of the Optimal Location of the Air Hole in Venturi Aerators". CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water, 35(3), 246–249.
  • Choi, J. T., Kwon, O. K., Cha, D. A. 2011. "A numerical study of the heat transfer and fluid flow of micro-channeled water block for computer CPU cooling". Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 25(10), 2657.
  • Danardono, D., Kim, K.-S., Lee, S.-Y., Lee, J.-H. 2011. "Optimization the design of venturi gas mixer for syngas engine using three-dimensional CFD modeling". Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 25(9), 2285. Fluent User’s Guide, Fluent 18 version, 2017, Fluent Incorporated.
  • Hemidi, A., Henry, F., Leclaire, S., Seynhaeve, J.-M., Bartosiewicz, Y. 2009. "CFD analysis of a supersonic air ejector. Part I: Experimental validation of single-phase and two-phase operation". Applied Thermal Engineering, 29(8), 1523–1531.
  • Hou, S.-S., Lee, C.-Y., Lin, T.-H. 2007. "Efficiency and emissions of a new domestic gas burner with a swirling flame". Energy Conversion and Management, 48(5), 1401–1410.
  • Jugjai, S., Tia, S., Trewetasksorn, W. 2001. "Thermal efficiency improvement of an LPG gas cooker by a swirling central flame". International Journal of Energy Research, 25(8), 657–674.
  • Liu, F.-G., You, X.-Y., Wang, Q., Zhang, R. 2013. "On optimal design and experimental validation of household appliance burner of low pollutant emission". Energy Conversion and Management, 76, 837–845.
  • Milivojevic, A., Adzic, M., Gojak, M., Stamenic, M., Adzic, V. 2020. "Analysis of the performance of a low-power atmospheric burner for gas appliances for households and their impact on the emission and stability of the burner". Thermal Science, 25, 302.
  • Namkhat, A., Jugjai, S. 2010. "Primary air entrainment characteristics for a self-aspirating burner: Model and experiments". Energy, 35(4), 1701–1708.
  • Önal, M., Ağra, Ö., "The Effect of Injector Geometry on Primary Air Entrainment", International Conference on Energy and Thermal Engineering, YTU, Istanbul, 1-6, 25-28 April 2017.
  • Özdoğan, M., Sungur, B., Namlı, L., Topaloğlu, B., Durmuş, A. 2016. "A Comparative Study of Turbulence Model Effects in Numerical Analyzing Flow around the Buildings Having Various Aspect Ratios / Farklı En-Boy Oranlarına Sahip Binaların Etrafındaki Akışın Sayısal Çözümünde Türbülans Modellerinin Etkisinin Karşılaştırmalı ". Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi.
  • Pritchard, R., Guy, J. J., Connor, N. 1977. "Handbook of industrial gas utilization: Engineering principles and practice".
  • Romańczyk, M., Elsner, W. 2019. "Effect of Cylindrical Turbulators on the Mixing Process in Basic Venturi Gas Mixer Using OpenFOAM". MATEC Web of Conferences, 252, 4004.
  • Singh, G., Sharma, L. D., Ahmad, A. H., Singh, S. P. 1999. "Fenvalerate Induced Dermal Toxicity in Buffalo Calves". Journal of Applied Animal Research, 16(2), 205–210.
  • Singh, G., Sundararajan, T., Bhaskaran, K. A. 2003. "Mixing and Entrainment Characteristics of Circular and Noncircular Confined Jets". Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 125(5), 835–842.
  • Şener, R., Ozdemir, M., Yangaz, M. 2019. "Effect of the Geometrical Parameters in a Domestic Burner with Crescent Flame Channels for an Optimal Temperature Distribution and Thermal Efficiency". Journal of Thermal Engineering, 171–183.
  • Topaloğlu, B., Özcan, H., Sungur, B., 2020, Yakma Sistemleri (1.basım), Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Zhu, Y., Cai, W., Wen, C., Li, Y. 2009. "Numerical investigation of geometry parameters for design of high performance ejectors". Applied Thermal Engineering, 29(5), 898–905.

Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Injector Diameter, Injection Velocity and Air Inlet Hole Numbers on Air-Fuel Mixing In Atmospheric Burner

Year 2021, , 995 - 1012, 04.12.2021


The world's energy needs are mostly supplied from fossil sources. However, the gradual decrease in fossil energy resources has led researchers to search for new fuels that can be an alternative to existing resources and to use the available resources more efficiently. In addition, a combustion system is generally used when generating energy and the efficiency of the combustion system is closely related to the combustion quality. Burners in which gaseous fuel is injected into still air and the combustion air supplied by the fuel itself by sucking the required combustion air are known as atmospheric burners, and air-fuel mixing ratios in these burners have an important role in determining the combustion quality. In this study, the effect of injector diameter and injection velocity on air-fuel mixing in a sample atmospheric burner was investigated numerically. Additionally, the effect of designs with two, four, eight and infinite air inlet holes on the air/fuel mixing in the burner was investigated. Calculations were made at three dimensional conditions. Standard k-ε model was used as turbulence model. Results showed that the increase in the injection velocity increased the entrained air velocity, and with the increasing injection velocity vortices size increased. In addition, it has been observed that with the increase in the number of air intake holes, the air penetrates more and consequently the λ value increases. However, it was determined that this increase was not significant.


  • Baylar, A., Aydin, M. C., Unsal, M., Ozkan, F. 2009. "Numerical Modeling of Venturi Flows for Determining Air Injection Rates Using Fluent V6.2". Mathematical and Computational Applications .
  • Baylar, A., Ozkan, F., Unsal, M. 2010. "Effect of air inlet hole diameter of venturi tube on air injection rate". KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 14(4), 489–492.
  • Baylar, A., Unsal, M., Ozkan, F. 2007. "Determination of the Optimal Location of the Air Hole in Venturi Aerators". CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water, 35(3), 246–249.
  • Choi, J. T., Kwon, O. K., Cha, D. A. 2011. "A numerical study of the heat transfer and fluid flow of micro-channeled water block for computer CPU cooling". Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 25(10), 2657.
  • Danardono, D., Kim, K.-S., Lee, S.-Y., Lee, J.-H. 2011. "Optimization the design of venturi gas mixer for syngas engine using three-dimensional CFD modeling". Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 25(9), 2285. Fluent User’s Guide, Fluent 18 version, 2017, Fluent Incorporated.
  • Hemidi, A., Henry, F., Leclaire, S., Seynhaeve, J.-M., Bartosiewicz, Y. 2009. "CFD analysis of a supersonic air ejector. Part I: Experimental validation of single-phase and two-phase operation". Applied Thermal Engineering, 29(8), 1523–1531.
  • Hou, S.-S., Lee, C.-Y., Lin, T.-H. 2007. "Efficiency and emissions of a new domestic gas burner with a swirling flame". Energy Conversion and Management, 48(5), 1401–1410.
  • Jugjai, S., Tia, S., Trewetasksorn, W. 2001. "Thermal efficiency improvement of an LPG gas cooker by a swirling central flame". International Journal of Energy Research, 25(8), 657–674.
  • Liu, F.-G., You, X.-Y., Wang, Q., Zhang, R. 2013. "On optimal design and experimental validation of household appliance burner of low pollutant emission". Energy Conversion and Management, 76, 837–845.
  • Milivojevic, A., Adzic, M., Gojak, M., Stamenic, M., Adzic, V. 2020. "Analysis of the performance of a low-power atmospheric burner for gas appliances for households and their impact on the emission and stability of the burner". Thermal Science, 25, 302.
  • Namkhat, A., Jugjai, S. 2010. "Primary air entrainment characteristics for a self-aspirating burner: Model and experiments". Energy, 35(4), 1701–1708.
  • Önal, M., Ağra, Ö., "The Effect of Injector Geometry on Primary Air Entrainment", International Conference on Energy and Thermal Engineering, YTU, Istanbul, 1-6, 25-28 April 2017.
  • Özdoğan, M., Sungur, B., Namlı, L., Topaloğlu, B., Durmuş, A. 2016. "A Comparative Study of Turbulence Model Effects in Numerical Analyzing Flow around the Buildings Having Various Aspect Ratios / Farklı En-Boy Oranlarına Sahip Binaların Etrafındaki Akışın Sayısal Çözümünde Türbülans Modellerinin Etkisinin Karşılaştırmalı ". Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi.
  • Pritchard, R., Guy, J. J., Connor, N. 1977. "Handbook of industrial gas utilization: Engineering principles and practice".
  • Romańczyk, M., Elsner, W. 2019. "Effect of Cylindrical Turbulators on the Mixing Process in Basic Venturi Gas Mixer Using OpenFOAM". MATEC Web of Conferences, 252, 4004.
  • Singh, G., Sharma, L. D., Ahmad, A. H., Singh, S. P. 1999. "Fenvalerate Induced Dermal Toxicity in Buffalo Calves". Journal of Applied Animal Research, 16(2), 205–210.
  • Singh, G., Sundararajan, T., Bhaskaran, K. A. 2003. "Mixing and Entrainment Characteristics of Circular and Noncircular Confined Jets". Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 125(5), 835–842.
  • Şener, R., Ozdemir, M., Yangaz, M. 2019. "Effect of the Geometrical Parameters in a Domestic Burner with Crescent Flame Channels for an Optimal Temperature Distribution and Thermal Efficiency". Journal of Thermal Engineering, 171–183.
  • Topaloğlu, B., Özcan, H., Sungur, B., 2020, Yakma Sistemleri (1.basım), Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Zhu, Y., Cai, W., Wen, C., Li, Y. 2009. "Numerical investigation of geometry parameters for design of high performance ejectors". Applied Thermal Engineering, 29(5), 898–905.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Seyda Özbektaş 0000-0001-7399-733X

Bilal Sungur 0000-0002-7320-1490

Bahattin Topaloğlu 0000-0002-7095-4913

Publication Date December 4, 2021
Submission Date June 7, 2021
Acceptance Date October 11, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021
