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Yeraltındaki İşyeri Kazaları İçin İhtiyaç Duyulan İleri Seviye Hayat destek Servisi

Year 2019, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 551 - 558, 01.09.2019


Madencilik birçok ülke ekonomisi için önemli bir iş ve sanayi koludur.
Maden arama faaliyetleri sonuçlandıkça bu faaliyetlere bağlı olarak çalışmaya
başlayan maden ocaklarında çalışan insanların sayısı gün geçtikçe artmaktadır.
Bugünün çalışma şartlarında, gelişen teknolojiye rağman, iş ve işyeri güvenliği
maden ocakları için hala üzerinde dikkatle durulması gereken konular
arasındadır. Bazı maden işyeri kazaları medya aracılığıyla herkese
duyurulmasada, büyük çaplı maden ocağı kazaları ülke çapında üzüntüye neden
olabilmektedir. Önemli maden kazaları sonucunda görmeye alıştığımız manzara ve
olaylar; organize edilen kurtarma çabaları, medyanın yayınları, maden ocağı
çevresinde umut, kızgınlık, hayal kırıklığı psikolojisi içinde bekleyen kazazede
yakınları ve ülke genelinde duyulan üzüntü şeklinde sıralanabilir. Kurtarma
ekiplerinin maden kazalarındaki sorumluluğu kaza yerine ulaşıp orada mahsur
kalan ve/veya yaralanan kazazedeleri kurtarmaktır. Bu aşamada sorulması gereken
sorulardan birisi; kurtarma ekibi içinde yeralacak görevlilerin hangi düzeyde
“ilk yardım” ve/veya “hayat destek” sağlık bilgileriyle eğitilmeleri
gerektiğidir. Maden ocaklarında kurtarma ekibi faaliyetleri sürerken, bazı ekip
üyeleri, galeri kazısı, göçük kaldırma, havalandırma ve galeri tahkimatı
işleriyle uğraşırken, bazı ekip üyeleri de kaza yerinde sıkışan, göçük altında
kalan, yaralanan kazazedeleri kurtarma işleriyle uğraşacaklardır. Bu işlemleri
yaparken kurtarma ekibi üyeleri kendi hayatlarını tehlikeye sokmamalı ve kendi
psikolojik durumlarını bozmadan kurtarma işlemini sürdürebilmelidirler. Burada,
maden kazaları ele alındığında, uzman doktorların kurtarma ekip üyesi olarak,
kaza mahallinde verebileceği hayat destek servisinin önemi ve ihtiyaç durumu,
maden kazalarında edinilen kurtarma deneyimlerine göre değerlendirilmiştir. 


  • Bieniawski, Z.T., 1992, Design methodology in rock engineering: Theory, education and practice, Balkema Press, ISBN 90-5410-126-1, Netherlands.
  • Calkaya, M. (2018) Mine rescue, (personal communication), Konya, Turkey.
  • Calkaya, M. and Gokay M.K., 2016, What can be the actions following a coal mine accident, International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, (ISBN 978-989-98203-6-4, Eds. Arezes,P. etal), 23-24 March 2016, Guimaraes, Portugal, pp25-27.
  • Capstone, 2015, EmergencyResponse plan, Capstone Minto mine, March 2015, Canada.
  • Catakci, S., 2016, Tahlisiye egitimleri ve uygulamalarinin incelenmesi, Thesis for Work&Workplace safety, Ministry of Labour and Social Security of Turkey, Ankara. CH, 2018, Arnold Burden, legendary Springhill mine disaster doctor, dies, Saltwire Network, Internet page:, The Chronicle Herald, Published March 19th 2018.
  • Conti, R.S., Chasko, L.L. and Stowinsky, L.D., 1998, Mine rescue training simulations and technology, Disaster and Emergency Management: International Challenges for the Next Decade, May 1998, pp453-464, NIOSH’s Pittsburgh Research Laboratory, Web page, niosh/mining/UserFiles/works/pdfs/mrts.pdf
  • Enright, C., Harman, C.S. and Brune, J., 2016, Advanced life support in the mining environment, Annual conference and exhibition, Society of Mininig Metallurgy and Exploration, Phoenix, US.
  • Erdogan, H.H., 2016, “A quantitative risk assessment methodology for occupational accidents in underground coal mines: a case of Turkish hard coal enterprises”, PhD thesis, The Graduate School of Applied and Natural Sciences of Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Fernando, R., Dedig, B. and Armstrong, K., 2007, Emergency shelters and effect on rescue plans, 3rd International Mine Rescue Conference, IMRC2007, Drager Safety Inc., DRF/WD, July 2006, p20.
  • Gokay M.K. & Shahriari, M., 2016, Design: Relation with occupational safety in mines, 8th International Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, 8-11May 2016, Halic Congress Centre, pp722-729, Istanbul.
  • Gokay M.K. & Shahriari, M., 2017, Mine design evaluation for safe mine workplaces, International Symp. on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, ISBN 978-989-98203-7-1, (Eds. Arezes,P. etal), 10-11 April 2017, Guimaraes, Portugal, pp13-15.
  • Hall, C. and Snelling, W.O., 1907, Coal mine accidents: Their causes and prevention, A preliminary statistical report, Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Series Q, Fuel 7, Bulletin: 333, Government Printing Office, p23, Washington, USA.
  • Hooker, K. and Shalit, M., 2000, Subterranean medicine: an inquiry into underground medical treatment protocols in cave rescue situations in national parks in the United States, Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, V11, N11, pp17-20.
  • HSE, 1993, First aid at mines, Health and safety (fisrt-aid) regulations 1981, Advanced code of practice, HSE, Health and Safety Executive, HSE Books, ISBN 9780717606177.
  • HSE, 2001, Guidance and information on escape from mines, Health and Safety Executive, The Deep Mined Coal Industry Advisory Committee, HSE Books, The Office of Public Sector Information, Information Policy Team, Surrey, UK, p46.
  • ILO, 1986, Safety and health in coal mines, International Labour Organisation, (ILO) Code of Practice, ISBN 92-2-105339-3, International Labour Office, Geneva, Swiss.
  • Kowalski-Trakofler, K.M., Vaught, C., Brnich Jr., M.J., and Jansky, J.H., 2010, A Study of First Moments in Underground Mine Emergency Response, Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, V7, N1, Jan, 2010, DOI: 10.2202/1547-7355.1652.
  • Lehnen, F.P., 2016, Mine Rescue management, Dipl.Wirt.Ing. Thesis, VonDer Fakultat für Georessourcen und Materialtechnik der Reheinisch-Westfalischen Technischen Hochschulu Aechen, Germany.
  • Mischo, H., Brune, J.F., Weyer, J. and Henderson, N., 2014, Mine disaster and mine rescue training courses in modern academic mining engineering programs, J. of the S.African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, V114, N12, ISSN 2225-6253, Johannesburg, SA.
  • Muezzinoglu, A., 2015, Role of Occupational Physician in Mining Accidents, Turk Thorac Journal, V16, N1, pp21-24, DOI: 10.5152/ttd.2015.006
  • NIOSH, 2015, Mining Topic: Rescue Technologies and Training, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program, USA.
  • NMA, 2015, Underground Emergency Response Plan, Module 6, USA, Web page:, p46, Retrivewed Apr. 10th 2018.
  • NSW, 2010, New South Wales Government, Australia, Industry & Investment, Guidelines, MDG 1020 (Guidelines for underground emergency escape systems and the provision of self rescuers), MDG 1022 (Guidelines for determining withdrawal conditions from underground coal mines), and (Guidelines for in-seam response using CABA for events when life is at risk), www., p76.
  • Patterson, J.M., 2009, “Human error in mining: a multivariable analysis of mining accidents/incidents in Queensland, Australıa and the United States of America using the human factors analysis and classification system framework”. PhD Thesis, The Graduate School of Clemson University, Industrial Engineering Dept. Australia. p143.
  • Saleh, J.H. and Cummings, A.M., 2011, Safety in the mining industry and the unfinished legacy of mining accidents: Safety levers and defense-in-depth for addressing mining hazards. Safety Science, V49, pp764–777.
  • Stacey, T.R., Terbrugge, P.J and Wesseloo, J., 2007, Risk as a rock engineering design criterion, Chapter-1, pp19-25, in Challenges in deep and high stress mining (Eds. Potvin, Y., Stacey, T.R. and Hadjigeorgiou, J.), Australian Centre for Geomech., Perth.
  • TTK, 2000, Kurtarma istasyonu ve kurtaricilar yonergesi, TTK, Turkiye Taskomuru Kurumu, Is Guvenligi Daire Baskanligi, Zonguldak, Turkey.
  • USDL, 2008, Initial mine rescue team training: Coal and metal/nonmetal mines, U.S. Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration, National Mine Health and Safety Academy, NSHA 3026.
  • WVOMHST, 2008, The Manuel, Developing a comprehensive emergency preparedness planning manual for underground mining operations, West Virginia Office of Miners’ Health, Safety and Training, West Virginia University-Mining Extension Service, p133.
  • Yilmaz, B., 2006, Arama-kurtarma calisanlarinda travma sonrasi stres belirtileri ve travma sonrasi buyume ile iliskili degiskenler, PhD Thesis, The Graduate School of Social Sciences, Ankara University, p211, Ankara.


Year 2019, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 551 - 558, 01.09.2019


Mining sector is important
business and industrial activity in some countries. When ore explorations are
gradually turned into mine operations, more people will gradually be employed
in the mining industry. Even with today’s mining capacity, work and work place
occupational safety are main concern for related workbodies. Minor scale mine
accidents are not publically announced due to their individual characteristics.
But some others happened in big scale which becomes national dilemma. After the
event, each of them is followed by mine rescue operations, media broadcastings
from the sites, families waiting for their relatives in indescribable hopes,
angers, disappointing physiology. Rescue teams in these occasions have
responsibilities to reach and safe the trapped/injured miners. The question
arose here is what the level of “first-aid” or “life-support” training for some
of the members of rescue teams should be. Some of the rescue team members
should deal with excavations, ventilations, mine supports etc. but some of them
should definitely deal with trapped, injured, collapsed workers without loosing
their own life and physiologic wellness. In this study, importance and
requirements of Advanced Life Support (ALS) services in mine accidents are
evaluated according to experiences to have more realistic and valuable rescue


  • Bieniawski, Z.T., 1992, Design methodology in rock engineering: Theory, education and practice, Balkema Press, ISBN 90-5410-126-1, Netherlands.
  • Calkaya, M. (2018) Mine rescue, (personal communication), Konya, Turkey.
  • Calkaya, M. and Gokay M.K., 2016, What can be the actions following a coal mine accident, International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, (ISBN 978-989-98203-6-4, Eds. Arezes,P. etal), 23-24 March 2016, Guimaraes, Portugal, pp25-27.
  • Capstone, 2015, EmergencyResponse plan, Capstone Minto mine, March 2015, Canada.
  • Catakci, S., 2016, Tahlisiye egitimleri ve uygulamalarinin incelenmesi, Thesis for Work&Workplace safety, Ministry of Labour and Social Security of Turkey, Ankara. CH, 2018, Arnold Burden, legendary Springhill mine disaster doctor, dies, Saltwire Network, Internet page:, The Chronicle Herald, Published March 19th 2018.
  • Conti, R.S., Chasko, L.L. and Stowinsky, L.D., 1998, Mine rescue training simulations and technology, Disaster and Emergency Management: International Challenges for the Next Decade, May 1998, pp453-464, NIOSH’s Pittsburgh Research Laboratory, Web page, niosh/mining/UserFiles/works/pdfs/mrts.pdf
  • Enright, C., Harman, C.S. and Brune, J., 2016, Advanced life support in the mining environment, Annual conference and exhibition, Society of Mininig Metallurgy and Exploration, Phoenix, US.
  • Erdogan, H.H., 2016, “A quantitative risk assessment methodology for occupational accidents in underground coal mines: a case of Turkish hard coal enterprises”, PhD thesis, The Graduate School of Applied and Natural Sciences of Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Fernando, R., Dedig, B. and Armstrong, K., 2007, Emergency shelters and effect on rescue plans, 3rd International Mine Rescue Conference, IMRC2007, Drager Safety Inc., DRF/WD, July 2006, p20.
  • Gokay M.K. & Shahriari, M., 2016, Design: Relation with occupational safety in mines, 8th International Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, 8-11May 2016, Halic Congress Centre, pp722-729, Istanbul.
  • Gokay M.K. & Shahriari, M., 2017, Mine design evaluation for safe mine workplaces, International Symp. on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, ISBN 978-989-98203-7-1, (Eds. Arezes,P. etal), 10-11 April 2017, Guimaraes, Portugal, pp13-15.
  • Hall, C. and Snelling, W.O., 1907, Coal mine accidents: Their causes and prevention, A preliminary statistical report, Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Series Q, Fuel 7, Bulletin: 333, Government Printing Office, p23, Washington, USA.
  • Hooker, K. and Shalit, M., 2000, Subterranean medicine: an inquiry into underground medical treatment protocols in cave rescue situations in national parks in the United States, Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, V11, N11, pp17-20.
  • HSE, 1993, First aid at mines, Health and safety (fisrt-aid) regulations 1981, Advanced code of practice, HSE, Health and Safety Executive, HSE Books, ISBN 9780717606177.
  • HSE, 2001, Guidance and information on escape from mines, Health and Safety Executive, The Deep Mined Coal Industry Advisory Committee, HSE Books, The Office of Public Sector Information, Information Policy Team, Surrey, UK, p46.
  • ILO, 1986, Safety and health in coal mines, International Labour Organisation, (ILO) Code of Practice, ISBN 92-2-105339-3, International Labour Office, Geneva, Swiss.
  • Kowalski-Trakofler, K.M., Vaught, C., Brnich Jr., M.J., and Jansky, J.H., 2010, A Study of First Moments in Underground Mine Emergency Response, Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, V7, N1, Jan, 2010, DOI: 10.2202/1547-7355.1652.
  • Lehnen, F.P., 2016, Mine Rescue management, Dipl.Wirt.Ing. Thesis, VonDer Fakultat für Georessourcen und Materialtechnik der Reheinisch-Westfalischen Technischen Hochschulu Aechen, Germany.
  • Mischo, H., Brune, J.F., Weyer, J. and Henderson, N., 2014, Mine disaster and mine rescue training courses in modern academic mining engineering programs, J. of the S.African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, V114, N12, ISSN 2225-6253, Johannesburg, SA.
  • Muezzinoglu, A., 2015, Role of Occupational Physician in Mining Accidents, Turk Thorac Journal, V16, N1, pp21-24, DOI: 10.5152/ttd.2015.006
  • NIOSH, 2015, Mining Topic: Rescue Technologies and Training, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program, USA.
  • NMA, 2015, Underground Emergency Response Plan, Module 6, USA, Web page:, p46, Retrivewed Apr. 10th 2018.
  • NSW, 2010, New South Wales Government, Australia, Industry & Investment, Guidelines, MDG 1020 (Guidelines for underground emergency escape systems and the provision of self rescuers), MDG 1022 (Guidelines for determining withdrawal conditions from underground coal mines), and (Guidelines for in-seam response using CABA for events when life is at risk), www., p76.
  • Patterson, J.M., 2009, “Human error in mining: a multivariable analysis of mining accidents/incidents in Queensland, Australıa and the United States of America using the human factors analysis and classification system framework”. PhD Thesis, The Graduate School of Clemson University, Industrial Engineering Dept. Australia. p143.
  • Saleh, J.H. and Cummings, A.M., 2011, Safety in the mining industry and the unfinished legacy of mining accidents: Safety levers and defense-in-depth for addressing mining hazards. Safety Science, V49, pp764–777.
  • Stacey, T.R., Terbrugge, P.J and Wesseloo, J., 2007, Risk as a rock engineering design criterion, Chapter-1, pp19-25, in Challenges in deep and high stress mining (Eds. Potvin, Y., Stacey, T.R. and Hadjigeorgiou, J.), Australian Centre for Geomech., Perth.
  • TTK, 2000, Kurtarma istasyonu ve kurtaricilar yonergesi, TTK, Turkiye Taskomuru Kurumu, Is Guvenligi Daire Baskanligi, Zonguldak, Turkey.
  • USDL, 2008, Initial mine rescue team training: Coal and metal/nonmetal mines, U.S. Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration, National Mine Health and Safety Academy, NSHA 3026.
  • WVOMHST, 2008, The Manuel, Developing a comprehensive emergency preparedness planning manual for underground mining operations, West Virginia Office of Miners’ Health, Safety and Training, West Virginia University-Mining Extension Service, p133.
  • Yilmaz, B., 2006, Arama-kurtarma calisanlarinda travma sonrasi stres belirtileri ve travma sonrasi buyume ile iliskili degiskenler, PhD Thesis, The Graduate School of Social Sciences, Ankara University, p211, Ankara.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Mehmet Kemal Gökay This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2019
Submission Date December 31, 2018
Acceptance Date February 10, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


IEEE M. K. Gökay, “ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS FOR UNDERGROUND WORKPLACE ACCIDENTS”, KONJES, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 551–558, 2019, doi: 10.36306/konjes.612529.