Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 529 - 551, 03.09.2020


Bu çalışmada faz değiştiren malzemelerin (FDM) ısı depolama sistemlerinden biri olan trombe
duvarlarıyla (TD) kullanımının enerji verimliliğine getirdiği katkıların belirlenmesi ve faz değiştiren
malzemeli trombe duvar tasarımında göz önüne alınması gereken kriterlerin ortaya konması
amaçlamıştır. Çalışmada, FDM ve TD ile ilgili genel tanımlar verildikten sonra yerli ve yabancı literatür
taraması yapılarak günümüze kadar yapılan örnekler incelenip karşılaştırmaları yapılmıştır. İncelenen
örneklerde FDTD’nin özellikleri, detayları ve uygulama yöntemleri belirtilerek yapı endüstrisine ve
enerji verimliliğine getirdiği katkılar irdelenmiştir. FDTD uygulamasının geleneksel yöntemlerden farklı
olarak duvarın masif kütlesini hafiflettiği ve FDM’nin duvara gizli ısı depolama özelliği kazandırarak
ısıtma ve soğutma uygulamalarında verimliliği artırdığı görülmüştür. TD’nin basit uygulama şemaları
olmasına karşın tam anlamıyla verim almak konusunda bazı güçlükler söz konusudur. Detaylarına karar
verilen bir FDTD’nin yıl boyunca çevresel koşullara karşı ne şekilde cevap vereceğini tahmin etmek zor
olabilmektedir. Buna göre FDTD’yi tasarlamadan önce sisteme etki edecek kriterleri göz önüne alarak
duvarın karşılaşabileceği olası sorunları görmek verimliliği artıracaktır. Belirli bir iklim bölgesinde
tasarlanması planlanan FDTD sisteminde en verimli sonuca ulaşmak bu kriterlerin optimizasyonuyla

Supporting Institution

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi

Project Number



Bu derleme makale "Akıllı Malzemelerin Mimarlıkta Enerji Etkin Kullanımı Amaçlı Bir Sistem Önerisi ve Deneysel İncelenmesi" başlıklı doktora tez çalışmasından üretilmiştir. Tez çalışması sürecinde destek sağlayan Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi'ne teşekkür ederim.


  • Abuelnuor, A., Omara, A., Saqr, Km., Elhag, H., 2018. “Improving Indoor Thermal Comfort By Using Phase Change Materials: A Review”, Int J Energy Res., Vol. 42, No.6, pp. 2084‐ 2103.
  • Akeiber, H., Nejat, P., Majid, M.Z.D., Wahid, M.A., Jomehzadeh, F., Famileh, I.Z, Calautit, J.K., Hughes, B.R. A., 2016, “Review On Phase Change Material (PCM) For Sustainable Passive Cooling in Building Envelopes”, Renew Sustain Energy Rev, Vol.60, pp. 1470-1497.
  • Alam, T.E., Dhau, J.S., Goswami, D.Y., Stefanakos, E., 2015, “Macroencapsulation and Characterization of Phase Change Materials for Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Systems”, Appl. Energy Vol.154, pp. 92–101.
  • Anderson, Rkf., 1985, “Natural Convection in Active and Passive Solar Thermal Systems”, Advn Heat Transfer, vol.8, pp. 1–86.
  • Baetens, R., Jelle, B.P., Gustavsen, A., 2010, “Phase Change Materials For Building Applications: A State- Of-The Art Review”, Energy Build, vol.42, pp.1361-1368
  • Benli, H., Durmuş, A., 2007, “Havalı Güneş Kolektörleri ve Gizli Isı Depolama Yöntemi Kullanılarak Sera Isıtılması”. Mühendis Ve Makine, cilt.48 no.569, ss.16-25
  • Berthou, Y., Biwole, P., Achard, P., Sallée, H., Tantot-Neirac, M., Jay, F., 2015, “Full Scale Experimentation on a New Translucent Passive Solar Wall Combining Silica Aerogels and Phase Change Materials”, Solar Energy, vol.115, pp. 733-742.
  • Beyhan, B., Cellat, K., Konuklu, Y., Gungor, C., Karahan, O., Dundar, C., Paksoy, H., 2016, “Robust Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials in Concrete Mixes for Sustainable Buildings”, Int. J. Energy Res., vol.41, no.1, pp.113-126
  • Cabeza, L. F., Castellón, C., Nogués, M., Medrano, M., Leppers, R., Ve Zubillaga, O., 2007, “Use of Microencapsulated PCM in Concrete Walls for Energy Savings”, Energy and Buildings, vol.39, pp. 113–119.
  • Casini, M., 2014, “Smart Materials and Nanotechnology for Energy Retrofit of Historic Buildings”, Journal Of Advances In Civil, Structural And Construction Engineering, Csce, vol.1, no.3, pp. 88-97
  • Ceylan, İ., Zuhur, S., Gürel A. E., 2017, “Isı Depolama Yöntemleri ve Uygulamaları”, TTMD Dergisi, ss.38-47
  • Chaichan, M.T., Abaas, K.I., 2015, “Performance Amelioration of a Trombe Wall by Using Phase Change Material (PCM)”, International Advanced Research Journal ,n Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 2, no.4, pp.1-6
  • Chandel, S.S., Agarwal, T., 2017, “Review of Current State of Research on Energy Storage, Toxicity, Health Hazards and Commercialization of Phase Changing Materials”, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol.67, pp.581–596.
  • Chen, Y., Zhao, L., Shi, Y., 2017, “Preparation of Polyvinyl Chloride Capsules for Encapsulation of Paraffin by Coating Multiple Organic/Inorganic Layers”, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers vol.77, pp.177–186.
  • Doğan, A., Pirasaci, T., 2009, “Bina Cephelerinde Yalıtım Yerine Trombe Duvar Kullanımının Incelenmesi”, Tesisat Mühendisliği, cilt.112, ss.41-51.
  • Fiorito, F., 2012, “Trombe Walls For Lightweight Buildings in Temperate and Hot Climates. Exploring The Use Of Phase-Change Materials For Performances Improvement”, Energy Procedia, vol.30, pp.1110-1119.
  • Ghoneim, A.A., Klein, S.A., Duffie, J.A., 1991, “Analysis Of Collector-Storage Building Walls Using Phase-Change Materials”, Solar Energy, vol.47, pp.237-242.
  • Günerhan, H., 2004, “Duyulur Isı Depolama Ve Bazalt Taşı”, Mühendis ve Makina - Cilt: 45 Sayı: 530. Hawlader, M.N.A., Uddin, M.S., Khin, M.M., 2003, “Microencapsulated PCM Thermal-Energy Storage System”, Appl. Energy, vol.74 no. pp.195–202.
  • Heinz, A., Streicher, W., “Experimental Testing of a Storage Tank Filled with Microencapsulated PCM Slurries, Phase Change Material and Slurry”, Scientific Conference and Business Forum, Yverdon Les Bains, Schweiz, Pp. 67-76, 15-17 June 2005.
  • Hu, Z., He, W., Jia, J., & Zhang, S., 2017, “A Review on the Application of Trombe Wall System in Buildings”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol.70, pp.976–987.
  • Ji, J., Luo, C., Chow, T.T., Sun, W., He, W., 2010, “Thermal Characteristics of a Building- Integrated Dual- Function Solar Collector in Water Heating Mode with Natural Circulation”, Energy, vol.36, pp.566–574
  • Kalnæs, S.E., Jelle, B.P., 2015, “Phase Change Materials and Products for Building Applications:A Stateof- the-Art Review and Future Research Opportunities”, Energy Build. Vol.94, pp.150–176.
  • Kara, Y., & Kurnuç, A., 2012, “Performance of Coupled Novel Triple Glass Unit and PCM Wall”, Applied Thermal Engineering, vol.35, pp.243-246.
  • Karaman, S., Örüng, İ., Şirin, Ü., 2016, “Trombe Duvar ile Ek Isı Kazanımı Sonucu Hayvan Barınaklarında Havalandırma Etkinliğinin Artırılması”. U. Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, cilt.30, ss.169-178
  • Khudhair, A. M., Farid, M. M., 2004, “A Review on Energy Conservation in Building Applications with Thermal Storage by Latent Heat Using Phase Change Materials”, Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 45, no.2, pp.263–275.
  • Konuklu, Y., Ostry, M., Paksoy, H.O., Charvat, P., 2015, “Review on Using Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials (PCM) in Building Applications”, Energy Build. Vol.106, pp.134–155.
  • Konuklu, Y., Paksoy, H., “Faz Değiştiren Maddeler Ile Binalarda Enerji Verimliliği”, 10. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi, 919-930, 13-16 Nisan 2011, İzmir.
  • Krüger E., Matoski A., 2013, “Evaluation of a Trombe Wall System in a Subtropical Location”, Energy Build; vol.66, pp.364-372.
  • Kunkel, S. ,Teumer, T.,Dornhofer, P., Schlachter, K., Weldeslasie, Y., Kuhr, M., Radle, M., Repk, J., 2018, “Determination of Heat Transfer Coefficients in Direct Contact Latent Heat Storage Systems”, Appl Therm Eng, vol.145, pp. 71-79.
  • Lee, K.O., Medina, M.A., Raith, E., Sun, X., 2015, “Assessing The Integration of a Thin Phase Change Material (PCM) Layer in a Residential Building Wall for Heat Transfer Reduction and Management”, Appl. Energy, vol.137, pp.699–706.
  • Liu, Z., Yu, Z., Yang, T., Qin, D., Li, S., Zhang, G., Haghighat, F., Joybari M.M., 2018, “A Review on Macro-Encapsulated Phase Change Material for Building Envelope Applications”, Building and Environment, vol.144, pp. 281-294
  • Manz, H., Egolf, P., Suter, P., Goetzberger, A., 1997, “TIM–PCM Externalwall System for Solar Space Heating and Daylighting”, Solar Energy, vol. 61, no.6, pp.369-379.
  • Marinosci C., Strachan, P. A., Semprini, G., Morini, G.L., 2011, “Empirical Validation And Modelling of a Naturally Ventilated Rainscreen Facade Building”, Energy and Buildings, vol.43, pp.853–863.
  • Memon, S. A., 2014, “Phase Change Materials Integrated in Building Walls: A State Of The Art Review”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol.31, pp. 870-906.
  • Meng, E., Yu, H., Zhan, G., He, Y., 2013, “Experimental and Numerical Study of the Thermal Performance of a New Type of Phase Change Material Room”, Energy Conversion And Management, vol.74, pp. 386–394.
  • Milián, Y.E., Gutiérrez, A., Grágeda, M., Ushak, S., 2017, “A Review on Encapsulation Techniques for Inorganic Phase Change Materials and the Influence on Their Thermophysical Properties”, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. vol.73, pp.983–999.
  • Mishra, A., Shukla, A., Sharma, A., 2015, “Latent Heat Storage Through Phase Change Materials”, Resonance, pp:532-541
  • Mohamed, A.S.Y., 2017. “Smart Materials Innovative Technologies in Architecture; Towards Innovative design paradigm”, Energy Procedia vol. 115, pp.139–154
  • Omrany, H., Ghaffarianhoseini, A., Raahemifar, K., Tookey J., 2016, “Application of Passive Wall Systems for Improving the Energy Effciency in Buildings: A Comprehensive Review”, Renew Sust Energy Rev, vol.62, pp.1252-1269
  • Onishi, J., Soed, H., Mizuno, M., 2001, “Numerical Study on a Low Energy Architecture Based Upon Distributed Heat Storage System”, Renewable Energy, vol.22. no.1-3, pp.61-66.
  • Parameshwaran, R., Kalaiselvam, S., Harikrishnan, S., Elayaperumal, A., 2012, “Sustainable Thermal Energy Storage Technologies for Buildings: A Review”, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 16, no.5, pp. 2394–2433.
  • Pasupathy, A., Velraj, R., Seeniraj, R., 2008, “Phase Change Material-Based Building Architecture for Thermal Management in Residential and Commercial Establishments”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol.12, pp.39–64.
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Investigation of Phase Change Materials on the Use of Trombe Walls for Thermal Energy Storage Systems

Year 2020, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 529 - 551, 03.09.2020


This study is conducted to determine the contribution of phase change materials (PCM)
and trombe walls (TW) for energy efficiency and it is aimed to identify the criterias that is required
during design process. In this study, after giving general definitions about PCM and TW, domestic and
foreign literature is searched and application examples are analyzed and compared. It is observed that
phase changing trombe wall (PCTW) application alleviated the heavy mass of the wall unlike the
traditional methods and PCM increased the efficiency of heating and cooling applications by providing
latent heat storage to the massive wall. Although TW has simple application schemes, there are some
difficulties in achieving full efficiency. It can be confusing to predict how a PCTW, whose details are
decided, will respond to environmental conditions throughout the whole year. Accordingly, considering
the criteria that will affect the system before designing the PCTW, it will increase efficiency to see
possible problems that the wall may face. In the PCTW system, which is planned to be designed in a
specific climate zone, the most efficient result can be achieved by optimization of these criterias.

Project Number



  • Abuelnuor, A., Omara, A., Saqr, Km., Elhag, H., 2018. “Improving Indoor Thermal Comfort By Using Phase Change Materials: A Review”, Int J Energy Res., Vol. 42, No.6, pp. 2084‐ 2103.
  • Akeiber, H., Nejat, P., Majid, M.Z.D., Wahid, M.A., Jomehzadeh, F., Famileh, I.Z, Calautit, J.K., Hughes, B.R. A., 2016, “Review On Phase Change Material (PCM) For Sustainable Passive Cooling in Building Envelopes”, Renew Sustain Energy Rev, Vol.60, pp. 1470-1497.
  • Alam, T.E., Dhau, J.S., Goswami, D.Y., Stefanakos, E., 2015, “Macroencapsulation and Characterization of Phase Change Materials for Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Systems”, Appl. Energy Vol.154, pp. 92–101.
  • Anderson, Rkf., 1985, “Natural Convection in Active and Passive Solar Thermal Systems”, Advn Heat Transfer, vol.8, pp. 1–86.
  • Baetens, R., Jelle, B.P., Gustavsen, A., 2010, “Phase Change Materials For Building Applications: A State- Of-The Art Review”, Energy Build, vol.42, pp.1361-1368
  • Benli, H., Durmuş, A., 2007, “Havalı Güneş Kolektörleri ve Gizli Isı Depolama Yöntemi Kullanılarak Sera Isıtılması”. Mühendis Ve Makine, cilt.48 no.569, ss.16-25
  • Berthou, Y., Biwole, P., Achard, P., Sallée, H., Tantot-Neirac, M., Jay, F., 2015, “Full Scale Experimentation on a New Translucent Passive Solar Wall Combining Silica Aerogels and Phase Change Materials”, Solar Energy, vol.115, pp. 733-742.
  • Beyhan, B., Cellat, K., Konuklu, Y., Gungor, C., Karahan, O., Dundar, C., Paksoy, H., 2016, “Robust Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials in Concrete Mixes for Sustainable Buildings”, Int. J. Energy Res., vol.41, no.1, pp.113-126
  • Cabeza, L. F., Castellón, C., Nogués, M., Medrano, M., Leppers, R., Ve Zubillaga, O., 2007, “Use of Microencapsulated PCM in Concrete Walls for Energy Savings”, Energy and Buildings, vol.39, pp. 113–119.
  • Casini, M., 2014, “Smart Materials and Nanotechnology for Energy Retrofit of Historic Buildings”, Journal Of Advances In Civil, Structural And Construction Engineering, Csce, vol.1, no.3, pp. 88-97
  • Ceylan, İ., Zuhur, S., Gürel A. E., 2017, “Isı Depolama Yöntemleri ve Uygulamaları”, TTMD Dergisi, ss.38-47
  • Chaichan, M.T., Abaas, K.I., 2015, “Performance Amelioration of a Trombe Wall by Using Phase Change Material (PCM)”, International Advanced Research Journal ,n Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 2, no.4, pp.1-6
  • Chandel, S.S., Agarwal, T., 2017, “Review of Current State of Research on Energy Storage, Toxicity, Health Hazards and Commercialization of Phase Changing Materials”, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol.67, pp.581–596.
  • Chen, Y., Zhao, L., Shi, Y., 2017, “Preparation of Polyvinyl Chloride Capsules for Encapsulation of Paraffin by Coating Multiple Organic/Inorganic Layers”, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers vol.77, pp.177–186.
  • Doğan, A., Pirasaci, T., 2009, “Bina Cephelerinde Yalıtım Yerine Trombe Duvar Kullanımının Incelenmesi”, Tesisat Mühendisliği, cilt.112, ss.41-51.
  • Fiorito, F., 2012, “Trombe Walls For Lightweight Buildings in Temperate and Hot Climates. Exploring The Use Of Phase-Change Materials For Performances Improvement”, Energy Procedia, vol.30, pp.1110-1119.
  • Ghoneim, A.A., Klein, S.A., Duffie, J.A., 1991, “Analysis Of Collector-Storage Building Walls Using Phase-Change Materials”, Solar Energy, vol.47, pp.237-242.
  • Günerhan, H., 2004, “Duyulur Isı Depolama Ve Bazalt Taşı”, Mühendis ve Makina - Cilt: 45 Sayı: 530. Hawlader, M.N.A., Uddin, M.S., Khin, M.M., 2003, “Microencapsulated PCM Thermal-Energy Storage System”, Appl. Energy, vol.74 no. pp.195–202.
  • Heinz, A., Streicher, W., “Experimental Testing of a Storage Tank Filled with Microencapsulated PCM Slurries, Phase Change Material and Slurry”, Scientific Conference and Business Forum, Yverdon Les Bains, Schweiz, Pp. 67-76, 15-17 June 2005.
  • Hu, Z., He, W., Jia, J., & Zhang, S., 2017, “A Review on the Application of Trombe Wall System in Buildings”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol.70, pp.976–987.
  • Ji, J., Luo, C., Chow, T.T., Sun, W., He, W., 2010, “Thermal Characteristics of a Building- Integrated Dual- Function Solar Collector in Water Heating Mode with Natural Circulation”, Energy, vol.36, pp.566–574
  • Kalnæs, S.E., Jelle, B.P., 2015, “Phase Change Materials and Products for Building Applications:A Stateof- the-Art Review and Future Research Opportunities”, Energy Build. Vol.94, pp.150–176.
  • Kara, Y., & Kurnuç, A., 2012, “Performance of Coupled Novel Triple Glass Unit and PCM Wall”, Applied Thermal Engineering, vol.35, pp.243-246.
  • Karaman, S., Örüng, İ., Şirin, Ü., 2016, “Trombe Duvar ile Ek Isı Kazanımı Sonucu Hayvan Barınaklarında Havalandırma Etkinliğinin Artırılması”. U. Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, cilt.30, ss.169-178
  • Khudhair, A. M., Farid, M. M., 2004, “A Review on Energy Conservation in Building Applications with Thermal Storage by Latent Heat Using Phase Change Materials”, Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 45, no.2, pp.263–275.
  • Konuklu, Y., Ostry, M., Paksoy, H.O., Charvat, P., 2015, “Review on Using Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials (PCM) in Building Applications”, Energy Build. Vol.106, pp.134–155.
  • Konuklu, Y., Paksoy, H., “Faz Değiştiren Maddeler Ile Binalarda Enerji Verimliliği”, 10. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi, 919-930, 13-16 Nisan 2011, İzmir.
  • Krüger E., Matoski A., 2013, “Evaluation of a Trombe Wall System in a Subtropical Location”, Energy Build; vol.66, pp.364-372.
  • Kunkel, S. ,Teumer, T.,Dornhofer, P., Schlachter, K., Weldeslasie, Y., Kuhr, M., Radle, M., Repk, J., 2018, “Determination of Heat Transfer Coefficients in Direct Contact Latent Heat Storage Systems”, Appl Therm Eng, vol.145, pp. 71-79.
  • Lee, K.O., Medina, M.A., Raith, E., Sun, X., 2015, “Assessing The Integration of a Thin Phase Change Material (PCM) Layer in a Residential Building Wall for Heat Transfer Reduction and Management”, Appl. Energy, vol.137, pp.699–706.
  • Liu, Z., Yu, Z., Yang, T., Qin, D., Li, S., Zhang, G., Haghighat, F., Joybari M.M., 2018, “A Review on Macro-Encapsulated Phase Change Material for Building Envelope Applications”, Building and Environment, vol.144, pp. 281-294
  • Manz, H., Egolf, P., Suter, P., Goetzberger, A., 1997, “TIM–PCM Externalwall System for Solar Space Heating and Daylighting”, Solar Energy, vol. 61, no.6, pp.369-379.
  • Marinosci C., Strachan, P. A., Semprini, G., Morini, G.L., 2011, “Empirical Validation And Modelling of a Naturally Ventilated Rainscreen Facade Building”, Energy and Buildings, vol.43, pp.853–863.
  • Memon, S. A., 2014, “Phase Change Materials Integrated in Building Walls: A State Of The Art Review”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol.31, pp. 870-906.
  • Meng, E., Yu, H., Zhan, G., He, Y., 2013, “Experimental and Numerical Study of the Thermal Performance of a New Type of Phase Change Material Room”, Energy Conversion And Management, vol.74, pp. 386–394.
  • Milián, Y.E., Gutiérrez, A., Grágeda, M., Ushak, S., 2017, “A Review on Encapsulation Techniques for Inorganic Phase Change Materials and the Influence on Their Thermophysical Properties”, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. vol.73, pp.983–999.
  • Mishra, A., Shukla, A., Sharma, A., 2015, “Latent Heat Storage Through Phase Change Materials”, Resonance, pp:532-541
  • Mohamed, A.S.Y., 2017. “Smart Materials Innovative Technologies in Architecture; Towards Innovative design paradigm”, Energy Procedia vol. 115, pp.139–154
  • Omrany, H., Ghaffarianhoseini, A., Raahemifar, K., Tookey J., 2016, “Application of Passive Wall Systems for Improving the Energy Effciency in Buildings: A Comprehensive Review”, Renew Sust Energy Rev, vol.62, pp.1252-1269
  • Onishi, J., Soed, H., Mizuno, M., 2001, “Numerical Study on a Low Energy Architecture Based Upon Distributed Heat Storage System”, Renewable Energy, vol.22. no.1-3, pp.61-66.
  • Parameshwaran, R., Kalaiselvam, S., Harikrishnan, S., Elayaperumal, A., 2012, “Sustainable Thermal Energy Storage Technologies for Buildings: A Review”, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 16, no.5, pp. 2394–2433.
  • Pasupathy, A., Velraj, R., Seeniraj, R., 2008, “Phase Change Material-Based Building Architecture for Thermal Management in Residential and Commercial Establishments”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol.12, pp.39–64.
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There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Necla Seval Erdem 0000-0002-9522-0270

Ahmet Vefa Orhon 0000-0003-2465-1951

Project Number 2019.KB.FEN.020
Publication Date September 3, 2020
Submission Date September 25, 2019
Acceptance Date February 12, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 8 Issue: 3
